The European Education Directory

University of South Bohemia
Ceske Budejovice


Rector Professor Ing. Frantisek Strelecek
Address Branisovská 31, CZ - 370 05, Ceské Budejovice
The Czech Republic
Tel. No. +420 389 032 030
Fax No. +420 385 310 384
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences
  • Pedagogical Faculty
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Health and Social Studies
  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Type of courses Full-time
    Length of courses 5 years
    Date of commencement 1st October
    Class size Variable
    Accommodation Available
    Fees No fees for home-students.
    Overseas students: 10 000Kc
    Financial assistance Available limited
    Admission requirements Fluency in Czech/English
    Student profile
  • Ratio of Men / Women: 60/40
  • Age range: 18-24
  • Contact for application prof. RNDr. Libor Grubhoffer, CSc.

    Faculties and Colleges

    Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Address:Branisovská 31, CZ - 370 05, Ceské Budejovice
    Dean: doc. RNDr. Zdenek Brandl, CSc.
    Tel.: (+420 38) 777 2266, Dean's Office: (+420 38) 777 2244, Study Section: (+420 38) 777 2262

    Library of the Faculty: Library of the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences in C. Budejovice
    PhDr. Helena Landová
    Phone: (+420 38) 777 5028

    Bachelor's Studies (3 years) - Introductory Biology, Environment of Small Areas and Businesses, Microbial and Chemical Analysis of the Environment, Plant Biotechnologies, Biomedical Technologies.

    Master's Studies (additional 2 years) - Ecology, Plant Ecology, Limnology, Soil Biology, Bionomy of Plants, Physiology and Animal Physiology. Ph.D. Studies - Anatomy and Physiology of Plants, Applied and Landscape Ecology, Botany, Ecology, Genetics, Hydrobiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Parasitology, Physiology and Developmental Biology of Animals, Zoology.

    The Faculty of Biology offers three levels of studies - bachelor, master's degree, and doctoral levels. In 1995 the faculty was awarded the right to grant permanent tenure and appoint new professors, and within its staffing and technical possibilities, it strives to become a prestigious faculty. The distinct scope of the faculty is given by the fact that most of the lecturers work at the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Ceské Budejovice and Třeboň. The facilities of these institutes are available for use by the faculty's students. The Faculty of Biology develops ecology and bionomy programs, ethology of vertebrates, and produces works at the cellular and molecular levels. Of particular interest among these specific areas are cellular and evolutionary biology, genetic plant engineering, and physiology of plants and animals. The faculty encompasses practically the entire range of the biology discipline. At the present time about 350 students study at this faculty.

    Pedagogical Faculty

    Address: Jeronýmova 10 CZ - 371 15 Ceské Budejovice
    Dean: prof. RNDr. Miroslav Papácek, CSc.
    Tel.: (+420 38) 777 3020 or (+420 38) 6354683, Dean's Office: (+420 38) 777 3021, Study Section: (+420 38) 777 3040-2

    Library of the Faculty: CZ - 370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Husova 458
    Mgr. Marie Cihlová
    phone: (+420 38) 777 333

    The faculty offers various courses in 22 departments:
    Art Design, Art Therapy, Biology, Czech language and Literature, English, French, German, History, Information Science, Mathematics, Music, Pedagogy, Philosophy and Sociology, Physical Education and Sports, Physics, Psychology, Russian, Spanish, Technical Education, Chemie, Geography, Latin and Classic Philology.

    The Pedagogical Faculty aims at teacher training on all levels and in all specializations of the Czech schooling system. The faculty also engages in developing several non-teacher, professional programs of studies. For example, the bachelor studies of cardiotherapy, French for special purposes, and the cultural history master's degree are offered here. All three levels of university studies are accredited at this faculty - the bachelor, the master's degree, as well as the doctoral degree level approved for Czech language in 1995. The study is rooted in the four or five-year master's degree teacher-training programs for both Czech basic school levels as well as for the secondary schools here. The faculty has twenty-two research and pedagogical units. The faculty's Institute of History, focuses primarily on the study of Czech history of the 16th - 19th centuries, and the every day culture and the history of regions along the Czech-Austrian-Bavarian border. At the present time approximately 2450 students study at the faculty.

    Faculty of Theology

    Address: Kanovnická 22 CZ - 370 01 Ceské Budejovice
    Dean: Dr. Jirí Kašný, Th.D.
    Tel: +420 389 035 501, Dean's Office: (+420 38) 777 3501, Study Section: +420 389 033 504

    Library of the Faculty: Mgr. Milada Karásková, Mgr. Marie Roucková
    phone: (+420 38) 777 3523, 3524

    Bachelor (3 years, part-time 4 years) - Religious and Ethical Education, Pastoral Assistence Social and Eleemosynary Work.

    Master (5 years) - Religious and Ethical Education, new: Pastoral Assistence, Theology, Religious and Ethical Education, Pedagogy free time

    Ph.D. Study - Systematic Theology, Anthropology and Ethics of theology

    The Faculty of Theology continues in the tradition of the Bishop's Seminar which was founded in Ceské Budejovice 200 years ago. At this faculty both men and women study in a regular three-year bachelor program, specializing as pastoral social assistants and teachers of religion and ethics. They can also take a five-year master's degree program majoring in theology and find jobs as church laymen, deacons and clerics/friars. They may also specialize as a pastoral/social assistant in combination with leisure time counsellor, and teacher of religion and ethics within the framework of the inter-faculty study at the Pedagogical Faculty. Some of these graduates who presently teach have participated in the preparation of the establishment of the Institute for Economic Culture and Ethics of the Region. At present there are about 370 students studying in this faculty.

    Faculty of Health and Social Studies

    Address: Jírovcova 24/1347 CZ - 370 04 Ceské Budejovice
    Dean: doc. MUDr. Vladimír Vurm, CSc.
    Tel.: Tel.: +420 387 438 339, Dean's Office: +420 387 438 389, Study Section: +420 387 427 901

    Library of the Faculty: Hospital, C. Budejovice, phone: (+420 38) 787 1111
    Pedagogical Faculty of the University of South Bohemia, phone: (+420 38) 777 3333

    Bachelor (3 years) - Psychosocial care of handicapped of childern, adults and elders, Prevention and Rehabilitation of Social Pathology, General nurse, Midwife, Nursing staff, Diagnostic imaging and aplication ionizing radiation, Guard of public health, Biophysics and Health technology, Aplicatied radiology and toxicology.

    Master - Functional pathology of the movement system (6 years), Rehabilitative care of handicapped of children, adults and elders (4 years).

    Ph.D. Study - Prevention, Retrieval and Therapy of health and social problems of childern and teenagers.

    The Faculty of Health and Social Care commenced its operation in September 1991 as part of the Pedagogical Faculty, University of South Bohemia. In the autumn of 1991 it became an independent faculty. Its establishment was initiated by hospital personnel in Ceské Budejovice where the Faculty of Health and Social Care found its backing and support. Two levels of study are accredited at this faculty: bachelor and master's in Radiology Assistant, Rehabilitation of Special-Needs Children, Adults and the Elderly. Currently there are about 400 students who study in this faculty. Upon completion of their studies, the graduates obtain qualifications in the health care area, social law, and special pedagogy.

    Faculty of Agriculture

    Address: Studentská 13 CZ - 370 05 Ceské Budejovice
    Dean: prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jan Frelich, CSc.
    Tel.: +420 389 032 427 or (+420 38) 777 2428, Dean's Office: +420 389 032 428 Study Section: +420 389 032 520

    Library of the Faculty: Mgr. Olga Douleová
    phone: (+420 38) 777 2553

    Bachelor (3 years) - Agricultural Production Quality Control, Economics of the Service and Travel Industry, Accounting and Financial Business Management, Agricultural Technology Trade and Services, Ecological and Alternative Systems of Landscape Management.

    Engineer (5 years) - Agricultural Management, General Agriculture.

    Ph.D.Studies (3 years) - Applied and Landscape Ecology, Economics of Business Management, General Plant Production, General Zootechnics, Plant Protection, Special Zootechnics, Zoo - hygiene and Disease Prevention.

    The Faculty of Agriculture presently offers the following levels of study: bachelor, engineer and doctoral levels. Currently there are four main specializations of engineer study: General Agriculture, Operational Management in Agriculture, Management of Commerce, and Accounting and Financial Management of Enterprise. Approximately 1800 students study at this second largest faculty. The faculty's focus on research is to a significant degree based on its locale in the centre of the submountainous agricultural area of South Bohemia, in close proximity to the Sumava Forests among others as well as the Czech-Moravian Highlands. The faculty's research priorities are chemistry of the environment, sustainable agriculture, monitoring and protection of genofund, agricultural economics in marginal areas etc.. Since 1993 the regulation governing the conducting of the doctoral studies has been introduced and the Faculty of Agriculture presently has eight approbation commissions. The Faculty organizes and hosts several international symposia, conferences and workshops, and also cooperates with many foreign educational institutions (such as in Edinburgh, Uppsala, Bologna, Linz, Arizona, Iowa, etc.).

    Specialized Centres of the University of South Bohemia

    European Information Centre of the University of South Bohemia

    Adress: Krajinská2, CZ - 370 01 Ceské Budejovice
    General official: prof. PaeDr. Gabriel Švejda, CSc.
    Tel: +420 387 311 166

    In cooperation with the town of Ceský Krumlov, this centre started its activities in 1995. It exists not only as a centre for obtaining, disseminating and publishing special literature, but it also gathers information from Pan-European institutions, especially the European Union and the European Council. It also works as an important cultural centre for the town of Ceský Krumlov and the region.

    Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology

    Adress: Zátiší 728/II, CZ - 389 25 Vodnany
    Governor: Ing. Jan Kouril. Ph.D
    Tel: +420 383 382 402

    This institute was established in 1921 and in 1996 became an independent workplace of the university. It is situated in Vodňany and is an independent research station which concurrently ensures the management of important genetic pools, cultivation of selected fish breeds, fisheries advisory, fish food and medication testing, water analyses, and ensures the health of fish.

    Agricultural School Farm

    Adress: E. Rošického 35, Cz - 370 05 Ceské Budejovice
    Director: Ing. Miroslav Cadil
    Tel. No.: +420 385 349 280

    The Agricultural School Enterprise which is situated in Ceske Budejovice, is a specialized institution established in 1990. It is used for arranging practical classes for students in biological, and mainly in agricultural specializations. It participates in scientific and research activities of University South Bohemia and it also performs practical demonstrations and consultation activities for specialists at large.

    Institute of Physical Biology

    Adress: Nový zámek 136, CZ - 373 33 Nové Hrady
    Principal investigator: Dalibor Štys Ph.D.
    Tel./Fax No.: +420 386 361 259

    Institute of Physical Biology, University of South Bohemia in Nové Hrady (IPB-USB) is part of the Academic and University Center in Nové Hrady, the smallest university town in the Czech Republic. Foundation of the institute in April 2002 is a logical consequence of the award of project of research center „Mechanism, ecophysiology and biotechnology of photosynthesis" to a consortium of University of South Bohemia with several institutes of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, namely Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Institute of Microbiology, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Ostrava University. Research and applied infrastructure will be complemented by building of the Nove Hrady Bio-technology center sponsored by PHARE CBC project in 2004. As a result of that, IPB-USB and the whole town of Nove Hrady will become a meeting point of University, Academy of Science and contemporary biotechnology with little comparison in the whole country.

    Institute of History of the University of South Bohemia

    Adress: Jeronymova 10, CZ-371 15 Ceske Budejovice
    Phone: +420 387 773 068
    Fax: +420 387 312 194

    The Institute of History of the University of South Bohemia is a scientific-pedagogical workplace which was established as a result of an inner transformation of the then Department of History of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of South Bohemia. From 1997 to 2002 the Institute was a part of the organizational structure of the Faculty. From January 1, 2003 the Institute of History will be a part of the structure of the University of South Bohemia.

    The Institute benefits from its location in the region of Czech-Moravian-Austrian-Bavarian borderland, which is also reflected in the orientation of its scientific work. Academic workers of the of the Institute understand the cultural wealth of archives, libraries and objects of heritage in region as a possible base for solving theoretical questions of historical science of European importance.

    For many years the scholarly work of the Institute has been systematically focused on extensive fundamental research in the historical topics such as early modern society /with the emphasis on the social and cultural history of aristocratic elites/, everyday culture from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century, the history of upper social classes in the 19th and early 20th century, Czech-French relations, positivistic historiography, cultural personalities of the South Bohemia region and changes in the cultural atmosphere of this region.

    About the University


    The University of South Bohemia Ceske Budejovice was established by the proclamation of the Bill of the Czech National Council No. 314/1991 Col. which came into effect on 28 September 1991. This new educational institution came into existence through the joining of two previously existing faculties: The Pedagogical Faculty in Ceské Budejovice and the Faculty of Agronomy of the Agricultural University in Prague. Following the Academic Senate approval of 11 November 1991, other faculties of biology, theology, health and social care were added, and on 1 September 1994 the Faculty of Management located in Jindnichuv Hradec was also added to these two founding faculties. The latter of the above-mentioned faculties was transferred to the University of Economy in Prague on 1 January 1998. The university seal shows the Czech lion holding in its fore paws a shield in the middle of which there is a rose of the old South Bohemian House of Rosenberg. This points out the intentions of the university to follow the old educational South Bohemian tradition.

    Brief Description

    University of South Bohemia is distinct from other Czech universities in its unusual combination of faculties and its curriculum structure which blends with that of various institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. A general contract between the Czech Academy of Sciences and the University was signed in 1996. It established conditions for interdisciplinary studies backed by a quality scientific research base. The university's activities influence the development in the whole South Bohemian region.

    The university offers accreditation in bachelor, engineering, and master's degree programs, as well as in some selected doctorate studies. University South Bohemia student population is around 5.500. Nearly 1.000 employees work here. The university provides accommodation for about 40% of its students. Nutritional quality meals are offered to both the students and the staff in modern cafeteria. The university also keeps spacious sporting grounds.

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