The European Education Directory


07.02.2013 - Featured universities:
The University of California, Riverside, USA; HTW Berlin, Germany; The University of Goettingen, Germany, Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS); Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove; Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Russia

28.12.2012 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK; HTW Berlin, Germany; University of Leicester, UK, School of Management; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

06.11.2012 - Featured universities:
College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; University of Leicester, School of Management, UK; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, >MSc in Accounting and Finance; Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology; University of Warwick, UK, Department of Chemistry

18.09.2012 - Featured universities:
University of Kent at Paris, UK & France; EBS Business School, Germany; Brunel University, UK, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics; Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN), Warsaw, Poland

13.09.2012 - Featured universities:
EBS Business School, Germany; Brunel University, UK, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics; Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN), Warsaw, Poland; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

01.09.2012 - Featured universities:
ECLA of Bard, a Liberal Arts University, Germany; Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology; Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; Khazar University, Azerbaijan; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR)

29.08.2012 - Featured institution:
The Economist Which MBA? MBA Fair

20.08.2012 - Featured universities:
Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK; College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; LL.M. Finance Program in English – Frankfurt, GermanyZaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Spain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Zaragoza; Brunel University, UK, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics

10.08.2012 - Featured universities:
Aberystwyth University, UK, School of Management and Business; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering; Cranfield University, School of Engineering, UK; ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK; University of Tübingen Germany, Department of Geoscience;

07.08.2012 - Featured universities:
Aberystwyth University, UK, School of Management and Business; Cranfield University, School of Engineering, UK; ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK; University of Tübingen Germany; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, Center for Global Politics

06.08.2012 - Featured universities:
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, MSc in Accounting and Finance; Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN), Warsaw, Poland; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy; EBS Business School, Germany

23.07.2012 - Featured universities:
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering; Oxford Brookes University, UK, School of Arts; The University of Manchester, UK, School of Chemistry; Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Master “Software Engineering for Industrial Applications” (MEng); University of Greenwich Business School, UK

19.07.2012 - Featured universities:
School of Management, University of Leicester, UK; Cranfield Health, Cranfield University, UK; Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK; School of Law, University of Manchester, UK; The University of Bath, UK, MA in Contemporary European Studies (Euromasters)

05.07.2012 - Featured universities:
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy; EBS Business School, Germany

22.06.2012 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; The School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, UK; The School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK; Eram Cross Media College, University of Girona, Spain; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany;

18.05.2012 - Featured universities:
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering; University of Manchester, UK - School of Law; University of Leicester School of Management, UK; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

05.06.2012 - Featured universities:
Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK; ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK; Aberystwyth University, UK; Nottingham Law School, Nottingham, UK; Eram Cross Media College, University of Girona, Spain

25.04.2012 - Featured universities:
BSc Program on Molecular Ecosystem Sciences, University of Göttingen, Germany; Iuliu Hatieganu' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK; German Research School for Simulation Sciences, Germany, RWTH Aachen University & Forschungszentrum Jülich; International Business School Budapest, Hungary

18.04.2012 - Featured universities:
University of Greenwich Business School, UK; University of Vienna, Austria; The University of Manchester, UK, School of Chemistry; Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Master “Software Engineering for Industrial Applications” (MEng); SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

11.04.2012 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; The School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, UK; The School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK; Eram Cross Media College, University of Girona, Spain; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany;

30.03.2012 - Featured universities:
The Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece, M.Sc. Programme in International Marketing (PR.I.MA.); The University of Bath, UK, MA in Contemporary European Studies (Euromasters); The University of California, Riverside, USA, The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management (AGSM); Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), The University of Goettingen, Germany; Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK

10.03.2012 - Featured universities:
Master of Business Administration & Engineering at the HTW Berlin, Germany; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy;

29.02.2012 - Featured universities:
Cranfield University, School of Engineering, UK; German Research School for Simulation Sciences, Germany, RWTH Aachen University & Forschungszentrum Jülich; The University of Manchester, UK, School of Chemistry; Oxford Brookes University , UK, School of Arts; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

01.02.2012 - Featured institution:
The Economist Which MBA? MBA Fair

15.02.2012 - Featured universities:
Cranfield University – Cranfield Health - Postgraduate opportunities with excellent career prospects; Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

23.01.2012 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies, The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design

12.01.2012 - Featured universities:
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, Center for Global Politics; Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN), Warsaw, Poland;

08.12.2011 - Featured universities:
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy;

22.11.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK; Master Transport & Logistics Management, International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef · Bonn (IUBH), Germany;

20.10.2011 - Featured universities:
Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.), Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; University of Dundee, Scotland, Division of Mathematics

10.10.2011 - Featured universities:
College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences – Bedfordshire, UK; Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK;

11.09.2011 - Featured universities:
The Economist Which MBA? Executive MBA Fair

29.08.2011 - Featured universities:
The Economist Which MBA? MBA Fair

11.08.2011 - Featured universities:
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

27.07.2011 - Featured universities:
Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK;

01.06.2011 - Featured universities:
College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; Middlesex University, London, UK, Health & Social Science; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy; Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences (ASH), Germany

23.05.2011 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; MEIR NewLine - Joint Master in European Integration and Regionalism, University of Graz, Austria and University of Zagreb, Croatia; Cranfield University – Bedfordshire, UK; Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies, The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

12.05.2011 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, UK; Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK; St. Patrick's International College, London, UK

28.04.2011 - Featured universities:
Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), Spain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Zaragoza; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, MBA International Program; University of Göttingen, Germany, BSc Program on Molecular Ecosystem Sciences;

14.04.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; St. John's University, Italy; Nottingham Business School, UK; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design

04.04.2011 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing, Leiden, The Netherlands; Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.), Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany; MSc Programme in International Marketing (PR.I.MA.), Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

17.03.2011 - Featured universities:
St. John's University, Italy, An American Master's Degree in Rome?; Middlesex University, London, UK; University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany;

09.03.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen Business School; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering

15.02.2011 - Featured universities:
Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany, and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany; Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality, Switzerland; SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

09.02.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics ITT; 'Iuliu Hatieganu' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania; St. John's University, Italy

01.02.2011 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design; Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality, Switzerland

23.01.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design

21.01.2011 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics ITT'; 'Iuliu Hatieganu' University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania; St. John's University, Italy, An American Master's Degree in Rome?

05.01.2011 - Featured universities:
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italy

14.12.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; The Center for Global Politics, Freie University Berlin; St. John's University, Italy

14.12.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; The Center for Global Politics, Freie University Berlin; ESCP Europe Business School, Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin, Turin; University of Dundee, Scotland, Division of Mathematics; CIIM Business School, Cyprus

11.12.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics ITT; St. John's University, Italy

24.11.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Institute for Law and Finance Frankfurt, Germany; The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen Business School;

10.11.2010 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, UK; European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA), Berlin, Germany; College of Estate Management (CEM), UK;

02.11.2010 - Featured universities:
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Nottingham Business School, UK

25.10.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Frankfurt, Institute for law and Finance,Germany; Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.); London Language Centre, UK

10.10.2010 - Featured universities:
College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland); Oxford Brookes University Business School, Oxford, UK; University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany

02.09.2010 - Featured universities:
College of Estate Management (CEM), UK; ESCP Europe Business School, London, UK;

27.07.2010 - Featured universities:
Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Institute for Technology and Resources Management, in the Tropics and Subtropics ITT; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering; Nottingham Business School, UK, Language Specialists International, UK

09.06.2010 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, UK; Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Institute for Technology and Resources Management;

22.05.2010 - Featured universities:
Justus-Liebig University in Giessen
The Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (GiZo), Bellfield College Edinburgh, Scotland; Nottingham Business School, UK;

12.05.2010 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, England; Brunel University, England, The School of Engineering and Design; The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland; Brunel University, England, The School of Engineering and Design Aberdeen Business School; State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

04.05.2010 - Featured universities:
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, CEU Business School; State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; HSE International Summer School; Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing, Leiden, The Netherlands;

19.04.2010 - Featured universities:
Southern New Hampshire University MBA, USA; Florida International University MBA, USA; Brandeis International Business School, USA

04.05.2010 - Featured universities:
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, CEU Business School; State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing, Leiden, The Netherlands;

12.04.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt; Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Nottingham Business School, UK

05.04.2010 - Featured universities:
Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK

18.03.2010 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, UK, Performing Arts; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design; Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences (ASH);

03.03.2010 - Featured universities:
College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland); The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Aberdeen Business School, Scotland; The University of Sunderland, North East of England;

04.02.2010 - Featured universities:
Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany; Nottingham Business School, UK; European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA), Berlin, Germany

14.01.2010 - Featured universities:
LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany; Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; St. John's University, Italy;

07.01.2010 - Featured universities:
College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland); University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Germany, Faculty of Forest and Environment; The University of Sunderland, North East of England,

19.11.2009 - Featured universities:
Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design;

12.11.2009 - Featured universities:
Middlesex University, London, UK, School of Engineering & Information Sciences; Brunel University, UK, The School of Engineering and Design; College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland); Southampton Solent University, UK

28.09.2009 - Featured universities:
University of London External Programmes

18.09.2009 - Featured universities:
University of Dundee, Scotland, Division of Mathematics; Middlesex University, London, School of Arts & Education; College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland)

02.09.2009 - Featured universities:
The College of Estate Management, UK

27.07.2009 - Featured universities:
University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Germany, Faculty of Forest and Environment; Middlesex University – Your London Campus; Severnvale Academy, UK; University of Birmingham, School of Civil Engineering

02.07.2009 - Featured universities:
Aston Business School, UK; ESCP Europe Business School, Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin, Turin; College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland); The University of Sunderland, North East of England;

26.06.2009 - Featured universities:
Tallinn University, Estonia; CIIM Business School, Cyprus; University of Dundee, Scotland, Division of Mathematics

19.06.2009 - Featured universities:
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; Bath Spa University, UK; Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

10.06.2009 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

21.05.2009 - Featured universities:
The College of Estate Management, UK

08.05.2009 - Featured universities:
University of London, UK

16.03.2009 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

06.02.2009 - Featured universities:
Birmingham City University, UK

19.11.2008 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

28.10.2008 - Featured universities:
Birmingham City University, UK

13.10.2008 - Featured universities:
Bucerius Law School and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany

08.09.2008 - Featured universities:
ESMT MBA in Germany

30.06.2008 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

07.05.2008 - Featured universities:
The College of Estate Management, UK

17.04.2008 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

12.03.2008 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

28.01.2008 - Featured universities:
Birmingham City University, UK

16.01.2008 - Featured universities:
Bucerius Law School and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany

Featured universities:
ESCP-EAP Master in European Business, UK

Featured universities:
ESCP-EAP Master in European Business, UK

10.12.2007 - Featured universities:
The School of Arts, Brunel University, UK

17.10.2007 - Featured universities:
Birmingham City University, UK

23.08.2007 - Featured universities:
Euro*MBA Consortium, The Netherlands; Southampton Solent University, UK; University of Tartu (UT), Estonia; University of Freiburg, Germany; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Faculty of Science

23.08.2007 - Featured universities:
Euro*MBA Consortium, The Netherlands; Southampton Solent University, UK; University of Tartu (UT), Estonia; University of Freiburg, Germany; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Faculty of Science

09.07.2007 - Featured universities:
Birmingham City University, UK

28.06.2007 - Featured universities:
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK

29.05.2007 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

03.05.2007 - Featured universities:
The College of Estate Management, UK

22.05.2006 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

03.07.2006 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

20.03.2007 - Featured universities:
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

29.06.2005 - Featured universities:
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany

29.06.2005 - Featured universities:
Cranfield School of Management, UK

02.02.2005 - Featured universities:
American InterContinental University, UK

13.12.2004 - Featured universities:
American InterContinental University, UK

25.10.2004 - Featured universities:
American InterContinental University, UK

15.08.2004 - Featured universities:
American InterContinental University, UK

Featured universities:
University of London, UK

Featured universities:
ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Germany

Featured universities:
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany,

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