The European Education Directory

University in Opava

Rector Prof. PhDr. Zdenek Jirasek,CSc.
Academic Dignitaries
of the Silesian University
Vice-rector for Education and Social Issues:
Doc. PhDr. Jiri Zacek, Dr.
Vice-rector for Research and International Relations:
Doc. RNDr. Frantisek Koliba, CSc.
Vice-rector for Development:
Doc. Ing. Eva Wagnerova, CSc.
Address Bezrucovo namesti 13
746 01 Opava,
Czech Republic
Phone +420 653 684 272
Fax +420 653 218 019
E-mail address
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Business Administration
Mathematical Institute
Type and Length
of Programmes
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

  • Czech Literature IS form, Bc. degree, 3 years
  • Librarianship IS, ES, Bc., 3
  • Czech IS, Mgr., 5
  • English IS, Mgr., 5
  • German IS, Mgr., 5
  • German – Italian IS, Bc., 4
  • English – German IS, Bc., 4
  • English – Computer Science IS, Bc., 4
  • History – Museology IS, Bc./Mgr., 3/5
  • Archeology IS, Bc./Mgr., 3/5
  • Medieval Archeology IS, Bc., 3
  • Czech and Czechoslovak History IS/ES, Ph.D., 3
  • History IS, Mgr., 5
  • Computer Science and Computing IS, Bc./Mgr., 3/5
  • Computing and its Applications IS, Bc., 3
  • Applied Physics IS, Bc., 3
  • Astrophysics IS, Bc., 3
  • Theoretical Physics IS, Mgr., 5
  • Creative Photography IS, Bc./Mgr., 3/5
  • Public Administration and Regional Policy IS/ES, Bc., 3

  • TeachersīTraining Programmes (for Grammar Schools):
  • English – Mathematics IS, Mgr., 5
  • English – German IS, Mgr., 5
  • English – Czech IS, Mgr., 5
  • English – History IS, Mgr., 5
  • English – Physics IS, Mgr., 5
  • German – Czech IS, Mgr., 5
  • German – History IS, Mgr., 5
  • Mathematics – History IS, Mgr., 5
  • Mathematics – German IS, Mgr., 5
  • Mathematics – Physics IS, Mgr., 5
  • Czech – History IS, Mgr., 5
  • English – Computer Science IS, Mgr., 4

    School of Business Administration

  • Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services:
  • Economics in Travel Industry IS, Bc., 3
  • European Union IS, Bc., 3
  • National Economy IS, Bc., 3
  • Marketing and Management IS, Bc., 3
  • Computer Science and its Applications in Trade and Services IS, Bc., 3

  • Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services:
  • Computer Science and its Applications in Trade and Services ES, Bc., 4
  • Marketing and Management ES, Bc., 4

  • Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services:
  • Computer Science and its Applications in Trade and Services IS/ES, Ing.4, 5/6
  • Marketing and Management IS/ES, Ing., 5/6

  • Finance
  • Banking IS/Dis, Bc., 3/4
  • Financial and Customs Administration IS/Dis, Bc., 3/4
  • Company Finance IS/Dis, Bc., 3/4
  • Monetary and Postal Services IS/Dis, Bc., 3/4
  • Banking IS/Dis, Ing., 5/6
  • Financial and Customs Administration IS/Dis, Ing., 5/6
  • Monetary and Postal Services IS/Dis, Ing., 5/6

  • Social Management
  • Staff Management and Social Work IS, Bc., 3

    Mathematical Institute of the Silesian University

  • Applied Mathematics IS, Bc., 3
  • Mathematical Methods in Economics IS/Dis., Bc., 3

  • Mathematics
  • Geometry IS, Mgr./RNDr.5, 5,
  • Computer Geometry IS, Mgr./RNDr., 5,
  • Mathematical Analysis IS, Mgr./RNDr., 5
  • Mathematical Analysis PGS6, Ph.D.7 , 3
  • Geometry and Global Analysis PGS , Ph.D., 3

    1IS – internal study (daily study) programme
    2Bc. – abbreviation for "Bachelor"
    3ES – extramural study programme
    4Mgr., Ing. – abbreviations for "Master" and "Engineer" (Master in Economic and Technological Subjects)
    5RNDr. – abbreviation for "Doctor of Natural Sciences", a degree for graduates in master programmes who passed a special rigorous exams and defended a dissertation.
    6PGS – postgraduate study programme
    7Ph.D. – abbreviation for "Doctor of Philosophy". This study programme is focused on research and independent creative activities under the guidance of a tutor and has a special individual curriculum.

  • Date of
    The academic year 2001/2002:
  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences – Oct. 1, 2001
  • Mathematical Institute – Oct. 1, 2001
  • School of Business Administration – Sept. 24, 2001
  • Class size various
    Accommodation Hostels are available either in Opava or in its neighbourhood.
    Fees Every year the University sets the following fees:

    1. The registration fee for the administrative work connected with the admission procedure.
    The registration fee for the academic year 2001/2002 makes 520 crowns.

    2. Tuition fees:
    a) Tuition fee for students who study more than one year longer than the standard time of the particular study programme.
    b) Tuition fee for students who have graduated as Bachelors or Masters and then study another bachelor or master programme.
    c) Tuition fee for foreign students studying courses held in a foreign language.

    For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Mathematical Institute the information about the tuition fee in a given academic year is available at:

    Studijni oddeleni FPF SU,
    Bezrucovo namesti 13,
    746 01 Opava
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653/ 684 245
    Fax: +420 653/ 216 948

    For the School of Business Administration the information about the tution fee in a given academic year is available at:

    Studijni oddeleni OPF SU,
    Univerzitni namesti 76
    733 40 Karvina
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69/ 63 98 238, 63 98 302
    Fax: +420 69/ 63 12 069

    Student grants

    Students can get grants if:
  • they achieve excellent study results,
  • they achieve excellent research results,
  • they find themselves in social problems,
  • they are in other situations deserving support.

    For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Mathematical Institute the information about student grants in a given academic year is available at:

    Studijni oddeleni FPF SU,
    Bezrucovo namesti 13
    746 01 Opava
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653 684 245
    Fax: +420 653 216 948

    For the School of Business Administration the information about student grants in a given academic year is available at:

    Studijni oddeleni OPF SU,
    Univerzitni namesti 76
    733 40 Karvina
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69/ 63 98 238, 63 98 302
    Fax: +420 69 63 12 069

  • Admission requirements The applicants for admission have to possess the General Certificate of Secondary Education and are expected to pass the entrance exams.
    The admission procedure starts with submitting of the application form and paying the registration fee.
    The deadline for the submission of applications is frequently Feb. 28. (The information is available on the web site or directly at above addresses of the Silesian University.) Applicants are invited to the entrance exams by mail.

    The applicants from abroad must enclose a copy of a Certificate testifying to their command of the Czech language issued at one of the accredited institutions in the Czech Republic.

    Student profile Number of students in the academic year 2000/2001

    1. Czech - 3422 , foreign - 77, total 3499
    2. Men 1535 , women 1964
    3. Age range - 18 and more

    Contact for application

    The information about the application deadline and the registration fee for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Mathematical Institute can be obtained at the address below:

    Studijni oddeleni PFP SU,
    Bezrucovo namesti 13
    746 01 Opava
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653 684 245
    Fax: +420 653 216 984

    The information about the application deadline and the registration fee for the School of Business Administration can be obtained at the address below:

    Studijni oddeleni OPF SU,
    Univerzitni namesti 76
    733 40 Karvina
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69/ 63 98 238, 63 98 302
    Fax: +420 69/ 63 12 069

    Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    Dean: Prof. RNDr. Zdenek Stuchlik, CSc.
    Address: Bezrucovo namesti 13, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653 684 241
    Fax: +420 653 216 984
    Web site address:

    Studentsī organisations:
    ASPSU – Asociace studentu a pratel Slezske univerzity (Association of Students and Friends of the Silesian University)

    Address: ASPSU
    Bezrucovo namesti 13,
    746 01 Opava
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653 684 270

    The Institutes and other bodies of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences:

    Institute of the Czech Language and Librarianship
    Head: Doc. PhDr. Jiri Urbanec, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • Czech literature:

    The content of the study programme is focused on grammatical disciplines, history of Czech, Slovak and world literature, literary theory, literary history, rudiments of journalism, editorial practice and literary criticism. The graduates can work as editors at editor offices, publishing houses, radio and television studios, literary museums etc.

  • Librarianship:

    The study programme emphasises library and information technology, bibliographical and analytical methods of handling documents, building library and information systems, and information marketing and management.

    Master studies:
  • The Czech language:

    This study programme prepares prospective secondary school teachers of Czech. It is studied in combinations with another study programme for teachers.

  • Research:
    The Czech literature after 1945

    Institute of Foreign Languages Head: Prof. PhDr. Ales Svoboda, DrSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • English – German
  • English – Italian
  • German – Italian
  • English – Computer Science

    These programmes focus on excellent command of languages in both spoken and written form. Regional studies are parts of the programmes.

    Master studies:
  • English
  • German

    These programmes prepare prospective secondary school teachers of English and German and can be studied in combination with other teacherīs programmes.

    Comparative linguistics

    Institute of History and Museology
    Head: Doc. PhDr. Dan Gawrecki, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • History – Museology
  • Medieval Archeology

    The courses concentrate on acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of preservation, documentation and conservation of historic monuments and collections. The programmes consist of the rudiments of history and museology. Moreover, the medieval archeology is focused on the rudiments of archeology and medieval history.

    The graduates can work at museums, state administration, or are engaged in antique evaluation and conservation. The medieval archeology graduates are prepared for reconnoitering the terrain, for working at archeological institutes and museums.

    Master studies:
  • History – Museology

    This study programmme follows the bachelor study. It consists of specialized historiography and an extended language program.

    These programmes prepare prospective secondary school teachers of history and can be studied in combination with other teachersī programmes, or can be studied separately as history alone with traditional content.

    The history of Silesia; the theory of documentation and preservation of cultural heritage, the premedieval and medieval settlements in Silesia and Northern Moravia.

    Institute of Computer Science
    Head: Prof. RNDr. Jozef Kelemen, DrSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • Computer Science and Computing

    The aim of the programme is to prepare qualified PC users and software product developers so that they could make use of their knowledge at companies concentrating on development and commercial activities in the field of computer science and software. This programme can be combined with other bachelor study programmes.

    English - Computer Science
    This programme is a combination of two bachelor programmes. The emphasis is laid on the command of English, enabling the graduates to work in companies cooperating with foreign partners in the field of software products.

    Master studies:
  • Computer Science and Computing

    The graduates are professionals in the field of the development and the maintenance of software products.

    The theoretical research is focused on the decentralization of computing tasks and the distribution of calculations in computing systems; grammatical systems; formal logic.

    Institute of Physics
    Head: Prof. RNDr. Zdenek Stuchlik, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • Applied Physics

    The study programme consists of the basic courses in mathematics, physics and applied physics and further offers the following options:

    1) optoelectronics
    2) ionizing radiation
    3) astrophysics

    The graduates of optoelectronics can work in the field of telecommunication and industry. Those who studied ionizing radiation can apply their knowledge in the state administration, in the commercial monitoring of radiation of the environment, in diagnostics, and in medical technology.

    Computer Science and its Applications

    The study programme consists of the basic courses in physics, mathematics and computer science, computing, and of an extended course of obligatory optional subjects connected with the computing.

    The graduates can work in areas where computers are used for measuring and controlling purposes. Moreover, they can use their knowledge for the development of computer activities.

    Master studies:
  • Theoretical Physics

    The study programme is focused on the traditional content of this branch of study.

    Teacher training programmes:
  • Mathematics – Physics

    This programme prepares prospective secondary school teachers of mathematics and physics. It consists of basic courses in mathematics, physics, the courses in mathematics and physics for teachers, and the courses in pedagogy, psychology and special didactics. A teaching practice forms a significant part of the study.


    Detection and dosimetry; the migration of radionuclides in the environmental components; software and hardware of monitoring systems; spectral analysis, digital processing of pictures, quantum physics of molecules, theory of elementary particles and gravitation, quantum field theory, and the application of the above theories in astrophysics and cosmology.

    Institute of Creative Photography
    Head: Prof. PhDr. Vladimir Birgus

    Bachelor studies:
  • Creative Photography

    The programme includes both the theoretical and the practical treatment of the art of photography. It is opened as an extramural study programme. The graduates can work as professional photographers, photography historians and theoreticians, and in editorial offices, publishing houses and museums.

    The history of the Czech photography.

    Institute of Social Sciences
    Head: Doc. PhDr. Bohumil Koukola, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • Regional Administration and Regional Policy

    The programme is focused on attaining knowledge in areas such as law, market economy, regional administration, management and organization, marketing, psychology and public relations. The graduates can work in state administration, and in public non-profit organizations.

    The problems of violence in society, victimology, social ethics, and social theology.

    Cabinet of Physical Education
    Head: RNDr. Dalibor Musil

    The cabinet is in charge of all the courses in physical education at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

    School of Business Administration

    Dean: Doc. Ing. Tibor Paulik, CSc.
    Deanīs Office: Univerzitni namesti 76, 733 40 Karvina, Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69/ 63 98 212
    Fax: +420 69/ 63 98 317
    Web site address:

    Studentsī organizations:
    AIESEC – branch office of the international organization
    Address: AIESEC,
    Univerzitni namesti 76,
    733 40 Karvina
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69 63 98 292
    Fax: +420 69 63 12 950

    The (Cultural and Educational) Fund - Student
    The organization publishes studentsī magazine and organizes various cultural events.

    Address: Nadace Student kancelar B 005,
    Univerzitni namesti 76,
    733 40 Karvina
    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 69 63 98 291
    Fax: +420 69 63 12 069

    Departments of the School of Business Administration

    Department of Economics
    Head: Doc. Ing. Tibor Paulik, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
  • Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following options:

    European Union
    The study programme is focused on theoretical and practical problems of the integration processes and their specific European features, the Czech economy in connection with its integration into European Union structures, and on the comparative analysis of the position of the Czech economy in the European Union.

    National Economy
    The study program concentrates on theoretical and pratical economic policy, theoretical-metodical approaches to creation of the economic policy conceptions, the effectivity evaluation of their realizations, questions of ethical dimension in political decisions, partial economic policy, economic policy segments, and macroeconomic analysis and prognosis.

    Economics in Travel Industry
    The study programme is focused on attaining the theoretical knowledge and the practical skill in the area of home and foreign tourism.

    Master studies:
    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services

    These programmes extend the theoretical knowledge and the practical skill aquired in the bachelor programmes of the same name. They are offered in the following options:

    European Union
    National Economy


    The research activities are focused on the analysis and the evaluation of the globalization and integration processes in the Czech economy.

    Department of Marketing
    Head: Doc. Ing. Frantisek Nemec, Ph.D.

    Bachelor studies:

    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following option:

  • Marketing and Management
    The study programme concentrates on training the marketing specialists in the area of management.

    Master study:

    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following option:
  • Marketing and Management

    The course follows the bachelor study programme. It is, however, extended in the field of theoretical, methodological and applied approaches to solving the problems of the particular subject.


    The development of small and medium enterprises with an emphasis on applying marketing approaches and logistic systems.

    Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
    Head: Doc. Ing. Eva Wagnerova, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:
    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following option:

    Marketing and Management

    The study programme is focused on theoretical principles and management practice, on the function and economy of the subjects in the field of enterprise, on the principles of an effective company control with the use of accounting and financial analysis, the economic-mathematical modelling and the use of computers.

    Master studies:
    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Business Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following option:

    Marketing and Entrepreneurship

    The programme follows the bachelor study programme but it extends the theoretical, methodological and application approaches. The emphasis is laid on the development and realization of the strategic company goals, on the development and use of the marketing plans, and on the innovation policy.


    The development of small-scope and medium-scope enterprises with an emphasis on the management and the company economy; the function and control of the subjects in the field of enterprise; the innovation processes in the field of enterprise.

    Department of Finance
    Head: Prof. PhDr. RNDr. Stanislav Poloucek, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:

  • Finance
    This programme offers the following options:

  • Banking

    The study programme is based on the theory and practice of the monetary policy, the development trends in both home and world economic policy, on the operation mechanisms of the financial systems in the Czech Republic and in economically advanced countries, on the analysis of financial documents, financial markets and financial institutions, on the management of the banking sector and the capital trades.

  • Monetary and Postal Services

    The study programme is focused on the modern principles of the monetary and postal management, the legal and ethic norms in postal institutions, on attaining the knowledge of all the basic banking and monetary transactions, the basic monetary and postal agendas, including the norms of the home and the international payment and accounting.

  • Financial and Customs Control

    The study programme is focused on gaining the command of all financial and customs agendas, including the forms of both the Czech and the international payment and forwarding services, on attaining the knowledge of legislative conditions in financial and customs administration agenda.

  • Company Finance

    The study programme is focused on attaining the knowledge of the structure of the company financing, of the problems of taxes and their function in the company policy, of the theoretical and practical approaches to dividend policy applications, and finally of the basic approaches to investment decision making and the company evaluation.

    Master studies:
  • Finance
    This programme offers the following options:

  • Banking
  • Monetary and Postal Services
  • Financial and Customs Administration
  • Company Finance

    The study programmes follow the bachelor study programmes broadening and deepening them in the field of theory and practical applications.


    The influence of globalization and integration on financial system changes, the European monetary system and the Czech economy; the monetary policy and inflation processes; the changes in the bank sector, and the comparison of countries and regions.

    Department of Accounting
    Head: Ing. Eva Sikorova, CSc.

    The department is in charge of the subject Accounting taught in a number of study programmes of the School.


    The development of small-scope and medium-scope entrepreneurship activities with the emphasis on accountancy and tax problems.

    Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics
    Head: Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Ramik, CSc.

    The department is in charge of the courses in mathematics, statistics, the problems of application of mathematical methods in economics.


    The development of th methods of the multicriterial decision making; the use of fuzzy set in mathematical optimization models, their application in financial and banking systems; the application of statistical methods in economics.

    Department of Computer Science
    Head: Doc. RNDr. Frantisek Koliba, CSc.

    Bachelor study:

    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following options:

  • Computer Science and its Application in Trade and Services

    The study programme gives instruction in the development and the maintenance of the information systems in companies, the company management with the focus on consulting and selling activities in the field of computing, bureau and information technologies and programmme facilities; the application of personal computers and modern information technologies.

    Master study:

    Economics of Entrepreneurship in Trade and Services
    This programme offers the following options:

  • Computer Science and its Applications in Trade and Services
    The study programme follows the bachelor study programme, extending the theoretical knowledge and the practical application.


    The building of information structures and information centres in connection with Euroregions; the development of small-scope and medium-scope enterprises and the analysis of their needs in the field of information centres in the regions.

    Department of Social Sciences
    Head: Dr. Vojtech Malatek, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:

    Social Management
    This programme offers the following option:

  • Staff Management and Social Work

    The study programme deals with the problem of personnel management and the social work in bothprivate and state-owned companies and organizations in the new political and economic conditions.


    Historical and social restructuralization of the job market in the Moravian-Silesian region; the unemployment in the region as an economic and social problem.

    Department of Communication
    Head: PaedDr. Jiri Mezulanik, CSc.

    Bachelor studies:

    The department is in charge of the two obligatory foreign languages in all the programmes, and also provides the tuition of optional subjects like rhetoric for entrepreneurs, persuasion techniques, business corespondence, etc.

    Master studies:

    The department is in charge of the two obligatory foreign languages in all the programmes, and also provides the tuition of optional subjects like rhetoric for entrepreneurs, persuasion techniques, business corespondence, etc.


    Pragmatic aspects of the communication in the workplace, communicative barriers, intercultural communication.

    Department of Physical Education
    Head: PaedDr. Jiri Helesic,Ph.D.

    The department is in charge of the physical education for all the study programmes.

    Institutes of the School of Business Administration:

    Institute of Consulting
    Head: PhDr. Oldrich Berka

    The institute is engaged in the research into the educational systems in the countries of the European Union, and concentrates on consulting activities in the field of vocational consulting.

    Institute of Small-scope and Medium-scope Entrepreneurial Activities
    Head: Ing. Jiri Vanek, CSc.

    The main aim of the institute is the research into the development and operational conditions within small-scope and medium-scope entrepreneurial activities.

    Information Centre
    Head: RNDr. Zdenek Franek

    The information centre is in charge of the information systems of the School and the operation of the school computer net OPFNET. The centre also provides the hardware and software for the tuition and the administration tasks, and runs the academic net CESNET.

    Mathematical Institute of the Silesian University

    Head:Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Smital, DrSc.
    Address: Bezrucovo namesti 13, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic

    Phone: +420 653 684 341
    Fax: +420 653 215 029
    Web site address:

    Bachelor studies:
  • Applied Mathematics
    The study programme includes the courses in mathematics, physics, computer science and applied mathematics.

    Mathematical Methods in Economics

    The study programme consists of the courses in mathematics, computer science, and mathematical methods in economics, trade and management, financial insurance, and selected parts of law.

    Master studies:
  • Mathematics
    The programme offers the following options:
    Mathematical Analysis
    Computer Geometry

    The students can choose from these blocks in the basic master course: mathematics (analysis, algebra, geometry, the seminar in mathematics and computer science), and a special course in mathematics (algebraic structure, typology, optimization, differential geometry, functional analysis, differential equations, dynamical systems, global analysis, geometrical methods in physics), the basics of physics and computer science, computer geometry (descriptive geometry, computer graphics, applied programs in geometry), optional lectures and a dissertation course.

    Teacher training programmes:

    Mathematics – Physics
    This study programmes prepare prospective secondary school teachers of mathematics in combinations with other study programmes for teachers.

    Doctoral studies:
  • Mathematical Analysis
    It is focused on dynamical systems and differential equations.

  • Geometry and Global Analysis
    It is focused on differential geometry, variational analysis on manifolds and mathematical physics.


    Differential geometry, mathematical analysis, mathematical physics, and variational analysis.

    Departments of the Mathematical Institute:

    Department of Global Analysis:
    Head: Prof. RNDr. Demeter Krupka, DrSc.


    Differential geometry, variational analysis on manifolds, mathematical physics, differential analysis on manifolds, global analysis.

    Department of Mathematical Analysis:
    Head: Doc. RNDr. Kristina Smitalova, CSc.


    Dynamical systems, differential analysis.

    Department of Applied Mathematics:
    Head: Ing. Jaromir Sykora, CSc.

    The activities during the computer science at the laboratory Macintosh.

    About the University

    The Silesian University is the youngest university in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1991. The university is situated in Opava, the historical centre of the Czech part of Silesia, a region in the northeast of the Czech Republic.

    The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Mathematical Institute are located in Opava. Opava is a city with rich cultural history and a significant cultural background. It is the place where the oldest and the third-biggest museum in the Czech Republic – the Silesian Regional Museum – can be found. Other cultural establishments are the Silesian Theatre with the Opera House, the Regional Archives (the third-biggest archives in the Czech Republic) and a number of libraries.

    The School of Business Administration is located in Karvina (approximately 50 km away from Opava). For the last few decades, the town has gone through an extensive reconstruction. These changes are related to the development of mining, which influences the nature of the entire Karvina region. The School is very modern and it offers pleasant background for students.

    In the year 2001, the Silesian University in Opava has a student body of nearly 3,500 students.

    The Silesian University develops very dynamically. It is a university with a wide range of study programmes and significant contacts with universities in Europe and overseas.

    The university organizes conferences at an international level and displays both extensive and intensive publication activities. The quality and the extent of study programmes can be well compared with other Czech universities. The University is the seat of the editorial office of Differential Geometry and its Applications – a renown international journal – published by Elsevier Science Publishers / North Holland.

    Special Resources

    The Silesian University is equipped with libraries, laboratories and computer facilities in a standard way. The students of humanities can also make use of the Library of the Institute of Silesian History, the Czech Academy of Sciences.The university also makes use of the own fund of the Austrian library.

    Research Areas
    The Czech literature after 1945
    The history of Czech photography
    The history of Silesia
    The archeology of Silesia
    Museum and society
    The dramatic activities of English and German origin in the Euro region Silesia since the 17th century
    The contrastive analysis of lexical and pragmalinguistic aspects of English, German, Czech and Italian utterances Relativistic and particle physics and its astrophysical applications Coherently dependent optical spectral interferometry
    Theoretical computer science - models of decentralised calculations
    The analysis and evaluation of globalisation and integration impacts on the sectors of the Czech economy and their influence on further development
    The socio-economic aspects of the process of the formation of Euro regions, the analysis of their position in changing world economic conditions, and the shape of their development
    The problems of goods market and labour market, employment and socially professional groups of population
    The impact of globalisation and integration on changes of the financial system The concept of building information structure and information centres in connection with Euro regions and with the development of small-scale and medium-scale enterprise: the development of systems supporting decision making
    The influence of the globalisation and integration on the development of small-scale and medium-scale enterprise, the problems of management, of infrastructures, of marketing, of logistic systems, and the problem of information services in connection with the development of small-scale and medium-scale enterprise
    Dynamic systems
    Geometry and global analysis
    Applied mathematics

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