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Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Charles University Prague

Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr.Boris Kreuzberg, PhD
Address Lidicka 1, 30166 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Tel No. +420 19 7597278
Fax No. +420 19 7259278
E-mail address
  • General Medicine
  • Dental Medicine
  • Type of programme Full time
    Length of programmes 6 year in General Medicine
    5 1/2 years in Dental Medicine
    Date of commencement Autumn semester
    Teaching period: October 02, 2000-January 12, 2001
    Examination period: January 15, 2000-February 16, 2001
    Spring semester
    Teaching period: February 19, 2001-June 01, 2001
    Examination period: June 04, 2001-July 04, 2001
    Class size 10 to 15
    Accommodation Available
    Fees 9000 USD for General Medicine
    9500 USD for Dental Medicine
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    Student financial assistance authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education act of 1965, U.S.A Department of Education
    Admission requirements Passing the admission exam/basic language fluency
    Ratio of National /
    Overseas students
    Ratio of Men /
    Age range Minimum age of 18 years old
    Contact for application Ms Yvona Peclova
    Centre of studies in English

    About the Courses

    In general medicine, the first two years are dedicated to the basic disciplines, such as anatomy, histology, embryology, biochemistry and physiology. In the third and fourth year the premedical subjects, such as pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, microbiology and pharmacology are studied. The last years are fully dedicated to the clinical subjects however bed-side teaching starts in the third year.

    Students of dental course also study the basic disciplines during the first two years as well as stomatological propedeutics. In the third year they start with clinical stomatology first trained on phantum, which is more practical oriented to bed-side teaching and then direct contacts with patients.

    About Charles University and the 1st Faculty of Medicine

    The Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen was established in October 1945 by Czechoslovak presidential decree in Pilsen, the town about 85 km south west of Prague, near the border of federal republic of Germany. In addition to the theoretical institution there is a large university hospital with 1500 beds and fully equipped with the latest and most advanced technology.

    Publications of the Academic Staff

    Rutherford R.B., Valenta J.: Extremity blood flow and distribution: The effect of arterial occlusion, sympathectomy and exercise. Surgery 69, 1971, 332-344.

    Rutherford R.B.,Valenta J.: An experimental study of traumatic wet lung. J.Trauma 11, 1971,146-166. Valenta J.,Lang N.: Changes in blood plasma enzyme activity during intra-arterial chemotherapy of cancer. Neoplasma 18, 1971, 371-375

    Valenta J.,Bílek J.,Opatrný K.: Autogenous saphenous vein graft as secondary vascular access for hemodialysis. Dialysis & Transplantation 14,1985,567-571

    Opatrný K. Jr., Vít, L., Opatrná S., Polakovic V., Šefrna F., Sulková S., Opatrný K. Hemocompatibility in hemodialysis and erythropoietin therapy. Artif. Organs 19, 1995, 814-820

    Opatrný K. Jr., Hemostasis disorders in chronic renal failure. Kidney int, 52, 1997, Suppl. 62, S87-S89

    Opatrný K. Jr., Opatrná S., Vít L., Opatrný K. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and its inhibitor (PAI-l) in patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Am.J.Nephrol 18, 1998, 186-192

    Treska V., Wenham PW., Valenta J.,Topolcan O.,Pecen L.: Plasma endothelin lwevels in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1999 May, 17(5): 424-8

    Treska V.,Pesek M., Kreuzberg B.,Chudace Z.,Ludvikova M.,Topolcan O: Gastric lipoma presenting as upper gastrointestinal obstruction. J Gastroenterol 1998, Oct 33 (5): 716-9

    Braithwaite BD.,Jones L.,Yusuf SW.,Dawson K.,Berridge DC.,Davies E.,Bowyer R., Treska V.,Earnshaw JJ.: Aspirin improves the outcome of intraarterial thrombolysis With tissue plasminogenactivator. Br J Surg 1995 Oct, 82 (10): 1357-8

    Eybl V., Sýkora J., Koutenský J., Caisová D., Schwartz A., Mertl F.: Interaction of Chelating Agents with Cadmium in Mice and Rats. Environ Health Persp 54,1984, 267-273

    Eybl V., Kotyzová D., Koutenský J., Jones M.M., Singh P.K.: Effect of chelators, MIDAMS and MeBLDTC, on cadmium and essential elements levels in mice. Analyst, 120,1995,855-857

    Eybl V., Kotyzová D., Koutenský J., Mícková V.,Jones M.M., Singh P.K.: Effect of cadmium chelating agents on oral cadmium and trace element levels in mice. Analyst 123, 1998,25-26.

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