The European Education Directory

Volgograd State Architectural
and Engineering Academy (University)

Address 1 Akademicheskaya Street, 400074 Volgograd, Russia
Tel. No. +(7) 8442-44-06-10
Fax No. +(7) 8442-44-16-51
E-mail address
Degree courses/specialties
  • Industrial and Civil Enginering
  • Building Structures and Constuctions Production
  • Architecture
  • Economy and Management in Building Construction
  • Economy and Management in Road Construction
  • Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation, Air Basin Protection
  • Water Supply, Sewerage, Rational Utilisation and Protection of Water Resources
  • Lifting and Transportation, Construction and Road Mechanisms and Equipment
  • Road and Airfield Construction
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Architecture Environment Design
  • Type of course Full-time
    Length of course 5/6 years
    Date of commencement 1st September
    Class size 25 students
    Accommodation Hostel is available
    Fees $1500 per year for all specialities except architecture.
    Architectural training costs $1800
    Financial assistance Hostel accomodation, library
    Admission requirements
  • a copy of the secondary education diploma (school leaving certificate)
  • health certificate about the possibility of studying in Russia
  • birth certificate, passport and personal data
  • Lectures at the Academy are given in Russian. Foreign students study Russian during the first year at the preparatopy department. The preparatory year costs $1200.
    Student profile
  • Ratio of National / Overseas students: 4489/50
  • Ratio of Men / Women: 2423/2116
  • Age range: 17- 35
  • Contact for application Professor Nikolai Smirnov
    (Prorector, vice-president for International affairs and finance).

    About the University

    Volgograd State Architectural and Engineering Academy established in 1952 at the present moment is a well-known educational center of the Lower Volga in Russian Federation. The stuff of the Academy includes 535 professors teaching 9000 students on 11 faculties.The Academy consists of 7 institutes:

    Architecture and Engineering
    Highway Construction
    Environment Science
    Economics and Law
    Volzsky Engineering Institute
    Astrakhan Campus of VolgSAEA
    Institute of Distance-Learning Studies - training specialists with higher education in 13 specialities

    The Academy is known as one of the leading educational institutions of the country in the sphere of industrial and civil engineering. Planning of modern educational facilities by means of modern scientific and laboratory equipment, computers.There are 2 Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and 4 corresponding members. 2- Honored Architects of the USSR, an Honored Sculptor and an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

    Our Academy is proud of its famous Graduates: Lenin award Laureate, deputy minister for oil industry - V.A. Aronov; 3 Presidents of enterprises; 6 Highway construction Managers; 38 Directors of plants and enterprises.

    The Academy offers the following student services:

    Library: 840000 items, 6 reading halls
    Housing: 3 Residence halls 1500 students
    Health Services: clinic - dispensary
    Sport activities: 16 sports sections
    Recreation Sports: Center on the bankment of the Volga River

    The Academy is conveniently located downtown of Volgograd near the center of the city. Volgograd has a population of about 1000 000 people and is one of the biggest economic and industrial centers of Russian Federation today. Volgograd is situated on the right bank of the river Volga. It is a modern city wich was almost entirely restored after the World War 2. Volgograd is a Hero-City famous for its historical monuments deducated to the Stalingrad Battle and Great Patriotic War.

    Volgograd State Architectural and Engineering Academy includes 7 institutes offering the following specialties:
  • Industrial and Civil Enginering
  • Building Structures and Constuctions Production
  • Architecture
  • Economy and Management in Building Construction
  • Economy and Management in Road Construction
  • Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation, Air Basin Protection
  • Water Supply, Sewerage, Rational Utilisation and Protection of Water Resources
  • Lifting and Transportation, Construction and Road Mechanisms and Equipment
  • Road and Airfield Construction
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Architecture Environment Design

  • All the specialities include the following graded courses:


    The role of philosophy in human and social life; history of philosophy; a man in the Universe; philosophical, religious and scientific conceptions of life; nature of a man and sense of his existance, theories of knowlege; problems of modern civilization etc.

    Foreign language

    Foreign language and culture.Development of scills in speaking, reading, listening and writing; presentation and discussion of original oral and written texts on aspects of life and culture; translation of scientific and technical texts etc.

    Russian history

    The nature of history and the dicipline of history; history of ancient and imperial Russia; the Soviet Union since 1917; the Soviet Union in world affairs; modern Russia; Russian mentality etc.

    Russian law

    Law, individual and society; structure of law and its functioning; structure of constitution; civil rights and liberties; comparison of different law systems etc.


    History of sociology; evolution of human behavior and culture with an emphasis on the individual and society; societal types and personality; types, causes and consequences of stratification in human societies; social positions; Russian society etc.


    The science of politics; history of political theories; structures of political systems; history of ideologies; govermental institutions and processes; political culture and cross-cultural analisis of political systems; political history of Russia etc.

    Psychology and Pedagogics

    Basic principles of pstchology and pedagogics; human behavior; communication, group organization and processing the workplace.


    Basic principles of sound way of life; sport activities.


    Basic algebraic structures; vector spaces and linear dependance; booleans of algebra.
    Analytic geometry; axioms of Euclidean and hyperbolic geometry; differential geometry of curves on surfaces; geometric topology.
    Discrete Mathematics:
    Binominal and multinominal theorems; logical calculus; graphs; languages and grammar; combinatorics; algorithms.
    Differential and integral calculus; theory of functions and functional analysis; differential equations.
    Probability and statistics:
    Elementary probability theory, mathematical basises of probabilities; statistic mrthods; test of hypothesis; minimax principle.

    Numeral methods and comupter programming

    Conception of information; computing systems and problem solving; organizaton of programming languages; algorithms and computing; programming concepts; computer graphics etc.


    Mechanics, Newton's laws, momentum, energy concervation laws, rotational motion, special relativity, oscillation, resonances, fluid motion; electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, light and optics, interference and diffraction; quantum physics; statistical physics etc.

    Theoretical mechanics

    Statics; dinamics; kinematics.


    Atoms, molecules, ions; chemical calculations; reactions and reaction mecanisms, energy changes; gases; kinetics; chemical thermodinamics;chemical identification etc.

    Fundanentals of ecology and environmental science

    Biosphere, its structure and importance for the human life; ecology and human health; problems of environment; basic principles of environmental economics; physical and chemical principles of air and water pollution; basic principles of ecology law; international cooperation in environmental science.

    Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics

    Methods of projecting; positional and metric tasks; drawing; different ways of transformation of engineering drawings; methods of engineering graphics etc.

    Strength of materials and structural mechanics

    Mechanical behavior of materials, stress and strain, elasticity, mechanical properties in tension and torsion, plastisity; deformation mechanisms, temperature and strain rate effects, work hardening solution and partical strengthening; polimeric materials etc.

    Safety in civil engineering

    Description of dangerous and harmful factors of environment; methods of encreasing of industrial safety; special equipment etc.

    Engineering geodesy

    Subject of geodesy; geodesy equipment; geodesy networks; basic forms of geodesy work operations in projecting and engineering; geodesy and mathematics etc.

    Engineering geology

    Principles of geology as applied to engineering practice; minerals, rocks,surficial and internal processes, mitigation of destructive geological processes; air photos, topographic-geologic maps, cross sections.

    Architecture and building construction

    Architecture as a science; basises of engineering and architectural prrojecting; elements and principles of grading, drainage, construction materials and methods; principles and theory of design in advanced two- and three- dimensinal representation etc.

    Science of building materials

    Basic characteristics of building materials; composites; natural stone materials; strructure of metals, ceramics, polymers; wood materials; concretes; thermal insulation and acoustic materials; building suspensions etc.

    Engineering networks and equipment

    Water supply and drain; heat supply and ventilation; electrotechnics and electrical equipment.

    Economics in civil engineering

    Determination of price and cost; estimate; prime cost; avail; vested capital; accountability and analysis in engineering; personnel policy, cadres and remuneration of labour;financing in engineering etc

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