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The European Education Directory

European Centres of Academic Excellence

LL.M. Finance Program in English, Frankfurt, Germany

The Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) at Goethe University offers a one-year postgraduate program leading to a Master of Laws in Finance. All courses are conducted in English.

LL.M. Finance Program in English, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany
The program is aimed at students with a prior degree in law or business/economics and who wish to combine theoretical knowledge with practical training in law and international finance.

The curriculum is interdisciplinary, with emphasis on the EU and the US. The ILF faculty comprises leading academics and experienced practitioners from Europe’s financial world e.g. law firms, banks, central banks, regulatory authorities and the European Central Bank.

The ILF located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the major financial center in Europe, provides the ideal location to train professionals to deal with current and future legal and financial challenges. It would indeed be the perfect location to enhance your career to the next level or upgrade your knowledge during a sabbatical!

Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Institute for Technology and Resources Management
in the Tropics and Subtropics ITT

Master Program Courses:

  • Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics TERMA
    - TERMA Germany
    - TERMA Vietnam
    - Environment and Resources Management ENREM (Mexican-German)
  • Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM (Arab-German)

    Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
    The changing conditions of a globalised world require the expansion of international scientific-technical cooperation. The ITT promotes such development by providing instruction, research and technology transfer services.

    As an interdisciplinary, intercultural and international interface, the ITT has the goal to enable people of varying technical and cultural backgrounds with the capacity for wide ranging cooperation at the university and post-graduate level. Via interdisciplinary courses and applied research in cooperation with partners in both Germany and worldwide the ITT meets this goal.

    The ITT offers one master program in Cologne and three further master programs jointly conducted with universities in Jordan, Mexico and Vietnam.

    St. John's University, Italy
    An American Master's Degree in Rome?

    It is possible at St. John's University - the only American University that offers this unique opportunity. You can complete your entire degree at the St. John's Rome Graduate Center.

  • Master of Business Administration: Accredited by AACSB International - the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  • Master of Arts in Government and Politics:
    Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools


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