Develop some good study habits
At one particular time in our lives, we have all been guilty of terrible habits that threaten to ruin our lives and health. Such practices include smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, sleep deprivation among others. We also have some habits that are good and can make us motivated and productive. What many students don't realize is that we also have study habits that can either influence us positively or negatively. And despite popular belief, using online homework help services or essay generator AI platforms to deal with complex assignments is actually a good habit. Below, we will take a look at both positive and negative habits and see which ones are wise to keep and which ones should get dropped.
7 Dreadful Study Habits to Drop
Drop the bad habits
(Source: pexels.com)
We shall begin with 7 of the most dreadful habits that all students should stop doing. They are:
1. Being the Last Minute Student
When you’ve just joined a university or college, time is one element that does not worry you. If it is a party that you wish to attend or hang out with your friends, time is always available until when you have to submit your assignment. Such instances are reality checks that make students remember that life is not that simple. Unfortunately, some students thrive on the last minute adrenaline rush. Trying to complete assignments a day or even hours before submission and this is not a good move. To some extent, it can work, but if you have a backlog in more than one subject, it may prove difficult trying to manage all of them. In a few months, you will be burned out and turn into a disaster. Stop this habit, create a schedule and in it prioritize what’s most important to you.
2. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Active nightlife in college or university is what a majority of students adopt. Some will even go to parties that start past midnight. The students who are left behind prefer studying at this time when the rest have gone out to parties. In any case, it is safe to say students rarely sleep at night. Sleep is a vital component in our lives; this is when we restore our energy and all the necessary hormones that we may need are released when we are asleep.
3. Drinking Excessive Caffeine
Stop depending on coffee
(Source: unsplash.com)
Excessive drinking of coffee is a weakness to many. Students are not left behind. They do not control the amount of caffeine that they take in and hence taking coffee becomes a habit for them. The logic of caffeine is simple, the more you consume, the higher resistance your body develops to it. Eventually, you end up taking six cups, but it will not help with your concentration. Drinking coffee is one of the factors that bring about sleep deprivation. Reducing your intake to a cup in a day is best recommended.
4. Studying While On Social Media
Distractions are everywhere nowadays with the help of our smartphones. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the worst during your study time. Every 5 minutes is spent checking the latest update on your feeds. If you had created an hour session of study, then it will seem like five minutes. Your level of productivity is affected the most by these distractions which will gravely affect your results. You will find yourself with little time for studying. Hence, all your assignments will be done in a hurry. To get rid of this awful habit, start a new one of switching off all your devices during study time. It may prove difficult, but with time you will learn to do it.
5. Stressed Up When You Fail
Stop stressing
(Source: pexels.com)
Failure is a natural process of life. It is never about the defeat but about the action that follows after you’ve failed. It is such an awful habit that every time you fail, you become stressed or angry. Even the best students do have these moments. But because of their high levels of confidence, they always handle failures more gracefully knowing that there is a next time. Disappointments should not knock you down and take away your spirit. Follow up with your professor and find out what you did wrong and the ways you can change to attain better grades next time.
6. Skipping Classes
Skipping classes is a common habit in schools that students have developed. Making sure that you attend all the classes is your highest responsibility in school. It is ironic to expect to have good grades and lack a high level of discipline to sacrifice a few hours of your day to attend to all your classes. More time goes to waste when you are copying the notes, asking around about what you missed and reading to catch up with your classmates. You should make attending all your classes a non-negotiable habit before anything else.
7. Studying With the Wrong Group of People
The group that you choose to study with is a vital consideration in your learning performance. Studying with the wrong group of people may lead to a permanent failure in your studies. If you and your friends share the same goals of wanting to strive in academics, then studying together is an excellent plan. You should all be motivated enough to find ways to support yourselves even during the most challenging part of studying. If you see that within the group all that you talk about is other topics irrelevant to studies, it is best to learn separately.
3 Good Study Habits to Keep
Below are 3 study habits that students should adopt in their everyday life:
1. Plan Your Time
It is always about time. Time management is not only a good study habit but in life in general. It is understandable that a student can get overwhelmed by all the activities of college or university. To have everything under control, at the beginning of the semester, go through the course plan and create a schedule. Create time for study, time for exercise, for play and all the relevant activities that you will be partaking in. Make it a habit to always plan.
2. Building Relationships
Start networking!
(Source: unsplash.com)
Building relationships is a smart habit of successful students. You should actively start or continue to build relationships with your fellow students, professors, and other faculty members. When you do this, your network will consist of people of different age groups. You can start by introducing yourself to them at the beginning of the semester. Even when you are busy with school, make sure to stay in regular contact with them.
3. Reward Yourself
Look out for yourself. It should become a natural habit for you. When you positively reinforce yourself, it can play a huge role in encouraging you even when the going gets tough. The reward does not have to be a big thing. Simple things like taking time to watch your favorite series or eating ice cream will do. Always be kind to yourself and after hard work, go for the reward.
The above-listed habits are all too typical for us. If you can learn to let go of the dreadful ones and stick to the good ones, significant improvement in your academic life will be automatic. Take time to discover other helpful habits that will work for you. Now that you know the desirable habits, the next step is to practice them until they become second nature to you or cannot be of service to you anymore.
Author Bio: Christina Battons is a creative writer and content strategist from LA. Currently, she writes for various sites. Her posts address the topics about self-education, writing, motivation, professional development. In her spare time, she prefers to read novels and crime thriller stories.