1 : Universitą statali : State Universities
Description:State universities are public entities endowed with scientific, teaching, managerial, financial and book-keeping autonomy. Their major tasks are scientific research and higher education.
2 : Universitą non statali : Non-State Universities
Description:Non-State universities may be recognised by a decree of the Minister of Education. Legal recognition takes place after an evaluation process concerning the university statutes, its organisational model, budget, etc. The degrees awarded by non-state universities are legally recognised by the state and have the same legal value as those of state universities.
3 : Politecnici : Polytechnic Universities
Description:Polytechnic Universities concentrate exclusively on subject fields in Engineering and Architecture. They have the same institutional model as that of state universities.
4 : Universitą per Stranieri : Universities for foreigners
Description:Universities for foreigners are state institutions specialised in teaching and research for the development and diffusion of the Italian language, literature and culture.
5 : Scuole Superiori : Higher Schools
Description:Institutions specialised in postgraduate university studies and scientific research.They offer 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes.
6 : Universitą telematiche : Online universities
Description:Non-State universities specialised in e-learning.
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : Scuole dell'infanzia
Age level from:3
Age level to:6
Primary : Scuola Elementare
Length of program:5
Age level from:6
Age level to:11
Lower Secondary : Scuola secondaria di primo grado
Length of program:3
Age level from:11
Age level to:14
Upper Secondary : Scuola secondaria di secondo grado
Length of program:5
Age level from:14
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Maturitą
Pre-primary education is part of the education system but is not compulsory. Compulsory education lasts for 10 years (from 6 to 16 years of age). It covers 5 years of primary school, 3 years of lower secondary school and the first two years of upper secondary school. The upper secondary level of education last 5 years (from 14 to 19 years of age) and it is offered in both general and vocational pathways (licei and technical and vocational institutes, respectively).
Higher Education System
Italian higher education is composed of the university sector (state universities, non-state universities, universities for foreigners, higher schools, online universities) and the non-university sector (higher schools in fine and applied arts, in language mediation, archiving, higher technical education).
Law no. 240: University reform (2010)
Non-university level : Non-university sector
Description:The Afam (Alta formazione artistica e musicale) institutions are the following: Academies of Fine Arts, the National Academy of Drama, Higher institutes for Artistic Industries (ISIA), Conservatoires, the National Dance Academy and officially recognised music institutes. Afam institutions have legal status and statutory, teaching, scientific, administrative, financial and accounting autonomy. Higher technical institutes (ITSs) are highly specialised technical schools. ITSs offer short-cycle non-university higher education, which is part of the education system since 2011/2012. Courses are accessible to holders of an upper secondary education qualification. In general, courses last 4 semesters and lead to the qualification of ‘Higher technician’ (Diploma di tecnico superiore). Other specialised institutions offer tertiary education in specific fields. In general, access to courses requires an upper secondary education qualification and an entrance examination.
University level first stage : Laurea
Description:First-cycle programme corresponding to 3 years' study and 180 ECTS credits.
University level second stage : Laurea Magistrale/ Master Universitario di 1° livello
Description:Second-cycle programme corresponding to 2 years' study and 120 ECTS credits (Laurea Magistrale) or 1 year's study and 60 ECTS credits (Master Universitario di 1° livello).
University level third stage : Dottorato di Ricerca/ Diploma di Specializzazione / Master Universitario di 2° livello
Description:Third-cycle programme corresponding to a minimum of 3 years (Dottorato di Ricerca), 2 to 6 years and 120 to 360 ECTS credits (Diploma di Specializzazione), or minimum 1 year and 60 ECTS credits (Master Universitario di 2° livello).
The academic staff in universities are organised into the following main categories: (1) Ordinary (or Full) professors – first level (professori ordinari); (2) Associate professors – second level (professori associati); (3) Contract professors (professori a contratto); (4) University researchers (ricercatori) who can be given teaching responsibilities.
Ministero dell' Istruzione, dell'Universitą e della Ricerca - MiUR
Street:Viale Trastevere, 76/a
Fax:+39(6) 5849-1
Contacts:- Gaetano Manfredi (Head), Job title : Minister for Universites and Research
- Anna Ascani (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Vice-Minister for Universities and Research
Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca - ANVUR
Role:Oversees the national quality evaluation system for universities and research bodies.
Street:Via Ippolito Nievo, 35
Tel:+39(6) 5831 7203
Fax:+39(6) 5831 7122
Contacts:Antonio Felice Uricchio (Head), Job title : President
Consiglio Universitario Nazionale - CUN
Role:Elected body representing the Italian university system. Independent source of advice and recommendations to the Ministry.
Street:CNPI - Viale Trastevere, 76
Tel:+39(6) 5849 7991
Fax:+39(6) 5849 7590
Contacts:- Antonio Vicino (Head), Job title : President
- Alessandra Filabozzi (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universitą Italiane - CRUI
Role:Established in 1963 as a private association of Rectors, the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) has an institutional and representative role, as well as a practical capacity to influence the development of the university system through its activity of study and experimentation.
Street:Piazza Rondanini, 48
Tel:+39(06) 684 411
Contacts:- Ferruccio Resta (Head), Job title : President
- Francesco Adornato (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
- Emanuela Stefani (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director
Role:The Magna Charta Observatory aims to gather information, express opinions and prepare documents relating to the respect for, and protection of, the fundamental university values and rights laid down in the Magna Charta Universitatum signed in Bologna in 1988 by 388 Rectors of worldwide main universities.
Street:Via Zamboni, 25
Tel:+39(51) 209-8709
Fax:+39(51) 209-8710
Contacts:- Sijbolt Noorda (Head), Job title : President
- David Lock (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Mediterranean Universities Union - UNIMED
Role:Association of Universities from Mediterranean basin countries offering universities around the Mediterranean a platform for cooperation at an academic, cultural, social and political level, in support of the progress of the region.
Street:Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244
Tel:+39(6) 68581430
Contacts:- Marcello Scalisi (Head), Job title : Director
- Ludovica de Benedetti (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Project Manager
Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilitą e le Equivalenze Accademiche - CIMEA
Role:Established in 1984 by the initiative of the Fondazione Rui. Since 1986, it has operated on the basis of an agreement with MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research).
Street:Viale XXI Aprile 36
Contacts:Luca Lantero (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director
Associazione Nazionale degli Organismi per il Dirrito allo Studio Universitario - ANDISU
Street:c/o ALFA Liguria via San Vincenzo, 4
Tel:+39(10) 249-11
Contacts:- Luigino Filice (Head), Job title : President
- Roberto Dasso (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Admission to Higher Education
Diploma dell' Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore
Minimum mark:60/100 (since 1998-99)
Foreign school leaving qualifications obtained after minimum of 12 global schooling
some fields have a numerus clausus defined at national level (i.e. Medicine, Architecture and Engineering, Health professions, Veterinary, Dentistry, etc.)
Diploma dell' Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore
Minimum mark:60/100
Requirement for:All universities (since 1998-99)
EU applicants are subject to the same conditions as Italians. For admission to degree programmes regulated by numerus clausus they have to pass a selective entrance exam. Non-EU applicants may be admitted to and enrolled in any degree course according to quotas which vary from one institution and degree programme to another
Some programmes are regulated by a numerus clausus (e.g. Architecture, Dentistry, Medicine, Surgery, Veterinary Medicine) which is determined every year by the Academic Senate of the university. Individual universities may also decide to limit admission according to place availability, facilities and services.
Definition:An international student is a person who is not a permanent resident of Italy and is enrolled at an Italian higher education institution
Admission Requirements:EU applicants are subject to the same conditions as Italians. For admission to degree programmes regulated by numerus clausus they have to pass a selective entrance exam. Non-EU applicants may be admitted to and enrolled in any degree course according to quotas which vary from one institution and degree programme to another
Language Proficiency:Good knowledge of Italian. International students must pass an Italian language exam prior to matriculation. Universities organize language courses.
Entry Regulations:An entry visa, residence permit and financial guarantee are required.Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Contents of individual degree courses are determined autonomously by universities. Individual institutions, however, in doing so have to adopt several general requirements fixed at national level in relation to groups (classi) of similar degree programmes. These national requirements may not bind more than 2/3 of each curriculum. Degree programmes which share the same objectives and same fundamental types of teaching/learning activities are organized in groups called classi di appartenenza (classes of degree programmes).
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Lisbon, 11 April 1997 (2000)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region. Paris, 21 December 1979 (1983)
International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States bordering on the Mediterranean. Nice, 17 December 1976 (1981)
Diploma dell' Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore
Description:Secondary school leaving diploma awarded since 1998-99 to successful candidates in the final secondary-school leaving examination (used to be called esame di maturitą) after five years of primary education, three years of lower secondary education and four or five years of upper secondary education (depending on the type of study and school). The options are the same as those for the previously awarde Maturitą. It gives access to higher education.
Description:First cycle course of three years (180 ECTS) leading to the degree of Laurea and the title of "Dottore".
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Diploma dell' Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitą statali (State Universities)
Universitą non statali (Non-State Universities)
Politecnici (Polytechnic Universities)
Universitą per Stranieri (Universities for foreigners)
Universitą telematiche (Online universities)
Master Universitario di 1° Livello
Description:2nd cycle university degree which may be either academic in nature or, more often, professionally-oriented, and awarded in a minimum of 1 year's study (60 ECTS credits)
Master Universitario di 2° Livello
Description:3rd cycle university degree; it may be either academic in nature or, more often, professionally-oriented, and required a minimum of 1 year's study (60 ECTS credits)
Diploma di Specializzazione
Description:3rd cycle professionally-oriented university degree requiring 2-6 years study (120-360 ECTS) and a final dissertation in Dentistry, Human Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine; also in legal professions (lawyers, magistrates) and for secondary school teacher training.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitą statali (State Universities)
Laurea Magistrale
Description:Degree consisting of 120 ECTS following a first cycle degree, or 300 to 360 ECTS in case of "Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico" (Integrated Master degree)
Credential required for entry:Laurea
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitą statali (State Universities)
Universitą non statali (Non-State Universities)
Politecnici (Polytechnic Universities)
Universitą per Stranieri (Universities for foreigners)
Scuole Superiori (Higher Schools)
Universitą telematiche (Online universities)
Dottorato di Ricerca
Description:3rd cycle university degree requiring at least 3 years' study
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitą statali (State Universities)
Politecnici (Polytechnic Universities)
Scuole Superiori (Higher Schools)
Data Provided by
IAU from CIMEA, Rome, April 2019. Bodies updated May 2020.
Updated on 04-05-2020