Rostov-on-Don is the center of Northern-Caucasian region and the capital of the Don Cossacks. It's one of the largest cities in the South of Russia with deep University traditions. There are about 15 institutions of higher education in our city among which Rostov State Pedagogical University is one of the oldest. It goes back to the University of Warsaw, which was evacuated to Rostov in 1915.
2000 was anniversary for our University. We celebrated the 70th anniversary of the University. The University includes 12 institutes and faculties where more than 9000 students from different regions of Russia study.
The Archeological Center of the University works and carries out serious researches in the field of the Don and Northern Caucasus archeological monuments with the participation of the scientists from Switzerland, France, Germany and Denmark. The Scientific-Methodical Center of Archeology at the RSPU do scientific works in the area of Scythian and ancient archeology according to the main research problem “International relations in the Black Sea area in ancient and medieval times”under the direction of professor Kopylov. Since 1992 the Scientific-Methodic Center has held 4 international conferences with participation of the scientists from many European countries. The Center holds systematic excavations in the places of special archeological interest connected with Scythian, ancient, Greek settlements. Not only the students but also the pupils of Rostov schools take part in the excavations, researches and expeditions. They master the skills of field processing of materials. The archeological materials make the basis of the exposition of the Training Museum of Archeology at the RSPU. This Museum is the only one in the South of Russia University museum of archeological profile. The unique collection displayed in the Museum reflects all the stages of our region development and consists of materials of all the archeological cultures known on the territory of Rostov region. The Museum staff regularly holds the excursions both for students of our University and of other higher education institutions, schools and colleges.
The Faculty of Arts and Graphics.
This year the faculty celebrated its 30th anniversary. The faculty has formed a great scientific-research centre that possesses its unique principles in the area of art-pedagogic education for these years. The faculty offers its students broad possibilities to study painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics, carpet weaving, even art casting. The faculty is well-known with creative atmosphere. The main aim of the teaching staff and students is to achieve professionalism in their common cause. Among the alumni of the faculty there are a lot of famous artists, painters, and graphic artists.
Linguistic Institute
Many faculties and institutes of the University are the members of different foreign societies and associations. For example, Linguistic Institute at RSPU is the member of International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature and also is one of the founders of Russian Association of Modern Languages.
On the basis of the University the Southern branch of Russian Academy of Education under the direction of the rector of the University A.A. Grekov functions. A.A.Grekov is Honoured Science Worker of Russia, the member of New-York Academy of Sciences, G.Soros Foundation Professor, the author of more than 250 scientific works.
Scientific schools well known outside Russia develop within the Chairs of the University.
Linguistic Institute takes a special place in the life of the University. This Institute comprises two oldest faculties in its structure – the Philological Faculty and the Faculty of Foreign Languages, which are known thanks to their scientific schools both in our country and abroad.
The Institute received wide possibilities for serious training of foreign students in the Linguistics area thanks to the amalgamation of two faculties.
Multilevel courses of the Russian Language as a foreign language alongside with the programs of advanced studies for the Russian language teachers are delivered on the basis of the Linguistic Institute. The peculiarities of these courses are their practical direction, communicative line of teaching, area studies character and also paying special attention to the professional interests of a trained person.
The University offers the qualifications of “Bachelor”, “Master” and “Specialist”.
The division for postgraduate studies and training is very effective in training highly qualified staff. It offers advanced courses of postgraduate studies (leading to Candidate's degrees and Doctoral degrees). The preparatory department for foreign students of the humanitarian type is planned to be opened at the University.
The Institute of Pedagogic and Psychology
The Institute of Pedagogic and Psychology comprises the chairs of pre-school pedagogic, the chair of social pedagogic, the chair of age and pedagogic psychology, the chair of pedagogic and the methods of elementary education, the chair of special psychology, the chair of general and social psychology. The general trend of this Institute can be formulated as “Psychological and pedagogic problems of social formation of a child under the conditions of the 21st century”. Among the partners of the Institute we can enumerate Holland, the USA, France, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Japan, Poland. The staff of all the chairs pays special attention to the crucial problems of the modern society and interweaving of these problems with modern children's entering the society. The Institute possesses all the conditions to establish and develop mutual international programs, to hold conferences on different vital questions (the training of social workers, psychological rehabilitation, the aid to the children who are the victims of violence, international experience of work with children with limited abilities, the problems of additional education, the problems of waifs and so on).
The Institute of Physical Culture
The Institute of Physical Culture is also very interesting with its traditions and sport achievements. The Institute possesses its own stadium, sports grounds, and sport trainers gyms equipped with modern outfit.
The staff of the Institute of Physical Culture includes 12 professors, many of which are regularly invited for coaching work abroad, e.g., to China Public Republic. The training appliances on physical culture written by the members of staff of the Institute are thoroughly studied in China and Germany.
The University is greatly proud of its graduates who became the winners of World and Europe Championships, the prizewinners of the Olympic Games more than once. Such sport disciplines as swimming, athletics, callisthenics, gymnastics, judo, basketball, volleyball and Graeco-Roman wrestling.
International activities of Rostov State Pedagogical University are aimed at developing partnership relations with international institution of higher education and include foreign students and probationers training. The University offers postgraduate courses leading to Candidate's degree or Doctoral degrees and programs for international trainees. The University is also active in developing international research collaboration and academic exchange programs for students (including the Summer Language School), researchers and academic staff. The University has especially close contacts with higher institutions of Germany, Austria, the USA, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland.
University Staff
The University staff of 1500 comprises:
- 3 members of Russian Academy of Education;
- 7 members of other academies;
- 3 members of foreign academies and honorary members of scientific societies;
- about 100 doctors of sciences and professors;
more than 400 assistant professors and candidates
University Resourses
The students of the University have a chance to use computer and language multimedia laboratories, e-mail units, www-server. The library collection consists of more than 776000 books. The students of the University can live in two hostels, have rest at the students cafes and the rest camping “Mechta”. The Folklore Dance and Song Company created at the University gives students a chance to express themselves in the field of arts.