The European Education Directory

Why choose 'European General Economic Studies' at the College of Europe in Bruges?
  • The programme provides an in-depth specialisation in the Economics of the European Union.
  • It offers a comprehensive coverage of European economic integration: process, policies, market functioning and regulation.
  • Career perspectives in the European, international and national public sectors, in European business and in the non-profit sector
  • Bilingual programme: English and French.
  • Specialisation in 'European Law and Economic Analysis' (ELEA) possible under certain conditions.
  • Diploma: Master of Arts in European Economic Studies.
Study Programme

All courses combine a blend of sound economic analysis with critical in-depth reviews of EU policies and, where relevant, of the European economy in general. The programme focuses on European public policy, but a range of courses also pays explicit attention to the implications for business strategies.

Introductory Courses

The Department organises an intensive refresher course in intermediate micro- and macro-economics and French before the start of the academic year.

Compulsory Courses

In the first semester, students take five compulsory courses on European Integration: European Economic Integration, European Institutions and Community Law, European Macroeconomic Policy, Economic Institutions and Policies of the EU Internal Market, and an Introduction to Quantitative Methods.

Optional Courses

In the second semester, students choose four courses from eleven options. These explore many of the policy areas and issues in European economic integration in greater detail and at an advanced level of economic analysis. Students must write a Master’s Thesis in the framework of one of these courses. For more information on the European General Economic study programme please contact: Jessie MOERMAN, Secretary at

The Economics Department also offers a programme in ‘European Economic Integration and Business’ (EEIB).

Why study European Economic Integration and Business?
  • The programme combines high level economic analysis of European integration with an understanding of business and corporate strategy.
  • Business Case Studies will enable the student to learn how the European Union affects companies, and how a company or a sector develops an EU strategy vis-à-vis policymakers.
  • Career perspectives in the business sector and in the public sector at national, international or European level.
  • Bilingual programme: English and French.
  • Diploma: Master of Arts in European Economic Studies with the mention 'European Economic Integration and Business'.
Study Programme

Introductory courses (compulsory)

For two weeks before the start of the academic year (mid-September), students follow an intensive microeconomics course as well as a 15-hour introduction in European Union law.

First semester

In the first semester, students take six compulsory courses and one course in European General Studies.

Second semester

In the second semester, students take three compulsory courses and two optional courses. In addition, they will follow two compact seminars (2 x 8 hours) on specialised business topics, one compact seminar (7 hours) on case writing methodology and one course in European General Studies. Students are also required to write a Master’s thesis, which provides an analytical treatment of an EU economic policy subject. Instead of the thesis, it is also allowed to develop a major business/EU case, as long as it is sufficiently analytical.

The programme is a unique education offering a possibility to explore the intersection between the European Economic Integration and the changing business conditions the integration creates - unobtainable elsewhere. It enables the students to understand how business will react to decisions taken at an institutional level and to predict and effectively influence or challenge the EU policies and therefore spreading the range of their job opportunities both at an institutional and business level. For more information on the EEIB study programme please contact: Tobias Pabst, Academic Assistant at

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