1 : Univerzita : University
Description:Universities offering Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral programmes.
2 : Vysoká škola neuniverzitního typu : Non-university higher education institution
Description:Non-university institution offering Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
3 : Vyšši odborná škola : Tertiary Professional School
Description:Non-university level institution offering Bachelor's and professional Bachelor's degrees
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary :
Length of program:1
Age level from:5
Age level to:6
Basic : Základní škola (Elementary School) (2 stages: 1-5, 6-9)
Length of program:9
Age level from:6
Age level to:15
General Secondary : General School (Gymnásium) (admission after 5th year of basic school)
Length of program:8
Age level from:11
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
General Secondary : General school (Gymnásium) (admission after 7th year of basic school)
Length of program:6
Age level from:13
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Academic Secondary : Gymnázium (General Secondary School)
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Technical Secondary : Střední odborná škola (Secondary technical school)
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Technical Secondary : Konzervatoř (Conservatory) - A special category of secondary technical schools (dance) - Admission after 5th year of basic school
Length of program:8
Age level from:11
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Final certificate "absolutorium") + diplom (Diploma) or Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Technical Secondary : Konzervatoř (Conservatory) - A special category of secondary technical schools (music, drama)
Length of program:6
Age level from:15
Age level to:21
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Final certificate "absolutorium") + diplom (Diploma) or Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Vocational Secondary : Středni odborné učiliště (Secondary Vocational/Technical School)
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Vocational Secondary : Středni odborné učiliště (2- or 3-year Secondary Vocational School)
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Výuční list (Vocational Certificate)
Professional : Vyšší odborné školy (Tertiary Professional Schools - 3 years' study and 3.5 in medical fileds)
Length of program:3
Age level from:19
Age level to:21
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Final certificate "absolutorium") + diplom (Diploma), the graduates are awarded the title of diplomovaný specialista (Dis.).
There is one year of compulsory pre-primary education, from the age of five, which is then followed by compulsory basic education, made up of a 5-year primary education cycle then a 4-year cycle of lower secondary education, which leads to a Vysvědčeni (Certificate).
Upper secondary education is comprised of two main types of study programmes - those leading to "maturita" exam (ISCED 2011 34/354 level qualification allowing for further studies at higher levels) and those leading to "výuční list" (ISCED 353 professional qualifications, vocational training). "Maturita" exam is provided namely by general-academic upper secondary schools (gymnázium) and by professional secondary schools (střední odborná škola) in 4-year study programmes. Vocational education and training not leading to "maturita" exam is provided by namely by professional training centres (odborné učiliště).
Higher Education System
Higher professional schools (vyšší odborná škola) provide ISCED 2011 65 (655) level education. These are considered tertiary education institutions but not part of the higher education system. Higher professional schools offer mostly practically oriented programmes in economics and health care. There are two types of higher education institution: universities and non-university HEIs. However, there are not many differences between these two categories since both of them issue completely equal qualifications on ISCED 64 and 74 level but only universities are allowed to provide ISCED 8 level education (PhD) and set faculties as their organizational units. Despite a high number of private institutions, most students are enrolled at one of the public institutions. The Police Academy and the University of Defence have special statuses and are governed directly by the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defence respectively.
Higher Education Institutions Act No. 111 (1998)
Description:all higher education institutions
Czech, English, German, French, Russian
University level first stage : Bachelor studies
Description:The Bachelor study programme usually takes three to four years and covers all the main disciplines, except Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Law and some other fields. The programme aims at providing a qualification to both practice a profession and continue studying at the Master level. This cycle leads to the academic degree of "bakalář" (Bc.) or "bakalář umění" (BcA) in the field of Arts. Students must sit for a state final examination, part of which is usually the defence of a Bachelor thesis.
University level second stage : Master studies (magisterské studium)
Description:The Master programme lasts for one to three years after the Bachelor. In Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Law, where there are no Bachelor studies, the Master programme lasts between 4 and 6 years (Medicine, Veterinary Medicine: 6 years; Dentistry, Law, Teacher Training for secondary schools: 5 years; Teacher Training for the first stage of basic school: 4 years). Graduates in the Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, Theology and Law are awarded the academic degree of "magistr" (Mgr.), "magistr umění" (MgA.) in Arts, "inženýr" (Ing.) in Engineering, Economics, Agriculture and Chemistry and Military fields, "inženýr architekt" (Ing.arch.) in Architecture, "doktor medicíny" (MUDr.) in Medicine, "doktor zubního lékařství" (MDDr.) in Dentistry, "doktor veterinární medicíny" (MVDr.) in Veterinary Medicine. At the end of this stage, students must sit for a final State examination, part of which is composed of the defence of a diploma thesis. In Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, they must sit for the "státní rigorózní zkouška (State Rigorosum examination). The holders of the degree of "magistr" can sit for a State Rigorosum examination in the same field and defend a thesis to acquire the academic degree of "doktor práv" (JUDr.) in Law , "doktor filosofie" (PhDr.) in the Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, "doktor přírodních věd" (RNDr.) in Natural Sciences, "doktor farmacie" (PharmDr.) in Pharmacy, "doktor teologie" (ThDr.) or "licenciát teologie" (ThLic.) in Theology. The abbreviations of all the academic degrees mentioned above are written in front of the name.
University level third stage : Doctoral studies (doktorské studium)
Description:The third and highest level of higher education consists of studies for the Doctorate under the guidance of a tutor. The programme comprises scientific research and independent study. It usually lasts between three and four years. Holders of a Master's Degree (Mgr., MgA., Ing., Ing.arch., MUDr., MDDr., MVDr.) may apply. Studies lead to the academic degree of "doktor" (Ph.D.) or "doktor teologie" (Th.D.) in the field of Theology. The abbreviations are written after the name. Studies end with the State Doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation.
Recruitment policy, as well as human resource development and staff training, are subject to autonomy of HEIs, and although there is no law to determine this, the minimum qualification required by each institution is usually a Master's or Doctoral degree.
Distance study programmes may be accredited by individual HEIs along with the traditional campus-based courses. However, blended forms of studies (kombinované studium) are more common, where individual learning is supported by regular on-site meetings, usually once or twice a month during theweekend. Length of studies in blended form is the same as for on-campus programmes.
Erasmus plus
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Role:Responsible for public administration in education, for developing educational, youth and sport policies and international cooperation in these fields.
Street:Karmelitská 529/5
City:Praha 1
PostCode:118 12
Tel:+420(2) 3481-1111
Fax:+420(2) 3481-1716
Contacts:- Robert Plaga (Head), Job title : Minister
- Pavel Doleček (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Deputy Minister, Research and Higher Education
Národní akreditační úřad pro vysoké školství
Role:decides on accreditation of degree programmes, institutional accreditation and accreditation of the habilitation procedure and procedure for appointment of professors; performs audit of compliance with legal regulations in carrying out accredited activities; carries out external evaluation of educational, scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic and other related activities of higher education institutions.
Street:Karmelitská 5
City:Praha 1
PostCode:118 12
Tel:+420 234 813 488
Contacts:- Ivan Barančík (Head), Job title : Chair
- Jiří Smrčka (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Centrum pro studium vysokého školství
Street:Jankovcova 933/63
City:Praha 7
PostCode:170 00
Tel:+420(2) 5701-1311
Fax:+420(2) 5753-2409
Contacts:Radim Ryška (Head), Job title : Director
Role:Represents the universities in their dealings with the Ministry.
Street:Masarykova univerzita Žerotínovo nám. 9
PostCode:601 77
Tel:+420(54) 949-1121
Fax:+420(54) 949-1122
Contacts:- Petr Sklenička (Head), Job title : President
- Marie Fojtíková (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Street:José Martího 31
City:Praha 6
PostCode:162 52
Tel:+420(2) 2056-0221
Fax:+420(2) 2056-0221
Contacts:Milan Pospíšil (Head), Job title : President
COPERNICUS Alliance - European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Street:Charles University Environment Center, José Martího 2/407
PostCode:162 00
Tel:+420(2) 20 199 482
Fax:+420(2) 20 199 462
Contacts:- Anne Zimmermann (Head), Job title : President
- Ingrid Mulŕ (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Executive Director
Středisko pro ekvivalenci dokladů o vzdělání ENIC / NARIC
Services provided and types of students dealt with:Provision of information, advisory services for decision-makers, evaluation of diplomas at the request of decision-makers.
Recognition for institution:yes
Street:Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Karmelitská 7
City:Praha 1
PostCode:118 12
Tel:+420(2) 3481-2152
Fax:+420(2) 3481-1727
Contacts:Lenka Škrábalová (Head), Job title : Head
Dům zahraniční spolupráce - DZS
Role:Organisation established by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport which ensures educational, training and other relations with foreign. DZS is responsible for a number of international programmes and carries out activities promoting education. DZS services are aimed at both individuals, students, teachers, administrators of various types of institution and other professionals, and organisations and companies involved in education.
Street:Na Poříčí 1035/4
City:Praha 01
PostCode:110 00
Tel:+420(2) 2185-0100
Contacts:Dana Petrova (Head), Job title : Director
Admission to Higher Education
Maturitní zkouška
Further admission criteria (besides the high school leaving exam) are subject to the autonomy of individual education institutions.
Maturitní zkouška
Requirement for:all higher education institutions
Further admission criteria (besides the high school leaving exam) are subject to the autonomy of individual education institutions.
Definition:A foreign student is a person enrolled at a Czech higher education institution and who is not a permanent resident of the Czech Republic.
Admission Requirements:The Secondary School Leaving Certificate must be validated by the Regional School Authorities (školská oddělení krajských úřadů).
Health:A health certificate might be required.
Language Proficiency:Foreign students who want to study in the Czech language and who do not have sufficient command of it can enroll in a one-year course. Information is available at http://ujop.cuni.cz/. A significant proportion of programmes are offered in foreign languages (namely English) in which case language proficiency requirements are set by individual institutions.
Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Application to Central Body:No
Recognition of Studies
The study programmes of all higher education institutions are subject to accreditation. Accreditation is conferred by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports which decides on the basis of the Accreditation Commission statement.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:The recognition of studies for tertiary professional schools falls under the responsibility of regional authorities. The recognition of parts of the studies falls under the responsibility of the director of each tertiary professional school.
For Access to University Level Studies:Recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad is the responsibility of public higher education institutions with similar or equal study programmes. In special cases, recognition is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad is the responsibility of public higher education institutions with similar or equal study programmes. In special cases, recognition is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad is the responsibility of public higher education institutions with similar or equal study programmes. In special cases, recognition is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The recognition of regulated professions is provided by the competent recognition authority.
European convention on the academic recognition of university qualifications N°32 (1993)
European convention on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities N°15 (1993)
Additional protocol to the European convention on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities N°49 (1991)
European convention on the academic recognition of university qualifications N°32 (1993)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States of the European Region (1993)
Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region (Lisbon Convention) (2000)
European convention on the equivalence of periods of university studies N°21 (1993)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Maturitní zkouška
Description:The maturita examinations are normally taken in four or five subjects: Czech, one modern language and two or three subjects of the pupil's choice. In vocational areas, technical subjects and the preparation of a project are compulsory.
Diplomavaný specialista
Description:Tertiary professional education lasts for three years and three and a half years in medical fields.
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Vyšši odborná škola (Tertiary Professional School)
Description:First degree awarded in most fields of study except Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Law and some others (teacher training, arts) after three to four years' study.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Vysoká škola neuniverzitního typu (Non-university higher education institution)
Bakalář umění
Description:First degree awarded in fine arts after three to four years.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Doktor medicíny
Description:Qualification awarded in the field of medicine after a minimum of six years of study, practical training and success in the state rigorosum examination.
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Doktor veterinární medicíny
Description:Second stage qualification awarded after at least six years' study in the field of veterinary medicine and hygiene and success in the state rigorosum examination.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Doktor zubního lékařství
Description:Qualification awarded in the field of Dentistry after five years' study and success in the state rigorosum examination.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Description:The degree is awarded in the fields of Architecture, Economics, Technical Studies, Agriculture, Forestry and Military Sciences. It is a second stage degree awarded in one to three years' study following upon a Bachelor's Degree. The degree is also still offered directly following upon the secondary school leaving certificate in four to five-and- a-half years' study in some fields.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Vysoká škola neuniverzitního typu (Non-university higher education institution)
Description:Second stage degree awarded in one to three years' study following a Bachelor's Degree. The degree is also still offered directly following the secondary school leaving certificate in four to five years' study in some fields (e.g. teacher training for secondary schools: 5 years; teacher training for the first stage of basic schools: 4 years). The holders of the degree of Magistr can sit for a State Rigorosum examination in the same field and defend a thesis to acquire the academic degree of "doktor práv" (JUDr.) in Law , "doktor filosofie" (PhDr.) in the Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, "doktor přírodních věd" (RNDr.) in natural sciences, "doktor farmacie" (PharmDr.) in Pharmacy, "doktor teologie" (ThDr.) or "licenciát teologie" (ThLic.) in Theology.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Vysoká škola neuniverzitního typu (Non-university higher education institution)
Magistr uměni
Description:Second stage degree awarded in fine arts in one to three years' study following a Bachelor's Degree. The degree is also still offered directly following the secondary school leaving certificate in four to six years' study in some fields (e.g. Painting, Sculpture, New Media: 6 years; Dramatic Arts, Dance: 4 years).
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Maturitní zkouška
Bakalář umění
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Description:Studies within the framework of doctoral study programmes are subject to individual curricula under the guidance of a tutor. Studies end with the state doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation. Studies last between three and four years.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Magistr
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from ENIC-NARIC website, and Eurydice information on Czech Republic, May 2020.
Updated on 20-05-2020