The European Education Directory

State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
"Nicolae Testemitanu"

Rector Prof. Ion Ababii, M.D., Ph.D.
Address 165 Stefan cel Mare Street
2004 Kishinau, Republic of Moldova
Tel. No. +422 243 408; +422 241 748
Fax No. + 422 242 344
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  • General Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Stomatology (Dentistry)
  • Pharmaceutical Facilty
  • Post-University Training Faculty for Doctors
  • Type of courses Full-time
    Length of courses The pre-universitary faculty - 1 year
    The faculty of Medicine - 6 years
    The faculty of Stomatology - 5 years
    The faculty of Pharmacy - 5 years
    The postgraduate studies - 3 years
    Date of commencement September 1 of every year
    Accommodation available in university hostels (monthly - 15–30 USD)
    Fees The preuniversitary department - 700 USD
    Student, faculty - 1800 USD
    The postgraduate studies - 2500 USD
    Student profile Ratio of National / Overseas students - more then 10% for year
    Ratio of Men / Women - 50:50
    Age range - 20
    Contact for application P. Galetski M.D. Ph.D.
    1st Vice–Rector

    V. Vovc M.D. Ph. D.
    Head of Department of International Affairs

    Faculty of General Medicine

    The curative faculty gives the future specialists the possibility to make a wide choise of medical professions: therapy, surgery, accoucheur-ginecology, phthisiology, radiology, ophtalmology, neurology, endocrinology, urology etc.

    The most numerous detachment of students study at the curative faculty which is the oldest and the leading one at the University. This faculty joins 42 chairs at wich 436 lecturers works and among them are 38 professors, 91 assistant-professors and senior lecturers.

    The up-to-date methods of teaching are widely used here.

    All this taken together gives the opportunity to train qualified specialists during the learning period at the University. At present more than 14000 graduates of the curative faculty work in Moldova and beyond its borders.

    Faculty of Pediatrics

    The faculty trains specialists on the field of pediatrics and prepares pediatricians of a wide profile, doctors for kinder-gardens and school institutions, sanatoria, as well as for specialized institutionsand functional subdivisions of children surgery, anaesthology, psychoneurology, phthisiology, reanimatology, neonatology, otorhinolaringology and others.

    During the first three years alongside with the basic subjects the students learn about different methods of pationts' examination. The fourth and fifth year are dedicated to all medical specialities, to the practical use of the principles of diagnostics and treatment and to the prophylaxis of diseases.The students of the sixth year of education pass the primary specialization on pediatrics with the children's infection. During this period of time primary attention is paid to early and differential diagnostics, to gaining practical skill on the speciality, to rendering emergency and first aid, to carrying out antiepidemiological measures among children, to propaganda of principles of a healthy mode of life, to the dispensarization of children. The term of instruction at the faculty lasts for six years.

    Faculty of Preventive Medicine

    The sanitary protection of the air, lakes, soil, the sanitation of labour conditions, feeding, conditions of life, strengthening of children's and teenagers' health, the straggle with the infection diseases ... All this meke up the field of activity of doctors-prophylaxis-hygienists and epidemiologists. Their training is being carried on by the sanitary hygienic faculty. The future doctors in prophylaxis pass a serious general medical preparation during six years of training at more than30 theoetical and clinical departments and on finishing the fourth year take practical training as a hospital doctors.The study of special disciplins begins at the third year of education. After the fifth year the students have the practical training at the base of sanitary-epidemiological centers. The 11th and 12th terms are fully set aside for the primary specialization on hygiene, children's and teenagers' hygiene epidemiologist, parazitologists, doctors on sanitary enlightement as well as infectionists, prophpatologists and as lab doctors.

    Faculty of Stomatology (Dentistry)

    The people entering stomatological faculty study during the first two years disciplines common for other faculties. In the fourth and fifth years, alongside with general medical subjects, students master therapeutical, surgical and orthopedical stomatology, children's stomatology, which are the core of this work.

    The knoledge and practical skill, gained by students at theoretical and special chairs are consolidated in the course of educational practice and production one during the 1-5 courses at urban and district hospitals and policlinics of the republic. To the specific feature of the faculty one can refer the fiveyear term of education.

    Pharmaceutical Faculty

    The faculty trains pharmaceutists - specialists in the field of medicine, the technology of their preparation and analysis, the organization of medicine service to the population.

    The boys and girls who have chosen pharmacy as their speciality as well as other students of the Medical University study for the first tow years social, medico-biological and chemical disciplines. The following three years are given to the study of pharmaceutical disciplines: pharmacognozy, technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, the organization and economy of pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmatherapy etc. The fifth year is set for practice as well as for specialization on five specialities which the students can have at the best drug-stores, analytical laboratories of Moldova and "Farmaco" plant.

    At the pharmaceutical faculty works the first in our country educational-practical drug-store, which is equipped with the most up-to-date installation and computer tehnology. The growing of medical plants has been organized on an experimental plant in one of the most beautiful corners of our republic - the rezervation "Kodru".

    Post-University Training Faculty for Doctors

    Postuniversity training faculty for doctors is the teaching-methodic centre in training the postgraduates doctors and their perfection.

    At present the specialization and the improvement of the doctor's qualification at the faculty is carried aut on more than 50 specialities. This permits the overhelming majority of the doctors pass the postuniversity training at different chairs and the faculty courses.

    The improvement of qualification is carried onnarrow specialities too, such as clinical electrocardiography, cardiology, functional diagnostics, anaestheziology and reanimation, clinical laboratories, microbiology, immunology, physiotherapeutics, traumatology, infectious diseases etc.

    The chairs, courses and the dean's activity is directed on the creation in the republican health service the persistant formation of the medical personel, which will supply the systemic acquisition of the new knowledge and skill, mastering the advansed prophylactic, the diagnosis and treatment methods.

    About the University

    The State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "N.Testemitsanu" is one of the biggest higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova. It was founded in 1945 according to the order of all-union Committe for Higher Schools and the People's Commisariat of Health Service of the USSR Nr.427/699 August 31, 1945, envisaging the transition of the evacuated in the years of the blocade if the 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute to Kislovodsk and its renaming into Chisinau State Medical Institute.

    The Institute began its word on the 20th of October in the composition of one curative department comprising 13 chairs where 996 students studied and 130 lecturers worked, including 15 doctors and 19 candidates of sciences.

    The foundation of Chisinau Medical Institute made an impact on the development of higner medical education in Moldova and on consolidating the health service in the republic. From 1945 to 1989 the Medical Institute trained more than 25 thousand specialists.

    In 1954 the pediatric faculty was founded, in 1959 - the stomatological one, in 1963 - the preventive and in 1964 - the pharmaceutical faculty. It was necessary to provide a qualitative work for training specialists after graduation the faculty of Specialition and advanced training was set up in 1962.

    In order to improve and enlarge scientific research work, the Central Scientific Research Laboratory (CSRL) was created the same year. In 1965 the Institute was conferred the 1st category. In 1967 the Institute, one of the first four higher schools of the country was entrusted to carry out the experimental training future doctors by internship and subinternship.

    In 1990 the Institute was conferred the name of N.Testemitsanu, a prominent scientist, teacher and Public Health organizer who made a great contribution to the development and organization of public health in our republic. At July 25, 1991 the Chisinau State Medical Institution "N.Testemitsanu" was reorganized into a University. In 1995 it is given a new name - State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "N.Testemitsanu".

    With the improvement and strengthening of the professorial staff of the chairs and gaining more pedagogical experience in work , intensification and perfection of academic system, the process of education has constantly been improving and enriching. This qualitative development alongside with the achieved success broght our Higher Education Institution among the best 50 medical schools in Europe out of a total of 250; its diplomas are recognized all over the world.

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