The European Education Directory

St. Petersburg State
University of Cinema and Television

Address 13 Pravda Street, St. Petersburg 191119, Russia
Tel. No. +(7 812) 315 72 85; +(7 812) 315 76 93
Fax No. +(7 812) 315 01 72
E-mail address;
  • Faculty of Audiovisual Technology;
  • Faculty of Film and TV Mechanisms and Systems;
  • Faculty of Photography and Technology of Recording Materials;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Audiovisual Arts.
  • Type of course Full-time, correspondence and part-time (evening course)
    Length of course
  • Full-time department:
    Bachelor Degree - 4 years of study
    Specialist - 5 years of study
    Master's Degree - 6 years of study
  • Evening department:
    Specialist - 5 years of study
  • Correspondence department:
    Specialist - 5 years 10 months of study
  • Class size 10 - 18 students depending on speciality
    Fees Overseas students: 1,500 - 3,000 US D per year depending on speciality.
    Residents - free.
    Admission requirements Application form, questionnaire, copy of the certificate of education, medical certificate.
    Admission procedures for overseas students: testing, colloquium on creative specialities.
    The education is in Russian. Overseas students are provided with a year's preparatory course in the Russian Language.
    Student profile Ratio of national/overseas students: 3549/50 - 100 (depending on the academic year)
    Ratio of Men/Women: 1891/1658
    Age range: full-time and evening departments: 17 - 35; correspondence department: 17 - 50.
    Contact for application Lavrova Anna Grigoryevna
    Dean of the Overseas Students Department
    Tel.: +(7812) 315 62 65
    Fax:+(7812) 315 01 72
    Address: 13 Pravda Street,St. Petersburg 191119,Russia

    Faculty of Audiovisual Technology

    Dean: Professor Krivozubov Vladimir Nicolaevich Ph.D
    Tel: +(7812) 315 60 10

    Student body: 1014

    Stuff: 56 tutors, 30 of them having academic degrees and ranks.

    Mathematics and Information Science;
    Electrical Engineering;
    Technical Electronics;
    Sound Engineering;
    Video Technology.

    The Faculty trains licensed specialists in Audiovisual Technology and Bachelors and Masters in Radio Engineering.

    Basic academic disciplines:
    For licensed specialists and Bachelors: materials and components for radio equipment; theory of circuits; electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves; electronics; metrology and measurements in broadcasting; automated systems; analog circuitry; digital units and microprocessors; perception of audiovisual programmes; digital processing of audio and video signals; acoustics; audio technology; television; video signals; multimedia technology and production of audiovisual programmes.

    For Masters: present-day problems of radio engineering; history of radio engineering; computer technologies in radio engineering; theory and application of systems for recording and reproducing audio and video signals; theory and application of electroacoustic systems; qualimetry of audio and video systems.

    Major fields of research: electroacoustics and sound enginerring; audio and video systems; motion picture technology.

    Faculty of Film and TV Mechanisms and Systems

    Dean: Professor Scorokhodov Anatoly Alexeevich Ph.D
    Tel: +(7812) 315 60 29
    Student body: 636

    Stuff: 40 tutors, 30 of them having scientific degree and ranks.

    Computer Graphics and Design;
    Physics and Optics;
    Precision Technologies and Certification of Cinema and Video Equipment;
    Cinema and Video Equipment.

    The Faculty trains licensed specialists in Instrument Making and Graphics. In this course students specialize in Cinema and TV Devices and Systems and Animation and Computer Graphics correspondingly.

    Basic academic disciplines:

  • optics and lighting equipment;
  • fundamentals of information recording and reproducing;
  • photography and photo technology;
  • motion picture and video equipment design and maintainance, special technological problems of motion picture and TV equipment.

    Major fields of research: improving the quality of film projection; qualimetry and certification of systems.

    Faculty of Photography and Technology of Recording Materials

    Dean: Professor Tchezlov Igor Georgievich Ph.D
    Tel:+ (7812) 315 60 85, (7812) 315 65 41
    Student body: 535

    Stuff: 30 tutors, 27 of which having scientific degrees and ranks.

    General, Organic and Physical Chemistry;
    General Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology;
    Technology of Film and Photomaterial Production;
    Photography and Processing Light-Sensitive Materials.

    The Faculty trains licensed specialists in Technology of Light-Sensitive Materials; the students can specialize in:

  • Technology of Manufacturing and Processing Photographic Materials for Magnetic Recording and Holography;
  • Theoretical and Applied Photography;
  • Materials and Methods for Image Digital Processing.

    Basic academic disciplines:

  • chemistry and chemical technology;
  • photography;
  • chemometric;
  • chemistry and technology of polymers;
  • technology of producing and processing light-sensitive materials;
  • computer methods for processing photographic images.

    Major of fields of research: along the lines of the above disciplines and in the fields of ecology and chemistry of higher-molecular compounds.

    Faculty of Economics

    Dean: Professor Brykin Leonid Vitalyevich, Ph. D.
    Tel/fax: +(7812) 315 77 83

    Student body: 989

    Stuff: 60 tutors, 35 of which having scientific degrees and ranks.

    Humanities; Foreign Languages;
    Economics of Cinema and Television;
    Management of Economic and Social Processes;
    Production Management;
    Mathematical Simulation.

    The Faculty trains licensed specialists in:

  • Economics and Management of Socio-Cultural Facilities
  • Management
  • Management in Social Sphere
    The two last-mentioned courses providing majoring in Management of Socio-Cultural Facilities and Management in Cinematography.

    Basic academic disciplines:

  • philosophy
  • sociology
  • science of law
  • psychology and pedagogics
  • history
  • culture studies
  • foreign languages
  • mathematics and information science
  • management
  • marketing
  • accounting
  • economics of enterprises
  • world economy
  • production planning
  • analysis of financial and economic activities of enterprises
  • quality control
  • business organization.

    Major fields of research: economics and management of mass information media, regulation of investment processes.

    Faculty of Audiovisual Arts

    Dean: Professor Ershov Konstantin Grigoryevich Ph. D.
    Tel: +(7812) 315 67 14
    Student body: 342

    Stuff: 51 tutors, 13 of which having scientific degrees and ranks and 10 are Merited Masters of the Arts

    Cinematic Art;
    Television Art;
    Art Criticism.

    The Faculty trains licensed specialists and offers the following creative professions:

  • Director (specialisations: feature and non-fiction films, television and computer graphics)
  • Sound Designer (in cinema, television and theatrical and concert activities)
  • Director of Photography (in cinema and television).

    Basic academic disciplines:

  • direction
  • director's and actor's cooperation
  • actor's skills
  • dramatic art and scriptwriting
  • sound and image in film making
  • theoretical and practical editing
  • audiovisual equipment
  • technical aspects of sound design
  • sound design
  • history and theory of music
  • music in audiovisual arts
  • score analysis
  • cameraman skills
  • composition
  • colorimetry
  • lighting
  • chromakeying and special effects in cinematography.


    St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television is the oldest higher learning school in Russia training specialists for cinematography and television.

    It was founded in 1918 as the Institute of Photography and Photo Technology.
    There were only two faculties at the time: those of Scientific and Artistic Photography.
    In 1920 a chair of Scientific Cinematography was established and a few years later the Institute began to train sound engineers too.
    In 1930 the Institute was given the name Leningrad Institute of Motion Picture Engineers. Since then it has turned into a higher learning school providing a wide range of specialities and having a structure similar to that of University. In addition to technical faculties the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Audiovisual Arts were set up, and in 1998 the Institute got an official University status.

    The distinctive feature of the University programmes is the combination of technical and creative lines in the integral educational process.
    Students of the engineering faculties regard image and sound not only as information carriers but as artistic means as well. They work out technical projects which require taking into account the peculiarities of creative work in cinema and television.
    On the other hand, students of the Faculty of Audiovisual Arts spend a lot of time on studying the technical aspects of film and TV programme production.
    Students of the Faculty of Economics study the economic and market laws in the field of cinema and television.
    Students of all faculties can do creative work while working on their term and diploma projects.
    This is one of the fundamental principles of education at St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television. Such approach is very fruitful and attractive for applicants whose number is growing from year to year.

    The number of University branches in other cities is also increasing. Working successfully is a branch in Moscow. The University graduates hold leading posts in many TV companies and at film studios of Russia and 50 foreign countries.

    Outstanding achievements of the academic stuff:

  • A.Ya.Shtarker was the first to develop a photocell for sound motion pictures.
  • A.F.Shorin was one of the first designers of sound recording devices for sound motion pictures.
  • O.F.Grebennicov, Prof. S.M.Provornov and reader V.P.Gusev worked out an ultra-high-speed movie camera with picture frequency up to 500 mill frames/sec

    The University has libraries, reading halls, computer facilities, local computer networks and Internet terminals.

    Research programmes:
    The University is working on a research project "Developing a Non-Shutter Movie Projector with a Pulse Light Source".
    The projector is supposed to have a six-blade Maltese mechanism and a 2,0 - 2,5 k Wt xenon lamp used as a pulse light source. The force exerted on the film as well as dynamic loads on the Maltese mechanism are expected to be reduced. Picture frequency is 25 frames/sec.

    The University is a full member of the International Association of Cinema and Television Schools CILECT and it takes part in one of its projects: "Education in the field of documentary films"

    The purpose of the project: exchange of the experience on the problems of film and TV technology, cinema art and education. The result expected: to reach a higher level of cinema and video production and education.

    Local facilities and features:
    The University has canteens, cafeterias, a gymnasium, cinema and photo studios, a medical room and dental surgery as well as a holiday center in a picturesque suburb of St. Petersburg.

    Most prominent scientific publications

    V.A.Burgov. Theory of phonograms. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1984. The book deals with the theory of sound recording on film (photographic sound track) and magnetic tape (magnetic recording). Designed for the students studying the processes of recording and reproducing sound signals. The book is written using simple mathematical technique.

    V.A.Burgov. Psychophysical aspects of Film Presentation. St. Petersburg, Institute of Cinema and television, 1993. Devoted to the perception of audio and visual information. The work of human hearing and vision organs is described from the modern point of view. The book is designed for students.

    M.V.Antipin, Yu.S.Kosarsky, L.L.Polosin, D.A.Taranets. Motion Picture and Television Technology. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1984. The book is devoted to using television and electronics in cinematography. The theory of image signal formation in film and TV systems is considered and chromakeying and electronic editing methods are given. The book is designed for students, and engineers and technical workers dealing with the development and maintainance of film and TV equipment.

    O.F.Grebennikov. The Fundamentals of Image Recording and Reproducing. Moscow. Iskusstvo, 1982. Presented in the book is the theory of image transformation in its recording and reproducing, image filtration, spatial and temporal discretization. Image distortion and the possibility of its elimination are also considered.

    N.N.Kolomensky. Modern Concepts and Methods for Qualimetry of Film and TV systems. Trans. of St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, No 9, 1998. A probabilistic approach is proposed to axiomatic formulating the theory of subjective estimation of image and sound quality. A universal integrodifferential criterion in the form of the multidimentional characteristic functional is developed for the expert estimation of image and sound quality.

    A.L.Kazin. Art Philosophy in Russian and European Spiritual Tradition. St. Petersburg, Aleteiya, 2000. Taking as an example some outstanding Russian directors' creative work, the author analyzes the trends in the development of Russian cinematography. The book is designed for students, postgraduates and all those interested in the cinematography of Russia.

    A.L.Kazin. The Images of Russia. The essays of Russian Philosophic Cinema. St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, 1998. The author proposes his own conception of philosophic cinematography based on several outstanding works by Russian film directors. The essays are designed for students, postgraduates and researchers as well as for all readers interested in the subjects.

    A.V.Red'ko. The Fundamentals of Black-and-White and Colour Photographic Processes. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1990. The book contains a comprehensive systematization of the material about the development, fixation, bleaching, washing and special photographic processes based on using silver halides. The essential relationships characterizing the photographic process are considered as well as the colour photography principles and techniques.

    A.V.Red'ko. The Fundamentals of Photographic Processes. St. Petersburg, Lan, 1999. The author presents the fundamentals of modern silver halide photographic processes. The monograph examines not only the most important practical problems of black-and-white and colour photography but the principles and peculiarities of digital photography.

    A.N.Dyakonov. The Chemistry of Photographic Materials. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1988. The book deals with the chemical processes underlying the production and processing of colour and black-and-white materials. It helps readers to understand complex problems of photographic processing.

    A.N.Dyakonov, P.M.Zavlin. Polymers in Photographic Materials. Leningrad, Khimiya, 1991. Given in the book is the information on the structure, physical and physico-chemical properties of polymeric components of photographic materials including cellulose, ether of cellulose and polyethyleneterephthalate. Much attention is paid to gelatin which is the basic polymer in light-sensitive layer.

    A.D.Evmenov. Organization, Regulation and Planning of TV Systems Functioning. St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 1996. Presented in the book are theoretical and methodical considerations aimed at raising the forecasting, organizational, managenal and operational effectiveness of TV systems as well as at the optimal programming of their development. Factors influencing the rational use of mass media and the effectiveness of TV broadcasting are also considered.

    I.P.Firova. The System of Regulating Investments in Market Infrastructure Objects. St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 1999. The monograph deals with the problems of effective regulating the investment activities. In current economic circumstances, it is the process of regulation that provides the supply-and-demand equilibrium on the market. The examples of optimal regulation are given and some strategies and models of effective investment activity are worked out. Also presented are the methods for developing a rational system of regulating the investments in marker infrastructure objects.

    A.A.Kurochkina. The System of Mass Media Regulation. St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 1999. The problems of information process are considered. A method is proposed for developing a rational system of state regulation and control over the mass media activity in modern society. The book also presents the most important problems facing TV and radio broadcasting which holds a leading place in the media system. Attention is given to the benchmarking-based system of strategic marketing planning and control over the development of regional TV companies.

    A.A.Belousov, Ya.Sh.Vakhitov. Vibration and Noise Characteristics and Acoustic Diagnostics of Mechanisms and Apparatus. St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, 1998. The authors study the dependence of vibration and noise intensity in mechanism and apparatus on the designing and technological factors. The problems of acoustic diagnostics are also considered.

    Yu.M.Ishootkin, V.V.Rakovsky. Measurements in the apparatus for Film Sound Recording and Reproduction in Cinematography. Moscow. Iskusstvo, 1985. The book focuses on the methods for measuring distortion and interference, the apparatus response to operating and measuring signals and the explanation of physical significance of the results obtained. Designed for engineers, research workers and students.

    Yu.M.Ishootkin. Broadcasting and Electroacoustics, edited by Yu.A.Kovalgin, Chapters 3 and 4. Moscow, Radio i Svyaz, 1999. The Chapters deal with the psychological aspects of audio signals perception. The structure of human hearing system and processing of acoustic signals are described. Sound design is treated as the purposeful formation of hearing illusion aimed at the creation of an artistic aural impression. The properties of audio signals are described in terms of statistical, spectral and modulation theories.

    K.G.Ershov. Motion Picture Equipment. Leningrad, Mashinostroenie, 1988. Contains the analysis of the state-of-the art and trends in the development of motion picture equipment: movie cameras, lighting and sound equipment and auxiliary devices. Emphasis is placed on the design principles and performance.

    K.G.Ershov, S.V.Dementyev. Video Equipment. St. Petersburg, Lenizdat, 1993. The book contains the comprehensive reference material about video cameras, video projectors, video tape recorders and the like. The book features the description of design principles, main characteristics and performance peculiarities of video equipment.

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