1 : Universiteti : Research University
Description:Higher education institutions implementing educational programmes of all the three cycles of higher academic education.
2 : Teaching University
Description:Higher education institutions implementing the first and second cycles of higher academic education (no doctoral programmes).
3 : Koleji : College
Description:Higher education institutions providing professional higher educational or/and only the first cycle of higher academic education (Bachelor's degrees).
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary :
Length of program:6
Age level from:6
Age level to:11
Basic :
Length of program:3
Age level from:12
Age level to:14
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Sabazo zogadi ganatlebis atestati
Secondary :
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
Vocational :
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Pre-school education (1-5) is not compulsory. Primary education of 6 years (6 to 11) and basic education of 3 years (12-14) is compulsory. Secondary education lasts 3 years (15-17) and students must successfully pass secondary education and pass the Unified National Examination in order to enter higher education. Vocational training is open to students having completed 9 years of compulsory education, with enrollment open twice per year, in spring and autumn.
Higher Education System
The three-cycle higher education system (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate) has been implemented. The higher education sector is composed of both public and private institutions. It is supervised by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. Higher education institutions are autonomous. They can be legal entities of public law, legal entities of private law, and non-profit legal entities. Rectors of public higher education institutions are elected by the Academic Council (composed of Professors). The majority of HEIs are funded through tuition fees. Grants are given to the students according to their performance in the national admission exam that takes place at the end of secondary education and their field of study. Loans schemes are also available.
Law on Development of Quality of Education (2010)
Law on General Education (2005)
Law on Higher Education (2004)
Description:Higher education perspectives in Georgia and integration to the EHEA.
Georgian, Abkhazian
University level first stage : First cycle – Bachelor’s degree (240 credits)
Description:The Bachelor's degree is awarded after 4 years and is worth 240 ECTS. Within the first cycle programme, there is the degree of Certified Specialist which is worth 120-180 ECTS and may be awarded after 2 years.
University level second stage : Second cycle – Master’s degree (120 credits)
Description:The second stage leads to the award of a Magistris diplomi (Master's degree) after two years' study. Integrated 5-year programmes are available in Dental Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and, since 2017, teacher-training (300 ECTS); in Medicine they last 6 years (360 ECTS) and these are all equal to a Master’s degree.
University level third stage : Third cycle – Doctor’s degree (180 credits)
Description:The doctoral degree comprises three years' study and ends with the presentation and defence of a dissertation.
There is no specific teacher training for teachers within higher education. To become a Professor, one must hold a Doctorate and have 6 years of experience in teaching and research; to become an Associated Professor, one must hold a Doctorate; to become an Assistant Professor, one must hold a Doctorate or be a doctoral student.
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport
Street:Dimitri Uznadze N 52
Tel:+995(32) 2 200 220
Contacts:Mikheil Chkhenkeli (Head), Job title : Minister
National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement - EQE
Role:The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement was founded on 1 September 2010 under the Law of Georgia on Educational Quality Enhancement. The EQE is the legal successor of the LEPL - National Center for Educational Accreditation. Its main goal is to promote the formation of internal mechanisms of educational quality assurance and the implementation of external mechanisms in cooperation with educational institutions and other stakeholders.
Street:1 Aleksidze Street
Tel:+995(32) 2 200 220
Contacts:Giorgi Vashakidze (Head), Job title : Director
Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
Requirement for:All institutions
Students should also pass the Unified National Examination to gain entry to higher education.
Definition:Foreign students are those who are not citizens of Georgia.
Admission Requirements:See: http://studyingeorgia.eu/
Health:Medical certificate
Application to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The quality assurance (QA) system in Georgia consists of internal and external mechanisms. Internal self-evaluation is carried out by educational institutions commensurate with the procedure of evaluation of own performance and shall be summarised in an annual self-evaluation report. External QA is implemented through authorization and accreditation. Authorization grants a right to educational institutions to operate and is based on similar criteria as institutional accreditation. Accreditation looks more at the programme level and is linked with the state funding. All programmes in regulated professions have to pass accreditation. The national agency implementing external QA is the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (EQE). Authorisation and accreditation have to be renewed in every 5 years.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Regulated professions (medicine, including veterinary, medicine, law and education) require students to sit a State Certification Test as well as having a relevant academic degree.
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Lisbon, 11 April 1997 (1999)
Student Life
Is there social security:No
Is there social security:No
By Road:No
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
Description:This credential is obtained after completion of 12 years' study in basic and secondary school. However, students need to pass the Unified National Exam in order to have access to higher education.
Bakalavris diplomi
Description:First terminal degree awarded on successful completion of a four-year course (240 ECTS). Students must sit the Unified National Examination in order to enter this programme.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Credential required for entry:Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universiteti (Research University)
Teaching University
Koleji (College)
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Description:Degree in dentisty awarded after 5 years of study (300 ECTS).
Doctor of Medicine
Description:Degree in medicine awarded after 6 years of study (360 ECTS).
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Magistris diplomi
Description:Academic degree conferred after two years' study (120 ECTS) following the Bachelor's degree and successfully passing the Unified Master’s Examination
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Bakalavris diplomi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universiteti (Research University)
Teaching University
Doktoris diplomi
Description:Doctoral degree comprising three years' study and ends with the presentation and defence of a dissertation.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Magistris diplomi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universiteti (Research University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia; NUFFIC document 'Education in Georgia, 2019'; website of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement , February 2020.
Updated on 02-03-2020