The European Education Directory

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University - Florida

Address 600 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 3211-43900, USA
Tel. No. (+1 904)226-6100
Fax No. (+1 904)226-7070
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology, Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Tech, Aerospace, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineer,Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician, Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Tech., Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot/Flight Crew, Aviation/Airway Management and Operations, Avionics Maintenance and Technology/Technician, Business Admin. & Management, General, Business/Managerial Operations, Other, Civil Engineering, Other, Communications Studies/Speech Comm. & Rhetoric, Computer & Information Sciences & Support Services, Computer Engineering, General, Computer Engineering, Other, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies, Engineering Physics, Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Engineering, Other, Engineering/Industrial Management, Experimental Psychology, Meteorology, Psychology, Other.

About Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Florida

The University is the worldıs largest and best known, fully accredited institution, specializing in aviation and aerospace. It serves students, industry and government through a variety of activities including the offering of undergraduate and graduate programs, leading edge training and applied research and consulting services.

At the Daytona Beach Campus, our primary mission is to provide the finest educational experience for students, and to support them with a full array of student services. In addition to rigorous academic programs, there are many student activities that provide opportunities for students to grow, thrive, become leaders, and enjoy their time at Embry-Riddle.

Request For Further Information

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