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European Centres of Academic Excellence

Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK

Postgraduate Business Qualifications

Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK
A postgraduate business qualification from Oxford Brookes University Business School can make a real difference. Whether you are seeking to improve your career prospects, increase your salary, start your own business, or for personal development, studying for an MBA or master’s degree could well be the best step forward.

There are three flexible ways to study for an MBA; Full-time, Executive (weekends) and by distance learning. We offer a wide range of full-time master’s degrees in the areas of People Management, Marketing and Innovation, Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business and Management, Accounting and Finance.

To find out more about our postgraduate business qualifications, please visit: email

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Scholarships are available for the Full-time MBA programme and our full-time master’s programmes.

Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing, Leiden, The Netherlands

Postgraduate master Vitality and Ageing: the future of medicine
Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing, The Netherlands

In September 2010 the first international master in gerontology and geriatrics will start in Leiden, the Netherlands. The Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing invites young, ambitious, medical professionals to explore the future of medicine in a one year academic programme under the guidance of top-class international physicians and scientists.

The Medical Master programme Vitality and Ageing draws attention to all facets of elderly care. The first trimester, gerontology, the science of ageing, will be discussed. In the second trimester the attention shifts to geriatrics; the clinical aspects of ageing. The last trimester concerns the societal and organisational aspects of ageing in the present and future.

Are you an ambitious and talented doctor that dares to look and think further?

Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.)
Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany

The Master Programme “Software Engineering for Industrial Applications” is unique in its course structure. The course content is designed to meet the complex requirements of the Software Engineering Industry today. This programme ranges from low level production processes to high level management and logistic tasks of multiple independent companies.

Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.), Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Course structure:
4 semesters, two semesters cover theoretical knowledge, third and fourth semester are dedicated to practical application as intern in a company.

Admission requirements:
Bachelor Degree in information technology comprising at least three years of theoretical studies, with emphasis on software engineering, programming, database systems and computer networks. Additional professional experience in the software industry is strongly recommended.

Application Deadline:
Nov 30th for summer semester

Tel.: + (49) (0) 9281 409-3000; Email:

MSc Programme in International Marketing (PR.I.MA.)
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

PR.I.MA. is a full time post graduate programme offered by the Department of Marketing & Communication of the Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB), Greece.

Programme in International Marketing (PR.I.MA.),
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
The duration of the Programme is 15 months, divided into 3 semesters and includes 8 core and 2 elective courses as well as a dissertation. The courses cover a broad array of topics in the areas of global marketing strategy and cross cultural management and communication. The dissertation can take the form of an academic project at the AUEB or abroad supported by an Erasmus grant or a field project in a company. Workshops are also offered by distinguished company executives as well as a residential Summer School on Personal and Professional Development funded by the Programme.

For more information and applications:

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