The European Education Directory

Samara State
Medical University

Address 89 Chapaevskaya Street, 443099 Samara, Russia
Tel. No. +7 8462 322 851; +7 8462 327 089
Fax No. +78462 332 976
E-mail address
  • Therapeutic Department
  • Pediatric Department
  • Pharmaceutical Department
  • The Faculty of Academic Nurses
  • The Department of the Medical Psychologists
  • Department of Medical Managers
  • The Department of Individual Training
  • Foreign Students Department
  • The Department of Family Medicine
  • Type of programmes Full-time
    Length of programmes 4 - 6 years
    Date of commencement Autumn
    Accommodation Comfortable accommodation available
    Fees Russian students - ratios or by contract
    Foreign students - 2000 USD
    Student grants Presidential grants available, assistance of sponsors, grants for research
    Admission requirements Russian fluency required
    Student profile Ratio of Men / Women - 1/2.
    Ratio of National / Overseas students - 8 /1.
    Age range - 30 years
    Contact for application Potapov Alexej Valerjevich

    Departments of the University

    Therapeutic Department is one of the largest in the University. It trains doctors in different specialties such as therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, phtiziatria and others. (The course of studies is 7 years).

    Pediatric Department trains doctors in specialty "Children's diseases" with subdivisions, of children's surgery and children's gynecology.

    Stomatological Department trains doctors in specialty "Stomatology" with specialization in "Surgical Stomatology", "Therapeutical Stomatology", "Orthopedic Stomatology" and "Children's Stomatology".

    Pharmaceutical Department has the specialty of "Pharmacy" and trains pharmacists-informators, pharmacists-technologists, pharmacists-analysists, pharmacists-organizators, pharmacists-pharmacognosts.

    The Faculty of Academic Nurses has specialty in "Nursing Practice". Its applicants must have secondary medical education.

    The Department of Medical Psychologists trains specialists for medical and educational institutions, for state enterprises and private offices.

    The graduates of the Department of Medical Managers will run medical and prophylactic centers, work out and introduce into medical practice new methods and techniques, study the problems of marketing and management/

    The Department of Individual Training prepares doctors and pharmaceutical of all specialties according to the contract system.

    Foreign Students Department trains students, clinical ordinators and postgraduates in all profiles of the University.

    The Department of Family Medicine prepare family doctors.

    About Samara State Medical University

    Samara State Medical University is one of the leading universities in Russia. It prepares scientist specialists for practice in Health services. In the University all progressive conceptions take place, with line with the system of higher medical education.

    There are 4 institutes, 16 faculties and 85 chairs. The teachers compound are represented with 12 academicians and member-correspondents of other Academies, 100 professors and doctors of science, 300 candidates of science.

    The basic specialization's in University are: therapy, stomatology, pharmacy, medical psychology, economy and medical management. Graduates of specialized medical schools can continue their studuies in the faculty of academic nurses or in the department of family medicine.

    Future students always take the examinations.

    Every faculty has its own examinations. Therapy faculty: biology, chemistry, composition.
    The faculty of family medicine: therapy, biology, composition.
    Pediatric faculty: chemistry, biology, composition.
    Stomatological faculty: biology, physics, composition.
    Pharmaceutical faculty: chemistry, biology, composition.
    The Faculty of academic nurses: the nurses job, biology, composition.
    The faculty of medical psychologists: composition, mathematics, biology.
    The faculty of medical managers: mathematics, composition, biology.

    The period of education on the therapy, pediatric faculty and the faculty of psychologists takes 6 years. On faculty of academic nurses it takes 4 years; on others - 5 years.

    Samara State Medical University with a medical department was founded in January 1, 1919. It was affiliated to the University untill 1927. In 1930-1939 it was separated from the University and existed independently. In 1939-1942 it was reorganized into Military Medical Academy. In 1942-1945 Kuibyshev Medical Institute having only 1 department was founded. In 1965-1990 were founded several more department. From 1990 to 1993 Samara Medical Institute existed as part of the integral system of training of medical and pharmaceutical staff and in 1993 was reorganised as a university - Samara State Medical University.

    In March 1967 at the Head of Samara State Medical University was the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, honored citizen of our town, professor Alexander Fedorovich Krasnov. From July 1998 at the head of the University is the professor Krasnov's follower - academician Gennadiy Petrovich Kotelnikov, state prize-winner.

    18 graduates of Samara State Medical University were chosen as academician and member-correspondents of Russian academies.

    From 1991 the Samara State Medical University prepares doctors and pharmacists for students from the oriental countries, Africa and Latin-America.

    The University library has more than 700 thousand books, textbooks manuals and atlases. Samara State Medical University is in the one of the most advanced regions of Russia.

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