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The European Education Directory

European Centres of Academic Excellence

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

LL.M. IT/IP-Law, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
The LL.M. IT/IP-Law offers a one-year master program for postgraduate students. The students spend the first semester in Hannover and the second semester (3 - 5 months) at one of eleven partner universities such as Bologna (Italy), Edinburgh (UK), Glasgow (UK), Leuven (Belgium), London (UK), Namur (Belgium), Oslo (Norway), Rovaniemi (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), Vienna (Austria) and Zaragoza (Spain).

In the first semester students will be familiarised with the basics of European and German IT/IP Law.

In the second semester, at one of our Partner Universities, you will have the chance to advance both your professional as well as your language skills. With the completion of the semester abroad, students focus on their final thesis, which is due at the end of July.


EBS Business School, Germany
EBS Full-time MBA

>EBS Business School MBA Program, Germany
EBS Business School is one of Germany's leading business schools at the forefront of education and business excellence. EQUIS accredited and with outstanding contacts to over 200 international organizations and partner universities worldwide.

The EBS Full-time MBA offers an Accelerated Track of 12 months for students with an advanced academic degree and extensive work experience, a 16 months Gateway to Germany Track that prepares international students for a career in the German corporate world, and an International Track of 16 months including an integrated study experience abroad.

The curriculum will deliver a solid foundation in management, leadership and problem-solving skills. Students will tackle contemporary business issues in the classroom, in discussion with management representatives, and in hands-on projects with international companies.

Programme starts in September.

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Russia

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Russia
The University is a large specialized academic and research center which consists of the following departments: Radio Engineering and Telecommunication; Electronics; Automation and Information Technologies in Management; Computer Science; Engineering and Economics; Humanitarian Institute and extramural faculty. The teaching staff consists of 550 experienced members including professors, assistant professors, D. Sc., PhD, the State Prize laureate academicians, honorable scientists, etc.

Bachelor’s (23 programs), Specialists and Master’s (12 programs) degrees make a strong basis for future career building. Postgraduate study offers 26 programs for a degree of the Candidate of Science and 15 – for a degree of the Doctor of Science.

Bachelor and Magistr's degree programs: http://web.rrtu/content/view/3045/1619/
How to apply to RSREU: http://web.rrtu/content/blogcategory/364/1189/
The partners of RSREU: http://web.rrtu/content/view/1493/1186/

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) Nice, France / Berlin, Germany
Master in EU Studies Online

Centre international de formation européenne  (CIFE) - Nice, France / Berlin, Germany

→ Looking for a new study opportunity?
→ You want to combine your job with a further study?
→ You want to acquire European competence?

Then apply to our Master in EU Studies Online programme:

  • Advanced knowledge in Politics, Economics, and European law

  • Online study of all three courses and specialisation for the Master thesis
  • E-learning phases and presence workshops

  • Via our E-learning platform, you can learn at any place and anytime.
    Workshops take place in Istanbul, Berlin and Brussels.
Deadline for application: 5 September. A limited number of scholarships are awarded to particularly qualified candidates.

For further information please contact Aline Palige (

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