The European Education Directory

Centre for Agricultural Science
Debrecen University

Rector Prof. Dr. Laslo Karpaty
Tel. No. +(36) 52 508-444, 347-888
Fax No. +(36) 52 413-385
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
  • College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
  • College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
  • Research Institute (Karcag)
  • Research Centre (Nyiregyhaza)
  • Institute for Extension and Development (Debrecen)
  • Type of courses University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
    Instructed in Hungarian language:
  • Degree in Agriculture (MSc course, full-time, part-time, graduate education)
  • Degree in Agri-Business (MSc course, full-time education)
  • Degree in Agricultural Education (MSc course, full-time education)
  • Degree in Environmental and Landscape Management (MSc course, full-time education)
  • Degree in Game Management (BSc course, part-time education)
  • Degree in Molecular Biology (joint MSc course with contribution from the member institutes of the Debrecen University Association - DUA -, full-time education)
  • Degree in Agricultural Public Administration (BSc course, full-time, part-time education)

  • Instructed in English language:
  • Degree in Agriculture (BSc course, full-time education)
  • Degree in Agri-Business (MSc, full-time education)

  • Post-graduate education: accredited PhD programmes (full-time and part-time education, instructed in Eglish or Hungarian):
  • Plant Production - Agricultural Ecology
  • Environmental-Friendly Animal Production Based on Regional Resources
  • Agricultural Economics and Management

  • College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
  • Degree in Agriculture (BSc course, full-time and part-time education, instructed in Hungarian)

  • College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
    Instructed in Hungarian:
  • Degree in Agricultural Environmental Management (BSc course, full-time, part-time)
  • Degree in Crop Production Management (BSc course, full-time, part-time)
  • Degree in Amelioration Management (BSc course, full-time education)
  • Length of courses University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
  • MSc courses: 5 years (full-time)
  • BSc course: 3 years (full-time)
  • PhD course: 3 years (full-time)

  • College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
  • BSc course: 3 years (full-time)

  • College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
  • BSc course in Agricultural Environmental Management (full-time): 4 years
  • BSc courses in Crop Production Management and Amelioration
  • Management (full-time): 3 years

  • (In case of part-time education the programmes usually last 1 year longer.)
    Date of commencement September - June (Autumn term: September-January; Spring term: February-June)
    Class size University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
    -ca. 100-200 students/class at classical agricultural courses (Agriculture, Agri-Business)
    -ca. 20-50 students/class at other courses
    -60 students in PhD courses at present

    College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
    -ca. 50-150 students/class

    College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
    -ca. 50-100 students/class at Agricultural Environmental Management course
    -ca. 10-20 students/class at other courses
    Accommodation Students' Hostels are available also in Debrecen, Hodmezovasarhely and Szarvas.
    Fees At present no fees for national students in full-time education instructed in Hungarian.

    For foreign students:
    BSc courses instructed in English: 2000 USD/term
    MSc courses instructed in English: 2500 USD/term
    PhD courses instructed in English: 3000 USD/term
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    National students can apply for the following supports:
    state scholarships (19.000 HFt/month), social support (3500-4000 HFt/month), support for lecture notes/text-books (2500-5000 HFt/academic year), occupation support (660-4200 HFt/month), support for vocational practice (660-5700 HFt/academic year)
    Admission requirements -General Certificate of Education or BSc degree in Agriculture
    -Hungarian or English language
    Student profile The ratio of national/foreign students (from Europe and Asia) both in full-time and part-time education is the following:
    University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
    Number of students: national: 1783 foreign: 7

    College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
    Number of students: national: 735 foreign: 9

    College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
    Number of students: national: 856 foreign: 3

    Total number of students:national: 3374 foreign: 19
    Number of PhD students:national: 59 foreign: 1

    Number of men: 1824 number of women: 1570

    At PhD courses: Number of men: 30 number of women: 30

    Age range from the age of 18 - no limit
    Contact person
    for application
    University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)
    Dr. Agnes Olah, Zsuposne
    Head of Dean's Office
    Address: H-4015 DEBRECEN, POB 36, Hungary
    Phone: +36 (52) 508-489
    Fax: +36 (52) 414 329, 347-596

    College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)
    Mrs. Gabriella Fodor
    Head of Students' Registration Office
    2. Address: H-6801 HODMEZOVASARHELY, POB 79, Hungary
    3. Phone: +36 (62) 246-466/ext.154
    Fax: +36 (62) 241-779

    College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)
    Mrs. Peter Reszketo
    Head of Students' Registration Office
    2. Address: H-5541 SZARVAS, POB 3, Hungary
    Phone: +36 (66) 313-311/ext.125
    Fax: +36 (66) 312-780

    Faculties & Colleges

    University Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen)

    Degree in Agriculture (BSc and MSc course, full-time, part-time, graduate education)

    Areas of specialization: Agricultural Food Processing and Quality Testing, Agricultural Information Technology, Animal Breeding, Aquaculture, Biotechnics and Biotechnology, Enterprise Management, Environmental Management, Horticulture, Nutrient and Water Management, Plant Protection, Rural Resource Management, Technical Translation (English, German), Trade and Marketing

    In the first four terms students take compulsory subjects in applied sciences as well as technical and social studies. Graduating students are prepared for individual farming, management of farms and for tasks related to public administration, education, extension service and research.

    Degree in Agri-Business (MSc course, full-time, and graduate education)

    Areas of specialization: Accounting and Finance, Agricultural Education, Enterprise Management and Assets Evaluation, Technical Translation, Trade and Marketing

    The aim is to train agricultural economists who can meet today's challenges and are able to plan and supervise agricultural and other related activities, to control the economic and financial aspects as well as to fulfil educational or research tasks.

    Degree in Agricultural Education (MSc course, full-time education)

    The aim of the course accredited in 1996, is to prepare students by providing them with up-to-date agricultural training and are also equipping them with a wide range of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. With such a broad background of education they will be able to train future generations and teach the theory and practice of agricultural and technical subjects in secondary schools.

    Degree in Environmental and Landscape Management (MSc course, full-time education)

    Areas of specialization: Environmental Technology, Soil protection and Soil Use, Water Management This course was established to meet the needs of new concepts and procedures in the field of environmental management, and is taught by experts in the fields of natural, social, special technical and environmental sciences. The course was introduced in 1997.

    Degree in Molecular Biology (joint MSc course with contribution from the member institutes of the Debrecen University Association - DUA -, full-time education)

    The aim of the course is to serve as an alternative to the normative biologist training, which has been long established in Hungarian education, but with an added emphasis on the molecular approach. Graduates will gain through knowledge in the theory and skills for the practice of molecular biology, which means a reliable background for the start of their careers.

    Degree in Agricultural Public Administration (BSc course, full-time, part-time education)

    This course was the first BSc course to be accredited in 1997. It is the first and only course in the country to provide education in this area. To meet the demands of this profession, students are provided with up-to-date knowledge in the fields of agriculture, law, finance, accounting, local administration and state administration as well. With the introduction of this degree course, the aim is to meet the needs required by the specialized agencies of local government and other local authorities, who lack these highly educated professionals.

    Degree in Game Management (BSc course, part-time education)

    It was accredited in 1998. Recently, a lot of changes have been introduced in the sector of game management. This is why the new course was launched. The Faculty has played an important role in game management education for 15 years, utilizing optional subjects, courses, and professional exhibitions. New Act about Game Protection, Game Management and Hunting requires the development of new activity structure in the area of game management, where our graduates will be needed as highly qualified specialists.

    College of Agriculture (Hodmezovasarhely)

    Degree in Agriculture (BSc course, full-time and part-time education)

    The objective of the college is to train specialists who are able to plan agricultural management, organize and direct work economically in enterprises and in other agricultural and processing factories. We have started training for agricultural educators as well. The practical, economic and environment-protectional aspects of the curricula have been strengthened. Furthermore, the application of computer equipment in education has been established. We also want to participate in the further training and retraining tasks necessitated by specific demands in society.

    College of Water and Environmental Management (Szarvas)

    Degree in Agricultural Environmental Management (BSc course, full-time, part-time), Degree in Crop Production Management (BSc course, full-time, part-time), Degree in Amelioration Management (BSc course, full-time education)

    The aim of the courses is to train agricultural experts having convertable natural, social scientific, and agro-technical knowledge, who are able to run their farming management in an environmental protective way, and having finished their studies they can rationally utilize the natural resources in the process of production. The structure of the curriculum has been modernized. We have established a specialization in township management. We want to develop this specialization into a degree course at a future date.

    About the University

    The History of the University

    Agricultural higher education in Debrecen has a history of 130 years. The general economic boom of the 1860s presented the country,s backward agricultural sector with the challenge of up-dating itself. One of the prerequisites of modernization was the training of knowledgeable agricultural specialists. In order to achieve this, a national agricultural college was established in 1868. This date marks the beginning of higher education in agriculture in Debrecen.

    The beginning of agricultural vocational training in Szarvas is related to Samuel Tessedik, who founded an agricultural school in 1780, the first secondary school of its kind in Europe. It only functioned until 1806, but agricultural training in Szarvas resumed in 1927.

    The College of Animal Breeding in Hodmezovasarhely developed, after several restructurings, out of the agricultural primary school founded there in 1896.

    Work in the forerunner of the Research Institute in Karcag began in 1947, while the Institute for Production Development was established in 1960.

    On the basis of the decision of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture the Nyiregyhaza Research Centre of the Seedproducing and Marketing Company became attached to the university from 31 December 1991.

    Goals of the University

    The basic objective of the university is to turn out well-trained and knowledgeable agricultural specialists as well as to provide them with further training, thus enabling them to play a creative role in society and in the development of agricultural production. Students acquire theoretical and practical skills and competence needed to fulfill the requirements of their profession and to participate actively in professional and social public life.

    Over the past few decades, we have trained general agriculturists at the Agricultural Faculty, and specialized college graduates at those of the colleges. Changes in social demands served as the basis for modifications in the focus and content of our educational programmes. At the Faculty of Agriculture (Debrecen), we want to continue with the training of general agriculturists. In addition to obtaining their basic degrees, our students are afforded the possibility to gain a multiplicity of secondary qualifications which enhance their ability either to obtain sound employment or to successful work independently. Several examples include the opportunity to become foreign trade agents, chartered accountants, plant protection experts, specialists in the maintenance of toxic substances, teachers of agriculture, hunting and game managers and technical translators. Without breaking with either the successes of our past work in education or our positive experiences with our foreign partners, we have continuously modernised our training systems. Recently, we introduces a training system which is more flexible than ever before, and more centred on independent student work.The number of lessons per week has been reduced, and subjects have been categorized into three groups; (A) being the obligatory, (B) including the range of obligatory optional, and (C) the list of so-called free subjects.

    Degrees will not be granted until the student completes all of the obligatory "A" subjects. Within their specializations, students can choose from a list of "B" course offerings, in order to collect the prescribed number of credit hours. The "C" (electives) subjects are advertized by faculty staff and guest lecturers, and allow the students to receive knowledge that makes their education more exciting, while simultaneously answering the call to offer programmes across the wide spectrum of student interests. Our students can choose from these "C" subjects until they accumulate the required total of this type of credit hours. Upon completion of all requirements, we indicate the specialization on the diploma itself. Specializations not only greatly enhance the possibility for students to obtain work, but provide them with valuable knowledge they can utilize in their daily employment activities.

    In Debrecen, with its mentality of being a 'university town', as well as an agricultural centre, the character of its traditions has always encouraged a drive for quality education. Our university still considers the quality development of education important; this, alongside managing problems arising from the great rise in student enrolment and in diversifying our courses. Educational co-operation between the City of Debrecen and the university has long traditions. In recent decades, practices have developed whereby teachers offer courses and lectures at the city's various universities, and to allow students to attend classes on other campuses. These developments were made possible by the transition to the credit system. Co-ordination of the main elements of this system is ongoing. Another recent change has involved the introduction of integrated courses involving staff from more than one institution. For example, we teach economists and biologists using such joint co-operation, and are currently planning to expand our joint offerings to include human nutrition. In the future, our co-operation will grow to involve further subjects, as well.

    The degree courses and supplemental training forms offered at the three faculties allow for multi-step education and for the possibility that students can attend courses at different universities. Our institution has joined the ranks of participants in distance education. At present, we are educating the required teachers and trying to effect the necessary conditions for such activities, which primarily involves obtaining, translating and preparing the educational aids. We have also been active in pre-university training, in the so-called "Zero-year" courses for several years. The knowledge obtained here will be taken into consideration at the entrance examination. Another area of our development program is the introduction of post-secondary education and, with the help of the educational programmes mentioned above, the realization of a multi-output education system.

    Because of structural shuffling and the introduction of new degree courses, there has been increasing interest in our university. Since 1996, student enrolment has gradually risen from 1,000 to over 3,000. The number of students in the degree courses has stabilized and concerns for the quality of education in such circumstances continue to be raised. In this respect, we feel that the influence of unified commitment among the members of the faculty, coupled with a balanced system of requirements and a strict, consistent adherence to set goals are especially important. Also our adjacent colleges and excellent experts assist our education. In order to be able to gauge continually the level of education we offer, we constructed a quality control system and established a select committee for its operation. In the interest of the preparation of new forms of education, and of better awareness of the continual changes in the labour market, we also established a system to oversee student development. For the integration of the independent bodies making up the present system of higher education, the government has announced a new programme. This means that, instead of specialized universities, unified 'city universities' will be established. In the spring of 1998, the Debrecen University Association (DUA) was born, with the integration of six higher educational institutions and one research institute, and now represents nearly every special area (agrarian, technical, medical, economic, legal, pedagogical, technological, musical). At the moment, 18,000 students are enrolled in the various institutions of the Association, but within a few years, the student number will reach over 20,000. Therefore, Debrecen will be among the largest higher educational bodies in the country. The students' age-old dream will come true: it will be possible to choose from a wide range of subjects and to introduce multi-step, multi-output education.

    Being part of the research network, the university contributes to meeting the challenges of the society and the economy by conducting basic and applied research, integrated with teaching. It is also engaged in wide-ranging productional extension service activities, and takes part in various joint scientific and production projects as well as in solving tasks of environmental protection. The major responsibilities of the university are the training of a new generation of scientists and specialists and the setting up of scientific workshops and schools.

    Computer, library and recreation facilities

    University network and all the Internet services are accessible to every instructor, researcher, student and also to the administrative staff of the university. With the help of a fibre optic backbone the higher education institutions in Debrecen are linked up to each other.

    A whole reconstruction of the central library has taken place in 1991 and this caused considerable enlargement and improvement in services. The book stock grew from a few hundred volumes to a collection of more than 140.000. The most important home and foreign periodicals in Hungarian, English and German languages are available. The significant part of the collection (ca. 90%) is made up of agricultural sciences and the attached scientific disciplines, but a small part of the collection (ca. 10%) is literature. The library is public. It supplies the following services: mechanical charging (the library has got an own-developed integrated library system), inter-library lending, searching for external databases and services based on computer, using of different CD-ROM databases.

    For self-training and entertainment there are more clubs (nature protection, photo-, fine arts-, folk dance-club, etc.) operating in the university and college campuses. In addition several outdoor and indoor sport facilities as well as language laboratory are available to students.

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