The European Education Directory

"V.G. Korolenko"
Poltava State Pedagogical University

Rector Professor Volodymyr O. Pashchenko
Address 2 Ostrogradsky Street, Poltava 66000, Ukraine
Tel. No. +380 532 7 33 28
Fax No. +380 532 2-58-67
E-mail address
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Natural sciences
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Psychology and Education
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Physical education
  • Faculty of Educational Engineering
  • Type of courses Full-time
    Length of courses 3 -6 years (2 semesters per year)
    Date of commencement Autumn term - 1 September
    Spring term - Late January/ Early February
    Class size 12-15 language classes/seminars
    25-30, 30-125 lectures
    Student body 6200
    Accommodation Four hostels (available on the campus)
    Fees Accommodation (at the hostels): 8.5 hryvnya per month
    Fees :1598.04 hryvnya (per year) - for full-time students
    639.22 hryvnya (per year) - for extra-mural students.
    The payment is usually done either by the state or by sponsors.
    For overseas students: according to individual agreement
    Financial assistance
  • Normally ( for those whose marks are "good")- 22.5 hryvnya
  • For excellence in study - 28.90 hryvnya per month
  • Individual grants for distinguished students - from 34 hryvnya on
  • Annual grants for orphans
  • Student profile 1. Number of national students : 3331 - full-time students
    2469 -extra-mural students
    No overseas students at present
    University welcomes overseas students to study (on the individual contract basis) any major subject they choose. Preparatory Language courses (Ukrainian) can be organised if necessary.

    2. Ratio of men and women (full-time students) male: 1074 female: 2254
    (extra-mural students) male: 464 female: 2005

    3. Age range
    18-35 (full-time students)
    no limitation for extra-mural students
    Admission requirements Secondary education (Certificate)
    successful pass at three entrance tests
    Contact for application Volodymyr O. Pashchenko

    Department of Philology

    a) Dean: Natalia Khomenko, an assistant professor, Candidate of Philology

    b) Tel.: 7-31-03

    c) Student's body: 1220
    684 - full-time students
    536 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 49 persons.

    e) Departments of: the Ukrainian language, the Ukrainian Literature, World Literature, Romance and Germanic Philology.

    f) Majoring in: the Ukrainian language and Literature; Foreign Language (English, German) and Literature.

    g) Basic academic courses: Modern Ukrainian, Foreign Language (English, German), Latin, Folklore, Old Slav, History of Foreign Literature.

    h) Major fields of research: Language, Literature

    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

    a) Dean: Alexander Rudenko - professor, Dr. Science

    b) Tel. number: 7-20-94

    c) Student body: 763
    590 - full-time students
    173 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 45 persons.

    e) Departments of: Mathematics, General Physics, Mathematical Analysis and Computer Study.

    f) Majoring in Mathematics, Physics

    g) Basic academic courses: Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Programming.

    h) Major fields of research: Mathematics, Physics

    Physical Education Department

    a) Dean: Vasyl Synytsa, an Assistant Professor, Candidate of Education

    b) Tel. number: 2-56-96

    c) Student body: 370
    237 - full-time students
    133 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 45 persons.

    e) Departments of: Sports and sport games, theory and methods of Physical Culture.

    f) Majoring in Physical Education

    g) Basic academic courses: gymnastics and methods of teaching, track-and-field events and methods of teaching, swimming, biomechanics

    h) . Major fields of research: Health education , Methodology of sport developments

    Faculty of Educational Engineering ( wood work, metal work, handicraft)

    a) Dean: Mykola Nikolayev , Assistant Professor

    b) Tel: (380532) 2-79-19

    c) Student's body: 463
    195 - full-time students
    268 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 17 persons.

    e) Departments: Methodology of Educational Industrial Training, School management

    f) Majoring in wood work, metal work, handicraft

    g) Basic academic courses: Mathematics; General Physics; Theoretical Mechanics; Descriptive Geometry; Decorative Applied Arts

    h) Major fields of research: Education, Applied arts

    Natural Sciences Faculty

    a) Dean : Marina Grinyova Professor, Doctor

    b) Telephone number: 2-56-35

    c) Student body: 786
    477 - full-time students
    309 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 29 persons.

    e) Departments: Chemistry, Biology, Botany.

    f) Majoring in: Chemistry, Biology.

    g) Basic academic courses: Inorganic Chemistry, Analytic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Botany, Human Anatomy, Genetics.

    h) Major fields of research: Chemistry, Genetics, Botany.

    Faculty of History

    a) Dean: Boris God, Assistant Professor, Candidate

    b) Tel: 2-59-08

    c) Student body: 667
    309 - full-time students
    358 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 20 persons.

    e) Departments: History and Geography, World History, History of Ukraine.

    f) Majoring in History

    g) Basic academic courses: History of Ukraine, World History, Geography, Archaeology.

    h) Major fields of research: History of Ukraine, World History

    Faculty of Psychology and Education

    a) Dean: Natalia Karapuzova, Assistant Professor, Candidate.

    b) Tel: 2-58-81, 18-48-59

    c) Student body: 1451
    759 - full-time students
    692 - extra-mural students

    d) The academic staff - 66 persons.

    e) Departments: Natural sciences and Mathematics, Philology, Music and Singing

    f) Majoring in: Pre-school education, Psychology, Education

    g) Basic academic courses: Mathematics; Ukrainian, Geography, English

    h) Major fields of research: Pre-school education, Psychology, Education

    About the University

    The history goes back to 1914 when Teacher Training Educational Institute was founded. The course of training lasted three years. There were only 26 students (among them there was Anton Makarenko who later became a prominent educationalist and whose ideas are widely implemented into the educational process at the University.

    In May-July 1919 the Institute was reorganized into Poltava Pedagogical Institute (Educational Institution) which trained schoolteachers. The institution had three departments.

    In mid 30s there were about 1500 students at the Institute. In December of 1946 the Institute was named after V.G.Korolenko, a great Russian writer, who lived and worked in Poltava for a long time. During 85 years of its existence this Higher Pedagogical School trained 40 thousand secondary school teachers, dozens of whom became outstanding figures of Ukraine and the Soviet Union, among them Vasyl Sykhomlynsky world known educationalist.

    At present the University trains teachers in 15 major subjects and 28 minor ones. The student body is over 6200 person.

    At present the academic staff includes: 29 - Professors, doctors of Sciences /Arts; 190 -Candidates of Sciences /Arts.

    The University grants Bachelor and Masters Degrees . It has post-graduate courses in a number of major subject ( Theory of education, Physics, History of Ukraine, Literature).

    The University has rich educational traditions. It keeps and develops national Ukrainian traditions. There are a number of sport and amateur groups. Some of them (Kalina Choir, classic dances Club, etc.) reached the high level of professional skills and are the winners of numerous festivals. The University has at its disposal 3 building, sport complex, work shops, botanical garden, 4 snack-bars. The University library stock runs to 600,000 copies. There are a few computer classes. Over-head projectors, video and audio facilities, etc. are at the disposal of the teaching-staff. Scientists of the University carry out research in 9 fundamental themes, concerning problems of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, teacher development, school reforms, developing text-books and manuals, etc. The University develops international contacts and has partners in several countries.

    During last three years the University hold dozens of scientific conferences, 34 of which were International.

    Prominent scientific publications accredited to academic staff

    1. Pashchenko V.O. Liberty of conscience in Ukraine. Myths and Facts of the 20-30s. - Kyiv, 1994. 250p.
    The author reviews the relationship of the state and the Orthodox church in the first decades of the Soviet power. In the monograph on the base of some new documents false ideas about a church as a bearer of hostile ideology and policy, the ways of compulsory aesthetic education of the Ukrainian population are analysed.

    2. Pashchenko V.O. Orthodoxy in the Latest History of Ukraine. Part I.- Poltava, 1997. - 354p.
    In his monograph the author analyses documents of the Ukrainian Orthodox church and the Governmental policy towards it in the period from World War II till 1961. The book is a logical continuation of the author's research on the theme which previously covered the period of the 20-30s. of the 20-th century.

    3. Boiko A.M. Grygory Vashchenko: the Alternative of Views and Ideas . - Kyiv, 1998. - 236p.
    The book deals with the life and activity of Grygory Vashchenko, an outstanding Ukrainian educationalist whose name was forbidden and forgotten in Soviet times. The author has highlighted Grygory Vashchenko's main pedagogical ideas. The book comprises 14 articles by Grygory Vashchenko. A part of them has never been published before while others have been renewed.

    4. Boiko A.M. A Renewed Education Paradigm. - Kyiv, 1996. - 232p.
    In the work a new theoretical and methodological model of education is substantiated. The child is viewed as the unique and greatest value. The author motivates the system of training teachers for creating "subject - to - subject" model of relations with pupils.

    5. Bilousko O.A. , Kyrydon A.M., Kyrydon P.V. Kravchenko P.A. 100 Answers to the Questions on History of Ukraine. - Opishnya,1997. - 424p.
    In the text-book the authors in the form of questions and answers dealing with all the important problems of history of Ukraine. The problems are touched upon in the chronological order elucidating the stages of the development of Ukraine in different periods of history from the earliest period till present.

    6. Nikolenko O.M. Modern Untiutopia.- Kharkiv, 1996. - 98p.
    The author analyses the activity of V. Aksyonov, V.Voinovych, T.Iscander, O. Kabakov, A.Kurchatkin and other Russian writers, who at the end of the 20-th century opposed the totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union and warned the mankind about the threat of violence. The book gives analyses of social and moral problems, the role and place of science-fiction and the language in modern Russian untiutopia in correlation with the processes and achievements of world literature.

    7. Stepanenko M.I. The Interaction of Formal Grammatical and Semantic Valency in the Structure of the Phrase and the Sentence. - Kyiv,1997. - 217p.
    The monograph deals with the burning general theoretical problems of valency as a semantic grammatical mechanism. The author analyses the peculiarities of interaction of formal grammatical and semantic properties in the process of sentence construction. The book is meant for scientists, teachers and students of philology departments.

    8. Stepanenko M.I. The History of the Ukrainian language. - Kyiv, 1998. - 149p.
    The book reflects the most important landmarks in the history of the Ukrainian language. The author shows the origin and the evolutions of the Ukrainian language from the point of view of prominent Ukrainian scholars. The book is meant for scientific workers and all admirers of the Ukrainian language.

    9. Kravchenko P.A., Ognevyuk V.O. Man, Culture and History.- Kyiv, 1999. - 157p.
    This book is a philosophical and social research of intercommunication of a person culture and history. The authors deal with methodological foundations, peculiarity of a social function of history as a science and as a subject for study as well as the place and the role of history in culture education and upbringing.

    10. Morgun V.T. Intediffia of Education: Psychological and Educational Foundations of the Integration and Differentiations (intediffia) of the Process of Study. The Course of Lectures. - Poltava, 1996.- 78p.
    In his lectures the author deals with five components of the system of intediffia of education which is developed by the author on the grounds of his concept of an individuality. These components depend on the character of perception: tempo, emotion, level, profile, form of activity. The author analyses the didactic and methodological means of intediffia used by innovators in education.

    11. Man. Globe. Space. /Papers of international scientific conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the birth of Y. Kondratyk, an outstanding Ukrainian scientist. / O.P.Rudenko. - Poltava,1997. - 132p.
    It's a collection of papers of scientists from all over Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union dealing with the life and activity of Y.Kondratyk, a talented inventor in the field of space technology. Some of his inventions are unique and have a historical significance, they are widely used today in rocketry.

    12. Radko P.G. National Traditions of a State Development Process in Ukrainian Historiography and Political Works of the 19-20th centuries: concepts, ideas, reality. - Kyiv,1999. - 388p.
    In his work the author analyses national traditions of the state development process in Ukraine. He shows that polytical traditions can influence the society both positively, promoting creativity and progress of the people and negatively, pushing the process of natural development back.

    13. Levchenko G.S. Reformation of Aesthetic Education of Students of Pedagogical Universities// Moulding of national culture of youth by the means of folk art (collection of papers). - Poltava, 1999. -
    To oppose the harmful influence of bad taste of mass culture, schoolteachers are entrusted with the task of upbringing their pupils aesthetically. With the view of the demands of the time the author develops his ideas of reforming the system of aesthetic education at Pedagogical Universities of Ukraine.

    14. Tytarenko V.P. Poltava Traditional Embroidery: Past and Present (educational aspect).-Manual.-Poltava, 2000.- 137p.
    The text-book is aimed at upbringing young people on national and cultural traditions of the Ukrainian land. It contain main technique of Poltava embroidery: characteristic features of Poltava embroidered shirts, fragments of ancient patterns of Poltava embroidered towels. The book, written for University students, secondary school pupils can be of use to anyone interested in folk art.

    15. Nikolenko O.M. From Utopia to Untiutopia (about Andrey Platonov and Michael Bulgakov). - Poltava, 1994.- 209p.
    The book is dedicated to the activity of Platonov and Bulgakov, two great Russian writers who in the 20-30s of the 20-th century managed to overcome utopian illusions and stand in opposition to the totalitarian Soviet system. The author analyses the problems and artistic devices of depicting reality and a man used by the writers in their brilliant works: Platonov's trilogy ("Chevengur", "Kotlovan"(Foundation pit) and "The Guvenil sea") and Bulgakov's "Master and Margaret", "Dog's Heart", etc.

    16. Loburets V.S. and others. - Poltava. Historical Outline.- Poltava, 1999. - 296p.
    The book is the result of research work carried out by a group of Poltava historians headed by Doctor Loburets as an attempt to depict the history of the ancient city of Poltava which celebrated its 1100-th anniversary in September,1999. Enlightening main stages in the history of the City the authors prove that Poltava had always played an important role in the history of the Ukrainian nation.

    17. Leshchenko M. Mystery of Magic World: Theory and Practice of Kindnessmaking Pedagogics. -Kyiv:Pochatkova Shkola.- 1999. ? 6.-P. 4-7.
    This article is about experience of the realisation of the principles of kindnessmaking pedagogics in private school - scientific laboratory "Charivny Seetvit" (Poltava, Ukraine). Creative pedagogics staff under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogics M.Leshchenko worked out the ways of making aesthetic educational field of positive potential which provides the creative and harmonic development of every pupil.

    18. Grynyova M.V. Theoretical and Methodological bases of moulding pupils self-regulating educational activity.- Kyiv, 1998.
    The monograph deals with the phenomena of self-regulation as an educational problem. The essence of self-regulation, its components and aspects, as well as theoretical bases of moulding the self-regulation activity on the level of carrying on an educational work, planning lessons and functioning an educational establishment are developed by the author and suggested for practical use.

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