Faculties and Degree Programmes
Dean: Igor Grygorovych Shelepov
Dean's Office: Block 1, 2nd floor, Room 223. Tel: 206 384
About 2117 students: 776 full-time students, 1341 extramural students.
89 teachers, among them:
- 11 Professors, Doctors of Sciences
- 36 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors
Electric Power Engineering
Thermal Power Plants
Applied Mathematics
Economics of Industrial Enterprises and Management
Foreign Languages
Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Education and Training
Degree Programmes:
6.090521 – Thermal Power Stations (Specialist in thermal power production)
Program Type: full-time; extramural
Courses: Electrical Engineering and Electronics; Engineering Thermodynamics;
Hydro-Gas Dynamics; Fuel, Furnaces and Boilers for Thermal Power Stations;
Thermal and Nuclear Power Stations and Plants; Turbines for Thermal and
Nuclear Power Stations; Generation and Heat-Supply Systems; Metrology and
Standardization; Environmental Control at Thermal Power Generating Stations,
Scientific trends:
· Research and Development of long-term power-production technologies
and thermal power plants of power stations
· Improving the reliability of power stations and substations
6.01010001 – Vocational Education. Electric Power Engineering
Program Type: full-time
Courses: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering; Electrical Machines and
Drives; Major Electrical Equipment; Electrical Apparatuses and
Current-Conducting Facilities in Electrical Objects; Electrical Networks;
Theory and Calculating the Parameters of Electrical Supply System Modes;
Main Principles of Electric Power Production, Distribution and Consumption;
Vocational Pedagogy; Methods of Vocational Training; Psychology, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Increasing the efficiency of electro energetic processes in power
· Pedagogic training systems for teachers of special subjects.
6.01010030 – Vocational Education. Economics of Enterprises, Marketing and
Management (Engineer-Educator)
Program type: full-time, extramural
Courses: Economics of Enterprises, Arrangement of Production, Marketing,
Management, Economic Risks and Methods to Evaluate Them; Finances and
Credit; Accounting and Auditing. Psychology, Vocational Pedagogy, Methods of
Vocational Training, etc.
6.090500 – Management of Organizations (Industrial Engineer)
Program Type: full-time
Courses: World Economics; International Economic Relations; Microeconomics;
Fundamentals of Statistics; Accounting & Auditing; Finances; Money and
Credit; Economics of Enterprises; Theory of Economic Analyses; Fundamentals
of Management; Marketing; Organization of Production; Feasibility Study;
Labor Economics; Economic Risks and Methods to Evaluate Them; Law Issues In
Business Activities Under Market Conditions; Fundamentals of Economic
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Operation efficiency and quality of industrial enterprises.
· Methods to plan needs in qualified engineering-pedagogues and
· Economic aspects of re-training of engineering-pedagogues.
Dean: Khoroshilov Oleg Mikolayovich
Dean's Office: Block 2, 2nd floor, Room 215 Tel.:
206 436
About 849 students: 374 full-time students, 475 extramural
48 teachers, among them:
- 4 Professors and Doctors of Sciences
- 20 Assistant Professors and Candidates of Sciences
Metallurgy in Machine-Building
Welding Production
Labor Protection and Environment
General and Experimental Physics
Degree Programmes
6.01010009 – Vocational Education. Metallurgy in Machine-Building and
Instrument Engineering(Engineer-Educator)
Program Type: Full-time
Courses: Theoretical Fundamentals of Metallurgy, Fundamentals of
Hydrodynamics and Thermal Physics; Theory of Metallurgy (Casting) Processes;
Technological Equipment and Automation For Metallurgic Shops in Machine
Building; Material Studies; Hardening and Cermets;
Special Metallurgy in Machine-Building; Economics of Enterprises and
Marketing; Methods of Vocational Training; Pedagogic Theory and Background;
Psychology, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Research and optimization of the process of obtaining
high-performance alloys and preforms on the basis of low-waste,
environmentally clean technologies.
· Development of methods to estimate the quality of general
scientific and general engineering training of engineers-educators of
Machine-Building specialties.
6.01010010 – Vocational Education. Welding Technology and Equipment
Program Type: Full-time
Courses: Theory of Welding Processes; Technology of Fusion Welding
Equipment; Welding Construction Design; Physical Metallurgy and Thermal
Treating of Welded Joints; Economics of Enterprises and Marketing;
Psychology; Vocational Pedagogy; Methods of Vocational Training; etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Development of new welding materials, resource-saving technologies
and equipment for welding and welding-up;
· Professional and methodical aspects to perfect training of
engineers-educators in the educational process;
· Scientific and methodical basics of training engineers-educators in
the field of Environmental Studies and Labor Protection;
· Knowledge quality estimation.
Dean: Tytov Olexandr Mykhailovych
Dean's Office: (Block IV, 3rd floor, Room 215) Tel.:
206 331
About 795 students: 240 full-time students and 555 extramural students
54 teachers, among them:
- 5 Professors, Doctors of Sciences
- 29 Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences
History of Ukrainian Culture and Political Studies;
Technology of Machine-Building
Projecting and exploitation of Technological Systems of Machine-Building
Strength of Materials and Theoretical Mechanics
Descriptive Geometry and Graphics
Degree Programmes:
6.01010008 - Vocational Education. Technology and Equipment For Automated
Production in Machine-Building and Instrument – Making (Engineer-Educator)
Program type: extramural
Courses: Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Strength of Materials, Theory of
Construction Material Cutting, Machine-Tool Equipment for Automated
Production, Tools for Automated Production in Machine-Building and
Instrument-Making Engineering, Metrology, Standardization and Quality
Control, Economics of Enterprises and Marketing, Methods of Vocational
Education and Training, Theory and Background of Pedagogy, Psychology, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Increasing the efficiency of machine-tool systems
· Durability of cutting tools, instrument-making technology
· Integrating both pedagogic and engineering knowledge in training
6.01010035 – Vocational Education. Metrology, Standardization and
Certification for Machine Building (Engineer-Educator)
Program Type: extramural
Courses: Fundamentals of CAD/CAM; Machine Tools and Industrial Work;
Fundamentals of Certification and Quality; Fundamentals of Theory of Cutting
and Metal-Cutting Instruments; Material Studies and Metals in Machine
Building; Theoretical Mechanics; Psychology; Pedagogic Theory and
Background; Vocational Pedagogy; Methods of Vocational Training, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Energy-saving processes in manufacturing and repair of interference
· Development of assembly equipment and heating devices;
· Methodical problems in technological training of engineers-educators.
Dean: Khudiaev Olexandr Andrijovich
Dean's Office: Block 1, 2nd floor, Room 205 Tel.:
206 376
About 894 students: 371 full-time students, 523 extramural students
71 teachers, among them:
- 10 Professors and Doctors of Sciences
- 34 Assistant Professors and Candidates of Sciences
Philosophy and Economic Theory
Systems of Control and Automation for Industrial Installations
Information Science and Computer Technologies
Automation and Radioelectronics
Theoretic and General Electric Engineering
Higher Mathematics
Degree Programmes:
6.0101005 – Vocational Education. Electronics, Radio Engineering, Electronic
Circuitry Engineering. (Engineer-Educator)
Program Type: Full –time, extramural
Courses: Theoretic Fundamentals of Electric Engineering; Electronics and
Microcircuitry; Components and Devices of Computers and Communication;
Fundamentals of Radio Engineering;
Mathematic Basics of the Theory of Electronic Systems; Electrodynamics and
VHF Engineering;
Receiving-and-Transmitting Devices; Systems of Electric and Radio
Communication; CAD & CAM for Radioelectronic Devices; Microprocessors and
Microcomputers; Pedagogic Theory and Background; Vocational Pedagogy;
Psychology; Methods of Vocational Training, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Electronic means of control and monitoring; investigation methods;
design and reliability of radioelectronic equipment (REE); REE CAD & CAM;
systems of electric and radio communication and satellite television.
· Novel information technologies in educational process.
6.01010029 - Vocational Education. Automated system control of industrial
plant (Engineer-Educator).
Program Type: Full–time, extramural
Courses: electronics; electromechanical and semi-conductor converters of
energy; electromechanical control systems theory; automated system control
of the electric drives; automated system control of typical industrial
plant; automated electrotecnical systems; the theory and history of
pedagogic; professional pedagogic; psychology; a technique of professional
training etc.
6.092200 - Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive
(Engineer - Electrician).
Program Type: Extramural
Courses: the automated electric drive of typical industrial mechanisms;
robot-technical systems optimization; robot-technical complexes and flexible
industrial systems; the automated designing of electromechanical systems;
systems of program control of the industrial equipment; power converters of
the automated electric drives; electric drives control systems; industrial
plants Electro supply etc.
6.091400 – Control systems and automatics (Engineer - Electrician).
Program Type: Extramural
Courses: the theory of electrical and magnetic circuit; algorithmic
languages and programming; data transfer systems; foundation of design the
automated system control; microprocessor devices; organization of
information-calculating processes and systems; design and technology
production of automatically devices; maintenance service and operation of a
automated system control; designing of automatics devices etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Optimal control of system and electric drives.
Dean: Vilkov Sergiy Mikhailovych
Dean's Office: (Block 1, 2nd floor, Room 226) Tel.:
206 360
About 1062 students: 453 full-time, 609 extramural
68 teachers, among them:
- 7 Professors and Doctors of Sciences
- 17 Assistant Professors and Candidates of Sciences
Technology of Light Industry
Chemistry and Machines and Apparatuses for Chemical Productions
Automation of Technological Processes and Productions
Physical Culture
6.01010023 – Vocational Education. Technology of Textile and Light
Industries (Engineer-Educator)
Program type: full-time, extramural
Courses: General Technology of Items of Light Industry; Major Equipment
for Light Industry; Picture and Composition Principles; Clothing Design;
Sewing Unit Technology; Automation of Clothes Sewing Processes; Principles
of Clothes CAD/CAM; Design for Sewing Production; Tailoring Peculiarities in
Sewing; Pedagogic Theory and Background; Vocational Pedagogy; Psychology;
Methods of Vocational Training, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Individualization of teaching in the process of methodical training
of engineers-educators of sewing profile
· Development of methodical principles of training of
engineers-educators for sewing industry.
· Automatic control of non-stiff mechanical elements in light
6.01010031 – Vocational Education. Automation of Technological Processes of
Chemical Productions. (Engineer-Educator)
Program type: full-time, extramural
Courses: Theoretic Fundamentals of Electric Engineering; Engineering Means
of Automation and Microprocessor Systems; The Theory of Automatic Control;
Automation of Technological Processes in Chemical Production; Automation
Control for Means of Mechanization in Chemical Production; CAM and
Optimization of Automation Systems; CAD for Automation Systems of
Technological Processes; Reliability of Control Systems; Methods to Protect
Information in Automated Systems; Pedagogic Theory and Background;
Vocational Pedagogy; Psychology; Methods of Vocational Training, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Development of automated systems to control technological processes
with life-stability properties;
· Life- and refusal- stability of controlling computers
7.000002 – Intellectual Property (Manager of Intellectual Property)
Eligible: Bachelors and individuals with higher education.
Program type: Full-time, extramural
Courses: Fundamentals of Investigating Operations and Methods of
Decision-Making; Conceptual Computer Science and Information Technologies;
Fundamentals of System Approach; Identification of Objects of Intellectual
Property; Patent Studies; Methods to Protect Limited-Access Information;
Theory of Solving Creative Tasks; Simulation and Methods to Search Optimal
Engineering Decisions; Intellectual Property Law in Ukraine; Law-Enforcement
Activities in the Field of Intellectual Property Protection in Ukraine;
Financial Accounting; Marketing; Management of Innovation Activities, etc.
6.01010028 – Vocational Education. Machines and Apparatuses for Chemical
Production. (Engineer-Educator)
Program type: full-time, extramural
Courses: Simulation of Chemical and Technological Processes; Maintenance of
Chemical Equipment; Machines and Apparatuses for Chemical Production;
Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Production; Theoretic Fundamentals of
Chemical-and-Technological Systems; Chemical Machine-Building Engineering;
Standard Equipment for Chemical Production; Principles of Reliability of
Chemical Production; Pedagogic Theory and Background; Vocational Pedagogy;
Psychology; Methods of Vocational Training, etc.
6.090200 – Equipment for Chemical Production and Building Material
Enterprises (Mechanical Engineer)
Program type: extramural
Courses: Electrical Engineering; Electronics and Microprocessors;
Engineering Principles of Chemical Machine- and Device-Building;
Fundamentals of Operating, Renovating of Equipment and Reconstruction of
Chemical Productions; Chemical Production Design and CAD Principles;
Machines and Apparatuses for Chemical Production, etc.
Scientific and methodical trends:
· Creation of vibration-filtering devices to clean colloid and
structured systems;
· Development of structures and algorithms of functioning of
separated microprocessor systems of increased life-stability to control
technological processes and production;
· Methodical principles of development of mathematic models of standard
machines and apparatuses for chemical production as objects of control.
· Progressive methods of teaching under modulus-and-rating system.
About the Academy
The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy (UEPA) is the only
higher educational establishment in Ukraine specializing in training
engineering educators who are to work as teachers, high-skilled instructors
of industrial training in the field of vocational training /vocational
schools, technical secondary schools, comprehensive secondary schools,
colleges, etc.
This specialization is not just casual. The Academy was set up
on the basis of Ukrainian Correspondence Polytechnic Institute. In 1958-1990
the latter higher educational establishment led the country in training
engineers without discontinuing their work and, as the Republican Center of
Science and Methodology, provided methodological guidance and development of
teaching aids for students by correspondence in 21 engineering educational
The academic potential gained allowed the Institute's 1994
restructuring into the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy accredited by
level IV.
The today's Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy has
* 7 faculties: Power Engineering,
Mechanical and Technological,
Electrical and Mechanical,
Chemical and Technological,
Chemical and Mechanical Mining Engineering
* 34 departments
* 24 engineering-pedagogic and engineering programs
* 8,000 students engaged in both full-time and extramural training
* 400 teachers including:
40 Professors, Doctors of Sciences
240 Assistant Professors, Candidates of Sciences
* Training Center for Foreign Citizens (one year at the Preparatory Faculty
studying special
subjects with Ukrainian or Russian studies by student's choice;
successful completion of the
program at the Preparatory Faculty is the ground for enrollment to the
Academy or any other
university in Ukraine)
* Training Center for Engineering Educators (0.5 year after graduation from
the Academy and the
degree of Master of Engineering Sciences; the title of the European
Educator to be awarded)
* 1,000,000 volumes of textbooks, teaching aids and books on science in the
* 16 departments' subsidiaries at enterprises and vocational schools
* athletic complex and skiing center, sports & health center(located in
Soomy region)
* 5 dormitories (3 - in Kharkiv, 2 – in Stakhanov).
The Academy has a Computer Center, departments' study rooms
equipped with PC, specialized laboratories of novel information
technologies, including information technologies of teaching. A constantly
renewed Web site of the Academy has been created. The Library is being
computerized and its electronic catalogues are being presented to Internet.
The software catalog is continuously enlarged with new methodological
The Academy has an educational video base of over 400 records.
Regional educational centers are operational in Artiomovsk,
Akhtyrka, Konstantinovka, Koupyansk, Khartsyzk and Energodar.
In view of social protection of its graduates, the Academy
provides students with the opportunity to acquire a second qualification in
Economy, Information, Ecology.
Post graduate education is based on a post-graduate course and a doctorate
course. Boards awarding candidate's and doctor's degrees are also structured
into the Academy.
The Academy boasts a number of scientific schools, i.e.
/Prof. S.F.Artyukh, Prof.I.G.Shelepov/; HIGH WELDING TECHNOLOGIES IN
Together with the Vocational-Training Pedagogy and Psychology
Institute /attached to the Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogic Sciences/ the UEPA
set up a scientific research laboratory on problems arising in the domain of
training engineers-educators.
Most prominent scientific publications
Industrial Waste Management. In two volumes.Technologies for rendering
harmless and utilization of industrial wastes./ A.M.Kasimov. – Kharkov,
2000. - 288 p., ill.
This book outlines theoretical considerations and results of applied
investigations in the domain of processing and rendering harmless of
technological solutions, waste waters of non-ferrous metallurgy, with
allowance for up-to-date demands on environment protection and rational use
of natural resources.
Bocharova S.P.
Memory in the process of training and professional activity. -
Ternopol: Aston, 1998. -337p.
Theoretical and experimental memory research has been systemized
and characterized in this book; it involves domestic and foreign
psychological research beginning from the end of XIX century up to the end
of XX century.
Traditional and nowadays approaches have been showed for the
main memory regularity reveal, peculiarity of its functioning in the
professional and cognitive activity.
The book can be used as a manual for the special coerces at
Psychological Department of Universities.
Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V.
Psychology of administration. - Kharkov: JSV “Fortuna-press”,
1998. - 464p.
Main problems of social-psychological theory of administration
in various fields of activity (administration of justice, jurisprudence,
production and training groups) have been considered in this textbook.
This publication is designed for cadets, Home Office high school
students, law students, social-psychological students and everybody who is
interested in psychology of administrating problem.
Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V.
Basyses for psychology of administration. Manual. - Kharkov:
University of Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1999. - 527p.
Some administrative problems in the several organizational -
administrative structures and social-psychological situations have been
considered and solved in this book.
This publication can be used as a manual for persons, who study
management in the jurisprudence, economy, social psychology and sociology.
S.F. Artukh, M.A. Duel, I.G. Shelepov
The basic of automated control system of energy-generating
installations at electric power stations. – Kharkiv: “Znanie”, 1998. -
332p., 64 ill.
A multiplanned complex of problems for creating ASC of thermal,
atomic and hydraulic power stations on the basis of systemic approach
methodology has been considered.
The examples of working ASC at electronic power stations are
given, methods evaluating technical-economic efficiency of these systems are
For students, postgraduates, masters of power engineering
specialties and for personnel of electric power stations.
S.F. Artukh, M.A. Duel, I.G. Shelepov
Automated control system by the energy-generating installations
of the electric power stations. – Kharkiv: “Znanie”, 2000. – 448p.108 ill.
For the first time conception of creating ACS TP (thermal
process) of energy blocks at thermal and atomic power stations on the basic
of systematic approach methodology is considered.
Algorithm provision of these ACS of thermal processes is given a
special attention.
The examples of working modern ACS at the electric power
stations in Ukraine and Russia on the basis of the last achievement in
theory and practice of automated control are proposed.
For scientific and engineering – technical workers of power
engineering enterprises and organization and for students masters,
postgraduates and high school teachers.
Electric drives control systems: Text book /A.P.Golub, B.I.Kuznetsov,
V.P. Solanik. - ?iev, 1992. – 352 p .
The design principles of electric drives automatic control systems are
considered. The mathematical description of the electric motors, thyristor
converters and other typical devices making the closed control systems are
given. The static and dynamic quality of typical control systems of speed
(speed regulators) and position (Servo drive), and also submission electric
drive control systems are described. The large attention is given to digital
and microprocessor control systems, modal and optimal control systems by
electric drives in deterministic and stochastic approach. The material based
on a methods transfer and frequency characteristics and the state space.
Automatic control theory. Text book /E.E. Aleksandrov, A.P. Golub, Y.T.
Kostenko, B.I.Kuznetsov. – Kharkov, 1999. – 150 p. .
The principles of design, mathematical modeling, and also stability problem
for the linear stationary automatic control systems are considered.
Multichannel iterative control systems. Monography. / B. I. Kuznetsov,
K. Hudyaev, I. Bogaenko. - Kiev, 1998. – 244 p.
Giving synthesis theory for multichannel iterative control systems in which
the accuracy increase is realized by the multichannel systems that is works
according to the principle of rough and fine control
Multichannel systems of the increased accuracy and survivability: Monography
/ B.I.Kuznetsov, K.I.Podlesniy, K.K.Ryumshin. - Kiev, 1994. - 167 p.
The optimization of multichannel automatic control systems with high control
accuracy is considered. The survivability in multichannel systems is
provided with change of structure and parameters of separate channels, so to
achieve the highest accuracy of control in the system degradation. The
optimization of systems in frequency space is based on ideas of optimum
Kolmogorova-Viner's filtration, and in state space - on the solution of the
differential Riccati's equation. The parametrical optimization is carried
out by numerical methods of nonlinear programming. The examples of using
such systems in various branches are given.
Design of interdependent control systems. / B.I.Kuznetsov B.V.Novoselov,
K.A.Chausov. – Kiev, 1994. – 232 p.
The design methods of interdependent systems with hair accuracy of control
are given. All methods are illustrated for implantation of industrial
control systems
Multipliintegrations control system. /V.B.Klepikov, B.I.Kuznetsov,
I.K.Bogaenko. – Kiev, 1998. - 244 p.
The practical methods of the design for multipliintegrations control systems
with continuous and digital control for one and two-mass plants are given.