1 : Egyetem : University
Description:Universities offer Master programmes in at least two fields of study and doctoral programmes in at least two disciplines. The are entitled to award doctoral titles. They are composed of at least 3 faculties.
2 : Főiskola : College
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : Óvoda (Pre-primary school)
Length of program:3
Age level from:3
Age level to:6
Primary : Általános iskola (Primary school)
Length of program:8
Age level from:6
Age level to:14
Upper Secondary : Gimnázium (General secondary school), Szakgimnázium (Vocational secondary school), Szakközépiskola (Vocational school)
Length of program:4
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Education is compulsory between the ages of 3 and 16, but studies may be financed up to the age of 18.
Pre-primay education is compulsory from 3 to 6, and primary and lower secondary education is offered from 6 to 14 (Grades 1 to 8) in a single-structure system.
Upper secondary education covers 4 years (Grades 9-12) and is provided by Gimnázium (General secondary school), Szakgimnázium (Vocational secondary school) or Szakközépiskola (Vocational school). Student who pass the end of year exam in upper secondary are awrded the Érettségi Bizonyítvány, which is need to access higher education.
Higher Education System
Higher education can be provided by the Hungarian state, the national minority government, ecclesiatical and business organisations, or foundations. All higher education institutions must obtain an operating license and their recognition must be endorsed by the National Assembly. The Senate is the supreme body of higher education institutions.
Act 204 of the National Higher Education Act (2011)
Government Decree No. 69/2006 (28 March) on the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (2006)
Description:Hungarian Accreditation Committee
Act C on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Degrees (2001)
Non-university level : Higher-level vocational training
Description:Higher education institutions are entitled to run post-secondary higher-level vocational training and awarded a Diploma upon completion of between 120 and 150 ECTS.
University level first stage : Undergraduate studies
Description:The Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree) is a first cycle degree and the study programme lasts between 6 and 8 semesters, and is worth 180 to 240 ECTS. Students complete their studies with a final examination which may consist of several parts – the defence of the degree thesis, and an additional oral, written or practical examinations – as defined in the curriculum. The degree give access to the labour market as well as to second cycle degree programmes.
University level second stage : Postgraduate studies
Description:The Mesterfokozat (Master degree) is a second cycle degree. Courses leading to the Mesterfokozat require at least 60 ECTS but may not exceed 120 ECTS and they last between 2 and 4 semesters. In a few fields (e.g. Medicine, Law, Arts), the Mesterfokozat can be obtained in a one-tier single programme of 10 to 12 semesters requiring the completion of at least 300 credits and a maximum of 360 credits. Students complete their studies with a final examination. The final examination may consist of several parts – the defence of the degree thesis, and additional oral, written or practical examinations – as defined in the curriculum. The degree, whether obtained in a single cycle or as a second cycle gives access to the labour market as well as to doctoral degree programmes. The Szakirányú továbbképzés (postgraduate specialist training) following an Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree) or a Mesterfokozat is a non-degree programme leading to the Szakirányú továbbképzési oklevél (Further specialization diploma). Courses require at least 60 credits and a maximum of 120 credits, and last between 2 and 4 semesters. The Szakirányú továbbképzési oklevél (Further specialization diploma) does not give access to doctorate courses.
University level third stage : Doctorate studies
Description:In the higher education system, doktori képzés (doctorate course) constitutes the third training cycle. The doctorate courses prepare students for taking a doktori fokozat (doctoral degree) following the Mesterfokozat (Master degree). Doctorate courses require at least 180 credits and last 6 semesters. Following the doctorate course, and in a separate degree awarding procedure, the scientific degree ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (abbreviation: PhD), or in art education ‘Doctor of Liberal Arts’ (abbreviation: DLA) may be awarded.
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Role:Responsible for pre-primary, primary and secondary education.
Street:Akadémia u. 3
Contacts:Miklós Kásler (Head), Job title : Minister
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Role:Responsible for vocational education and training, higher education and research.
Street:Fő utca 44-50
Contacts:László Palkovics (Head), Job title : Minister
Role:The Educational Authority embodies all organizations performing educational administrative tasks. At the higher education level, the Educational Authority administers the application system to higher education and operates the Hungarian Equivalence and Information Centre.
Street:Szalay utca 10-14.
Magyar Felsőktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság - MAB
Role:The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is, according to the 2005 Higher Education Act, “an independent national body of experts assessing quality in education, research and artistic activities in higher education, and examining the operation of the institutional quality development scheme.”
Street:Krisztina krt. 39/B 4. em.
Magyar Rektori Konferencia - MRK
Role:The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference is an independent public corporation entitled to represent higher education institutions and to protect their interests.
Street:Benczúr u. 43. IV/3
Contacts:- László Borhy (Head), Job title : President
- Zoltán Dubéczi (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
University Network of the European Capitals of Culture - UNeECC
Role:The aim of UNeECC is to to ensure the recognition of the role and contribution of universities to the success of cities which have held the title "European Capital of Culture"; to provide member universities with the possibility of continuous and full participation in the European Capitals of Culture movement enhanced by "Universities of the Year"; and to foster inter-university cooperation to develop and reshape the universities' regional position to create new activities for city and university collaboration.
Street:Pannon Egyetem, Building E Egyetem u. 10
Contacts:- Flora Carrijn (Head), Job title : President
- Edit Kővári (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Secretary
Magyar Felsőktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság - MAB
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:Krisztina krt. 39/B 4. em.
Magyar Ekvivalencia és Információs Központ, Oktatási Hivatal
Services provided and types of students dealt with:Academic and professional recognition of foreign certificates, diplomas and degrees; recommendations for educational institutions concerning the academic recognition of foreign certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Szalay u. 10-14
Contacts:Zsofia Breda (Head), Job title : Head of the ENIC-NARIC
Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája - HÖOK
Street:Ferenciek tere 7-8. III. lépcsőház I. emelet 8
Contacts:László Murai (Head), Job title : President
Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége
Street:Falk Miksa utca 1
Contacts:Dániel Molnár (Head), Job title : President
Street:Kacsa u. 15-23
Admission to Higher Education
Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Requirement for:Higher vocational training
The precondition for admission to higher level vocational training is the secondary school leaving examination
An aptitude test is required for some study programmes. Admission may also be subject to the student having prior vocational qualifications.
Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Requirement for:Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree), Mesterfokozat (Master degree in one tier long cycle, undivided programme)
The number of students who can be admitted to higher education is limited. From the academic year 2004/2005 onwards, there are no more entrance examinations. Applicants are admitted based on final grades obtained at secondary school and their secondary school leaving examination results or based solely on the latter, considering the interest of the applicant. The admission to some programmes may be based on additional aptitude tests or practical examinations.
Restrictions in some cases depending on places available
An aptitude test (e.g. teacher training) or practical examinations (e.g. in arts, sports, etc) is required for some study programmes.
Definition:Students who are not Hungarian citizens and have not settled in Hungary.
Admission Requirements:The prerequisite of admission to any study programme in a higher education institution is either (a) the Hungarian secondary school leaving certificate, or (b) a foreign equivalent, or (c) a degree obtained in a higher education institution accredited or recognized in Hungary. There are a few exceptions where practical examinations or aptitude tests are also required. Study programmes in the fields of music and arts require applicants to demonstrate their particular artistic abilities. The basic requirement of admission to PhD degrees is to hold a university degree which is equivalent to an MA/MSc degree.
Language Proficiency:Knowledge of the Hungarian language is a requirement in courses conducted in Hungarian. Hungarian higher education institutions also offer higher education programmes in foreign languages. In this case, the knowledge of the given language is a prerequisite.
Entry Regulations:Foreign students from outside the European Union and students who are not citizens of countries listed in the 539/2001/EC council regulation Annex II. are required to apply for a visa.Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) continuously monitors the standard of training and scientific activity in higher education institutions. All programmes have to be approved by the HAC.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. It also applies to foreigners.
For Access to University Level Studies:Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. It also applies to foreigners.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. It also applies to foreigners.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. It also applies to foreigners.
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Lisbon, 11 April 1997 (2000)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region. Paris, 21 December 1979 (1982)
Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. It can be found on the web site www.naric.hu
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Information about health insurance is available at www.oep.hu.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Study in Hungary
Year of publication:0
Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Description:In general, the secondary school leaving certificate is conferred at the end of upper secondary education Grade 12 in a secondary general school or a secondary vocational school after passing the secondary school leaving examination. The examination combines written and oral assessments and consists of at least five subjects, four of which are prescribed (Hungarian language and literature, mathematics, history and a foreign language) and one is optional. The examination is the same for both school types, the only difference lies in the fifth optional subject, which can be vocational in secondary vocational schools.
Description:Under the new, Bologna style higher education system, the Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree) is a first cycle degree. Courses leading to Alapfokozat require at least 180 credits – in the case of uninterrupted practical courses a minimum of 210 credits – but such courses may not exceed 240 credits. The length of the programme is between 6 and a maximum of 8 semesters. Students complete their studies with a final examination. The final examination may consist of several parts – the defence of the degree thesis, and an additional oral, written or practical examination – as defined in the curriculum. The Alapfokozat gives access to the labour market as well as to second cycle degree programmes. Pursuant to Act 139 of 2005 on Higher Education, Alapfokozat and Főiskolai oklevél (College level first degree) are equivalent.
Credential required for entry:Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Type of institution where credential is offered:Egyetem (University)
Szakirányú továbbképzési oklevél
Description:The szakirányú továbbképzési oklevél is awarded after completion of further specialized studies after graduation from a college (főiskolai oklevél) or from a university (egyetemi oklevél). Studies are normally pursued either in the field in which the graduate degree was obtained or in a new field and last from one to three years' duration.
Credential required for entry:Mesterfokozat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Egyetem (University)
Főiskola (College)
Description:The second cycle (Master's degree) lasts 2-4 semesters (1-2 years, 60-120 ECTS).
Credential required for entry:Alapfokozat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Egyetem (University)
Doktori oklevél
Description:In the higher education system, doktori képzés (doctorate courses) constitute the third training cycle. They prepare students for taking a doctoral degree (PhD or DLA) (Doktori fokozat) following the conferral of the Mesterfokozat (Master degree). Doctorate courses require at least 180 credits and last 6 semesters. Successful students are awarded the scientific degree ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (abbreviation: PhD), or in art education ‘Doctor of Liberal Arts’ (abbreviation: DLA).
Acronym:PhD; DLA
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Mesterfokozat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Egyetem (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Educational Authority and ENIC-NARIC information, May 2020. Bodies updated November 2021.
Updated on 27-05-2020