The European Education Directory

Agricultural Institute

Rector Professor Pestis Vitold Kazimirovich
Address Grodno Agricultural Institute
28 Tereschkova Street
Grodno 230600, Belarus
Tel. No. +375 (152) 47-01-68
Fax No. +375 (152) 47-14-97
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Agronomy
  • Faculty of Plant Protection
  • Faculty of Zootechnics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Correspondence Faculty
  • Faculty of Skill Improvement of Managers, Agroindustrial Complex Specialists, Farmers
  • Type of courses Full-time and by correspondence (distance learning)
    Length of courses 5 years
    Date of commencement 1 September
    Class Size 25 students
    Accommodation Available
    Fees Foreign nationals - 1000 USD a year
    Financial assistance Available
    Admission requirements For foreign nationals:
    Admission requirements - without special preferences
    Application Fee - 1000 USD a year
    Housing - hostel
    Health service - 70 USD a year
    Language fluency required in Russian
    >Age is not limited. Republican Contests are held for school-leavers, graduating students from agricultural colleges on the following specialties: (agronomy, zootechnics).
    There is a Preparatory Department.
    The course of tuition lasts 8 months (tuition fee - 34 minimal wages (58 USD).
    Two-weeks courses are organized before the entrance exams 2 minimal wages (34 USD ). Tuition based on payment costs:
    Agronomy - 65 minimal wages (110 USD a year)
    Zootechnics - 55 minimal wages (95 USD a year)
    Plant Protection - 72 minimal wages (125 USD a year)
    Economics and Management - 96 minimal wages (165 USD a year)
    Student profile
  • National / Overseas students: 1500 / 6
  • Ratio of Men / Women: 75 : 25
  • Age range: From 17+
  • Contact for application Prof. Pestis Vitold Kazimirovich

    Faculties & Colleges

    Faculty of Agronomy

    Dean: Duduk Alexander Alexandrovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor
    Student body: stationary - 586, correspondence - 635, total - 1221
    Staff: 78

    Today 125 young people study on the first course, 25 of them are Agricultural College graduates which are trained on a shortened programme. The Faculty trains students for the following specialties Agronomy, Agronomy with specialization "Medicine and Spice Plants Cultivation".

    New programmes on a number of specialties have been worked out, such as "Ecological Plant Breeding", "Ornamental Flower Breeding and Horticulture".

    Faculty of Plant Protection

    Dean: Mikhalchik Vasili Tikhonovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor
    Student body: stationary - 258, correspondence - nil, total 258
    Staff: 43
    Chairs: agrochemistry, soil science, plant protection
    Majoring in: agrochemistry, soil science, plant protection

    Grodno Agricultural Institute is the only higher educational establishment which trains agronomists on plant protection. Our graduates work successfully at plant-protection stations, district amalgamation "Selkhozkhimia", district and inter-district stations for signaling and prognosis of noxious organism development, helminth and toxicology laboratories and other units. During the last years instead of plant protection students are trained for a new specialization - agronomist for chemization (soil science, agrochemistry and plant protection).

    Faculty of Zootechnics

    Dean: Dobruk Ievgeni Albertovich , Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor
    Student body: stationary - 746, correspondence - 520, total - 1266
    Staff: 61
    Chairs: zootechnics
    Majoring in: zootechnics

    It was one of the largest faculties among Agricultural Institutes in the former USSR. In 1996-97 the Faculty will admit 150 students, 25 of them are Agricultural Technical Secondary School graduates for shortened programme training. Since 1994 there is one more specialization fur Animal Breeding.

    Faculty of Economics

    Dean: Kozhan Venedict Michailovitch, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor

    In 1997 64 young people entered the economic faculty on the following specialty:
    economics and management of the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (AIC).

    The faculty trains managers of economics for the enterprises of AIC. The economic faculty contains five economic chairs, two computer classes. The department of the economic faculty maintains close contact with the Belarusian Agricultural Academy (its economic faculty), Belarusian Economic University, Belarusian Scientific - Research Institute on Economic Problems of AIC.

    Correspondence Faculty

    Dean: Zen Viatcheslav Michailovitch, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor
    Majoring in: agronomy , zootechnics
    The first graduation took place in 1962. 43 agronomists and 32 zootechnicians received higher education. Up to now the Faculty has trained over 4000 agronomists and zootechnicians.

    Different social groups received higher education: farm directors, head specialists of collective and state farms, ordinary workers.

    Taking into account demand for education by correspondence, admission number will not be reduced. It is planned to admit 150 students.

    Faculty of Skill Improvement of Managers, Agroindustrial Complex Specialists, Farmers

    Dean: Moliavko Oleg Ievstafievich, Candidate of Economics, Assistant Professor

    The Faculty was founded in 1966. Up to 1982 it also trained leading personnel. Today the Faculty specializes only on skill improvement of agricultural specialists. Over 18000 specialists of AIC have already improved their skill.

    Educational programmes respond to the growing demands of industry and its organization peculiarities under various conditions. They include learning to apply intensive methods of production, application of science achievements. New courses have been recent introduced: "Market Relations Theory", "Theory and Practical Application of Rent Relations", "Applications of Computer Engineering and Agricultural Production Management", "Reformation of Collective and State Farms".

    About the University

    By the end of 1951 the process of collectivization of agriculture in western regions of Belarus had been finished. The was need for specialists who could control the process of agricultural production on large farms.

    On, January 17, 1951 the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted the decree on the opening of the Agricultural Institute in Grodno for training highly qualified agronomists and zootechnicians.

    The Institute is fairly small but comfortable and friendly. It consists of 6 faculties: Agronomical, Zootechnical, Plant Protection, Economic, Correspondence, Improvement of Skill (for directors and specialists of AIC, farmers). There are 19 chairs, Preparatory Department founded in 1970.

    At the moment 2745 people study at the Institute. 182 lecturers work here, nine of them are Doctors of Sciences, nine are Professors, ninety-three are Candidates of Science, fifty-six are senior lecturers.

    The Institute has already trained 18000 specialists and is proud of its graduates. Over 1000 graduates of the Institute have high state rewards for success achieved in agricultural development, extension of progressive production methods and achievements of science. Eight graduates have been awarded title of a Hero of Socialist Labour, fifteen - an Honoured Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus.

    The scientists of our Institute introduced more than 200 scientific working - outs into production for the past ten years. There are 25 author certificates and patents. New hybrids of live stock were bred. 25 Candidate dissertations, 5 Doctor dissertations were defended. 6 Doctor dissertations are being prepared. 30 monographs, textbooks, educational supplies and handbooks with the total number of 200 printers sheets were published. In 1995 scientific research works and their extension in different spheres of agriculture resulted in 22,7 billion roubles.

    The most valuable contribution to science has been made by a corresponding members of Agrarian Science Academy G.P.Dudikovsky; Doctor, Professor Z.D.Ghilman; Doctor Ja.V.Vasiliuk; Doctor, Professor M.P.Ko- val; Doctor V.K. Pestis and others.

    To receive deep knowledge students are provided with necessary, facilities. Educational programmes are constantly improved and widened. Market economy occurring in agriculture requires certain changes in educational process. Introduction of new subjects - finance and banking, external economic links, marketing - is of special importance.

    The Institute provides computing facilities allowing to use of 120 PCs. The recently opened Computer Class will soon have access to the Institute. As computer becomes a solid part of educational process, it is our policy to integrate computing into all courses. The Institute Library provides access to the constantly increasing collection of books and periodicals. There is capacity for 120 study places. The Library is equipped with computer network. Five thousand readers receive four hundred books daily.

    Grodno Agricultural Institute is able to offer accommodation to all students. The Students Union is one of the providers of a varied and lively social programme. It includes six clubs in which 140 students take an active part. The clubs represent the main art genres.

    International Championships in boxing and table tennis are held annually at the Institute.

    Our staff is the initiator of working out new educational plans and programmes for uninterrupted integrated training of specialists, Republican olympiads for Agricultural Technical Secondary School graduates and rural pupils.

    Staff and students

    Lecturers: Candidates of sciences - 93, (including women) - 24;
    Doctors - 9;
    Assistant professors - 56 (including women) - 11
    Professors - 9 (including women)

    Students: stationary - 1590 correspondence - 1155 Total number -2745
    Number of foreign students - 6 Morocco, Iran, Russia, Georgian, Azerbaijan

    Diplomas and Degrees

    Agronomist course of tuition 4 years and 7 months
    Agronomist on chemicalization course of tuition 4 years and 7 months
    Stockbreeder course of tuition 4 years and 8 months
    Economics and Management course of tuition 4 years and 8 months


    The total number of libraries - 1
    Number of volumes - 300 000
    Number of periodicals 160 titles


    there is computer equipment available for educational process, for scientific research and entrance into international and national nets (BITNET, INTERNET)

    Scientific Personnel Training

    11 people attend post - graduate courses on 5 specialties.

    Scientific guidelines

    During last 10 years the scientists of the Institute have into practice more that 200 scientific achievements, have got 29 patents, have defended 24 thesis for a Doctor's and for a Candidate's degree.

    International relationship

    We cooperate with Warsaw and Lithuania Agrarian Universities in the field of science and pedagogics.

    Lectures work on probation and students have practice in Germany, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain and other countries.

    Students life

    All students live in the hostels. Governing body does its best to insure successful educational process. In the 6th hostel there is health service. There is also a dining hall in the campus. A student club has become one of the centre of educational and social work. Students attend amateur talent activities clubs. They are folklore, dancing, theatre, song clubs and others. Different parties, student competitions, discussion evenings are held at the Institute. There are gyms, sport grounds with all necessary sport accommodation, a health centre for students. One may have a good rest in Porechye on the bank of the lake where a student camp is situated. In the campus there are also a student cafe, sport clubs ( basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, wrestling clubs)

    Education for foreign students

    Admission requirements - without special preferences
    Application Fee - 1000 USD a year
    Housing - hostel
    Health service - 70 USD a year

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