1 : University
2 : Academy
3 : Institute
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Primary School
Length of program:4
Age level from:6
Age level to:10
Basic : Basic Secondary School
Length of program:5
Age level from:10
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Svidetel'stvo ob Obschem Bazovom Obrazovanii (Certificate of Basic General Education)
General Secondary : Gymnasium, Lyceum, College
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Attestat ob Obschem Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of General Secondary Education)
Specialized Secondary : College (Technicum)
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education) after 2 to 4 years' study starting at 17 or 15 years of age respectively
Vocational : Vocational School, Vocational College, Vocational Lyceum
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diploma of Vocational Education (duration of studies 1 to 3 years depending on previous education: if after secondary school, only 1 year)
School education is divided into three stages: primary (4 years), basic (5 years) and secondary (2 years) and children are enrolled in primary at the age of six. Primary and basic education is compulsory. Upon completion of basic education, a Certificate of Basic General Education is issued and 9th grade graduates have three possibilities: 1) general secondary education; 2) vocational/technical institutions; 3) specialized secondary institutions.
General secondary education is provided by general secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums as well as in first years of specialized and vocational/technical institutions. Gymnasiums provide general secondary education at a higher level. Lyceums provide vocationally-oriented education that completes general secondary education. As a rule, lyceums use the teachers and educational facilities of higher education institutions. After completion of secondary education a Certificate of General Secondary Education is issued.
Vocational and technical education is provided by schools where students acquire professional skills together with a general secondary education. Upon completion of vocational and technical education a Diploma of Professional Technical Education is issued.
Specialized secondary education lasts for two to four years. This type of secondary education provides advanced professional training and is mainly carried out in a college. Upon completion a Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education is issued. The Certificate of General Secondary Education, Diploma of Professional Technical Education and Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education all give access to higher education institutions.
Higher Education System
The Belarusian system of higher education includes educational, research and governing institutions that use unified official standards and rules in the processes of teaching, management, assessment and research. Higher education is provided by public (state) and private (non state) accredited higher education institutions (HEIs). Education in public HEIs is free of charge for students who pass the competetive entrance exam. In private HEIs, all students pay tuition fees. Higher education falls under the remit of the Ministry of Education, which is responsible for applying the state educational standards. The current higher education system includes 2 stages; after completion of the first stage (4-6 years) a diploma of higher education is issued, after completion of the second stage (1 to 2 years following the first degree) the diploma of Master is issued.
Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education (2011)
Law about the Studies of Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Belarus (1993)
Description:All higher education institutions
Belarusian, Russian
Non-university level
Description:In Belarus, there are two levels of professional education within secondary education. The lower level is offered in Vocational Schools, Vocational Colleges, Vocational Lyceums after basic general or general secondary education and lasts from 1 to 3 years of study. The upper level is offered in Colleges after basic general or general secondary education and lasts from 2 to 4 years of study. Graduates of this level can enter second of third year of higher education in the same field of study.
University level first stage
Description:The first stage of higher education provides specialists with both research and professional proficiency and gives direct access to work. The Diploma of Higher Education (Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii) is awarded in all fields (except Medicine) after defending a Diploma project and sitting for a final state exam. The nominal length of study is 4 years, and for medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, certain arts subjects, architecture, and engineering 5 to 6 years. The Diploma of Higher Education gives access to Master studies (Magistratura).
University level second stage : Magistratura
Description:The second stage of higher education leads to the Diploma of Magistr (Master's degree) following successful completion of the first stage. Access to these programmes is competitive. The Magistr is awarded after one to two years of study and the presentation and defense of a thesis. The Magistr gives access to postgraduate studies (Aspirantura).
University level third stage : Aspirantura and Doktorantura
Description:This stage corresponds to the training of scientific and pedagogical staff. Studies follow a two-step route: 1) the Candidate of Sciences requires at least 3-4 years of study in postgraduate courses, special examinations and the public defense of a thesis. Following this, students are awarded the degree of Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Sciences); 2) Holders of the Kandidat Nauk can prepare a Doctorate. After following the required research programme and public defense of a doctoral thesis, candidates are awarded the highest scientific degree of Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Sciences). The Dissertation Councils are supervised by the Supreme Attestation Committee (Vishaya Attestatsionnaya Komissiya, VAK) of the Republic of Belarus. It is possible to do doctorate research and sit for a scientific degree without following postgraduate courses. Higher education and research institutions support this type of students and provide them with a supervisor.
Higher education lecturers are trained in their specialties in institutes or universities and, after graduation, start their activity as assistant lecturers in order to gain practical experience in their areas of expertise. Every five years, they must enroll in up-grading courses to improve their teaching skills as well as their knowledge in the field. Furthermore, there is a system of training of scientific and pedagogical staff at post-graduate level.
Distance training is provided by virtual universities (through Internet) such as Hagen Correspondence University which provides studies leading to a Master of Humanities and started operating in Belarus in 1996. Students must hold a secondary school leaving certificate. There is no age restriction and no entrance examination. There are also franchising institutions which are branches of foreign higher education institutions functioning in Belarus.
Agreement on cooperation with Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Yugoslavia
Bilateral agreement on cooperation with China, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany
Ministerstvo obrazovaniya Respubliki Belarus
Role:Provides State education policy, controls the quality of education, finances educational institutions in the limits of budget allocations, licenses new institutions, grants accreditation.
Street:ul. Sovetskaja 9
Tel:+375(17) 327-47-36
Fax:+375(17) 200-84-83
Contacts:Igor V. Karpenko (Head), Job title : Minister
Academy for Postgraduate Education
Street:ul. Nekrasova 20
Tel:+375(17) 285-78-68
Fax:+375(17) 285-78-68
Contacts:Andrei Petrovich Monastyrnyj (Head), Job title : Rector
National Institute for Higher Education
Role:Responsible for educational research and information on higher education, the Institute also provides training courses to new rectors, deans and department heads and acts as Belarusian ENIC.
Street:ul. Moskovskaja 15
Contacts:Viktor Gaisenok (Head), Job title : Rector
Respublikanskij sovet rektorov učreždenij vysšego obrazovanija
Contacts:Vadim Antalyevich Bogush (Head), Job title : President
Otdel Expertiz i Priznanii Dokumentov
Services provided and types of students dealt with:Recognition of foreign studies, diplomas and degrees; evaluation and recognition of partial studies undertaken or experience obtained abroad; development of a normative quality assurance and recognition system; organization of seminars; publication of material and methodological documents on problems of quality assurance and recognition system.
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:no
Street:Moskovskaja Str. 15 room 219
Tel:+375(17) 228-13-13
Fax:+375(17) 222-83-15
Contacts:Maryna Shalupenka (Head), Job title : Head of Department
Viysšaja attestatsionnaja komissija - VAK
Services provided and types of students dealt with:Recognition of doctoral degrees
Street:pros. Nezavisimosti 66
Tel:+375(17) 284-08-55
Contacts:Aleksandr Guchok (Head), Job title : Chair
Admission to Higher Education
Attestat ob Obschem Srednem Obrazovanii
Attestat ob Obschem Srednem Obrazovanii
Diploma of Professional Technical Education
Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii
Diploma of Professional Technical Education, Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education
Centralized test program (three subjects)
There can be an interview in one subject instead of several exams. The applicant can enter a preparatory department and study for one year before trying to enter the higher education institution.
Definition:A foreign citizen who trains at a Belarusian higher education institution and does not have Belarusian citizenship
Admission Requirements:Students must hold a secondary school-leaving certificate or an equivalent qualification to that of general secondary school in Belarus.
Health:A medical certificate is required.
Language Proficiency:Foreign students who have no command of the language of instruction can follow a one-year course at a preparatory department of the institution where they study the language of instruction and specialization subjects that are relevant for the chosen course. At the end of the year, they must sit for an examination. Successful students obtain a graduation certificate and are admitted to the basic course of study in the chosen speciality. Those who fail are dismissed from the institution and asked to leave the country.Entry Regulations:Students must hold a visa and have financial guarantees.Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Recognition of academic and scientific degrees and titles lies within the competence of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.The procedure for the assessment of foreign educational qualifications is a function of the National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
Qualifications assessment for academic purposes is done by educational institutions or NIHE. Qualifications assessment for professional purposes id done by NIHE.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the institution.
For Access to University Level Studies:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the institution.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents to the National Institute for Higher Education.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents to the National Institute for Higher Education.
Prague Convention. Convention of Socialist countries for the mutual recognition or equivalence of education documents, scientific degrees and titles (1972)
Paris Convention. Convention for the recognition of studies, diplomas and degrees concerning higher education in the states belonging to the European region (1979)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the Europe Region - CETS 165 (2002)
Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that certify Education, Scientific Degrees and Academic Ranks (1998)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Health care for home students is free and provided by students' polyclinics. Foreign students may take out a health insurance policy with a Belarusian insurance company.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Attestat ob Obschem Srednem Obrazovanii
Description:Secondary school leaving certificate conferred after four years' primary education, followed by five years' basic education and two years' secondary education.
Diploma of Professional Technical Education
Description:Vocational secondary school leaving certificate conferred after four years of primary education, followed by five years of basic education and three years of vocational education.
Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii
Description:Qualification conferred after four years' primary education, followed by five years of basic education and three or four years' specialized education. The qualification gives access to higher education and labour market.
Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii
Description:Study programmes available in more than 380 specialties and lasting for four to six years. The Diplom is a qualification that gives the right to exercise professional activities in a related field and to apply for Master's programmes. Students sit a state examination in their speciality and/or present a graduate paper/project.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Attestat ob Obschem Srednem Obrazovanii
Diploma of Professional Technical Education
Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii
Type of institution where credential is offered:University
Diplom Magistra
Description:Study programmes generally last one to two years. The Diplom Magistra is a qualification that gives the right to exercise professional activities in the field and to apply for further postgraduate studies (Aspirantura). Students take a state examination in their speciality and defend a thesis.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii
Type of institution where credential is offered:University
Kandidat Nauk
Description:Scientific degree awarded at least three years after the Master’s degree by a special Council for Defence of Thesis following the public presentation of a thesis.
Credential required for entry:Diplom Magistra
Type of institution where credential is offered:University
Doktor Nauk
Description:Highest scientific title awarded in most fields by the Supreme Attestation Committee following the approval of the special academic council and the resolution of the corresponding commission of experts. The doctorate thesis must contain a major contribution to the development of a scientific field or solve a major scientific problem.
Credential required for entry:Kandidat Nauk
Type of institution where credential is offered:University
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the EACEA country profiles, May 2020.
Updated on 05-05-2020