1 : Uniwersytety : University
2 : Politechniki : Technical University
3 : Uczelnie Medyczne : Medical Higher Education Institutions
4 : Akademie Pedagogiczne : Teacher Training Academy
5 : Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze : Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences
6 : Akademie Ekonomiczne : Academy of Economics
7 : Akademie Muzyczne, Sztuk Pięknych,Teatralne i Filmowe : Academy of Music, Fine Arts, Theatre, and Cinematography
8 : Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne : Teacher Training School
9 : Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego : Academy of Physical Education
10 : Akademie Teologiczne : Academy of Theology
11 : Akademie Morskie : Merchant Navy School
12 : Szkoły Wojskowe : Military School
13 : Schools supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration
14 : Państwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe : State School of Higher Professional Education
15 : Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe : Non-State School
16 : Niepaństwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe : Non-State School of Higher Professional Education
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : Nursery School (Przedszkole) or Nursery Division at Primary Schools
Length of program:1
Age level from:6
Age level to:7
Primary : Primary School (Szkoła Podstawowa)
Length of program:6
Age level from:7
Age level to:13
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły podstawowej (certificate of completion of primary school education)
Basic Vocational : Basic Vocational School (Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa)
Length of program:2
Age level from:16
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia zasadniczej szkoły zawodowej (certificate of completion of the basic vocational school)
Lower Secondary : Gymnasium (Gimnazjum)
Length of program:3
Age level from:13
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia gimnazjum (certificate of completion of a gymnasium)
Technical Secondary : Technical Secondary School (Technikum)
Length of program:4
Age level from:16
Age level to:20
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia technikum (certificate of completion of the technical secondary school) and after passing świadectwo the maturity examination also dojrzałości (maturity certificate)
Upper Secondary : General Lyceum (Liceum Ogólnokształcące)
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego (certificate of completion of the general lyceum) and after passing świadectwo the maturity examination also świadectwo dojrzałości (maturity certificate)
Specialized Tech./Voc. : Specialized Lyceum (Liceum Profilowane)
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Świadectwo ukończenia liceum profilowanego (certificate of completion of the specialized lyceum) and after passing świadectwo the maturity examination also świadectwo dojrzałości (maturity certificate)
Before the 1999 reform, primary education lasted for 8 years and led to the świadectwo ukończenia szkoły podstawowej (certificate of completion of primary school education). Secondary general education was provided in the four year general lyceum (liceum ogólnokształcące). Secondary vocational education was provided by a range of schools, i.e. four year liceum (lyceum), liceum zawodowe (vocational lyceum), liceum techniczne (technical lyceum) and a 5 year technikum (secondary technical school). The graduates of all secondary schools were awarded either the świadectwo dojrzałości (maturity certificate) or the świadectwo ukończenia (certificate of completion) of a given kind of secondary school. In addition, there were basic vocational schools (zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa) whose graduates obtained the świadectwo ukończenia szkoły zasadniczej (certificate of completion of basic school education).
After the 1999 reform, 6 year primary schools and 3 year gymnasia were introduced. Secondary education is provided in 3 year general lyceums (liceum ogólnokształcące) or in vocational secondary schools such as the 3 year liceum profilowane (specialized lyceum) and 4 year technikum (secondary technical school). In addition, there are 2 three-year basic vocational schools (zasdnicza szkoła zawodowa) whose graduates obtain the świadectwo ukończenia zasadniczej szkoły zawodowej (certificate of completion of basic vocational school education).
The secondary school credentials of the former system were issued until 2005. In the transition period, both the former and the new types of secondary school co-existed. The credential that gives access to higher education before and after the reform is the świadectwo dojrzałości issued after completion of secondary school education and passing of the maturity examination (egzamin dojrzałości/ matura).
The only type of post primary school that does not give access to higher education is the basic vocational school, both in the old and new system. The graduates of these schools may continue their education in different types of complementary secondary schools: liceum uzupełniające (complementary lyceum) or technikum uzupełniające (complementary technical secondary school). Following the completion of education in these schools, they can pass the maturity examination and obtain the maturity certificate and thus become eligible for entrance to higher education.
Higher Education System
Higher education is currently provided for by the Law on Higher Education of 27 July 2005. The higher education system comprises both public and non-public institutions. Before 1990, there were only state higher education institutions (with the exception of the Catholic University of Lublin). The Higher Education Act, introduced in 1990, enabled the creation of non-state higher education institutions. When the Schools of Higher Professional Education Act came into force in 1997, courses of higher professional education were created. Thus, at present, there are both university-type and non university-type (professional education) institutions in Poland. Graduates of first cycle courses are awarded the professional title of licencjat or inżynier (or equivalent) after 3-4 years' study. Graduates of a second cycle course are awarded the professional title of magister or equivalent after 1.5 to 2 years of studies. There are also magister-level studies which run as long-cycle programmes (jednolite studia magisterskie) of 4,5-6 years’ duration. Most higher education institutions come under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Some, however, come under the control of other competent Ministries: Ministry of Health (medical higher education institutions) and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (for academies of music, fine arts, theatre, and cinematography). There are also schools that are supervised by the Ministry of National Defence (military schools), the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (Main School of Fire Service, Higher School of Police) and the Ministry of Infrastructure (merchant navy academies).
The credential giving access to higher education is the maturity certificate. Admission to higher education is based on the results of the maturity examination. Higher education institutions may also organize entrance examinations, and check the knowledge and abilities which were not tested in the maturity examination.
Law on Higher Education of July 27th (2005)
Description:Public and non-public higher education institutions; organisation of studies
Act on Academic Titles and Degrees of 14th March (2003)
Description:Requirements for awarding the academic degrees of doktor, doktor habilitowany, doktor sztuki, doktor habilitowany sztuki and the academic title of professor.
Non-university level
Description:Non-university level education in Poland is currently provided by szkoły policealne (post-secondary schools) in a variety of vocational fields. The admission requirements to this type of schools are świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej (certificate of completion of secondary school i.e. lyceum , specialized lyceum or technical school) or maturity certificate. The graduates obtain the świadectwo ukończenia szkoły policealnej (certificate of completion of a post secondary school), and can then take a vocational examination and obtain the dyplom uzyskania kwalifikacji zawodowych (vocational qualifications diploma). The vocational training in this type of schools lasts between 1 and 2.5 years, depending on the field of study.
University level first stage : First cycle (licencjat, inzynier)
Description:First cycle programmes are provided by both university-type higher education institutions and institutions of higher professional education. Graduates are awarded the professional title of licencjat (after 3 years of study) or inżynier (after 3.5-4 years of study) following a thesis or a diploma project. As from 2009, graduates obtain a diploma of completion of the first cycle programme (dyplom ukończenia studiów pierwszego stopnia). They may proceed to study for a second cycle degree (magister or equivalent). The professional title of licencjat has been awarded as from 1992. Additionally, as from 2005, the title of licencjat położnictwa has been granted to graduates of higher professional studies in midwifery and the title of licencjat pielęgniarstwa to graduates in nursing. The graduates of first cycle programmes in architecture are awarded the title of inżynier architect and in landscape architecture, the magister inżynier krajobrazu. Military and police schools award their graduates the title of oficer dyplomowany, and the Main School of Fire Service grants them the title of inżynier pożarnictwa.
University level second stage : Second cycle (magister)
Description:Studies at this stage can be of two types: a second cycle of 1.5-2-year duration or a long-cycle course of 5-6 years. Both programmes are provided at university and non-university higher education institutions to holders of the professional titles of licencjat or inżynier or equivalent. The graduates are awarded the title of magister or one of its equivalents after submitting and defending a thesis or a diploma project (if envisaged in the curricula). As from 2009, the graduates of second-cycle programmes obtain the diploma of completion of second cycle studies (dyplom ukończenia studiów drugiego stopnia) and the graduates of long-cycle programmes obtain the diploma of completion of long-cycle magister studies (dyplom ukończenia jednolitych studiów magisterskich). The holders of the title of magister or its equivalent may continue their education at the postgraduate level.
University level third stage : Third cycle (doktorat)
Description:The academic degree of doktor can be obtained by graduates of third cycle (post-graduate) studies, which usually last for 3 to 4 years, or by persons who combine their professional work with academic research and the writing of a dissertation. All candidates must hold the professional title of magister or its equivalent. To be awarded the degree of doktor, the candidate must submit and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation that is assessed positively by two supervisors, and pass doctorate examinations. The degree of doktor can be conferred either by higher education institutions or by the research institutes entitled to award it. Since March 2003, the name of the qualification awarded as an equivalent to the degree of doktor in artistic disciplines is doktor sztuki.
University level fourth stage : Higher doctorate (habilitacja)
Description:The academic degree of doktor habilitowany is awarded to candidates who already hold the degree of doktor. It can be obtained either by academic staff of higher education institutions and research units, or by persons who combine their research work with other professional activities. To be awarded the academic degree of doktor habilitowany, the candidate must have made remarkable scientific or artistic achievements, submit a dissertation which contributes to the development of a given scientific discipline, receive a favorable assessment of his/her dissertation from three supervisors, pass an examination, and deliver a favorably assessed lecture. Since March 2003, the name of the qualification awarded in artistic disciplines as an equivalent to the degree of doktor habilitowany is doktor habilitowany sztuki. The holders of the doktor habilitowany degree are eligible for the academic post of professor at higher education institutions and can be awarded the academic title of professor conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland.
Academic teachers are recruited from among the holders of the doktor and doktor habilitowany degrees. The academic teachers of a lower grade can be graduates of higher education institutions, i.e. holders of the degree of magister or its equivalent who are preparing a doctorate.
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Role:Elaborating educational policies at the national level, coordinating other governing bodies, controlling higher education institutions supervised by this Ministry.
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Tel:+48(22) 529 2718
Fax:+48(22) 501 7865
Contacts:Jarosław Gowin (Head), Job title : Minister
Departament Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Kontroli
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Centralna Komisja do Spraw Stopni Naukowych i Tytułów
Role:Supervises the conferring of the academic degrees of Doktor and Doktor habilitowany; entitles the faculties of the higher education institutions and research units to award these academic degrees.
Street:pl. Defilad 1 (PKiN)
Tel:+48(22) 826 8238
Fax:+48(22) 620 3324
Contacts:Kazimierz Jan Furtak (Head), Job title : President
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna - PKA
Role:Quality assurance, advisory and controlling tasks in establishing new higher education institutions and award of licences to organize new fields of study in the existing ones.
Street:ul. Źurawia 32/34
Tel:+48(22) 563 1744
Fax:+48(22) 621 1584
Contacts:Krzysztof Diks (Head), Job title : President
Rada Główna Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Role:Cooperates with the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the other national bodies in the implementation of tasks concerning higher education; in particular, defines the requirements for organizing new fields of study an the conferring of professional titles, as well as minimum curriculum requirements for each field of study.
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Tel:+48(22) 529 2661
Fax:+48(22) 529 2768
Konferencja Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich - KRASP
Role:A voluntary association of rectors representing Polish institutions of higher education which have the right to award the doctor's degree (or equivalent) in at least one scientific discipline. It safeguards traditional academic values, including the constitutional principle of higher education institutions autonomy which guarantees the right of these institutions to present their positions on all issues of interest to the academic community.
Street:Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
Tel:+48(22) 552 0352
Fax:+48(22) 552 1567
Contacts:- Jan Szmidt (Head), Job title : President
- Andrzej Krasniewski (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary General
Konferencja Rektorów Zawodowych Szkół Polskich - KRZASP
Role:A voluntary association of rectors representing Polish institutions of higher professional education.
Street:ul. 3 Maja 25A
Tel:+48(58) 722 0889
Contacts:Waldemar Tlokinski (Head), Job title : President
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Tel:+48(22) 529 2718
Fax:+48(22) 501 7865
Departament Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Kontroli
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna - PKA
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:ul. Źurawia 32/34
Tel:+48(22) 563 1744
Fax:+48(22) 621 1584
Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:ul. Ogrodowa 28/30
Tel:+48(22) 826 7434
Fax:+48(22) 826 2823
Departament Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Kontroli
Street:ul. Wspólna 1/3
Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów
Street:ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 20/22 lok. 21
Contacts:- Maria Cholewińska (Head), Job title : President
- Bartłomiej Hawrylak (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Street:ul. Bracka 18/16
Tel:+48(22) 621 5519
Contacts:Tomasz Tokarski (Head), Job title : President
Admission to Higher Education
Świadectwo dojrzałości
Minimum mark:30% in the grading system introduced in 2005 (grade 2 before)
Requirement for:Szkola pomaturalna
Świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego
Minimum mark:30% in the grading system introduced in 2005 (grade 2 before)
Requirement for:Szkola policealna
There is an entrance examination for some courses (according to the institution). Some institutions also have qualifying tests or qualifying interviews for access to some of their courses.
Sometimes the candidates' physical and mental predisposition to exercise a given profession must first be ascertained.
Świadectwo dojrzałości
Minimum mark:30% in the grading system introduced in 2005 (grade 2 before)
Requirement for:all higher education institutions.
There is an entrance examination for some courses (according to the institution). Some institutions also have qualifying tests or qualifying interviews for access to some of their courses. Specific ability requirements are demanded for artistic studies, physical education and architecture, as well as for military and police schools.
Higher education institutions are autonomous in this matter. The number of students is decided by the senate of each institution.
Prize-winners of national competitions (olimpiada) in various secondary-school subjects are exempt from entrance examinations.
Admission Requirements:Candidates must hold a Secondary School-leaving Certificate entitling them to enter higher education in their country. It must be officially recognized as being equivalent to a Polish Maturity Certificate by Polish local educational authorities or on the basis of a bilateral agreement on recognition. There are no entrance examinations for foreign students. However, in the case of fields of study in which special abilities are required, applicants must prove they possess them.
Health:Candidates seeking to be admitted to higher studies should submit a health certificate enabling them to study in the selected discipline.Entry Regulations:Students must be in possession of a valid passport and a student visa or other document entitling them to stay in Poland. Polish diplomatic missions abroad offer information on studies in Poland (application forms) and assistance in applying.Application to Individual Institution:NoApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The State Accreditation Committee (Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna) is responsible for quality assurance, and the supervision of the foundation of new higher education institutions and branch campuses of the existing ones. Study programmes of higher education institutions must fulfil the requirements of the Central Council of Higher Education. The Minister of Science and Higher Education decides on the basis of the State Accreditation Committee’s statement.
According to the Law of Higher Education (2005), a foreign higher education institution may establish an institution with a seat in Poland upon the consent of the Minister responsible for higher education.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:All applicants must submit a secondary-school leaving certificate recognised as equivalent to the Polish maturity certificate or the Polish certificate of completion of education in a secondary school. Local educational authorities provide the recognition of foreign certificates from the countries with which Poland has not signed any bilateral/multilateral agreements on the mutual recognition of credentials. Credentials issued in the latter countries with which Poland has signed such agreements do not need to be submitted to any recognition procedure and will be accepted by the education institutions as equivalent to the Polish ones.
For Access to University Level Studies:All applicants must submit a secondary-school leaving certificate recognised as equivalent to the Polish maturity certificate, either on the basis of a bilateral/multilateral agreement on mutual recognition of school credentials, or if such an agreement does not exist, the certificate must be recognised by an appropriate local educational authority (kuratorium oświaty).
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:All applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the higher education institution or research institute. In case there is no bilateral agreement between Poland and the country in which the credentials were obtained, their studies must first be recognised as equivalent to a given type of studies in Poland. For access to second cycle studies, the applicants can be exempted from the recognition procedure. For access to doctoral studies, only the holders of credentials from EU/EEA can be exempted from the recognition procedure, provided that their credentials give them the right to access similar studies in their home countries.
For the Exercise of a Profession:In the case of graduates from countries with which Poland has signed bilateral agreements on mutual recognition of education, the applicants must present relevant documents to the appropriate Ministry, and in some cases (e.g. medical professions) fulfill the requirements of the professional body conferring the right to exercise the given profession. In the case of regulated professions, the qualifications of EU/EEA citizens are recognized under the EU directives. The graduates from other countries must have their credentials recognized at a higher education institution first, and then fulfill the requirements of professional bodies.
Paris Convention. Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region. (1979)
European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications (1994)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities (1994)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Studies (1994)
Agreement between the governments of Poland and Germany on the mutual recognition of education for academic purposes (1997)
Lisbon Convention. Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (in force since 1st May 2004) (1997)
The bodies responsible for the recognition of foreign credentials (higher education diplomas) are higher education institutions, and particularly the councils of faculties entitled to confer the academic degree of doktor. The recognition of foreign academic degrees can also be obtained in a higher education institution: these rights are given to a council of faculty entitled to award the academic degree of doktor habilitowany.
The above refers to cases of credentials obtained in the countries with which Poland has not signed bilateral agreements on recognition of education. When such an agreement exists, no formal recognition procedure is required, though the holder of a foreign credential issued in one of these countries can obtain a confirmation of the recognition of his/her qualifications in the appropriate ministry (depending on the fields of study): in artistic disciplines – Ministry of Culture and National Heritage; medical studies – Ministry of Health; merchant navy schools – Ministry of Infrastructure; military schools – Ministry of National Defence etc. Other graduates should apply to the Ministry of Education and Science via Polish ENIC/NARIC.
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):0 Zloty
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):0 Zloty
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Average Living Costs:1200
Świadectwo dojrzałości
Description:Maturity certificate awarded to graduates of secondary schools (both general and vocational) who have passed the maturity examination (egzamin dojrzałości/ egzamin maturalny), giving them the right to access higher education.
Świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego
Description:Certificate of completion of general secondary school giving the right to pass the maturity examination or the access to post-secondary vocational schools.
Świadectwo ukończenia liceum profilowanego
Description:Qualification awarded to graduates of specialized secondary school giving the right to take the maturity examination.
Świadectwo ukończenia technikum
Description:Technical secondary school (technikum) leaving certificate giving the right to take the maturity examination and the possibility to obtain “Dyplom potwierdzający kwalifikacje zawodowe” after passing the external examination confirming vocational qualifications.
Świadectwo ukończenia zasadniczej szkoly zawodowej
Description:Certificate of completion of the 2-year basic vocational school giving possibility to obtain dyplom potwierdzajacy kwalifikacje zawodowe after passing the external examination confirming vocational qualifications.
Dyplom potwierdzający kwalifikacje zawodowe
Description:Qualification awarded after having passed an external vocational examination, which may be taken after completing education in basic vocational school (zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa), technical secondary school (technikum) or vocational post-secondary school (szkoła policealna).
Credential required for entry:Świadectwo dojrzałości
Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły policealnej
Description:Certificate awarded to graduates of post-secondary schools in a variety of vocational fields after 1-2.5 years of study. The graduates of this kind of school can also take a professional examination, leading to Dyplom potwierdzający kwalifikacje zawodowe.
Description:Professional title usually awarded after the completion of 7-8 semesters of technical or agricultural first cycle studies or, in some cases, after the same number of semesters in economics. The study programme leading to this title must contain at least 50 % of technical subjects.
Credential required for entry:Świadectwo dojrzałości
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Politechniki (Technical University)
Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze (Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences)
Akademie Morskie (Merchant Navy School)
Szkoły Wojskowe (Military School)
Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe (Non-State School)
Niepaństwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe (Non-State School of Higher Professional Education)
Description:Professional title usually awarded after three years of study in humanities, exact sciences, social sciences, artistic disciplines, economics, theology, physical education, tourism, recreation, rehabilitation and medical sciences (with the exception of medicine and dentistry).
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Świadectwo dojrzałości
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Politechniki (Technical University)
Uczelnie Medyczne (Medical Higher Education Institutions)
Akademie Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training Academy)
Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze (Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences)
Akademie Ekonomiczne (Academy of Economics)
Akademie Muzyczne, Sztuk Pięknych,Teatralne i Filmowe (Academy of Music, Fine Arts, Theatre, and Cinematography)
Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training School)
Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego (Academy of Physical Education)
Akademie Teologiczne (Academy of Theology)
Szkoły Wojskowe (Military School)
Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe (Non-State School)
Niepaństwowe Wyższe Szkoły Zawodowe (Non-State School of Higher Professional Education)
Description:Professional title awarded after six years of study in Medicine. Lekarz dentysta is awarded after five years of study in Dentistry, Lekarz weterynari after five and a half years of study in Veterinary Medicine.
Credential required for entry:Świadectwo dojrzałości
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uczelnie Medyczne (Medical Higher Education Institutions)
Świadectwo ukończenia studiów podyplomowych
Description:Qualification awarded to graduates of postgraduate studies provided by faculties of higher education institutions or research institutes, the aim of which is to update knowledge and develop professional qualifications. The duration of the programme depends on the field of study and institution.
Credential required for entry:Licencjat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Description:Professional title awarded after after 4.5 or more years (5.5 in Pharmacy) of long-cycle studies or 1.5 to 2 years of second-cycle studies after Licencjat or Inżynier in all fields with the exception of Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences.
Credential required for entry:Świadectwo dojrzałości
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Politechniki (Technical University)
Uczelnie Medyczne (Medical Higher Education Institutions)
Akademie Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training Academy)
Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze (Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences)
Akademie Ekonomiczne (Academy of Economics)
Akademie Muzyczne, Sztuk Pięknych,Teatralne i Filmowe (Academy of Music, Fine Arts, Theatre, and Cinematography)
Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training School)
Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego (Academy of Physical Education)
Akademie Teologiczne (Academy of Theology)
Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe (Non-State School)
Description:Academic degree (doctorate) conferred to the holders of the title of Magister or its equivalent, following the submission and successful defence of a dissertation and passing doctorate examinations. Candidates can pursue three to four years of doctoral studies or elaborate their dissertation on the basis of individual research activities.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Lekarz
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Politechniki (Technical University)
Uczelnie Medyczne (Medical Higher Education Institutions)
Akademie Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training Academy)
Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze (Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences)
Akademie Ekonomiczne (Academy of Economics)
Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training School)
Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego (Academy of Physical Education)
Akademie Teologiczne (Academy of Theology)
Akademie Morskie (Merchant Navy School)
Szkoły Wojskowe (Military School)
Niepaństwowe Szkoły Wyższe (Non-State School)
Doktor habilitowany
Description:Academic degree conferred after that of Doktor. The candidate must present a dissertation constituting a considerable contribution to the progress of knowledge in a given discipline and give an habilitation lecture (kolokwium habilitacyjne). The degree is awarded by authorized scientific councils of faculties and institutes, the decision of which must be authorized by the Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
Acronym:dr hab.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Doktor
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytety (University)
Politechniki (Technical University)
Uczelnie Medyczne (Medical Higher Education Institutions)
Akademie Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training Academy)
Akademie Rolnicze i Uniwersytety Przyrodnicze (Academies of Agriculture and Universities of Natural Sciences)
Akademie Ekonomiczne (Academy of Economics)
Wyższe Szkoły Pedagogiczne (Teacher Training School)
Akademie Wychowania Fizycznego (Academy of Physical Education)
Akademie Teologiczne (Academy of Theology)
Akademie Morskie (Merchant Navy School)
Szkoły Wojskowe (Military School)
Data Provided by
IAU from the Department of Higher Education Organisation and Supervision, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2011. Bodies, 2017.
Updated on 11-01-2006