The European Education Directory

Tashkent Electrotechnical
Institute of Communication

Rector Mr. Kosimov Sadikjan Sabirovich
Address 108 Amir Timur Street, Tashkent 700084, Uzbekistan
Tel. No. +99871 2 35 0934
Fax No. +99871 2 35 10 40
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Telecommunication Networks and Switching Systems
  • Telecommunication Systems of Transmission
  • Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television
  • Economics Faculty
  • Faculty of Skill Improvement
  • Correspondence Faculty
  • Special (for Military) Faculty
  • Central Asia Training Centre of Communication
  • Liceum
  • Type of courses Full-time and part-time (tuition by correspondence)
    Length of courses 4 years for Bachelor degree, 2 years for Masters degree
    Date of commencement 1 September of every year
    Class size 20 - 25 students
    Accommodation Available
    Fees 2000 USD per year for foreign nationals
    Student profile
  • Number of men/women: 65/35
  • Age range: 17 - 24
  • Contact for application Mr. Kosimov Sadikjan Sobirovich

    Faculties & Colleges

    Telecommunication Networks and Switching Systems

    Dean: Shashkov Mihail Sergeevich /Tel: +99871 2 35 07 42/

    Student Body: 692 students

    Staff: 80

    Chairs: 9

    Basic Academic Disciplines: methods of building digital communication nodes, principles of organising telecommunication networks, theory of distribution of information, telecommunication nodes programming supports and maintenance

    Major fields of research: Telecommunication Network and Switching Systems

    Telecommunication Systems of Transmission

    Dean: Smorshevskiy Vladislav Sergeevich /+998712 35 09 62/

    Student Body: 544 students

    Staff: 74

    Chairs: 6

    Basic academic disciplines: Fundamentals of a construction of telecommunication systems of transmission, Fibre-optical systems of transmission, Digital systems of transmission, , Fibre-optical communication lines.

    Major fields of research: Digital Methods for Signal Transmission and Processing

    Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television

    Dean: Abduazizov Amon Abdumadjidovich /+998712 35 08 41/

    Student Body: 626 students

    Staff: 56

    Chairs: 8

    Basic academic disciplines: The theory of electrical connection, Propagation of radiowaves and antenna - feeder devices, The analog and integrated scheme an engineering, Radio-relay communication circuits and systems of satellite connection, Satellite and radio-relay systems of transmission, Fundamentals of a radio communication and television

    Major fields of research: Radio Communication Systems, Broadcasting and Television; Transmission and Processing of Information in Optical Frequencies Range; Electromagnetic Compatibility; Physical Problems in Telecommunications;

    Economics Faculty

    Dean: Avanesov Stanislav Zaharovich /+998712 35 08 14/

    Student Body: 508 students

    Staff: 47

    Chairs: 6

    Basic academic disciplines: Economic theory, Book keeping, Management, The theory organisation of management, Organisation of planning and management at the enterprises of communication, Engineering of postal service.

    Major fields of research: Economics and Management in Telecommunication

    Faculty of Skill Improvement

    Dean: Sidikov Said Hodjaevich /+998712 35 08 14/

    Staff: 3

    Basic academic disciplines: Synchronous and Digital SDH networks; Design of Synchronous and Digital SDH networks and Digital Switching system NEAX-61; Theory of electromagnetic compatibility and principles of radio communication in market economy; IBM operator; Mending of radio and TV equipment.

    Correspondence Faculty

    Dean: Qudratilla Haydarov /+998712 35-09-41/

    Student body 676 students

    Staff: 5 Basic academic disciplines: Telecommunication networks and switching systems; Telecommunication transmission systems; Radio Communication, Broadcasting and Television; Management at communication enterprises.

    About Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communication

    TEIC was founded in 1955, and is located in Tashkent. The basic direction of activity of the university is the preparation, retraining and improvement of professional skill of the highly skilled specialists. Today Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communication is the largest higher educational institution in Central Asia in the branch of communication and information systems. The teaching staff consists of more than 460 specialists, 28 faculties, 47 educational laboratories and 10 research laboratories of institute and provides the students' training. More than 100 teachers have a scientific degrees (Ph.D. or Dr of Sciences).

    Now at TEIC more than 3500 students are trained. The education will be carried out in departments on 13 directions of education for preparation of the bachelors and masters. The educational programs TEIC provide training on various specialisation's such as computer technologies, radio and automatic telecommunications, military communication, economy and management at the enterprises of communication. The large attention is given to training of foreign languages. Institute has scientific and business contacts to various universities of Europe, America and Asia. Global Information and Telecommunications Institute Waseda University, Industrial Hogeschool Antwerpen (Begium), University of Patpas (Grees), Technical University Hamburg Harburg (Germany), University of Nebraska - Lincoln (USA), The Moscow State University (Russia), Moscow Technical University Of Communication and Informatic. (Russia). The institute cooperates with conducting international firms in sphere of telecommunications by such as: NEC, Fujikura, Fujitsu, Micui (Japan), Siemens, Alcatel (Germany), Shanhay Bell (China), Daewoo (Southern Korea). And funds UN, TACIS, NATO, JICA, ITU (International Telecommunication Union), UPU (Universal Postal Union), RCC (Regional Commonwealth of Communications).

    Research Programmes at Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communication Telecommunication Network and Switching Systems; Digital Methods for Signal Transmission and Processing; Radio Communication Systems, Broadcasting and Television; Transmission and Process ing of Information in Optical Frequencies Range; Electromagnetic Compatibility; Physical Problems in Telecommunications; Economics and Management in Telecommunication.

    Selected Academic Staff Publications

    1. S.S. Kasimov, Z.K. Nijzov. Algorithms of analysis of operation and calculation of many-server mass service system.Vestnik TSTU N 1-2 1999, Tashkent. P 30-34

    The internal and external work of raw division of the flour - dairy enterprise as typical multiphase system of mass service with blocking and infinite turn on the input is described. The condition is resulted and the estimation of speed of an output system on a stationary mode irrespective of its initial condition is given.

    2. N.Usupbekov, S. Kasimov, Sh. Gulyamov. Calculation systems and management of enterprises. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, p.198.

    3. S.S. Kasimov, R.N. Usmanov ONE VARIANT OF AUTOMATION PROCESS FOR NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROGEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES. Conf Information and Communication Technologies in training process, Tashkent,Uzbekistan,2000, P.6

    4. U.S. Sagdullaev, D.A. Abdullaev, A.I. Smirnov. Fundamentals of television monitoring of process of rapprochement of space vehicles. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1997.

    The monography is devoted to application of television methods both means for a measurement and monitoring of parameters of relative movement of space vehicles for want of their rapprochement and docking.

    5. U.S. Sagdullaev, U.B. Zubarev. Spectral selection of optical images. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1987.

    In the monography devoted spectral selection of optical images, the principles of selection and analysis of objects of multicomponent images on is spectral - power to indications are stated. The features of deriving, processing and map a spectre - zone of an information are considered.

    6. T.D. Radjabov Ion Beam assisted deposition as a method for production of selective optical coatings, Surfase Sci. and Tech., N72,P.99-102,1995.

    7. T.D. Radjabov, Sh.U. Pulatov, A.I. Kamardin. Protective and decorative coatings by ion plasma deposition.TATF-96, 5-th Inter.Symp. on Trends and New Appl. In Thin Films.p.8.30, Colmar, France,1996. 8. T.D. Radjabov, Sh.U. Pulatov, A.I. Kamardin. Production of universal Protective - decorative metallic coatings by ion deposition. 10-th Inter. Conf. On Surface Modification of Metals by Ion Beam, Galtindurg, Tennessee, USA, 1997.

    9. T.D. Radjabov, Sh.U. Pulatov, S.M. Abrarov. The matrix R-2R in analog-to-digitals converters. Proceedings TEIC. Actual problems oftelecom. Tashkent-Antwerp. Hogeschool Antwerpen. 1998. -P. 103-105. 10. R.P. Abdurahmanov Models of restriction-loading systems in the packet-switched networks. St. Petersberg 1988.

    In this science work are considered and investigated models of part restriction-loading systems for one-level and two-level mechanisms of restriction input flow. Model of virtual channel developed.

    11. R.P. Abdurahmanov, I.M. Rogachev Research of the algorithms of routing in the networks of communication Proceedings TEIC. Actual problems of telecom. Tashkent-Antwerp. Hogeschool Antwerpen. 1999. -P. 97-100.

    For an estimation of efficiency of various algorithms of routing were investigated the developed models of networks with various topology and estimation each algorithm from the point of view of common network delay was given by transfer of the information.

    12. Vadim N. Dmitriyev. Electrical descriptions of normal conductors under low temperatures. Proceedings TEIC. Actual problems oftelecom. Tashkent-Antwerp. Hogeschool Antwerpen. 1998. -P. 81-85.

    Determined generalise expressions surface impedance for classical, limiting and weak anomalous skin-effect. Point to the possibility of using the received correlation's for the analysis of processes at the transmission of broadband pulsed signals in different guiding structures, as well as for settle problems of screening by metallic shells from pulsed electromagnetic hindrances.

    13. Vadim N. Dmitriyev. Shielding Shells from High Temperature Superconducting Materials / Vestnik suvayzi. Nl. Minsk, 1999,-pp. 157-160.)

    In work are considered theory elements of screening by superconductor shells on the base of high temperature superconductivity (HTSC). Present frequency and time domain functions of screening HTSC shells depending on the temperatures. Results of work are to be of interest at the development and designing superconductor shielding shells on the base HTSC for deciding the problems of protection information and electromagnetic compatibility.

    14. Vadim N. Dmitriyev. Using the Stable Laws In distributed System Analysis / Questions of cybernetics. N 160. Modem condition, problems and prospects of development to informatizations in Uzbekistan^ Collection of reports. - Tashkent: Scientifically production association "Cybernetics" Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan. - 2000. - pp. 60-65.

    In work considered possibility and conditions of applicability of stable laws of distribution at the analysis of electromagnetic processes in uniform distributed systems, used in the technician of transmission and information handling.

    15. N. Yunusov. General mathematical model of optoelectronic circuits // Paditel. Proceedings of TEIC. Actual problems of telecom University of Patras, Tashkent Electrotechnical University of Communication, Hogeschool Antwerpen. Prinded in Belgium, 1998, pp.5-9.

    The main peculiarities of optoelectronic circuits with not only electrical but optical branches are formulated in the work. General non-linear mathematical model for optoelectronic circuits ( without concretisation of compounds) is presented and the methods of calculations are given. The questions of lineorisation for such circuits in few signal mode is considered.

    16. Kh.K. Aripov and V.D. Rumyantsev, "Laws governing the formation of current-voltage characteristics of a solar cell with distributed parameters", Fiz. i Tekhn. Polupr., 17, 358-361,1983. Translated into English in Sov. Phys. Semicond., 17, No. 2,1983.

    17. Kh.K. Aripov, V.D. Rumyantsev and L Hernander, "An account of distributed nature of front layer and contact grid resistances at calculation of solar cell current-voltage characteristics", Geliotekhnika, No 5, 3-6, 1986. Translated into Endlish in Applied Solar Energy, No. 5

    18. LS. Andreev, Kh.K. Aripov, N.B.AIimova, D.T. Makhsudov, Sh.B. Rakhniatov. The art of VLSI electronics. Training textbook. Tashkent. 1995 © - Edition of Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communication, 1995

    Telecommunication theory and practice

    Firstly in this book the material of fundamental aspects at the first stage of the IMC designing, namely, circuit engineering of the basic cells (elements), their properties, as well as principles of synthesis of the complex functional devices has been generalised and classified. Application of the mathematical models, which adequately corresponded to the physical nature of the phenomena in the semiconductors and described the latter with high precision is a special feature of this book. In all cases PC -supported algorithms for calculation of the circuits under synthesis have been given.

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