The European Education Directory

Kyiv National University
of Economics

Rector Professor Anatoly Pavlenko
Address Peremohy Prospect 54/1, Kyiv, 252057, Ukraine
Tel. No. +380 44/446 6378
Fax No. +380 44/226 2573
E-mail address
  • Department of Economics and Management
  • Department of Marketing
  • Department of International Economics and Law
  • Department of Economics and Finance
  • Department of Agricultural Management
  • Department of Information Systems and Technologies
  • Department of Economics and Accounting
  • Evening and Distance Departments
  • Preparatory Department of Advanced Professional Training.
  • Type of courses The University offers Bachelor's programmes and Master's programmes in economics and management, postgraduate and doctorate programmes, advanced professional training programmes.
    Length of courses Bachelor's programmes - 4 years
    Specialist's programmes - 1-2 years
    Master's programmes - 1-2 years
    The postgraduate and doctorate programmes - 2-3 years
    Advanced professional training programmes - 2-3 years
    Date of commencement 1 September
    Class size 25-30 students
    Accommodation Student accommodation is available in hostels
    Fees Foreign students: 1000 - 1750 USD p.a.
    National students 500 - 1100 USD p.a.
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    Only for national students
    Admission requirements Admission requirements for foreign students:
    Language fluency required.
    General level of education, foreign students without prior knowledge of Ukrainian/Russian language are firstly admitted to the Preparatory Faculty, where they study Russian or Ukrainian language and receive instructions on special subjects as well. Period of study - 10 months.
    Tuition fee - 1000 USD.
    University confers three degrees:
  • Bachelor. Period of study v 4 years. Tuition fee - 1500 USD p.a.
  • Master of Science. Period of study v 1 year. Tuition fee - 1750 USD p.a.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (post-graduate program). Tuition fee - 2500 USD p.a.
  • Probationary courses function for everyone who wants to improve or upgrade professional skills and knowledge. The person concerned usually determines the period of study. Tuition fee - 300 USD p.a.
    Further information you can obtain at:
    Dean's office, room # 249, 251.
    Tel./fax: +380 44/ 446 0364, 441 2013, 441 2074
    Student profile 1. Ratio of National/ Overseas students 90% : 10%
    2. Ratio of Men/ Women 50% : 50%
    3. Age range 17 - 35 years
    Contact for application Prof. Anatoly Smyslov
    Telephone: +380 44/446 6378
    Fax: +380 44/226 2573


    Department of International Economics and Law

    Department of International Economics and Law comprises chairs:
    international economics, international management, law, law economic regulation and foreign languages. The Bachelor's programmes include international economics and law. The Master's programmes are offered in international marketing, trade, finance, accounting, investment activity and management of international business.

    Dean Mr. Dmytro Lukyanenko
    Contact details
    Tel.: +380 44/446 6700

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    International (economics, finance, law, accounting, marketing, management), transnational corporations, international insurance.

    Department of Economics and Finance

    The Department of Economics and Finance comprises chairs:
    finance, enterprise finance and insurance, banking investments and foreign languages. The Department offers the Bachelor's programmes in finance and banking, and Master's programmes in financial management, insurance management, banking management, management of banking investments, public finance, law regulation of economics.

    Mr. Volodymyr Khlivny

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 446 0464

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    finance and credit, banking (investment, insurance, operations).

    Department of Economics and Accounting

    Department of Economics and Accounting comprises three chairs:
    accounting and auditing in industry, accounting and auditing in credit and budgetary organisations and statistics. The department offers the Bachelor's programmes in accounting, auditing, and economic statistics. The Master's programmes include bank accounting and auditing in enterprise management; business accounting and auditing; accounting, control and auditing of budget and financial organisations; organisation and management of statistic researches.

    Mr. Vasyl Yefimenko

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 446 5019

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    banking statistics, bank accounting, account and analysis of international economical activity, control and auditing.

    Department of Economics and Management

    Department of Economics and Management comprises five chairs:
    economics of enterprises, strategy of enterprises, management, macroeconomics, state economic regulation and technology. The Bachelor's programmes in economics of enterprises, administrative management and management of industrial and state organisations are offered by the Department. The Master's programmes include: investment management and privatisation, small business management, project management and consulting, employment management, state control of economic activity.

    Mr. Anatoly Nalyvayko

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 446 2010

    Student body
    930 students


    Basic academic disciplines economical diagnostics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, enterprise strategy, planning of economical activity.

    Department of Marketing

    The Department of Marketing comprises four chairs:
    marketing, personnel management, foreign languages and distribution of the production. The Department offers the Bachelor's programmes in marketing and management of labour resources. The Master's programmes are offered in marketing management, management of commercial activity and personnel management.

    Mr.Viktor Kardash

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 4467308

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    international marketing, industrial marketing, personnel management, strategic marketing, management of labour resources.

    Department of Agrarian Management

    Department of Agrarian Management comprises two chairs:
    agricultural management and accounting and auditing in agriculture. The Department offers the Bachelor's programmes in accounting and auditing and in agrarian management. The Master's programmes include agrarian management and accounting and auditing in agrarian business.

    Mr. Oleksandr Medvezky

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 446 5058

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    technological systems in the agriculture; management, realisation and planning of the agroindustrial complex; accounting and auditing in agricultural business; organisation of agroservice.

    Department of Information Systems and Technologies

    Department of Information Systems and Technologies comprises five chairs:
    information systems in economics, higher mathematics, mathematical methods, information management and computer studies. The Department offers the Bachelor's programmes in economical cybernetics. The Master's programmes include: management information systems, information systems in economics and management of information activities.

    Mr. Oleksandr Sharapov

    Contact details
    tel.: +380 44/ 446 4083

    Student body


    Basic academic disciplines
    economical cybernetics, risk management, econometrics, high mathematics for economists, information systems and technologies.

    Evening and Distance Learning Departments

    The Evening and Distance Learning Departments offer part-time Bachelor's and Master's programmes in the above mentioned majors.

    Student body
    1570 - evening department
    5400 - distance department

    The Preparatory Department offers six-month, two-month and one-month programmes aimed at preparing students for entrance examinations to the University.

    The Departments of Advanced Professional Training cater for upgrading of the University teachers in economics and re-training of professionals in statistics, marketing and finance, accounting and auditing.

    The chairs of political economy, politology, philosophy, political history, physical training, pedagogy and psychology, life safety, the Ukrainian and Russian chairs do not belong to any faculty of the University and are directly under the Rector's Board. These chairs support the teaching at all departments of the University.

    About the University

    Kyiv National University of Economics has gained world-wide recognition in higher education. We are the leading national centre providing training in economics and management of the European standard. The University's prestige is accounted for by the fact that for more than 90 years the University has been successfully combining its historical traditions with a quick response to world tendencies in the development of contemporary business education. The University has been entrusted with research and methodological co-ordination of economic and managerial training programmes in the country.

    Among many prominent scientists and public figures who studied and worked at the University are the founder of the school of statistics, Ye. Slutsky; one of the inventors of the theory of numbers, Academician D. Grave; President of the academy of Sciences of Ukraine; O. Bogomolets; prominent artist and writers P. Tychyna, O. Dovzhenko, Yu. Smolych.

    By President's Decree the University received the status of the National University.

    At present the University comprises the following Departments: the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Marketing, the Department of International Economics and Law, the Department of Economics and Finance, the Department of Agrarian Management, the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, the Department of Economics and Accounting, the Evening and Distance Departments, the Preparatory Department, the Department of Advanced Professional Training. The total number of students now is more than 15.000 and the faculty members amount to 750.

    Kryvyi Rig Institute of Economics has 210 faculty members on staff and 4.070 students and in Simpheropol - Krymsky Faculty - has 175 faculty members on staff and 1.300 students enrolled.

    The Institute incorporates an Ukrainian Stock Market Development Institute, an Ukrainian Insurance Training Centre and a Banking School. They offer a wide variety of professional training programmes at the graduate level ranging from a one-month Certificate to Master's programmes.

    Since its inception the University has trained more than 70.000 highly qualified specialists. The University graduates have made a tangible contribution to the building of an independent Ukrainian state. Among them are industrial workers, bankers, ministerial and department executives and diplomats.

    We are sure that the University will contribute to its leading position in the fields of economic and managerial education. This confidence is based in our strong orientation to the world standards in education.

    Academic activities

    The University's teaching activity is carried out by 64 chairs. The University comprises 38 chairs; Kryvyi Rig Institute of Economics has 16 chairs and Krymsky Faculty has 10 chairs.

    The University offers Bachelor's programmes and Master's programmes in economics and management, postgraduate and doctorate programmes, advanced professional training programmes.

    Bachelor's degree programmes cover the following courses:

    The curriculum provides a broad background in humanities developing a sound understanding of the nature of human being, society and world culture.

    A range of courses in fundamental sciences provides a basic knowledge of economics and management and develops basic professional skills.

    A range of specialised core units covers the topic related to the students' majors and includes such subjects as international economics, finance and credit, economic statistics, accounting and auditing, enterprise economics, marketing, personnel management.

    A Bachelor's programme in management includes such specialisations as administrative management, production management, management information systems.

    The University also runs a Bachelor's programme in law.

    Master programmes cater for a deeper professional education and training, combining a high standard of academic knowledge in recognised business themes, while also emphasising the practical nature of the work environment.

    These Master's programmes are both applied (with vocational emphasis) and research degrees. Those taking the latter will be preparing to enter teaching and research careers.

    After completing such a programme the graduates get a Master's degree in economics.

    The latter are aimed at producing graduates capable of managing effectively up to the highest level of an organisation. These programmes lead to Master's degree in:
    - business administration
    - accounting and auditing
    - state administration
    - economic regulation
    - information systems.

    The total number of Master's programmes designed by the University amounts to 26.

    The postgraduate programmes provide a deeper study of philosophy, foreign languages and subjects related to the chosen major. The course aims to help postgraduates master the methods of scientific research and develop skills of independent research activity. The postgraduate course concludes with a Ph.D. (Ph.D. corresponds to Candidate of Science degree in Ukraine) thesis on economics.

    Those who have already earned a Ph.D. degree have an opportunity to continue a deep study of the topical issues related to economic theory, methodology and practice by facing a three-year doctorate course.

    The Department of advanced professional training as well as the Ukrainian Institute of Securities, Ukrainian Stock Market Development Institute, the Ukrainian Insurance Training Centre and the Ukrainian School of Banking and Finance - the latter two were founded in collaboration with agencies of the EEC - offer various personnel training programmes and graduate programmes for candidates who seek a higher education in economics as their second qualification.

    Research activities

    The University has accumulated the largest scientific and research potential in the field of economic sciences in Ukraine. Among the faculty members are 81 Doctors of Science and professors and 372 - Candidates of Science/Ph.D.

    The University research schools of finance and credit, accounting, analysis and auditing, statistics, etc. are widely known in the country.

    The scientists of the University work as experts for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance, the National Bank, President's structures, Commission on the Economic Reform at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Highest Certifying Commission of Ukraine, various ministries and departments. They participate in working out importance economic laws to be approved by the Verkhovna Rada.

    The postgraduate and doctorate courses, as well as the country's network of specialised scientific boards on economics, including four boards for conferring higher doctorates in ten specialties and one board for conferring candidate/Ph.D. degrees in three specialties, create favourable conditions for producing professionals with the highest qualifications in economics.

    The emphasis is laid on solving the current problems of economic reforms and market restructuring economy in Ukraine.

    Research is carried out by the faculty members and research staff of the faculty members.

    The Research Institute of Economic Development and the department of budget researches deal with the organisation and running of research activity.

    The Pro-rector responsible for academic work carries out co-ordination and control of its implementation.

    International co-operation

    For more than 30 years, the University has been maintaining extensive co-operation with foreign schools of higher learning. It has concluded mutually beneficial bilateral agreements with universities in Germany, Austria, Canada, France, the USA, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and China. These agreements provide for:
    - international student's exchange programmes, including a period of study or practical training abroad;
    - re-training and internships of the University's faculty members;
    - participation of students and faculty members in scientific conferences and symposiums;
    - learning Ukrainian and Russian languages as foreign;
    - simultaneous training at Kyiv National University of Economics and one of the foreign universities.

    The University trains specialists for 52 countries of the world. In addition to links at undergraduate level, the University collaborates with foreign universities and colleges in research and postgraduate study. This collaboration is arranged on contract basis and secured by an extensive network of postgraduate, doctorate and internship programmes.

    In accordance with the signed agreements, the University actively participates in the development of numerous international projects financed by the European Community, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the British Council, French and Austrian governments.

    Centre of international relations is a co-ordination, methodology and administration department of the University, which deals with organisation and conducting of international activity in the sphere of market economy specialists and scientific researchers training. It also provides academic, methodological and cultural collaboration with foreign educational institutions within the framework of international projects based on the co-operation agreements between these institutions and KNEU.

    Tel.: +380 44/ 446 3019, fax: +380 44/ 458 0064

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