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The European Education Directory

European Centres of Academic Excellence

Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.)
Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany

This English Master programme is unique in its precise tailoring to the needs of the industry. Graduates do not only possess cutting-edge technological competence but also excellent management and engineering skills – perfect pre-requisites for a high-flying career in software engineering.

Master Software Engineering for Industrial Applications (M.Eng.), Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Course structure:
Four semesters, two semesters cover theoretical knowledge, third and fourth semester are dedicated to practical application as (paid) intern in a company.

Admission requirements:
Bachelor Degree in information technology comprising at least three years of theoretical studies, with emphasis on software engineering, programming, database systems and computer networks. Additional professional experience in the software industry is strongly recommended.

Online for the next summer semester (start March 15th 2012) between October 22nd and November 30th via

Further information

Tel.: + (49) (0) 9281 409-3352; Email:

Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK


Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK
By studying a master’s programme at Oxford Brookes University Business School and the Oxford School of Hospitality and Management you will gain the practical experience and application of skills that employers are looking for.

Oxford Brookes University Business School
The Business School offers the following programmes starting in January 2012:

The Oxford School of Hospitality Management
The Oxford School of Hospitality Management offers the programmes listed below which start in January 2012:
  • MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • MSc International Hotel and Tourism Management
  • MSc International Hotel and Tourism Marketing

University of Dundee, Scotland
Division of Mathematics

  • Applied Mathematics - Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Mathematical Biology - Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Mathematical Biology - Master of Science (MSc)
  • PhD Studies

    We are a small friendly Division offering a lively, modern programme of study at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. As well as degrees in Mathematics and Mathematical Biology, we offer a wide range of Joint Honours Degrees, where Mathematics can be combined with a variety of other subjects, for example, Accountancy, Applied Computing, Economics, English and Physics.

    Mathematics is central to the study of science, and few scientific developments are possible without underlying mathematical theories. Explanations of physical, chemical and biological phenomena often require sophisticated mathematics. For example, mathematics is now extensively used to try to develop a better understanding of human diseases such as cancer and HIV.

    We have research groups in Mathematical Biology, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Applied Analysis, and Magnetohydrodynamics.

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