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International Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering – Earth Resources Engineering (ERE)

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering – Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy

+39 051 209 3726

E-mail address

Web address
Course website

Type of course
Full time; International Degree Programme taught in English; Dual degree programmes.

Language of tuition

Length of course
2 years – 120 ECTS

Date of commencement
September 2018

Class size
Approx. 40

Cost / fees
Approx. 3.295 €/year

Student grants / Financial assistance
University students may obtain economic support during their studies from the Emilia Romagna Region, the University of Bologna and other external bodies.

Not available

Exchange partner schools
Columbia University in the City of New York (NY, USA)
University of Miami (FL, USA)
Université de Liège (Belgium, EU)

Student profile
1. Ratio of National / Overseas students 50/50
2. Ratio of Men / Women 50/50
3. Age range 21-24

Major recruiters of graduates of our programmes
ERE graduates will be prepared to move to higher levels of their careers, across a variety of industries and sectors. They will gain access to a wider range of positions both in engineering companies and in national and international government agencies. Besides these traditional activities, in industrialized and rapidly evolving societies, the skills of Environmental Engineers are increasingly needed in the fields of territory planning and environmental conservation. Moreover, the rising demand for safety and protection against natural and industrial risks is the framework in which the skills of Environmental Engineers meet the continuously evolving needs of civil protection agencies.

The Master's gives access to third cycle studies (PhD/Specialisation schools) and to professional programmes.

Admission requirements
Call for applications for the Master's Degree Programme starting in September 2018: Admission to the International Master's in Environmental Engineering, ERE international curriculum requires a 1st cycle Italian degree or equivalent bachelor achieved at legally recognised Institutions in Italy or abroad.

Who might apply:

Students who either hold a BSc and/or a MSc, or expect to hold one by the end of the enrolment period at Unibo (end of December), in the following topics:

- Environmental Engineering;
- Civil Engineering;
- Chemical Engineering;
- Petroleum Systems Engineering;
- Resources Engineering;
- Biotechnology.

The Commission for the selection of candidates will evaluate the CVs considering both the relevancy of the exams taken during the studies and the working experience. Anyhow, it is expected that the students should already have a sound background in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and in the basic engineering disciplines, in order to be ready to successfully follow the courses offered in the Master program.

Knowledge of the English language (level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference) is also required.

For Non-EU citizens, an annual quota of places is set each year by the University of Bologna. For the Master Degree in Environmental Engineering, ERE international curriculum, in the academic year 2018/2019, a maximum of 40 non-EU students will be accepted.

Please note: no entrance exam nor Italian proficiency test are required for the Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering.

Programme Director
Prof. Stefano Gandolfi

Contact details for application
Dicam International
+39 051 209 3726

University of Bologna

International Master's Degree in
Environmental Engineering – Earth Resources Engineering (ERE)

All activities are in English. The master's duration is two years: core modules (1st year), common for all students, aim at consolidating fundamentals and improving capabilities in the areas of Environmental Engineering; in the 2nd year students can focus on “Environment, resources and circular economy”: material and energy flows through industrial systems and connections between operators within the “industrial ecosystem” will be tackled from a systemic point of view.

Whilst looking at their global impact from the outset, the programme will focus on: Earth resources management; Sustainable development; Resource efficiency and resource savings; Rational exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs; Water resources; Pollution prevention; Waste prevention; recycling; waste and bio-waste valorisation; Reclamation and health.

Environmental engineering will be at the heart of any transition to a circular economy. Equally crucial will be the skill of understanding how individual activities interact within a bigger, interconnected world.

Other courses offered by University of Bologna

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  • International Master's Degree in Civil Engineering
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  • International Master's Degree in Off-shore Engineering
  • Master in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs - International Politics and Markets curriculum
  • Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

  • About The University of Bologna

    The Alma Mater Studiorum, the oldest university in the Western world, paves the way for innovation through an increasingly rich programme catalogue, cutting-edge research and a constant and increasingly broad international perspective.

    Since its origins in 1088, Alma Mater has been student-centred hosting prominent figures from science and the arts. Based in five campuses (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini), with a branch in Buenos Aires, it offers a teaching catalogue diversified and tailored to the needs of present-day society: over 200 degree programmes among its 33 Departments and 11 Schools are offered to over 81,000 students. 5,000 graduates are enrolled in PhDs and 3rd cycle programmes.

    As a comprehensive research university Alma Mater invests in the multidisciplinary cross-cultural approach and in the inseparable connection between research and teaching. One of the most active universities leading and participating in European research and academic cooperation projects, Bologna has formed knowledge alliances with industry and public/private organizations. It is a hub of international networks. Beyond its close European links, it enjoys multiple connections with America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

    The mission of the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM) is to create and develop advanced research in the areas of civil, chemical, environmental and materials engineering, starting from evaluation, design, construction and service of manmade structures and infrastructures (including industrial production facilities), through the study and characterization of the constituent materials, up to the environmental analysis and impact assessment of the footprint on the territory and the environment.

    More than 320 people currently team up to DICAM research activities: approximately 105 academic staff, 45 technical, administrative and librarian staff and 174 Ph.D. students, research assistants and fellows.

    The Department is based in the two main locations of the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna, the historical building of downtown Bologna and the new building in the strategic urban development of Via Terracini, in the close outskirt of the historical downtown, which houses the largest part of the Laboratory facilities and many modern offices for Researchers and Professors. However, staff's activity also takes place at the Campuses of Cesena and Ravenna. The Department encompasses 11 specialized laboratories, which represent a large propulsive element to the research in all the specific disciplines, as well as an essential element for the teaching activities.

    The high quality, interdisciplinary nature and collaborative work of the research groups enable the Department to provide, worldwide, an effective answer to the demands of today's modern society and of professional world.

    The Department faces many challenges for its future. Continuing its quest for excellence, with real impact in science and technology, is a clear goal. This goal relies on people and this is the most important asset of DICAM. Now and for the future our mission is to make the Department an ever more challenging place to be for young researchers. For all of them, our warmest thanks for the privilege of leading an enthusiastic team.