The European Education Directory

Arizona Western College

Address PO Box 929, Yuma, Arizona 85366, United States of America
Tel. No. (+1 520) 726-1000
Fax No. (+1 520) 344-7730
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles Art, General  Automobile/Automotive Mechanics/Technology  Banking and Financial Support Services  Biological and Physical Sciences  Biology/Biological Sciences, General  Business Admin. & Management, General  Business Administration/Management  Chemistry, General  Computer Programming/Programmer, General  Criminal Justice/Police Science  Criminal Justice/Safety Studies  Drafting and Design Technology, General  Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General  Electrical, Electronic & Communications Engineer  English Language and Literature, General  Geology/Earth Science, General  Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences  Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Tech.  Industrial Production Technologies, Other  Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies  Marketing/Marketing Management, General  Mathematics, General  Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (RN/ASN/BSN/MSN)  Office Management and Supervision  Physical Education Teaching and Coaching  Plant Sciences, General  Radio and Television  Social Sciences, General
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL 500

About Arizona Western College

Arizona Western College (AWC) is a public, co-educational, two-year community college. Arizona Western College offers more than eighty different programs, and awards associate degrees and certificates that can be completed in 2 years or less. General education, technical and vocational, and university transfer programs are included. Programs include:

Agricultural Sciences, Business, Computer Information Systems, and Pre-Engineering. Arizona Western College has the unique advantage of an innovative partnership with Northern Arizona University-Yuma, which share the same campus. Transfer students may enter upper division Northern Arizona University courses after earning a degree from Arizona Western College, and continue to pursue their academic goals. The AWC/NAU-Yuma partnership enables students to complete their studies in one location and save thousands of dollars in the process.

All Arizona Western College students benefit from a broad range of services including academic advising, career counseling, personal counseling, health services, dining services, child-care, and on-campus housing. Arizona Western College encourages student participation in campus clubs, intercollegiate athletics, and cultural, social, and recreational programs. The 640-acre Arizona Western College campus is located eight miles east of Yuma, Arizona, a historic community located in the southwestern United States, bordering California and Mexico. The campus houses thirty-five buildings including: three residence halls, a modern Learning Resource Center, a spacious Student Union, and a new Academic complex shared with NAU-Yuma, which houses a 127-station computer lab.

Request For Further Information

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