International Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering – Sustainable Technologies and Biotechnologies for Energy and Materials (STEM)
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering – Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
+39 051 209 3726
E-mail address
Web address
Course website
Type of course
Full time; International Degree Programme taught in English; Dual degree programmes.
Language of tuition
Length of course
2 years – 120 ECTS
Date of commencement
September 2018
Class size
Approx. 40
Cost / fees
Approx. 3.295 €/year
Student grants / Financial assistance
University students may obtain economic support during their studies from the Emilia Romagna Region, the University of Bologna and other external bodies.
Not available
Exchange partner schools
Columbia University in the City of New York (NY, USA)
Student profile
1. Ratio of National / Overseas students
2. Ratio of Men / Women
3. Age range
Major recruiters of graduates of our programmes
Graduates of the programme will have the training to go on to work in numerous fields, including the conventional chemical and process industry (petrochemical, specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical), the wide-spread energy industrial sectors (up-stream and down-stream Oil&Gas, energy generation, green energy production), and many other specific sectors (material production, food technologies, industrial biotechnologies, etc.). Completion of the STEM Master's degree can also lead to entering PhD. level studies.
Admission requirements
Call for applications for the Master's Degree Programme starting in September 2018:
The minimum graduate admission requirement for the Master's Programme is a bachelor's university degree of three years' duration or gained through the acquisition of at least 180 ECTS credits or other degree from accredited institutions recognized as equivalent. Applicants are accepted with Italian or International university degrees which include a suitable number of university credits in fundamental subjects for chemical, materials or process engineering, together with appropriate corresponding grades. Evaluation of suitability of applicants' degree and curriculum is performed by the Master's Board which decides about their admission to the Programme.
Knowledge of the English language (level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference) is also required.
For Non-EU citizens, an annual quota of places is set each year by the University of Bologna. For the STEM Programme, in the academic year 2018/2019, a maximum of 30 non-EU students will be accepted.
Please note: no entrance exam nor Italian proficiency test are required for the Master's Degree Programme in Chemical Engineering.
Programme Director
Prof. Valerio Cozzani
Contact details for application
Dicam International
+39 051 209 3726