The European Education Directory

Russian State University
for the Humanities

Address 6 Miusskaya Square, Moscow 125267, Russia
Tel. No. +7 095 251-10-70, +7 095 250-65-16
Fax No. +7 095 251-10-70, 973-48-60
E-mail address
  • History and Archives
  • Information Protection
  • Informatics
  • Scientific, Technical, and Film/Photo/Phono Archives
  • History, Politology and Law
  • History and Philology
  • History of Arts
  • Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
  • Management
  • Philosophy
  • Economic Sciences
  • Type of course full educational cycles, study-abroad programmes for foreign studens, continuing education, individual study plans (see in "Short History")
    Length of course 4 years (bachelor) and 5 years (specialist)
    Date of commencement 1st September
    Class size from 4 to 6 students (Russian Language classes)
    Accommodation available (at the rate 250 USD per month)
    Fees from 2000 USD to 6000 USD per semester
    Admission requirements Russian Language fluency required
    Student profile
  • Ratio of National / Overseas students: 10/1
  • Age range: 17- 25
  • Contact for application Petoukhova Svetlana Borisovna
    International Students Department

    History and Archives

    Major subjects: Historical Manuscripts of Ancient Rus; Historical Manuscripts of Medieval Rus; Literary and arts archives; Archives Automated Technologies and Historical Research; Audiovisual, Scientific, Technical and Economic Archives; Ancient and Medieval History of Europe.
    Dean - Elena M. Burova
    Tel. +7 095 921-43-14

    Information Protection

    Major subjects: Legal and Economic Principles of Information Protection; Methodologies of Information Protection; Engineering and Technical Information Protection; Organization of Information Protection
    Dean - Vladimir S. Anashin
    Tel. +7 095 388-08-88


    Major subjects:Automated Information Technologies and Systems; Information Resources; Mathematics
    Dean - Arkady G. Romanenko
    Tel. +7 095 250-63-59

    Scientific, Technical, and Film/Photo/Phono Archives

    Dean - Larisa M. Vjalova
    Tel. +7 095 298-03-17

    History, Politology and Law

    Dean - Alexander P. Logunov
    Tel. +7 095 298-03-45

    History of Arts

    Major subjects: Museum Studies; History and Theory of Culture; General History of Fine Arts
    Dean - Svetlana I. Sotnikova
    Tel. +7 095 250-69-25

    Economic Sciences

    Dean - Gennadiy V. Ross
    Tel. +7 095 250-65-87


    Major subjects: History of Russian Philosophy; World History of Philosophy; Contemporary Philosophic Trends
    Dean - Valery D. Gubin
    Tel. +7 095 260-67-89


    Dean - Nadejzda I. Arhipova
    Tel. +7 095 250-65-39

    History and Philology

    Major subjects: History of Russian Literature; History of World Literature; Theory and History of Poetry; Classic Culture; Theater History; Foreign Languages
    Dean - Galina A. Belaya
    Tel. +7 095 251-35-06

    About the University

    The Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) is an educational institution, preparing specialists in all areas of knowledge in the Humanities. Drawing upon more than three hundred years of Russian higher educational tradition, as well as the experience (and example) of two unique Russian educational institutions - Moscow Public University named after Alfons L. Shanyavsky and Moscow State Institute for History and Archives, - the RSUH is a rightful heir to the traditions of these excellent institutions in its mission to help revive the atmosphere of spirit and culture in education.

    The Moscow Public University, founded in 1908 on the initiative of the eminent Russian patron of the arts, Alfons Leonovich Shanyavsky, played a special role in Russian education. It was the centre of enlightened and moral education right up to 1918, realising the progressive principles of alternative education in conjunction with a sound educational foundation available to all.

    The Moscow State Institute for History and Archives, founded in 1930 as a centre for preparation of archivists, became over the years a focus of scientific research. In its archival pursuits in areas of history and such auxiliary realms as the study of primary sources, archaeology and palaeontology, it managed to preserve the very best of Russian research. By the beginning of the 1990's, this institution has achieved an actual university level, which naturally enabled it to become the organisation heart of the RSUH, founded in 1991.

    Today, RSUH, a young, dynamic and rapidly developing university, comprises nine institutes, eleven faculties, twenty scientific and teaching centres, eight scientific laboratories and fifty two departments, two schools. More than four thousand students are enrolled at RSUH each year, along with 201 graduate students and fifteen doctoral candidates. Student education and training takes place in 17 fields) 10 branches and 49 specializations. Thirty-seven foreign languages are offered at the University, including rare Oriental languages.

    The University boasts 441 professors on its permanent staff. In addition, both teaching and participating in scientific research, are 210 specialists from the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Moscow institutions of higher learning, as well as eleven professors from various foreign universities. Among them there are seventeen academicians, four corresponding members, sixty professors and Doctors, and 210 candidates of science.

    Over the last few years, RSUH has very significantly increased its international ties. Until 1987, international contact between institutes of higher education were limited to restricted acceptance of pre- and post-graduate students by inter-governmental agreement, to on-the-job training of foreign specialists, as well as small and short-term trips to other countries for teachers. Today, RSUH boasts over 100 partners around the world, among them being some of the leading and most prestigious educational and scientific organisations to be found: UNESCO, UNIDO, Sorbonne, Oxford, Harvard and Geneva Universities, among many others. And, our University is currently participating in seventeen international programs and projects.

    System of Education

    Educational training in every department is conducted on a two-step system: after four years of study, the student receives a bachelor's degree in his/her field of study, and following an additional two years is recognised as a specialist in his/her field of knowledge and area of training.

    The bachelor's program results in a solid training in the humanities and natural sciences, and occupational preparation, the specialist program in a wider and more specialised preparation which is oriented towards scientific research and professional activities.

    Work in the student's major field of study lasts five years. In addition to a broad liberal arts education, the graduate will have received fundamental theoretical and practical preparation. Within the framework of the student's specialization field of study, in-depth training is focused on problems pertinent to that field. The number of subjects and specializations is steadily increasing. In some specializations, education is carried out jointly with foreign scientific centres.

    The education of foreign students, graduate students, and those learning on the job is constructed variously: full educational cycles, study-abroad in Russia programs, post-graduate work, and on the basis of individual plans.

    The full educational cycles are conducted in the basic University departments. The study-abroad programs for foreign citizens (including students from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States) at RSUH are designed in accordance with plans approved by the individual University departments, comprising approved basic preparation in standard teaching cycles (baccalaureate, specialisation) for a determined period of time (from 2-3 weeks to 1-2 semesters).

    Continuing education envisages the preparation of dissertations and degree-work by foreign students according to the profiles of their specializations, as well as an exchange of scientific work (pre- and post-graduate students), publications, theses development for the joint preparation of graduate students and doctoral candidates, etc.,

    Continuing education for foreign citizens at RSUH takes on greater and greater significance. Here, the most attractive factors are the best of modern liberal arts specializations, powerful scientific-pedagogical potential, flexible systems of teaching and the diversity of programs offered.

    Individual study plans are today the most popular form of education among foreign students. These programs take well into account the individual needs and desires of students and graduate students alike. They study the subjects, which interest them, while at the same time deepening their professional knowledge and abilities. Students are presented with the choice of a wide range of lecturers, seminar leaders and subject matter in one or several RSUH departments. The major part of the courses are designed by University professors, and are the result of both research work and creative quest. Terms of study under an individual plan range from three to 10 months, including a summer session.

    The individual plans are conducted according to specially developed courses, taught both in Russian and in English. A full list of course offerings including short descriptions has been available in the yearly issue of Academic Program for Foreign Students since 1993.

    Upon completion of instruction, they receive a special Certificate which indicates the range and breadth of study, lectures and practical experience. As a record of the half- or full-year work of the foreign student (graduate student, on-job trainee) it is used either the traditional Russian "record book" (scholastic record) or the system of credit-hours commonly used in the USA and several West European countries.


    The University is located in the Centre of Moscow on Miusskaya Ploshad near to the Novoslobodskaya metro station and to Tverskaya Street, one of the main thoroughfares of Moscow. The main University complex is comprised of seven buildings, housing an administrative Centre, classroom facilities, equipped with everything necessary to successful teaching for Russian and foreign students alike, as well as a dining hall, two snack bars, sports and recreation hall, and a medical station where students may receive no-cost first aid.

    Also available to students are the resources of the Multi-Media Centre, which includes 14 computer rooms with access to the Internet.

    RSUH library boasts around a million and a half of volumes, reference works and encyclopaedic publications, which include many by foreign authors. In 1997, RSUH opened its university bookstore, "U Kentavra", which offers a wide range of textbooks, science and art books, and reference sources (including some prepared by RSUH professors) and office supplies.

    Also part of RSUH is the Institute for History and Archives located not far from the Kremlin in an old building on Nikolskaya Street, which once belonged to the Moscow Synod Printing House in the early 19th century.

    Russian Language Centre

    Under the ministration of the Office of International Relations, the Russian Language Centre teaches the language to foreigners with programs of various lengths and methods of teaching. The Centre is open year-round and offers several instructional course options. The duration and intensity of instruction may be determined according to the needs of the student. The programs guarantee improvement of verbal abilities (speaking and understanding) and of reading/writing skills. Additional lecture cycles are planned on different aspects of history and contemporary life in Russia and its social, economic and political problems.


    Institute of Linguistics

    Major subjects: Linguistics; Artificial Intelligence; Theoritical and Applied Linguistics; Russian Language; Oriental Languages; Comparative Linguistics and Ancient languages; Romane and Germanic Languages; Logic and Intellectual Systems

    Director - Maxim A. Krongauz
    Tel. +7 095 250-65-60

    Institute for History and Archives
    Major subjects: Ancient and Medieval History of Russia; Modern History of Russia; Recent History of Russia; World History; Auxillary Historical Disciplines; History of State Institutions and Public Organizations; Archeography; Archival History and Storage and Retrieval Systems; Theory and Methodology of Archival Studies; Foreign Languages

    Director - Alexander B. Bezborodov
    address: 15, ul. Nikolskaya,
    Moscow 107150 Russia
    Tel.+7 095 925-50-19

    Institute for Higher Research in the Humanities
    Director - Eleazaar M. Meletinsky
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 250-66-68

    Institute of Oriental Cultures
    Director - Ilja S. Smirnov
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 250-69-94

    Institute of European Cultures
    Director - Valeria Yu. Kudrjavtseva
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 973-44-67

    Institute for Cultural and Historical Anthropology
    Director - Grigory A. Tkachenko
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 250-64-39

    Institute of Media Studies
    Director-Manager - Alexandr G. Vasiljev
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 250-61-08

    Institute of Psychology
    Director - Elena E. Kravtsova
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 250-69-30

    Institute for Russian History
    Director - Andrej I. Fursov
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia

    Institute for Economy, Management and Law
    Director - Nadezjda I. Arhipova
    address: 6, Miusskaya Pl.
    Moscow, 125 267 Russia
    Tel. +7 095 260-65-39


    Archival Studies
    Director - Evgeny V. Starostin
    address: 15 ul. Nikolskaya
    Moscow 107150, Russia
    Tel. +7 095 925-50-19

    Hebrew and Bible Studies
    Co-Director - Natalja I. Basovskaya tel. +7 095 250-64-79
    Co-Director - David Fishman tel. +7 095 250-67-58

    Director - Irina S. Shinkaruk
    Tel. +7 095 923-56-61

    World History
    Director - Alexander O. Chubarjan
    Tel. +7 095 250-62-87

    Publishing Centre
    Director - Boris G. Vlasov
    Tel. +7 095 250-86-93

    Information and Computer Studies
    Director Valentina P. Marihina
    Tel. +7 095 250-68-71

    Computer Educational Technologies
    Director - Alexander S. Strogalov
    Tel. +7 095 973-47-07

    Museum Centre
    Director - Irina V. Bakanova
    Tel. +7 095 250-69-08

    Comparative Studies of World Religions
    Director Nikolai V. Shaburov
    Tel. +7 095 250-63-40

    Marc Bloch Russian-French Centre for Historical Anthropology
    Co-Director - Marina F. Rumjanceva Tel. 7 095 250-64-39
    Co-Director - Claudio Sergio Ingerflom

    Russian-Swedish Scientific and Educational Centre
    Director - Tamara A. Salycheva
    Tel. +7 095 973-40-58

    Russian as Foreign Language
    Director - Valentina Ja. Trufanova
    Tel. +7 095 250-69-48

    Ethnology Studies
    Director - Valery A. Tishkov
    Tel. +7 095 938-17-47

    Management Problem Studies
    Superintendent - Farida Yu. Chanhieva
    Tel. +7 095 250-64-28

    Russian-Canadian Scientific and Educational Centre "moscow-Quebeck"
    Director - Ekaterina V. Isaeva
    Tel. +7 095 925-67-69

    Russian-Mexican Scientific and Educational Centre
    Director - Galina G. Ershova
    +7 095 925-67-69

    Hall of Iranese Culture
    Director - Vjacheslav V. Moshkalo

    School of Contemporary Arts
    Director - Ekaterina A. Mellina
    Tel. +7 095 250-58-43

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