The European Education Directory

Academy of Business


Rector Prof. Kuznetsova Olga Nikolayevna
Address 227 Rosybakiyev Street, Almaty 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel. No. +7(3272) 484866
Fax No. +7(3272) 498885
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges DBA Department (Doctor of Business Administration)
MBA Department (Master of Business Administration)
Undergraduate programs Department
Type of programmes
Full-Time Programs, Part-Time Programs, Evening Programs, Weekend Programs
Length of programmes DBA Programs – 3 years
MBA Programs – 1-2 years
Undergraduate Programs – 4 years
Date of commencement Two times per year: September and March
Class size Average size 25-30 students
Cost / Fees DBA Programs – 22560 Euro
MBA Programs – 8000 – 14500 Euro
Undergraduate Programs – 1500 – 2000 Euro
Admission requirements MBA candidates should possess the following:

  • Higher education level
  • Significant managerial experience (2-3 years)
  • English language required

    MBA admission procedure:

  • Admission documents required
  • English language test
  • Admission interview
  • Signature of the contract and payment of the fees

    Documents required for MBA program

  • The original of the higher education diploma
  • Copy of passport
  • Four identify photos
  • Two letters of recommendation in English

  • Student profile Each year IAB introduces the increased requirements to the entrants, providing for availability of managerial experience in the enterprise for not less 2 year (Figure 9), high extent of motivation and interest in study, which can be revealed while individual interview with the representatives of the Academy.

    Figure 9. Composition of MBA students as per occupied positions in %

    The result of consumption of the educational programmes is release of the “finished product” – specialists with certain set of knowledge, quality of training, abilities and skills. That is why the best achievement and pride for IAB is the competitiveness, demand and career promotion of the graduates (Figure10).

    Figure 10. Career Development of MBA Programme Students

    Occupied position

    For 17 years of successful development the distinguished representatives of Kazakhstan business elite graduated from the Academy. The graduates of the programme head the large-scale domestic companies and foreign representative offices, they are represented in the deputies' chamber and government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they are in demand in many international organizations (Figure 11.). Many of them after graduation or in the process of study establish their own businesses.

    Figure 11. Areas of MBA Students activies 2004 - 2005

    Contact for application Saule Abeldinova Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050060, Rozybakiyev str., 227
    Tel.: +7 (3272) 498885, Fax: +7 (3272) 498885, E-mail -

    About the International Academy of Business

    Brief History. The International Academy of Business (IAB) is established on the basis of Almaty School of Management (ASM), founded in 1988 – being the dynamic business school, winning good reputation as among businessmen of Kazakhstan, so in the international society for managerial education development. Transformation of ASM into IAB was conducted in accordance with the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №1387 as of November 14, 1996.

    The competence and reliability of Almaty School of Management, its real progress were highly appreciated by American International Organization "People to People International - PTPI", which in October 1995 awarded the honorable prize the "Torch of Birmingham" for successful economic survival and development in the conditions of emerging market relations.

    In 1996 the first admission for evening MBA (Master of Business Administration) programme was made for the specialization of “Corporate Management” without work interruption.

    In 1997 the first day-time programme for “Marketing and PR” specialization and the first module MPA (Master of Public Administration) programme was launched, the employees of the Fund of Public Medical Insurance (FPMI) became the audience for such programme.

    In 1998 there was concluded the agreement on cooperation with “Maastricht School of Management” (the Netherlands), and the first admission of students was made for specialization of “General and Strategic Management”. In 1999 IAB became the winner of the competition “With Overall Quality to XXI century” in the category “Education” for the best management system.

    In 1999 there was concluded the cooperation agreement with the НЕС School of Management (Paris, France) for the programme “Master in Advance Management” was made.

    In 2002 according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 34 as of 18.01.02 the International Academy of Business successfully passed state attestation and obtained the unlimited state license for carrying out educational activities АА № 0000165 as of 02.02.02.

    In 2002 IAB as a pilot institution of higher education participated in public accreditation, initiated by Central Asian Foundation for Management Development (CAMAN), carried out according to the criteria of the European Education Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).

    In 2003 there was developed “International Executive MBA” programme in cooperation with the НЕС School of Management (Paris, France).

    In November 2004 the International Academy of Business launched new joint МВА programme with specialization “Finance”. The partner under this programme is the Financial Academy at the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia).

    In 2004 the International Academy of Business concluded the agreement on joint implementation of the Doctor's programmes of business administration (DBA) with the “Maastricht School of Management” (the Netherlands) and the Academy of Public Economy at the Government of the Russian Federation and launched the new elite programme for the group of Kazakhstani top managers.

    As of April 19, 2005 IAB was awarded with the quality mark of CAMEQ as the first institution of higher education in Kazakhstan in the field of business education, successfully passed institutional international accreditation.

    Attestation and Accreditation. In 2002 by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 34 as of 18.01.02 the International Academy of Business successfully passed state attestation and obtained unlimited state license for educational activities carrying out with the reference number АА № 0000165 as of 02.02.02.

    The main event of the year 2005 was CAMEQ quality mark awarded to the International Academy of Business as the first institution of higher education in the field of business in Kazakhstan, which successfully passed institutional international accreditation. This significant day was April 19, 2005, which became the history of IAB forever.

    Participation in international educational organizations

    • The European Fund of Management Development (efmd).
    • The Association of Management Development of Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEMAN).
    • The International Association of Institutes awarding the MBA degree (with the headquarters in the Netherlands).
    • The Central Asian Fundation of Management Development (CAMAN).
    • The Russian Association of Business Education (RABE).
    • The American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan

    International partnership

    • The HEC School of Management, France
    • Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands
    • The Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Corporate Management, Russia
    • The Academy of Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Business Administration and Business, Russia
    • The University of Reading, Great Britain
    • The Academy of Management, MAS, Germany
    • The Girner American University of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (Cyprus), Turkey
    • The Liverpool J. Morris University, Great Britain
    • The St.-Petersburg International Institute of Management, IMISP, Russia

    Material and Technical Facilities. Among important events of the year 2005 for the International Academy of Business was acquisition of the large building. Moving to the new building opened new possibilities for IAB: first of all, expansion and development, secondly, modernization of the material base. In 2005 with the efforts of the Academy there were purchased about fifty up-to-date multimedia computers, there was installed certified high-velocity 100 megabit local computer network (VCN constructed by "ABS" company, operating on active Cisco equipment). LCN is successfully used for automation of management and documents circulation. Arrangement of the information network in IAB is placed with great significance. The level of provision with up-to date equipment of classes and laboratories compiles with the purposes and tasks of specialists training according to IAB profile, development of scientific research (Figure 3).

    Figure 3. Dynamics of Computer Equipment Provision in %

    IAB library is completed with the newest literature in Kazakh, Russian, English and French, and there is a possibility to use the information catalog, electronic textbooks and periodicals. To provide quick selection of textbooks it is provided the possibility of search with the help of up-to-date library program “Irbis” with the appropriate hardware.

    To help student the International Academy of Business provides free INTERNET use, and for efficient information exchange each student is assigned with the individual electronic address, which is to be used for communication with the coevals all over the world, future employers, teachers and each other.

    About the Programmes

    DBA Department

    Dean of DBA Department – Marina Chan
    Coordinator of DBA Department – Dinara Kasseinova

    Contact details: address: Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050060, Rozybakiyev str., 227, tel.: +7 (3272) 486806, 484943, Fax: +7 (3272) 498885, e-mail:

    DBA Programme in IAB is developed taking into consideration the experience of two leading business schools: 1. Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands, accredited according to recognized assessment systems by the Association of business schools and programmes - АСВSP, International Assembly of business schools - IACBE (Maastricht DBA Programme is accredited in АСВSP and IACBE).

    2. The Academy of Public Economy at the President of RF (Russia), being the member of the Russian Association of business education (RABE) and European Association of Consultants for economy and management, as well as Association of Business schools of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEMAN). The Programme is implemented together with the High School of Corporate Management (HSCM) at APE.

    The principle of training for DBA programme in the International Academy of Business is a little bit different from that adopted in western educational institutions: the programme is implemented in the forms of full-time course of study and home study and lasts for three years. The academic year consists of three attendance examination sessions lasting for 12 days each, where the students pass basic compulsory training cycles of the programme:

    The first cycle: “Main urgent problems of business in current conditions”. This cycle provides for training in the most important and new problems in the field of strategic management, marketing, corporate principles of management, problems of companies reorganization, finances, staff management, IТ-technologies application, issues of international business, urgent problems of business laws, consideration of the prospects Russian and Kazakh economies development. Intensive study of such short but rich courses is conducted with application of active training methods and advanced “breaking through” business technologies, at this the practical experience of the applicants-businessmen shall be maximally taken into consideration.

    The second cycle: “Methods of Economic Analysis in Applied Researches and Methodology of Research Projects Development”, where principle attention is paid to the courses on qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, work with literature sources, self-training methods.

    The third cycle: “Management Technique and Professional Skills of the Modern Manager”. Here mainly while practical exercise the problems of leadership, businesslike behavior and communication, conflicts management, presentations, self-management and other are studied.

    The fourth cycle: “Foreign language for Business Communication and Reading of Business Literature” (with the emphasis to the independent work).

    Between the sessions it is conducted independent training and work for preparation of the professional doctoral thesis under supervision of the research supervisor. Specialization shall commence from the second year of study. In the process of training the students shall pass two attestations.

    Training in DBA programme gives additional possibilities:

    • Preparation of dissertation for the scientific degree of the Candidate of Economic Science for the persons, not having such degree;
    • Preparation of dissertation for the scientific degree of the Doctor of Economic Science for the persons, having the degree of the Candidate of Economic Science;
    • Possibility to present his/her DBA graduation project for defense in Swiss Business School (SBS), implementing such programme with the prospects to obtain the degree of DBA SBS.

    MBA Department

    Dean of MBA Department: Tatyana Urmanova
    Deputy Dean of MBA Department: Saule Abeldinova

    Address : Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050060, Rozybakiyev str., 227
    Tel.: +7 (3272) 498885, 484866, 496906, 498478, Fax: +7 (3272) 498885

    The MBA Department of the International Academy of Business prepares the highly professional managers of middle and top level. For today МВА department together with the Kazakhstani programmes implements joint international MBA programmes in cooperation with widely known business schools.

    Kazakh MBA Programmes (in Russian language)

    The MBA Department conducts training of highly qualified specialists in Kazakh programmes, which integrate the experience of the specialized programmes for business and management, long-term international cooperation and experience of the leading western business schools. Being oriented to the European quality and standards of education, the programmes take into consideration the peculiarities of Kazakhstani business, which is the significant advantage of such programmes. Currently the following programmes are successfully implemented:

    • Marketing and Public Relations
    • Corporate Management
    • Human resources management
    • Arts management
    • Finances

    International MBA Programmes (in English language)

    Joint MBA

    Currently there exists the International programme, implemented in cooperation with the Maastricht School of Management (the Netherlands) with specialization “General and Strategic Management”. The programme is successfully implemented for seven years already and naturally combines the theory and the practice. Significant attention is paid to development of personal skills and knowledge of each student. Such approach makes training under this programme unique.

    International Executive MBA

    The International Programme entitled “International Executive MBA” was elaborated specially for the managers, working in oil and gas sector, as well as for the specialists in the sphere of risk management in any branch of the economy in Kazakhstan. IE-MBA Programme is the exclusive programme having no analogues in the Kazakhstani market. The international partners of IAB under this programme is НЕС School of Management (France, Paris) and Louvein Catholic University IAG (Belgium), current members of the prestigious Community of European Management Schools - CEMS, which accepts only one leading Institution of Higher Education, training economists and managers from each European country. The diplomas of its graduates are officially recognized in all countries of the European Union. The programme is designed for the organizations, operating in the sphere of Oil, Gas, Energy, and for those, who strive, working in Kazakhstani market, to develop the skills for risk management. IE-MBA is approved by French Government as the prospective and up-to-date programme.

    The programme provides for two specializations:

    Management in the field of “Oil, Gas, Energy”
    Risk Management: international aspect

    International Programme “MBA-Finances”

    In 2005 the international programme “Master of Business Administration” was developed together with the Financial Academy under the Government of Russian Federation – “МВА – Finances”, created for the specialists of financial and banking sector of economy, heads and financial managers of medium and top level of the companies from various branches of economy, as well as heads and specialists of the companies, operating in the stock market. In 2005 the Academy became one of the winners of the competition “Golden Medal “European Quality” in the nomination "100 Best Institutions of Higher Education in Russia".

    Undergraduate Programs Department

    Dean of UP department: Aigul Kurmangaliyeva
    Deputy Dean: Bakhyt Bizhanova

    The Department of Higher Professional Education consists of two faculties, where training in eight directions is conducted:

    • Economy
    • Marketing
    • Finances
    • Accounting and Audit
    • Management
    • Informatics
    • Information Systems.

    The Department of Higher Professional Education consists of five sub-faculties: “Finances and Audit”, “Management and Marketing”, “Economy and General Disciplines”, “Language Disciplines” and “Information Technologies”. Training of students in the specialties is conducted in three languages – Kazakh, Russian and English.

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