School of Biology and Geography
Degree Programmes
Teacher of Chemistry
Analitical Chemistry
Chemistry Technology and Biotechnology
Teacher of Biology and Chemistry
Teacher of Geography
Geography and Landscape
Geography and Hydrology
Geography and Ecology
School of Geology and Survey
Degree Programmes Information Science in Geology
Deposits of Diamonds and Precious Metals
Deposits of Metal and Non-metal Natural Resources
Water-supply and Drain
Land-reclamation and Water-supply
Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
Study of Frozen Soil Conditions (Permafrost) and Survey
Ore geophysics
Geophysical Research of Oil and Gas Wells
Structural Geophysics
Oil-field Geophysics and Geology
School of Civil Engineering
Degree Programmes Industrial and Civil Construction
Production of Building Materials, Articles and Constructions
Heating and Gas Supply, Ventilation
Technology of Woodworking
School of History and Law
Degree Programmes History and Political Sciences
Teacher of History
History and Archives
History and Ethnology
Public Law
Criminal Law
Civil Law
School of Mathematics
Degree ProgrammesMathematical Modeling
Computer Mathematics
Teaching Applied Mathematics
Mathematics and Information Science
Mathematics and Programme Provision
Mathematical Economics
School of Foreign Languages
Degree Programmes
French and Sakha Languages and Literature
French and English Language and Literature
English Language in Indigenous Schools
German Language and Literature
German Language and Psychology
Translation and Interpretation
English and Japanese Language and Literature
English and German Language and Literature
School of Sakha Linguistics and Native Culture
Degree Programmes Sakha Language for Indigenous Schools
Sakha Language for Schools with the Russian Language
Sakha Language and Native Culture
Sakha Language and Oriental Languages
Cross-Cultural Studies
School of Physics
Degree ProgrammesTeacher of Physics, Astronomy and Computer Science
Physics of Solid Bodies
Thermal Physics
Theoretical Physics
Technology of Cutting Production
Technology of Diamond Instruments
School of Russian Linguistics and Native Languages
Degree Programmes Correspondent and Commentator
TV and Radio Journalism
Advertising and Marketing
Teacher of World Culture
Teacher of Sakha Native Culture
Teacher of Russian Culture
School psychology
Native languages of Indigenous Peoples (Evenk, Even, Yukagir)
Medical Institute
Degree Programmes Internal Diseases
Surgical Diseases
Midwifery and Gynaecology
Children's Surgery
Teachers' Training Institute
Degree ProgrammesPhysical Education
Speech Therapist
Methods of Physical Education
Methods of Teaching Fine Arts and Drawing
Social Pedagogy
Computer Science
Teacher of Foreign Languages for Pre-School Age Students
Maintenance of Motor Transport
Maintenance of Radioelectronic Equipment and Computers
Institute of Finance and Economics
Degree Programmes World economics
Business and Management
Human Resource Management
Accounting and Auditing
Taxes and Taxation
About the University
The M.K. Ammosov Sakha State University was established on August 6, 1956 on the basis of the Yakut Teachers' Training Institute. Opening of the first University in Yakutia was a significant historic event in the life of the Republic. On February 6, 1993, the University was granted the status of the main educational institution in the region. The Sakha State University takes its name from Maksim K. Ammosov, a well-known Sakha politician and statesman, the founder of the Autonomous Republic.
The Sakha State University is one of the leading higher educational institutions in the North-East of Russia. The University offers a range of programmes and diplomas to postgraduate and professional qualifications and beyond. The University is a diversified scientific educational and cultural complex, which is based on three main campuses; one in Yakutsk, the capital of the Sakha Republic, and two others in Nerungry and Mirny, south Yakutia. The University is composed of 9 Schools (School of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Geography, History and Law, Russian Linguistics and Native Languages, Sakha Linguistics and Native Culture, Foreign Languages, Geology and Survey, Civil Engineering), 3 Academic Institutes (Institute of Finance and Economics, Teachers' Training Institute and Medical Institute), a number of Colleges, Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Centre of New Information Technologies, Regional Education Centre, Cultural Centre, Linguistics Centre, Sakha-American
Education and Research Centre of Business, Preparatory courses Department (enrollment 130), Library (more than 1,200,000 volumes), Publishing House, 9 museums, Sports Complex, Student Residence Complex. The University trains specialists in 39 degree-seeking undergraduate programmes; it also offers 32 post-graduate courses. The student body is about 10,565 including 3,490 part-time students. The faculty consists of 1060 instructors, including 21 Academicians, 83 Dr.Sc., professors and 381 Cand.Sc., Associate-Professors. 102 Departments and 24 Branches of the Departments function as industrial enterprises and scientific research institutes of the Sakha Research Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science.
The Sakha State University is an intellectual centre which has an essential influence upon the development of economy, education, science and culture of the Sakha Republic. With the support of the President of the Sakha Republic, the Sakha State University is able to offer high-quality training that meets needs of enterprises and businesses of the Sakha Republic. Professors, researchers and students are involved in organization of regional research and technical programmes, enhancing the connections between educational institutions of different levels.
The Sakha State University's sees its research and academic priorities in the following fields:
History and culture of the peoples of the Russian North-East;
Political and Legal issues and problems of the Sakha Republic's development and peculiarities of law in the North-East of Siberia;
Social and economic problems of the Sakha Republic's development in the period of transition to market economy;
Modern pedagogical and methodological issues and problems of Education in the Sakha Republic;
Different languages and literatures in the Sakha Republic: their co-existence, interaction and functioning;
Native culture and mythology;
Methods of investigating and solving differential equations and discrete systems;
Design and study of mathematical methods and technologies of computing experiment, their use in modeling natural and technogenetic processes, ecological-economic and information systems;
Theoretical and experimental study of physical phenomena in various surroundings;
Biological resources' study and technologies of their utilization;
Geology, survey and development of mineral deposits in Yakutia;
Physiological and medical aspects of health-care among various age groups in the Sakha Republic.
Two research laboratories (physiology and pathology of digestive organs; complex geophysical research of earthquake's search and presage) and some disciplinary laboratories carry out their research at the University. Research Institute of Applied mathematics was established in 1993. High-qualified personnel and scientific staff training is conducted through activities of Student Science Society, Young Scholars Board, Graduate Courses Department and Department of clinical studies of the Medical Institute. There are 5 Dissertation Boards which award Doctor's and Candidate's Degrees in the following areas of Science: Philosophy (Dr.Sc.), Pedagogy, Linguistics, Physics, Mathematics, Technical Sciences, Medicine (Cand.Sc.). Research projects in fundumental areas are funded by RF State Committee for Higher Education. Grants for research in fundamental areas are offered by RF State Commitee for Higher Education and Russian Fund for fundamental research. Research is done within the framework of technical programmes
"Universities of Russia", "Noosphere and Sustainable Development", "Architecture and Construction". Research is also funded by Sakha State Committee for Higher Education, Science and Technical policy within the framework of research and technical programmes' agenda. The University also signs contracts and agreements for conducting research with various enterprises and agencies.
The University's main campus is located in Yakutsk. Schools and academic departments of the main University campus are located in 7 buildings. Students live in 6 halls of residence. Medical services are provided by Student Medical Centre with the capacity 70 patients a day. There is a Cultural Centre at the University (900 seats) where different student festivals, concerts and contests take place. The Sports complex is comprised of 3 gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a stadium and offers grounds for basketball, volleyball, aerobics, gymnastics, kick-boxing, wrestling, weight training and fitness classes, etc.
The university Library services offer a learning environment with collections to support class-room work, a wide range of books in all fields of science, periodicals and other materials. A total stock is equivalent to approximately 1,200,000 volumes including more than 30,000 volumes in foreign languages. The University Library is a methodological centre for other educational institutions' libraries. It conducts methodological work on problems of Library science and often hosts conferences on various topics. The programme of complex computer information library network has been conducted according to MARC Library format. Readers appreciate the advantage of electronic catalogue, which includes more than 31000 titles and offers unlimited options for search of information. A significant role in the University publishing belongs to the University Publishing House. The average number of its publications is about 300 various titles per year.
The University has established relations with the Russian universities in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and others. The University has cooperative agreements with the Universities in the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Poland, Turkey, China, Japan, Canada. The agreements provide for collaborative researches in the following directions:
Foreign Languages: English, French, German , Japanese and Chinese
International Business Experience
Political Culture of Multinational States
Medicine and Health Protection
Shamanistic Studies
Cross-Cultural Studies
Geography and Mapping
Environmental Studies
The University maintains exchange programmes both for students and faculty; 12 visiting professors delivered lectures to the Sakha University students during the last two years. Among other international programmes carried out by the University are:
"Summer in Siberia" - annual Russian Language courses for foreign students;
International Educational Programme "Elderhostel";
Collaborative Programme on Training Journalists with UAF (USA) funded by US Information Agency;
Programme funded by US AID: «Partnership in Economic Literacy»;
Project funded by the Gorbachov Foundation and University of Calgary "Yakutia - Sakha and the North-East of Siberia.";
TEMPUS-TACIS Programme "New Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages.";
Project with UNBC (Canada) "Indeginous Land Tenure and Administration in the Sakha Republic of the Russian Federation";
The "Polar PAC" Library Project in cooperation with Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska-Fairbanks;