1 : Federalnyj Universitet : Federal University
Description:an institution and centre of research at the federal level. Currently, there are several federal universities, established following the merge of a number of regional universities.
2 : Opornyj Universitet : Flagship University
Description:a university created in the region, combining existing higher educational institutions, and focused on supporting the development of a specific region of the country.
3 : Natsionalnyj Issledovatelskij Universitet : National Research University
Description:a higher education institution integrating regional research activities.
4 : Universitet : University
Description:an institution offering a wide range of programmes at all levels in many disciplines. Universities must also carry out fundamental and applied research in a wide range of areas. They may be public, municipal and private.
5 : Akademija : Academy
Description:an institution offering diverse programmes at all levels in a certain area. It also carries out research in this specific area.
6 : Institut : Institute
Description:an institution offering training for specialists in a specific profession or field. Institutes may not alwyas have third cycle programmes and they are not obliged to carry out a wide spectrum of research activities
7 : Tekhničeskij Universitet : Technical University
8 : Konservatorija : Conservatory
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Primary General School
Length of program:4
Age level from:7
Age level to:10
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificate
Lower Secondary : Basic Secondary School
Length of program:5
Age level from:11
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Attestat ob Osnovnom Obshchem Obrazovanii (Basic Secondary School Certificate)
Upper Secondary : Upper-Secondary School
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of General Secondary Education); Yedinyj Gosudarstvennyk Ekzamen (Unified State Exam)
Basic general education lasts nine years, made up of four years' primary education and five years of lower secondary education. Graduates of this level may continue their education at upper secondary school for two (three) years, at the end of which they sit the Yedinyj Gosudarstvennyk Ekzamen (UnifiedState Exam) and receive the Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii. The Unified State Exam is the prerequisite for entry to higher education. Students may also opt for vocational training either after lower secondary or upper secondary.
Higher Education System
Higher education is provided by state and non-state higher education institutions (HEIs). In non-state HEIs all students have to pay tuition fees. Higher education falls within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science is responsible for quality assurance in education and recognition of international credentials. There are three levels of higher education: 1) incomplete higher education (2 years at least); 2) 4-year programmes leading to the Bakalavr degree, the first final university degree; 3) postgraduate studies with a duration of 1-2 years leading to the Specialist Diploma or the Magistr degree. HEIs are authorized to award the Magistr degree after the completion of 2 years of study or the Specialist Diploma after 1 year of study following the Bakalavr degree. Scientific degrees in Russia traditionally include two levels of doctoral degrees: the Candidate of Sciences (the first level, equivalent to PhD) and the Doctor of Sciences (the second, post doctoral level). The Federal Agency for Education finances a certain number of state HEIs. The rest are financed by other Ministries or local authorities.
Federal Law no. 273 (2012)
Decree no. 194 on Introduction of 11-years Compulsory School Education (2007)
Description:All types of secondary education institutions
Decree no. 232 on Levels of Higher Education (2007)
Description:All types of HEIs
Decree no. 314 on the System and Structure of Executive Boards (2004)
Description:All types of education institutions
Decree no. 1766 on the Managerial Structure of State Education Standards Elaboration (2001)
Description:All types of HEIs
Decree no. 686 on Approval of New State Education Standards (2000)
Description:All types of HEIs
Decree no. 796 on Education Activities Licensing (2000)
Description:All types of education institutions
Decree no. 1323 on State Accreditation of HEIs (1999)
Description:All types of education institutions
Decree no. 125 on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education (1996)
Description:All types of HEIs
Decree no. 3266-1 on Education (1992)
Description:All types of education institutions
Non-university level : Vocational training
Description:Basic post-secondary vocational education can last 2 1/ 2 years (after 9 years of education) or 1 1/2 years (after 11 years of education) and students are awarded the Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of secondary vocational education) indicating the first level. Advanced vocation education can last 4 1/2 years following 9 years of education, or 2 to 3 years following 11 years of education, and students receive the Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of secondary vocational education) indicating the second level of vocational education.
University level first stage : Bakalavr
Description:Bakalavr (Bachelor's) degree programmes last for at least 4 years of full-time university-level study. The programmes are elaborated in accordance with the state educational standards as well as by the university. The programmes include professional and special courses in science, humanities and socio-economic disciplines. The Bakalavr degree is awarded in all fields except medicine after defending a diploma project prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and sitting for final exams. The Bakalavr allows students to apply for Master's programmes and in some cases, to continue with the Specialist diploma.
University level second stage : Magistr, Specialist Diploma
Description:Holders of the Bakalavr degree can apply for the Specialist Diploma and Magistr programmes. Access to these programmes is competitive. The Magistr degree is awarded after successful completion of two years' full-time study. Students must complete advanced studies, prepare and defend a thesis and sit for final examinations. The Specialist Diploma can be earned in two ways: by completion of at least one year's study after the Bakalavr programme or upon completion of five to six years' continuous study beyond the Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii. The Specialist Diploma is a professional qualification awarded in technical fields and other areas such as teacher training, legal and economic studies and medical training (veterinary medicine, medicine, pharmacy and dentistry). It can also be used as the basis for applying to doctoral programmes. Students must sit final exams and defend a thesis.
University level third stage : Kandidat Nauk (Aspirantura programmes), Doktor Nauk (Doktorantura programmes)
Description:Access to the Aspirantura is competitive. Applicants must hold a Specialist Diploma or a Magistr degree. Studies last for 3 years. The Aspirantura programmes train for research and teaching activities. Students must learn research and teaching methods, ICTs, and pass qualifying (Kandidat Nauk) exams in certain fields of study. After carrying out independent research, preparing and defending a dissertation in public, they are awarded the Kandidat Nauk scientific degree. The Doctor Nauk programme duration is not fixed (from 5 to 15 years). It follows the Kandidat Nauk degree. The Doctor Nauk scientific degree is awarded after the public defence of a dissertation. It is a type of post doctoral qualification.
University teachers must have followed post-graduate training. A scientific degree (at least the Kandidat Nauk) is compulsory to obtain a lecturer's post in an institution.
Distance learning is regarded as using ICTs for the provision of a wide variety of education programmes or parts / blocks of programmes in higher professional education, vocational education, school education, lifelong education and skills-upgrading.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Role:The Ministry is responsible for state policy and legal regulation in education, R&D, innovation activities and youth policy, coordination and control of other bodies in the education and research fields.
Street:ul. Tverskaja 11
Tel:+7(495) 547-13-16
Contacts:Valerij Nikolaevich Fal'kov (Head), Job title : Minister
Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
Role:The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science supervises and controls the implementation of the legislation in education, R&D and youth policy. It is responsible for the quality assurance policy, the licensing of education institutions and programmes.
Street:Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya 16
Tel:+7(495) 984-89-19
Fax:+7(495) 984-89-19
Contacts:Anzor Akhmedovich Muzaev (Head), Job title : Head
Role:Observation of state policy, projection on further development of HE and research, examination of legislative drafts, participation in lawmaking in contact with the State Duma and the Senate, cooperation with associations of employers and international and other national rectors' unions.
Street:Leninskije Gory, 1 M.V. Lomonosov MSU, Main building, Room 1001-1003
Tel:+7(495) 939-20-32
Fax:+7(495) 939-57-00
Contacts:Viktor Sadovnitchy (Head), Job title : President
Association of Non-State Higher Education Establishments
Role:Coordinates cooperation and joint activities of private HEIs aimed to further development of HE and research.
Street:ul. Radio 22, office 225
Tel:+7(495) 925-03-80
Fax:+7(495) 925-03-80
Contacts:Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov (Head), Job title : President
Euroasian Universities Association - EUA
Role:Association bringing together universites of the ex-USSR and CIS.
Street:c/o MSU im. Lomonosova, Glavnye Zdanie, K B-106 Leninskie Gory
Contacts:Viktor Sadovnitchy (Head), Job title : President
Association of Global Universities
Role:Established in 2014 as an association of Russian universities aiming to enhance their international competitiveness.
Street:Myasnizkaya ul., 20
Tel:+7(495) 623-3783
Contacts:Yaroslav Ivanovich Kouzminov (Head), Job title : Council Chairman
Eastern European Universities Association
Role:Createc in 2010 by Russian and Ukrainian state universities as non-profit organization. Its main goal is to develop international education at Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian universities.
Street:10 ul. Avangardnaja Office 454
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:ul. Ljusinovskaja 51
Contacts:Vladimir Filippov (Head), Job title : Chair
Street:ul. Shabolovka 33
Tel:+7(495) 134-68-86
Contacts:Lemka Izmaylova (Head), Job title : Director
National Information Centre on Academic Recognition and Mobility
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:ul. Miklukho-Maklaja 6
Tel:+7(495) 958-28-81
Fax:+7(495) 434-15-11
Contacts:Gennady Lukichev (Head), Job title : Director
International Relations' Service Centre - INTEREDUCATION
Street:Bolshoi Trudov per. 8/1
Tel:+7(499) 246-31-10
Fax:+7(499) 246-31-10
Contacts:Dmitriy Nikolaevich Semenov (Head), Job title : Director
Russian Union of Youth, Central Committee
Street:ul. Maroseika 3/13
Tel:+7(495) 625-00-08
Fax:+7(495) 624-10-17
Contacts:Pavel Pavlovich Krasnorutsky (Head), Job title : Chair
National Youth Council of Russia
Street:prosp. Verdanskogo 78, A-406
Tel:+7(495) 249-11-49
Contacts:Grigorij Petushkov (Head), Job title : President
Russian Association of Students' Trade-Union 0rganizations
Street:ul. Akademika Petrovskogo 5
Tel:+7(495) 225-51-72
Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Education and Science
Street:ul. Tverskaja 11
Tel:+7(495) 629-24-25
Fax:+7(495) 629-74-51
Euroasian Universities Association - EUA
Street:c/o MSU im. Lomonosova, Glavnye Zdanie, K B-106 Leninskie Gory
Admission to Higher Education
Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Minimum mark:satisfactory
Competitive exams/tests, Unified State Exam.
Competitive exams/tests, Unified State Exam.
Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Minimum mark:satisfactory
Compulsory competitive institutional exams/tests, Unified State Exam.
Definition:A student who does not have Russian citizenship.
Admission Requirements:Students must hold the Secondary School Leaving Certificate or its equivalent. There are compulsory pre-academic programmes for those who are not proficient in Russian or/and for those with weak pre-university training. They must successfully pass entrance exams/tests. Foreign applicants entering universities should not be older than 28 (35 for doctoral studies in Aspirantura).
Health:A medical certificate confirming that the student is in good health and a HIV test are required. Candidates must have medical insurance.
Language Proficiency:Good knowledge of Russian.Entry Regulations:Student visa and financial guarantees.Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Licensing in non-university level education is the prerogative of the local authorities. It includes a formal assessment by a visiting expert group to ensure that an educational establishment meets the state and local requirements, including facilities, sanitation, equipment, staff, etc. Each new programme must also be assessed and licensed. Accreditation allows the institution to issue state recognized diplomas. Accreditation is carried out by federal ministry-founders of respective institutions in cooperation with local/municipal authorities. Licensing and accreditation in lower post-secondary vocational education is carried out by local authorities. The procedures are more or less the same as for non-university level HEIs.
University level HEIs also have to pass licensing and accreditation procedures, carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. Licensing: assessment of the compliance of educational facilities, laboratory equipment, expertise of teaching staff, and teaching material with State requirements; Accreditation: recognition (confirmation for the next term) of the State accreditation status of the HEI according to its type (higher education institution) and kind (institute, academy, university) with the prescribed list of educational programmes of higher professional education according to which the institution has the right to issue diplomas. Non-accredited HEIs issue their own non-state diplomas.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Licensing and state accreditation (with procedures of self-evaluation and external assessment)/ HEI which has successfully passed these procedures is granted the right to isue state diplomas.
For Access to University Level Studies:Licensing and state accreditation (with procedures of self-evaluation and external assessment)/ HEI which has successfully passed these procedures is granted the right to isue state diplomas.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Accredited HEIs may apply to the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) to obtain the right to provide advanced studies (Aspirantura and Doctorantura) and train researchers. The right is granted when HAC requirements are met.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Applicants have to obtain a recognition certificate of all foreign qualification, degree, title or diploma at the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. This certificate facilitates employers' decisions for access to a profession.
Cooperation Agreement to create a common educational area in the Commonwealth of Independent States (1997)
UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in the States of Asia and the Pacific (1983)
Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of General Secondary; Lower Vocational and Non-University Level Higher Education in the Commonwealth of Independant States (CIS) (2004)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, Lisbon 1997 (2000)
European Convention on the Recognition of Study Periods, 1990 (1997)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Description:The Certificate of General Secondary Education is awarded at the end of the complete secondary education programme (2 years: grades 10 and 11) when a student is 17-18. In some specialized schools (arts, music) a 12th grade exists. Graduates from a secondary (complete) general school may apply for entrance to higher education institutions.
Description:Full-time studies for the Bakalavr degree last for four years. Its programme follows the state educational standards and includes professional and special courses in science, humanities, socio-economic disciplines, and professional training.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Akademija (Academy)
Institut (Institute)
Tekhničeskij Universitet (Technical University)
Diplom Spetsialista
Description:The specialist degree can be earned in two ways: upon completion of at least one year of study after the Bakalavr or upon completion of at least five years of study beyond the Attestat o srednem obshchem obrazovanii. The degree is a professional qualification in various subjects including engineering, teaching, economics, etc.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Akademija (Academy)
Institut (Institute)
Tekhničeskij Universitet (Technical University)
Description:Postgraduate degree awarded after successful completion of two years of full-time study following the Bakalavr degree. Students must complete the study programme, carry out research and practical training, prepare and defend a thesis/dissertation in public and sit for final state examinations.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Bakalavr
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Akademija (Academy)
Institut (Institute)
Tekhničeskij Universitet (Technical University)
Kandidat Nauk
Description:Candidates who have obtained a Specialist diploma or a Magistr degree may sit for the competitive examination to enter Aspirantura. Studies last for three years. The Aspirantura prepares for research and professorial activities. Students (aspirants) must learn teaching methods, information technology, and pass qualifying (Kandidat nauk) exams. They carry out independent research, prepare and defend a dissertation in public.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Diplom Spetsialista
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Akademija (Academy)
Institut (Institute)
Tekhničeskij Universitet (Technical University)
Doktor Nauk
Description:Highest scientific degree conferred to holders of Kandidat Nauk scientific degree after successful defence of a doctoral thesis. The latter is expected to be an independent research paper in which a coherent set of new ideas is formulated and proposed to solve a major scientific/academic problem of great economic, political or cultural importance.The period for completion and defence of the dissertation is not determined and generally lasts between five and fifteen years.
Credential required for entry:Kandidat Nauk
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Akademija (Academy)
Institut (Institute)
Tekhničeskij Universitet (Technical University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the National Information Centre on Academic Recognition and Mobility website, and NUFFIC country profile, May 2020. Bodies updated January 2022.
Updated on 11-05-2020