The European Education Directory

State University

Rector Academician Radik Martirossian
Address 1 Alex Manoogian Street
Yerevan 375049, Republic of Armenia
Tel. No. +3742 550612; 506525
Fax No. +3742 151087; 554641
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Mechanics
  • Faculty of Informatics (Computer Science) and Applied Mathematics
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Radiophysics
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of Geography
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of International Relations
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
  • Faculty of Armenian Philology
  • Faculty of Russian Philology
  • Faculty of Oriental Studies
  • Faculty of Roman and Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens
  • Type of courses Yerevan State University has only full time programs which differ according to specialization. The University offers programs in 28 fields with 77 specializations in the natural sciences and humanities, in traditional and contemporary studies.
    Length of courses The academic year comprises two semesters, each approximately 17-18 weeks and each ending in an exam period.
    Date of commencement July 15 to July 30.
    Class size The size of the classes differs according to their purpose. There are classes designed for from 15 to 300 students.
    Accommodation Student accommodation is provided by the Ministry of Education and sciences.
    Fees Depending on the profession the fees range: 280 - 1200 USD for national students; 600 - 2000 USD for foreign students.
    Admission requirements A certificate of secondary education is obligatory. Students must take their entrance exams. / Armenian (fluent) and other foreign languages.
    Student profile
  • 200 foreign students and 8500 national students are involved in the University
  • 60% women, 40% men
  • Under 35 for both nationa and foreign students
  • Contact for application Rafael Matevossian
    Vice-Rector for International Relations
    Yerevan State University
    St. Alex Manoogian 1
    Yerevan 375049, Republic of Armenia
    Tel: +3742 550612; 506525
    Fax: +3742 151087; 554641

    Faculties & Collegies


    Dean: Romen Shahbaghian Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 551148


    1. Theory of Functions
    2. Mathematical Analysis
    3. Differential Equations
    4. Geometry and Algebra
    5. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
    6. Theory of Optimal Control

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Theory of functions, differential equations and functional analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, algebra, mathematical logic, geometry, theory of optimal control and approximation methods

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Mathematician; 2. Teacher of Mathematics


    Dean: Vladimir Sarkissian Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 571208


    1. Mechanics of Continuous Media
    2. Theoretical Mathematics

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Elasticity, plasticity and theory of strength, fluid mechanics, mechanics of natural processes, control of mechanical systems, theory of robotics and manipulation.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Mechanist; 2. Applied Mathematician and Teacher of Mathematics


    Dean: Vladimir Yeghiazarian Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 550602


    1. System Programming
    2. Algorithmic Languages
    3. Algebralogical Methods of Informatics
    4. Discrete Mathematics
    5. Mathematical Methods and Modeling
    6. Applied Analysis

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture, Information Systems, Computer Design Systems, Functional Programming, Mathematical Cybernetics and Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Computer applications in Natural Processes.

    Qualifications Awarded: Applied Mathematician


    Dean: Yuri Chilingarian Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the republic of Armenia Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 556383


    1. Astrophysics
    2. Theoretical Physics
    3. Quantum Electrophysics
    4. Optics
    5. Nuclear Physics
    6. Solid State Physics
    7. General physics
    8. Mathematical Physics
    9. Molecular Physics

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Physics of Condensed Media, Laser Physics, Nuclear Physics and Energetics, Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics and Mathematics.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Physicist, 2. Teacher of Physics


    Dean: Yuri Vardanian Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 558606
    E-mail: Departments:

    1. Microwave Radiophysics
    2. Theory of Wave Processes and Physics
    3. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics
    4. Higher Mathematics

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Microwave radiophysics, quantum radiophysics, astrophysical applications of the theory of nuclear matter, the elements and materials of solid state electronics, physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices, semiconductor microelectronics and optoelectronics, solar energy conversion.

    Qualifications awarded: Bachelor of Radiophysics and Electronics, Bachelor of Engineering - Physics.


    Dean: Aida Avetissian Academician of National Academy Of Sciences of The republic of Armenia, Doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 553244


    1. Inorganic Chemistry
    2. Organic Chemistry
    3. Analytical Chemistry
    4. Physical and Colloid Chemistry
    5. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    6. Catalysis

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, mechanism of catalytic reactions, ecological chemistry, synthesis and investigation of new oxygen-, sulfur- and nitrogen- containing heterocyclic compounds, kinetics of condensed-phase reactions including oxidation, surface and macromolecular reactions, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemistry of synthetic drugs.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Chemist, 2. Teacher of Chemistry, 3. Ecologist-Chemist, 4. Pharmacologist-Provisor.


    Dean: Lia Osipian Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 556778


    1. Biophysics
    2. Biochemistry
    3. Genetics and Cytology
    4. Botany
    5. Plant Anatomy and Physiology
    6. Human and Animal Physiology
    7. Zoology
    8. Ecology and Environmental Protection

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Biophysics; biochemistry; botany; zoology; plant anatomy; human and animal physiology; genetics, cytology; ecology.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Biologist, teacher of Biology and Chemistry; 2. Biophysicist, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, 3. Biochemist, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry.

    FACULTY OF GEOLOGY Dean: Marat Grigorian Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 552593


    1. General and Applied Geology
    2. Mineralogy and Petrography
    3. Geophysical Methods of Search and Prospecting
    4. Methods of Searching and Prospecting for Useful Minerals
    5. Historical and Regional Geology

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Deep structures; origin and spread of the earth's crust and minerals; petrographic and mineralogical peculiarities of rocks; geological methods in the study of geological and hydrological problems; goephysical methods of study of the composition of the earth's crust.

    Qualifications Awarded: Bachelor of Geology.


    Dean: Lenvel Valesian Corresponding Member of the Pedagogical Academy of Russian Federation, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 550661 E-mail:


    1. Physical Geography and Geomorphology
    2. Economic and Social Geography
    3. Cartography and Hydrometeorology

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Physical Geography; General Human Geography; Hydrometeorology, Geoecology and Environmental Protection; Geomorphology; Geography of Armenia and South-West Asia.

    Qualifications Awarded: Geographer, Teacher of Geography, Hydrometeorologist.

    FACULTY OF HISTORY Dean: Babken Harutiunian Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3752 551385 E-mail:


    1. History of Armenia
    2. General History
    3. Armenia's Contiguous Counties History
    4. Archaeology
    5. Ethnography
    6. History of Armenian Art

    Major subjects or Fields of study: History of Armenia; world history; archaeology and ethnography (ethnology), art of Armenia, world art.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Historian; 2. Teacher of History; 3. Art Critic; 4. Historian of Art


    Dean: Edward Zorabian Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 551804

    1. International Relations and Diplomacy
    2. Political Science

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: International relations, diplomacy, international law, political science.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Bachelor's Degree in International Relations; 2. Bachelor's Degree in Political Science. Political Scientist.


    Dean: Grigorian Gharibian Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 544372 E-mail:


    1. General Economics
    2. Theory of Economics
    3. Mathematical Modeling of the Economy
    4. International Economic Relations
    5. Management and Business

    Major subjects or Fields of study: General economics and economic theories; modeling of economic processes; foreign economic relations.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. General Economics; 2. Modeling of Economic Processes; 3. Foreign Economic Relations.


    Dean: Hrachik Mirzoian Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Professor

    Tel: 3742 554511


    1. Philosophy and Logic
    2. Philosophy and Ethics
    3. Applied Sociology
    4. Psychology
    5. History of Philosophy

    Major subjects or Fields of study: General theory of argumentation; history of European and Armenian philosophy; socio-political conflict in Armenia (emergence, development, methods of resolution); sociological study of problems in the instututions of higher education in Armenia; development of the national of social work in Armenia, development of psychological services in the institutions of higher education; problems of experimental, theoretical and methodical systems of specialized education.

    Qualifications Awarded:: 1. Philosopher, Teacher of Philosophy; 2. Sociologist, Social Worker; 3. Psychologist.


    Dean: Vazgen Gabrielian Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 550810


    1. Modern Armenian Language
    2. History of Armenian Language
    3. Armenian Literature
    4. Contemporary Armenian Literature
    5. General Linguistics
    6. Pedagogy
    7. Foreign Literature and Theory of Literature

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Grabar (Classical Armenian); contemporary Armenian; classical, medieval and contemporary Armenian literature; history of Armenian literary criticism; theory of literature; history of foreign literature.

    Qualifications Awarded:1. Teacher of Armenian language and literature; 2. Philologist.


    Dean: Karen Mkrtchian Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 553362


    1. Russian Literature
    2. Russian Language (Theory of Language and Methods of Teaching Russian)
    3. Russian Language for Students of the Humanities
    4. Russian Language for Students of the Natural Sciences
    5. Russian Language for Foreign and Post-Graduate Students

    Major subjects or Fields of study:Russian literature; theory of translation; comparative study of Russian and Armenian literature; contemporary Russian grammar; theory and typology of language; comparative study of Russian and Armenian grammar, linguistic principles of teaching Russian in Armenian institutions of higher education; journalism.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Philologist, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature; 2. Translator; 3. Journalist.


    Dean: Gurgen Melikian Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 552537
    Fax: 3742 583352


    1. Iranian Studies
    2. Arabic Studies
    3. Turkish Studies

    Major subjects or Fields of study: The structure of oriental languages (Arabic, Persian, Turkish); phonetic, syntactic and morphological problems; topical problems in the literature, history of literature, culture, philology and history of Arabic countries, Iran and Turkey.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Orientalist (in Arabic, Turkish or Iranian), 2. Translator.


    Dean: Karo Karapetian Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 555061


    1. English Philology
    2. Romance Philology
    3. Germanic Philology
    4. English Language No. 1
    5. English Language No. 2

    Major subjects or Fields of study: English language and literature; German language and literature; Spanish language and literature, French language and literature, art of translation.

    Qualifications Awarded: 1. Philologist; 2. Teacher of English, French, German or Spanish; 3. Translator.


    Dean: Gagik Ghazinian Candidate of Law, Docent

    Tel: 3742 550630


    1. Theory and History of State and Law
    2. Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics
    3. Civil Law
    4. Criminal Law
    5. Constitutional and International Law

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Principals of development of the state and law; improvement of juridical control of the economy.

    Qualifications Awarded: Lawyer.


    Dean: Archbishop Shahe Ajamian Doctor of Philological and Philosophical Sciences

    Tel: 3742 583159; 522458
    Fax: 3742 151880


    1. Religious Sciences (History of Religions, Introduction to the Bible, History of the Christian Church)
    2. Theology (Dogmatic, Patrology, Liturgy, Canon-Law, Exegesis, History of the Armenian Church, History of the Armenian Classical Literature) Major subjects or Fields of study: Classical Armenian; History of the Armenian Classical Literature; Classical Greek; Dogmatic Theology, Patrology, Liturgy, Canon-Law.

    Qualifications Awarded: Baccalaureate of Divinity, Master of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity (from 1999).


    Dean: Garnik Ananyan Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

    Tel: 3742 554073


    Departments: 1. History and Theory of Press
    2. Electronic Journalism

    Major Subjects or Fields of Study: Introduction to journalism, genres of journalism, radio journalism, TV journalism, shooting and cutting, recording and cutting, operating, photo journalism, journalism ethics, management of observations, journalism sociology, modern media and journalism, Armenian Press, Foreign Press.

    Qualification Awarded: Journalist


    Dean: Leonard Shekian Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent

    Tel: 3742 624385; 622230; 627071


    1. Armenian Language
    2. Foreign Languages
    3. Natural and Human Sciences

    Major subjects or Fields of study: Armenian; Russian; Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; History; Geography, English, German.

    Degrees Awarded: Certificate permitting an entry into an institution of higher education.

    About the University

    In learning of Armenia's past and present, you will surely come to see the devotion with which Armenians regard education and culture. Yerevan State University is the symbol of the educational system of newly-independent Republic of Armenia. Its roots go back to the millennia-old history of Armenian education and culture.

    In pagan Armenia, schools were created and operated under temples. Their graduates usually became pagan priests.

    In 301, Christianity was declared the state religion. It would play an important role in the development of Armenian culture. At the beginning of the Fifth Century in 405-406 AD, Mesrop Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet. This opened up new possibilities for the development of Armenian language, literature, culture, natural and exact sciences and in general developed the spiritual culture.

    Translations of the Bible and ancient authors developed Armenian as a literary language, enriched its lexicon and scientific terminology, and aided in the future rise of Armenian intellectual thought. The Armenian translations of the works of Aristotle, Plato, Euclid and many others touched on all areas of thought, including philosophy, history, law, ethics, political and social thought, and literature. Together with the development of a literature in translation, many valuable works of native authors also appeared.

    From the Sixth to Fourteenth Centuries there was tremendous scholarly activity at centers of higher education in Ani, Garni, Kars, Kamrjadzor, Sanahin, Haghpat, Tatev, Narekavank, Kchavavank, Haghartsin, Nor Getik, Kayenadzor, Khorvirap, Ayrivank, Gladzor and elsewhere.

    Among the medieval Armenian centers of learning, especially noteworthy were the universities of Gladzor and Tatev which operated in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Contemporary thinkers referred to them as the "Second Athens" and the "Capital of the Wisdom." These universities taught the same subjects as medieval European universities. The only difference was that, instead of Latin, the language of instruction was Armenian.

    With the fall of Armenian statehood and the imposition of foreign rule, Armenian school and university life suffered severe blows beginning in the second half of the thirteenth century. In this nightmarish period of foreign domination, Armenian cultural life continued to develop, only abroad in Armenian communities in India, Italy, France, Russia, Georgia and other countries.

    The absence of institutions of higher education in Armenia compelled Armenian youth, thirsty for education, to leave for universities in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, Jena, Leipzig, Heidelberg, Paris, Geneva, Dorpat and other cities.

    Moscow's Lazarian Academy, Echmiadzin's Gevorkian Academy and Tiflis's Nersessian School contributed greatly to the development of Armenian culture from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Armenian statehood was reestablished after an interruption of about six hundred years when the independent Republic of Armenia was proclaimed on May 28, 1918. Although experiencing grave political and economic problems and working to cope with the consequences of the Armenian Genocide and widespread famine and deprivation among its citizens, the Armenian Republic devoted considerable attention to education.

    The State University of Armenia (subsequently renamed Yerevan State University) was founded on May 16, 1919. A number of internationally. renowned scholars of Armenian origin returned to Armenia from universities in Europe to participate in the rebirth of the Armenian university.

    The founding of Yerevan State University, the first among Republic's institutions or higher learning, was an exceptionally important event in the history of the Armenian people. University life was reestablished after an interruption of several centuries.

    At its founding, the University had only one faculty, the Faculty of History and Language, with two hundred and sixty-two students. In the coming years the University's faculties were expanded to include all fields necessary to meet the requirements of Armenia for specialists in the sciences, education, culture and economics. The expansion and development of Yerevan State University gave rise to the establishment of a number of separate institutions of higher education in the areas of engineering, medicine, agriculture, pedagogy, foreign languages and economics.

    The University's library with its ten divisions, is one of the largest libraries in Armenia. There are 12 reading rooms with 1100 seats available to readers.

    The Yerevan State University Press is the only printing press of an institution of higher education in Armenia. The University publishes Yerevan University weekly newspaper, and the Handes Yerevani hamalsarani, the Banber Yerevani hamalsarani, and the Gitakan taghekagir journals. The Museum of Yerevan State University History was founded in 1961. Its purpose is to exhibit the large contribution that the University has made in training highly-qualified specialists and in promoting scholarship in Armenia.

    During its eighty years of operation, more than eighty-four thousand students have graduated from the University, six hundred twenty-nine of whom were from abroad.

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