1 : Université : University
2 : Haute Ecole : University colleges
3 : Ecole supérieure des Arts : Arts colleges
4 : Etablissement d'enseignement de promotion sociale : Institution of social advancement education
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : Ecole maternelle; Ecole fondamentale
Primary : Ecole primaire; Ecole fondamentale
Length of program:6
Age level from:6
Age level to:12
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB)
Lower Secondary : Enseignement Secondaire - Premier degré
Length of program:2
Age level from:12
Age level to:14
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat d'études du 1er degré (CE1D)
Middle Secondary : Enseignement secondaire - Deuxième degré
Length of program:2
Age level from:14
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat d'enseignement secondaire du deuxième degré (CESDD)
Higher Secondary : Enseignement secondaire - Troisième degré
Length of program:2
Age level from:16
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS)
Higher Secondary : Enseignement secondaire - Quatrième degré- 7th year, non compulsory
Length of program:1
Age level from:18
Age level to:19
Compulsory education lasts for 12 years starting at age 6. Primary education lasts for six years leading to the Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB). Secondary education is divided into three levels of two years each leading to CESS and CQ6, and includes a 7th non-compulsory year leading to higher education. Secondary education is offered in 4 routes: general, technical, artistic and professional.
Higher Education System
Higher education is established on a binary scheme which refers to the co-existence of “short-type” or professionalising education and “long-type” or academic education. “Short-type” or professional-oriented higher education, which closely relates theory and practice in terms of pedagogy, is organised by the university colleges (Hautes Ecoles ), the arts colleges (Ecoles supérieures des Arts ) and the institutions of social advancement higher education (établissements d'enseignement supérieur de promotion sociale). "Long-type” higher education or academic-oriented higher education, which is based on fundamental concepts, experimentations and illustrations, is organised by the universities, the Hautes Ecoles, the Ecoles supérieures des Arts and the Etablissements d'enseignement de promotion sociale.
Décret du 7 novembre 2013 définissant le paysage de l'enseignement supérieur et l'organisation académique des études (2013)
Description:Higher education
Décret du 22 février 2008 portant diverses mesures relatives à l'organisation et au fonctionnement de l'Agence pour l'évaluation de la qualité de l'enseignement (2008)
Description:Evaluation of higher education
Décret du 14 novembre 2002 créant l'Agence pour l'évaluation de la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur (2002)
Description:Evaluation of higher education
French, English
Non-university level : Bachelier (Professional-oriented higher education/“short-type” higher education)
Description:Hautes Ecoles (university colleges), Ecoles supérieures des Arts (arts colleges) and Etablissements d'enseignement de promotion sociale (social advancement education) offers “short-type” or professionalising higher education programmes are organised in a single cycle of studies including at least 180 credits (study programmes in nursing and midwifery are organised into a single cycle with a value of 240 credits) and are sanctioned by a Bachelor’s degree (Bachelier). At the end of this single cycle, specialized studies are offered in some fields and lead to the Bachelier de spécialisation after one year of study.
University level first stage : Bachelier (Academic-oriented higher education/“long-type” higher education)
Description:The first stage of university level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Ecoles supérieures des Arts and Etablissements de promotion sociale. It leads to the title of Bachelier after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits.
University level second stage : Master; Médecin; Médecin vétérinaire
Description:The second stage of university-level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Ecoles supérieures des Arts and Etablissements d'enseignement de promotion sociale. It leads to the title of Master after one or two years' study and 60 or 120 ECTS credits; of Médecin (Medicine) after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits; and of Médecin vétérinaire (Veterinary Medicine) after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits.
University level third stage : Doctorat
Description:The third stage of university-level studies is offered at universities. Doctoral training lasts generally 3 years corresponding to 180 ECTS.
There is no formal training of higher education teachers.
Direction générale de l'Enseignement supérieur, de l’Enseignement tout au long de la vie et de la Recherche Scientifique
Role:Governing and decision-making role for higher education
Street:Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Administration générale de l'Enseignement Direction générale de l'Enseignement supérieur, de l’Enseignement tout au long de la vie et de la Recherche Scientifique Rue Adolphe Lavallée, 1
Contacts:Jean-Claude Marcourt (Head), Job title : Minister of Higher Education, Social Advancement Education, Research and Media
Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement supérieur - ARES
Role:Established to coordinate, support and foster collaboration between all Wallonia-Brussels Federation higher education institutions in the fulfilment of their missions. ARES has thus specific and complementary missions with the academic clusters, higher education institutions and all HE and research partners.
Street:rue Royale 180
Tel:+32(2) 225-45-11
Contacts:- Laurent Despy (Head), Job title : Administrateur
- Elodie Decostre (International Relations Officer), Job title : Director of International Relations
Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Role:Created in 2002, the AEQES is an independent public service agency, a full member of the European Network for Quality Assurance (ENQA) and included on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) which develops a formative approach to quality assurance.
Street:Boulevard Léopold II, 44 2e étage
Contacts:- Anne-Joëlle Philippart (Head), Job title : President
- Caty Duykaerts (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Head of the Executive Unit
Conseil des Recteurs des Universités francophones de Belgique - CREF
Street:Rue d'Egmont, 5
Fax:+32(2) 504-9343
Contacts:Pierre Wolper (Head), Job title : President
Centre ENIC-NARIC de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Street:Rue Lavallée, 1
Tel:+32(2) 690-8747
Fax:+32(2) 690-8760
Contacts:Céline Nicodème (Head)
Direction générale de l'Enseignement supérieur, de l’Enseignement tout au long de la vie et de la Recherche Scientifique
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Administration générale de l'Enseignement Direction générale de l'Enseignement supérieur, de l’Enseignement tout au long de la vie et de la Recherche Scientifique Rue Adolphe Lavallée, 1
Fédération des Etudiant(e)s Francophones - FEF
Street:Rue de la Borne, 14 – bte 17
Tel:+32(2) 223-01-54
Contacts:- Chems Mabrouk (Head), Job title : Présidente
- Manon Sperati (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secrétaire-générale
Union des étudiants de la Communauté française - UNECOF
Street:Rue du Congrès, 13
Tel:+32(2) 541-8500
Fax:+32(2) 541-8509
Contacts:Morgane Justens (Head), Job title : Présidente
Direction des Allocations et prêts d'études - DAPE
Street:Rue Adolphe Lavallée, 1
Tel:+32(2) 413-3737
Wallonie-Bruxelles International - WBI
Street:Place Sainctelette, 2
Tel:+32(2) 421-8211
Fax:+32(2) 421-8787
Contacts:Pascale Delcomminette (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Administrator
Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement supérieur
Street:rue Royale 180
Enabel - Agence Belge de Développement
Street:rue Haute 147
Tel:+32(2) 505-3700
Fax:+32(2) 502-9862
Contacts:Hannelore Beerlandt (Head), Job title : Président
Admission to Higher Education
Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Requirement for:Hautes Ecoles, Ecoles supérieures des Arts and Etablissements d'enseignement de promotion sociale
Successfully passed a certificate in one of the admissions examinations organised by the higher education institutions or a jury of the French Community.
Academic title conferred by a higher education institution of the French Community.
For admission to Ecoles supérieures des Arts (Arts colleges).
Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Requirement for:All institutions.
Attestation of success in one of the admissions examinations organised by the higher education institutions or a jury of the French Community - Academic title conferred by a higher education or university institution and in some cases by social promotion institutions.
For admission to first cycle programme :
- Veterinary sciences: compulsory orientation test called TOSS (non-binding results)
- Medical sciences (medical studies and dentistry): entrance exam
- Engineering sciences organised by universities: special admission examination in engineering sciences
- Academic-oriented Arts higher education: admission test.
Definition:A foreign student is a person enrolled at a higher education institution in Belgium (French-speaking Community) who is not a permanent resident.
Admission Requirements:Students must obtain the equivalence of their upper secondary school leaving certificate with the Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS).
Quotas:Some fields of study are limited for non-resident students:
at the university: in medical sciences, dental sciences, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, veterinary sciences, or psychological sciences and education, speech therapy orientation;
in university college: in physiotherapy, speech therapy and audiology.
Language Proficiency:Admission to the first cycle of studies requires sufficient level of knowledge in French (with the exception of studies in Arts colleges). Language proficiency tests are organised by the Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur (ARES).
Entry Regulations:Students must register with the communal administration of their town of residence, present proof of their enrolment, as well as financial guarantees.Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Competences over the academic recognition of foreign higher education degrees in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels are shared between the Ministry (DGENORS) and the higher education institutions. The Ministry is competent for the academic recognition of foreign higher education degrees when requested for professional purposes. The higher education institutions are competent for the academic recognition of foreign doctorate degrees and are entitled to valorize foreign degrees for admission purposes.
Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the European Region (2005)
Dedicated website of the Federation Walonia-Brussels : http://www.equivalences.cfwb.be
Wallonia-Brussels Campus (WBCampus), the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad : http://www.studyinbelgium.be.
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:No
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Average Living Costs:850
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:374 Euro
National Students - Max Tuition Fees:836 Euro
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:992 Euro
Foreign Students - Max Tuition Fees:4175 Euro
Author:Wallonia-Brussels Campus (WBCampus)
Year of publication:2013
Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Description:Credential awarded at all types of secondary training schools after six years of secondary school following six years of primary school.
Bachelier (enseignement supérieur de type court)
Description:The higher education system of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels is characterized by the co-existence of “short-type” or professionally-oriented education and of “long-type” or academic education. In spite of the binary character of the higher education system, no legal distinction is made between similar degrees, irrespective of the type of higher education institution awarding them. However, a distinction should be made regarding the organisation of the programme according to the type of education. The “short-type” or professionally-oriented higher education programmes are organised in a single cycle of studies of at least 180 credits (Bachelor in Midwifery requires 240 ECTS) and are sanctioned by a Bachelor’s degree (bachelier de l’enseignement supérieur de type court).
Credential required for entry:Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Type of institution where credential is offered:Haute Ecole (University colleges)
Ecole supérieure des Arts (Arts colleges)
Etablissement d'enseignement de promotion sociale (Institution of social advancement education)
Bachelier (enseignement universitaire et enseignement supérieur de type long)
Description:The higher education system of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels is characterized by the co-existence of “short-type” or professionally-oriented education and of “long-type” or academic education. In spite of the binary character of the higher education system, no legal distinction is made between similar degrees, irrespective of the type of higher education institution awarding them. However, a distinction should be made regarding the organisation of the programme according to the type of education. University as well as “long-type” or academic higher education programmes are organised into two cycles (Bachelier-Master). The first cycle includes 180 credits and is sanctioned by a Bachelor’s degree (bachelier). Admission to the second cycle (Master level) requires the completion of the first cycle.
Credential required for entry:Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Haute Ecole (University colleges)
Ecole supérieure des Arts (Arts colleges)
Etablissement d'enseignement de promotion sociale (Institution of social advancement education)
Bachelier de spécialisation
Description:Specialised degree awarded after one year of study (60 ECTS) following a professionally-oriented Bachelier. The title of the degree is followed by the name of the speciality (i.e. Bachelier de spécialisation en pédiatrie, en art thérapie, en accessoires de mode, etc.).
Credential required for entry:Bachelier (enseignement supérieur de type court)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Haute Ecole (University colleges)
Etablissement d'enseignement de promotion sociale (Institution of social advancement education)
Description:Second cycle of university and “long-type” or academic higher education. It includes 60 credits or 120 credits and is sanctioned by a Master’s degree.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Bachelier (enseignement universitaire et enseignement supérieur de type long)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Haute Ecole (University colleges)
Ecole supérieure des Arts (Arts colleges)
Etablissement d'enseignement de promotion sociale (Institution of social advancement education)
Master de spécialisation
Description:Specialised degree awarded after at least one year of study (60 ECTS) following a Master degree. The title of the degree is followed by the name of the speciality. The Master de spécialisation (previously Master complémentaire) is delivered from the 2014-2015 academic year.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Master
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Haute Ecole (University colleges)
Description:Academic degree awarded by universities in Medicine (basic medical training) after three years' study (180 ECTS) following three years of undergraduate studies (Bachelier en médecine, 180 ECTS). A thesis is required. The degree of Médecin allow access to medical specialities which lead to professional qualifications.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Bachelier (enseignement universitaire et enseignement supérieur de type long)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Médecin vétérinaire
Description:Professional qualification granted in Veterinary Medicine after three years of study (180 ECTS) following three years of undergraduate studies (Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire, 180 ECTS). A thesis is required.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Bachelier (enseignement universitaire et enseignement supérieur de type long)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Description:The Doctorate’s degree is awarded upon completion of a third cycle programme; it is awarded by a university after the defence of a thesis based on original research. The third cycle programmes comprise doctoral studies and work related to the preparation of a doctoral thesis. It carries a fixed number of 180 credits. Only universities award the academic Doctorate degree.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Master
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Data Provided by
DG Higher Education, Life long learning Education and Scientific Research, ENIC-NARIC centre of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, March 2019. Bodies updated August 2019.
Updated on 15-10-2019