The European Education Directory

Western Kazakhstan Institute
of Management & Languages "EVRASIA"

Rector Professor Tastemirov Askar Gumarovich
Address 194 Lenin Street, Uralsk
Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel. No. +8(311-22) 2-09-22; +8(311-22) 4-94-26
Fax No. +8(311-22) 2-04-72
E-mail address
Departments & Institutes
  • Management
  • Accountancy and Audit
  • Interpreter's Department
  • Branch of the Institute located in the City of Atirau
  • Type of courses Management Department and Accountancy and Audit Department provide full-time and extra-mural study; Interpreters' Department admits full-time students only.
    Length of courses full-time study - 4 years;
    extra-mural study - 4.5 years: for those having post-graduate education in accordance with the type of the courses - 2.5 years
    Class size Management Department and Accountancy and Audit Department - 20-25 students
    Interpreter's Department - 10-15 students
    Accommodation Hostels for students are not provided
    Fees Management Department and Accountancy and Audit Department - USD 600 per year
    For full-time students - USD 287 per year for extramural students
    Interpreter's Department - USD 805 per year
    Admission requirements An applicant should fill in a special application form.
    A postgraduate certificate, diploma or an acceptable qualification as well as 6 photos (3 x 4)and health certificate are required.
    An applicant is normally expected to be tested on History of Kazakhstan and interviewed on Mathematics, Geography and Russian (in Kazak) for Management Department and Accountancy and Audit Department, and in English (German), Geography and Russia (in Kazak) for Interpreter's Department.
    Student profile 1) Ratio of local and foreign students:
    Total number of students: 579, 23 students are not residents of Kazakhstan
    2) Ratio of men and women: men - 203 / women - 376
    3) Students' age: (at an average)
    full-time students - 19-20
    extramural students - 20-22
    Contact for application Mukanova Rauza Zaguiyevna
    Vice-Rector for International Relations
    PhD, Professor
    Address: Flat 33, 73, Baturin Str.
    Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan
    telephone: +8(311-22) 2-07-98

    Departments & Institutes

    Management and Accountancy and Audit

    Dean: Darishev Macsat Malbagarovich, Candidate of Economics, Professor

    Telephone: +8(311-22) 2-09-22, +8(311-22) 4-94-26, +8(311-22) 5-20-05

    Total number of students: 474

    Study programmes: Management Department and Accountancy and Audit Department provide full-time and extramural study.

    Period of study: full-time study - 4 years, extramural study - 4,5 years, for those having post-graduate education in accordance with the type of courses - 2,5 years.

    Teaching staff: 8 Doctors of Science, 1 Academician, 1 Corresponding member of Academy of Sciences 5 Professors, 2 lecturers

    - Management in branches
    - information technology in economy
    - international economic relations
    - international tourism
    - management accountancy and audit
    - banking

    Scientific research:
    - Ecology
    - developing of small and average business

    Interpreter's Department

    Address: 194, Lenin Street, Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan

    Telephone: +8(311-22) 2-09-22

    Type of Study Programme: Interpreter's Department admits full-time students only

    Period of Study: full-time study - 4 years

    Number of Students in group: 10-15 students

    Course Fees: Interpreter's Department - US $ 805 per year

    Dean: Doukariyeva Ulday Kabakhanovna Candidate of Philology, Professor

    Entry Requirements and Procedure: An applicant is expected to be tested on History of Kazakhstan and interviewed in English (German), Geography and Kazakh (or Russian) language.

    Student Body: 1) Ratio of local and foreign students: Total number of students - 105 (some students are from Russia and different cities of CIS)
    2) Students age : (at an average) full-time students - 19-20

    Department's staff consists of 14 teachers, among them there are 2 SPELT Soros Foundation Kazakhstan (USA), 1 -from Turkey , 2 - Candidates of Science, 2 Professors, 2 - Senior Teachers

    For application please contact: Doukariyeva Ulday Kabakhanovna
    Dean of Interpreter's Department
    Candidate of Philology, Professor
    Baturin Str 45. APT 27
    Republic of Kazakhstan

    About the University

    The Western Kazakhstan Institute of Management & Languages "EVRASIA" is located in the seven-storey building in the centre of the City of Uralsk. Its staff consists of 28 teachers, among them there is 1 Doctor of Science, 12 candidates of Science, 10 Professors. The Institute has its own dedicated library dealing with the subject areas studied at the Institute. There are two computer rooms (each for 12 students), audio- and visual equipment with a growing range of videotapes and audio- visual material. Satellite TV is provided in 5 rooms. Dedicated teaching staff is focusing their classes not only on lectures and practical studies but also on Scientific research in such field as ''Economic and Ecological Problems of Western Kazakhstan'', and ''Innovational Educational Technologies''.

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