The European Education Directory

Wittenberg University

Address PO Box 720, Springfield, Ohio 45501, United States of America
Tel. No. (+1 937) 327-6314
Fax No. (+1 937) 327-6379
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles  Accounting  African-American/Black Studies  American/United States Studies/Civilization  American (United States) History  American Government and Politics (United States)  American History (United States)  American Literature (United States)  Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies, Other  Area Studies, Other  Art  Art, General  Art/Art Studies, General  Art History, Criticism and Conservation  Art Teacher Education  Asian-American Studies  Asian Studies/Civilization  Biochemistry  Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology  Biological and Physical Sciences  Biology/Biological Sciences, General  Biology Teacher Education  Biophysics  Botany/Plant Biology  Botany/Plant Biology, Other  Business Admin. & Management, General  Business Administration/Management  Cartography  Chemistry, General  Chemistry, Other  Chemistry Teacher Education  City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning  Civil Engineering, General  Communications and Media Studies, Other  Communications Studies/Speech Comm. & Rhetoric  Computer Science  Creative Writing  Dance, General  Dance and Movement Therapy/Therapist  Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General  East Asian Studies  Economics, General  Economics, Other  Education, General  Education, Other  Education/Teaching for Learing Disabilities  Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented  Elementary Education and Teaching  English Language and Literature, General  Environmental Science/Studies  French Language and Literature  Geography  Geology/Earth Science, General  German Language and Literature  Health Teacher Education  History, General  Humanities/Humanistic Studies  International/Global Studies Relations and Affairs  Japanese Language and Literature  Japanese Studies  Journalism, Other  Lib. Art & Sci., Gen. Stud. & Human., Oth.  Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies  Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography  Marketing, Other  Marketing/Marketing Management, General  Mass Communications/Media Studies  Mathematics, General  Mathematics and Computer Science  Mathematics Teacher Education  Medical Microbiology  Music, General  Philosophy  Physical Sciences  Physical Sciences, Other  Physics, General  Physics, Other  Physics Teacher Education  Piano and Organ  Political Science and Government, General  Political Science and Government, Other  Pre-Dentistry Studies  Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies  Pre-Nursing Studies  Pre-Pharmacy Studies  Pre-Theological/Pre-Ministerial Studies  Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies  Pre-Veterinary Studies  Psychology, General  Psychology, Other  Reading Teacher Education  Religion/Religious Studies  Religion/Religious Studies, Other  Russian Language and Literature  Russian Studies  Social Sciences, General  Social Sciences, Other  Social Science Teacher Education  Social Studies Teacher Education  Social Work  Sociology  Spanish Language and Literature  Spanish Language Teacher Education  Special Education and Teaching, General  Special Education and Teaching, Other  Speech and Rhetorical Studies  Teacher Education, Multiple Levels  Teacher Education and Professional Development  Theatre/Theater  Theatre/Theatre Arts Management  Visual and Performing Arts, General  Visual and Performing Arts, Other  Writing
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL 550

About Wittenberg University

Wittenberg University is a nationally recognized college for the liberal arts and sciences affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Wittenberg is distinguished by its strong interdisciplinary programs such as East Asian Studies and Russian Area Studies. Independent evaluators recently found the East Asian Studies program to be among the finest of its kind among colleges or universities of any size. Although Wittenberg’s traditional strengths have been in the liberal arts, recently the sciences, management and education have also developed into popular majors for students. One in four students choose a science major which are designed to emphasize collaborative problem solving among students and collaborative research between students and faculty. The management department also promotes field study through a program to place students as problem solvers in area businesses. Wittenberg is one of only a handful of colleges to include community service as a graduation requirement. Eight thriving pre-professional programs help contribute to the record of Wittenberg students in which 70 percent eventually pursue graduate studies.

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