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Kaplan Open Learning

Address Kaplan Open Learning, West One, 114 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 1BA, UK
Tel. No. 08000 527 526 / +44 113 388 8888
Fax No. 0113 388 8899
Courses Degrees:
Certificate of Higher Education (Business Studies)
Foundation Degree in Marketing and Sales Management
Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management
Foundation Degree in Business and Management
BA Hons in Business and Management
Certificate of Higher Education (Criminal Justice)
Foundation Degree in Criminal Justice (Police Studies)
Foundation Degree in Criminal Justice (Probation Studies)
Foundation Degree in Criminal Justice (Youth Justice)
Foundation Degree in Criminal Justice (Custodial Services)
BA Hons in Criminal Justice

Professional Qualifications:
Level 5 Award in Management
Level 5 Certificate in Management
Level 5 Diploma in Management
Type of courses Distance Learning Degree
Distance learning is a flexible form of learning where a student can study from home, work, on the move or wherever else is convenient, and at times to suit themselves.

Unlike the traditional classroom environments, an online distance learning course utilizes a Virtual Learning Environment. The Virtual Learning Environment offers the benefits of distance learning without the drawbacks, providing students with the flexibility to attend classes and study from anywhere: work, home or even on the move. The system is designed to track and manage the learning process in real-time and it provides students with immediate access to learning materials. However, the real innovation is that this learning platform has created an environment in which both students and tutors can actively take part in real-time conversations and students can listen to, and view, live lectures and seminars over the internet. Regular assessment of students' work ensures their progress and engagement throughout the course.
Length of courses 2-5 years for a degree
3-12 months for a professional qualification
Date of commencement Degrees: Courses tend to start every month
Professional Qualifications: Frequent start dates
Class size 15-20 students
Admission requirements All entrants, whatever their age or extent of work experience, do need to have GCSE grade C or above, or its equivalent, in English and Mathematics. If English is not your first language, IELTS (Academic) 6.0 or equivalent is required.

In addition to the above you must have, as a minimum, one of the following: one full A Level an Advanced GNVQ, NVQ or other similar vocational qualification an Advanced Modern Apprenticeship that includes vocational qualifications similar to the above

If you do not meet the minimum academic standards, you will need to demonstrate that you are currently working and have a minimum of one year of employment in an environment where a significant element of the work is in areas identified in the modules in the Foundation Degree. You will also need to demonstrate that lack of prior qualifications is not a fair reflection of aptitude for higher education. We assess this by talking to you and reviewing your employment history and the quality of your application form. We may require you to complete additional basic literacy and numeracy tests prior to acceptance onto the programme.
Student profile 1. Ratio of National / Overseas students: Kaplan Open Learning has a truly national degree programme with students coming from every region. For Kaplan Open Learning geography is not a hindrance or barrier, our online technology means that students can study from any location. They can study from home, work, on the move or wherever else is convenient, and at times to suit themselves.
2. Ratio of Men / Women: 53% = Female, 47%=Male
3. Age range: Student age range is 22 to 68

About the Courses

Learning, via the internet, is a flexible and convenient method of learning, and is already transforming the world of Degree courses. It is hugely popular in the United States, where more than three million people are studying online. Online learning provides a cost-effective, high-quality and flexible way to study. The Kaplan Open Learning degree programme is so much more than distance learning with email!

At Kaplan Open Learning we offer tutor-led online degrees that closely replicate a traditional campus classroom except that you have far greater choice when deciding how, when and where you study. The tutor leads the class by delivering seminars, posting lessons and assignments, answering questions, marking assignments and interacting with students on a regular basis. However, unlike in a traditional classroom, the communication between you and your tutor occurs on online discussion boards, which are located on the platform. You submit questions or comments to the discussion board, and fellow students and the tutor submit their answers and comments to the initial posting.

You don't need any technical knowledge to participate in online learning. A free of charge technical telephone support line is available to all students, which is staffed by Student Support Advisors Mondays through to Fridays. There is also the opportunity to have regular contact with your tutor by telephone as you progress through your course and to interact with other students on the programme through online forums.

About Kaplan Open learning

Kaplan Open Learning is part of Kaplan, Inc. a leading international provider of education and career services and a subsidiary of The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO). Kaplan, Inc., has 27,000 employees in 600 locations worldwide. We reach over one million students around the globe.

Kaplan Open Learning is our specialist UK online higher education division. Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited ("KOL") has been established as an affiliate college of the University of Essex. The College provides university level education, offering programmes of study for students who wish to obtain a university Foundation Degree or top up that degree to an Honours Degree. This model complements Kaplan's other UK university affiliate colleges where we work with leading universities including Glasgow University, University of Sheffield, University of Liverpool and Nottingham Trent University. More recently Kaplan Open Learning has started offering professional online qualifications in association with the Institute of Leadership and Management, these can be studied independently or alongside a Business degree.

If you are working full or part time, our online Foundation Degree courses will provide you with a flexible means of achieving a UK university qualification. If you are working full or part time, our online Foundation Degree courses will provide you with a flexible means of achieving a UK university qualification.

Whether you're thinking about promotion, a career change or starting your own business, with Kaplan Open Learning you could soon be making that important step.

Entry to the degree courses is not dependent on level 3 qualifications (A levels or any equivalent), as we also take into consideration your previous work experience, however a level two standard qualification in Math's and English is required from all students starting degree level programmes. Access to the internet via a broadband connection is a requirement of all courses offered by Kaplan Open Learning. The programme of study is completely flexible, and the scheme is assessed through a combination of work-based learning and specialist subject areas.

Financially supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and with expert tutors to help you at every step of the way, we hope our online Foundation Degrees at Kaplan Open Learning can help play an important part in building your future.

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