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The European Education Directory

European Centres of Academic Excellence

Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK

Postgraduate Business Qualifications

Oxford Brookes University Business School, UK
A postgraduate business qualification from Oxford Brookes University Business School can make a real difference. Whether you are seeking to improve your career prospects, increase your salary, start your own business, or for personal development, studying for an MBA or master’s degree could well be the best step forward.

There are three flexible ways to study for an MBA; Full-time, Executive (weekends) and by distance learning. We offer a wide range of full-time master’s degrees in the areas of People Management, Marketing and Innovation, Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, Business and Management, Accounting and Finance.

To find out more about our postgraduate business qualifications, please visit: email

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Scholarships are available for the Full-time MBA programme and our full-time master’s programmes.

MEIR NewLine - Joint Master in European Integration and Regionalism
University of Graz, Austria and University of Zagreb, Croatia

European Institute for Public Administration,  Luxembourg
The Joint Master programme - Meir NewLine offers inter-disciplinary and practical approach, multinational body of lecturers and tutorial staff, inter-active learning methodologies, worldwide network for future activities through in-depth training in project management and multicultural communication.

Due to its flexibility (modules, online training and exams), the programme is particularly well-suited to accommodate the needs of professionals, who have only limited time available for face-to-face sessions.

The programme consists of three semesters: The first two semesters include five individual modules, each lasting for ten face to face days. The last semester is dedicated to the writing of a Master thesis. All teaching, studies and exams are undertaken in English.

Partners to this programme are: the Universities of Graz and of Zagreb, EURAC (Bolzano), EIPA Luxembourg and EIPA Barcelona

Cranfield University – Bedfordshire, UK

Wholly postgraduate, Cranfield is one of the UK’s leading research-intensive institutions. We offer specialist Masters’ courses, which incorporate company sponsored project work. Graduates are highly sought after in our leading sectors:

  • Energy and Offshore
    News: New energy Masters’ courses launched in renewable energy engineering/technology, low carbon futures and energy supply for materials systems, training experts for the growing energy sector

    Cranfield University – Bedfordshire, UK
  • Environment and Water
    News: New courses launched in environmental engineering and environmental risk management.

  • Manufacturing
    News: Most successful UK university in 2011 in attracting research funding for five Innovative Manufacturing Centres

  • Motorsport
    News: MSc Motorsport Engineering and Management’s current group project: design a competitive sustainable rally car and route suitable for a launch event promoting environmentally sustainable off-road motorsport.

  • Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies
    The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

    The Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies is a one year full-time official research program organised in Bilbao at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Basque Country.

    The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
    Our students will obtain a profound understanding of the theoretical skills and the empirical tools and computational techniques that economists use to analyse data.

    Highly motivated students with a bachelor's degree in economics, or any other comparable undergraduate major such as engineering or mathematics, are encouraged to apply for this program.

    Our Master is designed as a link between academic scholarship and firms or international public institutions where a solid research component is required. Those who opt for a pure research career will have already acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to begin working independently on their Ph.D. dissertations.

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