The European Education Directory

Kursk State Agricultural
Academy "I. I. Ivanov"

Address 70 Karl Marx Street, Kursk 305021, Russia
Tel. No. +7 0712 33-13-30
Fax No. +7 0712 33-84-36
E-mail address
  • Finances and credit
  • Accounting and auditing
  • World economy
  • Agricultural industry economy and management
  • Agronomy
  • Plant protection
  • Agroecology
  • Zootechnics
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Service and technical explaitation of transport and technological machines and equipment in agriculture
  • Mechanization of agriculture
  • Mechanization of agricultural produce processing
  • Type of course Full-time, distant, external
    Length of course Full-time training - 5 years, distant - 6 years
    Class size 25 students
    Student profile Men/women: 2135|1744
    Age range: 18 - 24 years
    Contact for application Boldyreva Tatiana Petrovna

    Department of Economics

    Dean: Safronov Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, Candidate of economic sciences, Professor, Academician
    Tel: +7 0712 33-14-15

    The department was founded in 1963 owing to great needs of the agro-industrial complex in economic knowledge and economic staff.

    At present there are 9 chairs at the department: the chair of economic theory and world economics, organization and business in agroindustrial complex, statistics and analysis of the economic activity, accounting and audit, management and law, the chair of computing and mathematic modelling, finance and credit. There are more 100 teachers including 6 Professors, Docrors of Sciences, Academicians and corresponding members of various academies, 40 Associate Professors of Sciences at the department.

    The Academy has licences on all specialities, the teaching is carried on according to the State Standards. Great attention is paid to the training of computing technologies and law. At present there are 2800 full-time and distant students at the department. Student's work is hard but interesting, during his 5 years of studies he gets knowledge of more than 50 subjects, has practical work, carries on his course paper work, defends his graduation work. Students get on well, nearly 25 per cent of graduates get excellent diplomas.

    Department of Agronomy

    Dean: Bukreyev Dmitry Dmitrievich, Associate Professor, Candidate of biologic sciences
    Tel: +7 0712 33-11-80

    The department was founded in 1954. For his future work a student can choose different specialities, there are 16 specialities at the department.

    The department has a high scientific and professional potential for training highly qualified specialists. There are 13 Doctor of sciences, Professors, 35 Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences.

    New forms and methods of teaching are widely used for students'training. They are block-module, modulerating Olympiads, business games, computing tests, slides, videofilms.

    The students have their practice at the Russian Research Institute of Sugar Industry, at the enterprises on storage and processing of plant raw material, at bakeries and caneries.

    The department has a sufficient material base: a soil museum, a greenhouse, experimental fields. It has a botanic nursery and a museum of nature with more than 100 species of plants and 500 kinds of various insects. There are some scientific schools at the department:

    1. Mukha V.D., Doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of RANS and the Academy of the Agrarian Education has developed theory of anthropogenious soil forming process, cultivated soils and wide reproduction of their fertility.
    2. Professor Burikin A.M. and Stifeyev A.I. have developed the technology of recultivation of the soils damaged by ore mining.
    3. Professor Oksenenko I.A. has worked out free herbicides technology of sugar beet cultivation, crest tilling of maize, the technology of combined sowing of buckwheat, widerow sowing of winter wheat, barley, buckwheat with wide interrous.

    Department of Zooengineering

    Dean: Podchalimov Mikhail Ivanovich, Associate Professor, Candidate of biological sciences
    Tel: +7 0712 33-11-85

    The department was founded in 1956 for training livestock experts. At present 700 students are trained at the department. There are various specialities: zooengineer-technologist on production and processing of milk and meat, fish products and apiculture, zooengineer-technologist on production and processing poultry products.

    There are 9 chairs at the department: feeding and breeding farm animals, special zootechnics, the technology of production and processing of farm produce, the technology of production and preparation of feeds, the chair of foreign languages, the history of our country, non-organic and analytical chemistry and the chair of the technology of processing milk and meat.

    Highly qualified teachers conduct classes and seminars. There are 9 Professors and Doctors of Sciences, more than 20 Associate Professors and Candidates of Sciences among them.

    The department has a good material and production base including lecture-rooms equipped with modern audiovisual aids, laboratories, computers,on the experimental training farm and the territory of department branches (leading agricultural and processing enterprises of the Kursk Region).

    Department of Veterinary Medicine

    Dean: Furman Yuri Vasilyevich, master of biology, assistant professor
    Tel/fax: +7 0712 33-14-04

    The department trains veterinary physicians on the following specialities:
    veterinary-sanitary examination of the agricultural products; biotechnology; treatment of domestic and exotic animals.

    500 students are trained at the day studies, more than 350 students are trained by correspondence.

    The department includes 7 chairs. 50 teachers work there: 2 RF Honoured Scientists, 2 RF Honoured veterinary Physicians Academician of RANS, Corresponding Member of RANS, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization, 7 professors and doctors of Sciences, 28 assistant professors, master of sciences.

    The department has a training clinic including the operation-room, X-ray room, chemist's and maneges on special subjects.

    The studies are conducted on the basis of the biofactory, meat plant, veterinary laboratory and town markets.

    Department of Engineering

    Dean: Serebrovski Vladimir Isajevich, assistant professor, master of technical sciences
    Tel/fax: +7 0712 33-14-45

    The department was founded in 1961, now has the following specialities:
    exploitation of farm machinery; exploitation of motor transport; exploitaion of electromechanical equipment in AIC; machines and apparatus for processing meat and milk; mechanization of storage and processing of crop production.

    The department has 10 chairs, where the students are trained according the programmes, developed with due regard for the State teaching standards.

    The teaching staff amounts 9 doctors of sciences including 4 academicians, 2 corresponding members, 38 assistant professors, master of sciences, 8 senior teachers, 33 lecturers.

    The scientists activity is conducted in the field of the theory and practice of the optomozation of the engineering-technical service on the enterprises. The progressive technological processes of the producing, strengthening and restoration of machine components are developed. Most of the scientists'works are defended by author's certificates and licences. Computer centre applying widely modern electronic computers, solves problems facing the chairs on the common methodical base.

    There is a post-graduate course at the department where the most talanted students study after finishing the academy. The students' trade union and the committee of youth's affairs function at the academy.


    In May, 1951 The Council of Ministers of the USSR decreed: The Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (c.Stoletov) and the Kursk Regional Executive Committee (c.Kovalevsky) are to found in 1951 an agricultural institute in Kursk region which will consist of the faculties of agronomy, farm mechanization and reclamation. The decree N1618 from 15.05.1951 was signed by the Head of the Council of Ministers of the USSR I.Stalin and the Manager of the Council of Ministers'activities of the USSR M.Pomaznev.

    Here begins the history of the Academy.
    The studies at the Kursk Agricultural institute began in 1956 at two faculties of agronomy and zooengineering. The first deans of these faculties were assistant professor Dmitry Anatolyevich Legnev and professor Alexander Anufrievich Sisoev.

    The rector of the new institute was assistant professor Gregory Mikhaylovich Barsukov (1951-1962).

    In 1970 according to the UNESKO's decision our institute was named after the outstanding scientist and practitioner professor I.I.Ivanov in conucation with his 100's anniversary. The Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation decided to give the Kursk Agricultural Institute this name on the 27th of June, 1970.

    In October, 1994 the status of our institute changed and it was reorganized to the Kursk State Agricultural Academy.

    7560 students are trained in our Academy, 3879 students are training at the day studies. There are 13 specialities and 36 specializations at our Academy. Scientific research work at our Academy is conducted according to the directions and topics of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Russia. Our Academy collaborates with 25 scientific research institutions and institutes of Russian Federation and CIS. The main scientific research programms are:
  • conservation and reproduction of soil fertility;
  • biologization of the land cultivation;
  • ecologically clean products produce;
  • raising of livestock and poultry productivity;
  • development of new agricultural machines, improvement of their reliability and depriciation resistance;
  • improvement of economic, financial and managing relations in agribusiness.
  • According to the result of scientific research work the teachers of out Academy defended 32 doctor's theses and 170 master's theses, 126 author's certificates and licences on inventions.

    The contribution of the Academy scientists into the sphere of agroecology and environmental protection was the creation (in March 1996 on the basis of KSAA together with the RF Natural Sciences Academy) of the Kursk Regional Sientific Centre of noosphere technologies, the main task of which is the elaboration and fulfilment of the programme for Russia to do away with the economical crisis and to promote sustainable agriculture on the principles of biosphere harmonic development.

    For the elaboration of the theory of natural anthropogenius soil-formation process and considerable contribution to adaptive agriculture Professor V.D.Mukha was awarded with the silver medal of the Peter 1 International Academy of Nature Science and the society For the Achievements to Revive Russian's Science and Economy. Associate Professor S.A.Shulga was awarded with the same medal for the elaboration and development of ecologically clean produce.

    Nowadays our Academy has more than 190 units of IBM-compatible equipment, 10 computer classes, a linguaphone study interdepartment analytical laboratory. The library has 417621 items, including scientific literature - 233958, teaching aids - 159627.

    The Academy gives training on 17 vocations:

    03.00.4 Biochemistry
    03.00.13 Phisiology of man and animals
    05.20.01 Mechanization of agricultural production
    05.20.3 Maintenance and repair of agricultural equipment
    06.01.01 Basic crop production
    06.01.02 Agricultural reclamation
    06.01.03 Agrosoilscience
    06.01.07 Pomology
    06.01.09 Plant-growing
    06.01.12 Feed production and meadow-farming
    06.02.01 Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals
    06.02.02 Feeding of farm animals
    06.02.04 Particular zootechnocs
    08.00.05 Economics and economy management
    11.00.11 Environmental protection and rational use natural resources
    16.00.03 Veterinary microbiology
    16.00.4 Veterinary syrgery

    In the Academy there are 4 thesis counsels on 8 specialities including one counsel on doctoral thesis defence (speciality 11.00.11 - environmental protection and rational use of natural resources and 06.01.09 - plant-growing. On sprcoalized counsels of veterinary, zooemgineering, ecological departments the defence of candidate thesis is conducted on the following specialities: 16.00.03 - veterinary microbiology, epizootology and virusology; 03.00.04 - biochemistry; 03.00.13 - physiology of man and animals.

    Academy's Publications

    1. Agro-soil science|Mukha V.D., Kartamyshev N.I., Kochetov I.S., Mukha D.V. - M.: Kolos (Spike), 1994.- 528 p.

    2. Volkova S.N., Mukha V.D. Modelling and forecasting evolution processes in social and ecological systems. Kursk: Piblishing house of the KSAA, 1999.- 153 p.

    3. Dudkin V., Sviridov V.I. Effectiveness of land use in agricultural enterprises| AIC: economics, management.- 1998.- N1. P.17 -21.

    4. Kibkalo L.I., Galkina L.M., Annenkova N.V. The ways of increasing the productivity of milk cows in Kursk region || Dual-purposes cattle-breeding.- 1999.- N5.-p.2-5.

    5. Kibkalo L.I., Rykunova E.S. Intensive technologies of milk and meat production.- Kursk: The publishing house of the KSAA, 1995.- 320 p.

    6. Kleymyonova V.A., Trusevich A.V. Managing the insects' population in protected ground || Agro XXI.- 1999.- N6 - p.5-7.

    7. Mishchenko V.F. Organizing calculation and accounting of a managing subject of the AIC || Enterpreneurship in the AIC | S.I. Gryadkov, Kryachkov I.T. - M.-: Kolos (Spike), 1997.- p.315-322.

    8. Mukha V.D. Only professionals can cope with agrarian reform || The AIC: Economics, management.- 1998.- N1 - p.33-37.

    9. Mukha V.D. Increasing grain production is the dasis of food safety || Landuse.- 1999.- N1 - p.6-7.

    10. Mukha V.D., Safronov V.V. Forming the market of educational services in the AIC of Russia|| The 4th European conference on higher agricultural education.- M.: Publishing house of the KSAA, 1998.- p.

    11. Mukha V.D., Sobolev I.V., Safronov V.V. Variety of the property forms and the forms of farminf is the main trend of agrarian reforming || The works of the International Forum on problems of science, technics and education. To the 850th anniversary of Moscow.| Academy of Science about soil.- M., 1997.- Eddit.I.-P.

    12. The principles of programming crop capacity| Mukha V.D., Kochetov I.S., Mukha D.V., Pelipets V.A.- M.: MSAA, 1994.- 251 p.

    13. Soil fertility and stability of farming (agroecological aspects) Under editorship of Makarov I.P., Mukha V.D.- M.: Kolos (Spike), 1995.- 288 p.

    14. Privalo O.E., Privalo K.I., Kunakh O.Yu. Ecological destabilization as the reason of the economical crisis in the modern AICs ||Ecology of Black-Soil Zone. - 1999.- N2.- p.10-15.

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