The European Education Directory

Drury University

Address 900 N Benton Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802, United States of America
Tel. No. (+1 417) 873-7205
Fax No. (+1 417) 866-3873
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles Accounting  Advertising  American Government and Politics (United States)  Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)  Art, General  Art History, Criticism and Conservation  Arts Management  Biology/Biological Sciences, General  Business Admin. & Management, General  Chemistry, General  Communications Studies/Speech Comm. & Rhetoric  Computer and Information Sciences, General  Computer Science  Criminology  Design and Applied Arts, Other  Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General  Economics,General  Elementary Education and Teaching  English Language and Literature, General  Environmental Science/Studies  French Language and Literature  German Language and Literature  History, General  International Business/Trade/Commerce  Journalism  Kinesiology and Exercise Science  Mathematics, General  Music Performance, General  Music Teacher Education  Philosophy  Physical Education Teaching and Coaching  Physics, General  Political Science and Government, General  Pre-Dentistry Studies  Pre-Law Studies  Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies  Pre-Veterinary Studies  Psychology, General  Public Relations & Organizational Commun.  Religion/Religious Studies  Secondary Education and Teaching  Sociology  Spanish Language and Literature  Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist  Writing
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL 530

About Drury University

Drury offers bright, achieving students a commitment to personalized education and diversity. Students expect -- and are expected -- to explore great ideas and confront questions that will successfully prepare them for dynamic careers and enhanced lives as active global participants. A Drury education combines professional training with the liberal arts. More than 50 majors and academic programs are available. But a quality education goes beyond the standards of academic scholarship. Drury enriches the whole person as each student explores new ideas, challenges beliefs, learns to think critically and eventually finds new ways to understand the world outside the classroom.

Every student earns a minor in global studies through a unique core curriculum called Global Perspectives 21, which combines the sciences, social sciences and humanities to enhance communication and problem-solving skills.

A key to the Drury experience is the way students develop friendships with faculty. A professor teaches every class; there are no teaching assistants. In classroom discussions, frequent conversation outside of class, and undergraduate research projects, students and faculty treat each other as colleagues.

Drury's innovative, intense yet very personal approach to learning happens in a traditional campus setting. The 80-acre campus is surrounded by downtown Springfield, yet sheltered from the bustle of urban life --- until a student decides it's time to explore. Then the city reveals art, culture, and community service opportunities in abundance.

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