1 : Yliopisto/Universitet : University
2 : Ammattikorkeakoulu (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskola (YH) : University of Applied Sciences (formerly Polytechnic)
Pre-Higher Education System
Basic : Basic education/Compulsory education
Length of program:9
Age level from:7
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Perusopetuksen päättötodistus/Avgångsbetyg från grundläggande utbildningen (Basic Education Certificate)
General Secondary : General Upper Secondary
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Lukion päättötodistus/Avgangsbetyg fran gymnasiet (General Upper Secondary School Certificate); Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg (Certificate of Matriculation)
Vocational Secondary : Vocational Upper Secondary
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Ammatillinen perustutkintotodistus/Betyg över yrkesinriktad grundexamen (Vocational Qualification Certificate)
After completing 9-year basic education, students can choose between general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education.
1) General upper secondary school (lukio/gymnasiet) provides general education leading to the national Matriculation Examination (ylioppilastutkinto/studentexamen), which gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.
2) Vocational upper secondary education (ammatillinen koulutus/yrkesutbildning) may be organized in vocational education institutions or in the form of apprenticeship training or be taken as a competence-based examination. An (initial) Vocational Qualification (ammatillinen perustutkinto/yrkesinriktad grundexamen) generally takes three years to complete and gives eligibility to all forms of higher education. In vocational further education and training it is also possible to obtain Further Vocational Qualifications (ammattitutkinto/yrkesexamen) and Specialist Vocational Qualifications (erikoisammattitutkinto/specialyrkesexamen) which can only be taken as competence-based examinations and are mainly intended for employed adults.
Higher Education System
Finland has a binary system of higher education which is comprised of universities (yliopisto/universitet) and universities of applied sciences (ammattikorkeakoulu, AMK/yrkeshögskola, YH). Some universities are multi-faculty universities and others are specialized institutions. All universities engage in both education and research and have the right to award doctorates. The universities of applied sciences are multi-field institutions of professional higher education. They are specialized in applied research and development. Universities award first cycle university degrees (Kandidaatti/Kandidat), second cycle university degrees (Maisteri/Magister) and third cycle scientific post-graduate degrees (Lisensiaatti/Licentiat and Tohtori/Doktor). Universities of applied sciences award first cycle degrees (ammattikorkeakoulututkinto - AMK/yrkehögskoleexamen - YH) and second cycle degrees (ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto - ylempi AMK/högre yrkeshögskoleexamen - högre YH).
Open universities and open universities of applied sciences do not award degrees but students may have their studies recognized as part of degree studies upon admission to a degree programme at a higher education institution.
Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014) (2014)
Government decree on universities of applied sciences 1129/2014 (2014)
Universities Act 558 - including amendments (Yliopistolaki) (2009)
Description:Universities Act stipulates the autonomy of the universities, as well as the tasks, research personnel, and students of universities, amongst other things.
Government Decree on University Degrees - 794 (2004)
Description:Objectives, length and overall structure of degrees. The detailed contents, structure, curricula and the form of instruction are left to universities.
Government decree on higher education degree system 464/1998 + amendments (1998)
Description:Decree on higher education degree system (university and polytechnic sectors).
Finnish, Swedish, English
University level first stage : Universities: kandidaatti/kandidat (first cycle)
Description:First-cycle university degrees consist of at least 180 credits (3 years of full-time study). They are called kandidaatti/kandidat in all fields except in Law (oikeusnotaari/rättsnotarie) and Pharmacy (farmaseutti/farmaceut). Studies leading to the degree provide the student with: (1) knowledge of the fundamentals of the major and minor subjects or corresponding study entities or studies included in the degree programme and the prerequisites for following developments in the field; (2) knowledge and skills needed for scientific thinking and the use of scientific methods or knowledge and skills needed for artistic work; 3) knowledge and skills needed for studies leading to a higher university degree and for continuous learning; (4) a capacity for applying the acquired knowledge and skills to work; and (5) adequate language and communication skills. Studies may include: basic and intermediate studies; language and communication studies; interdisciplinary programmes; other studies and work practice for professionnal development. The degree includes a Bachelor's thesis (6-10 credits).
University level second stage : Universities: maisteri/magister (second cycle)
Description:The second-cycle university degree consists of at least 120 credits (two years of full-time study). The degree is usually called maisteri/magister. Other second-cycle degrees are diplomi-insinööri/diplomingenjör (Technology); arkkitehti/arkitekt (Architecture); and proviisori/provisor (Pharmacy). The admission requirement to second cycle university courses is a first cycle degree. The second cycle university degree title in the fields of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine is lisensiaatti/licentiate. In the field of medicine and dentistry, the university may arrange the education leading to the second cycle university degree without including a lower university degree. In medicine, the degrees consists of 360 credits (6 years of full-time study) and in dentistry the degree consists of 300 credits (5 years of full-time study). Studies leading to the second cycle university degree provide the student with: (1) good overall knowledge of the major subject or a corresponding entity and conversant with the fundamentals of the minor subject or good knowledge of the advanced studies included in the degree programme; (2) knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and methods or knowledge and skills needed for independent and demanding artistic work; (3) knowledge and skills needed for operating independently as an expert and developer of the field; (4) knowledge and skills needed for scientific or artistic postgraduate education; and (5) good language and communication skills. Studies leading to the second cycle university degree may include: basic, intermediate and advanced studies, language and communication studies; interdisciplinary study programme; other studies; and internship improving expertise. The degree includes a Master's thesis (20-40 credits). The reformed university degree structure was adopted on 1 August 2005. The reform created a two-tier degree structure with an obligatory first cycle degree in all fields except for medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Before, students were able to pursue a one-cycle Masters in five years. The degrees from the former structure are fully comparable to the new degrees and they give the same academic and professional rights.
University level third stage : Universities: lisensiaati/licenciat; tohtori/doktor (third cycle)
Description:Students can apply for doctoral programmes after the completion of a relevant second-cycle degree. The aim of doctoral studies is to provide the student with in-depth knowledge of his/her field of research and capabilities to produce new scientific knowledge independently. A pre-doctoral degree (lisensiaati/licenciat) in two years may be taken before the Doctor's Degree programme. Studies for the Doctor's degree take approximately four years of full-time study beyond a second-cycle degree or two years of full-time study beyond a pre-doctoral degree. Students admitted to doctoral studies must complete a certain number of courses, show independent and critical thinking in their field of research and write a doctoral dissertation to be defended in public.
Teachers in higher education are admitted by the higher education institutions. Teachers in higher education must have expert knowledge in their field and pedagogical skills.
EU programmes of higher education; also ISEP, NORDPLUS, etc.
Finnish higher education institutions actively participate to various international exchange programmes.
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Role:Responsible for the development of educational, science, cultural, sport and youth policies as well as international cooperation in these fields.
Street:PO Box 29
Contacts:- Li Andersson (Head), Job title : Minister of Education
- Petri Honkonen (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Minister of Science and Culture
- Atte Jääskeläinen (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director General, Department for Higher Education and Science Policy
Opetushallitus Utbildningsstyrelsen
Role:Development, evaluation and information servives related to education; Finnish ENIC-NARIC; competent authority for the professional recognition of foreign higher education qualifications. Previously known as the Finnish National Board of Education, and merged with the Centre for International Mobility CIMO in January 2017 to form the current organisation
Street:Hakaniemenranta 6 PO Box 380
Contacts:Minna Kelhä (Head), Job title : Director General
Kansallinen Koulutuksen Arviointikeskus - KKA
Role:Independent expert body assisting universities, universities of higher education and the Ministry of Education and Culture in matters relating to evaluation.
Street:PO Box 380
Contacts:- Harri Peltoniemi (Head), Job title : Director
- Helka Kekäläinen (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Head of Unit, Higher Education and Liberal Adult Education
Role:A co-operational organisation for Finnish universities. Unifi promotes higher education, research and arts by addressing far-reaching, university related issues. It aims to influence the Finnish higher education and research policy, and to promote common interests of universities.
Street:Eteläranta 10
Contacts:- Jukka Kola (Head), Job title : Chair
- Tanja Risikko (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Executive Director
Ammattikorkeakoulujen rehtorineuvosto - Arene
Role:A cooperative forum for universities of applied sciencesn and also aims strengthen cooperation, networking and internationalization between universtites of applied sciences as part of the European Higher Education Area.
Street:Eteläranta 10, PL 9
Contacts:Ida Mielityinen (Head), Job title : Executive Director
University of the Arctic - UArctic
Role:UArctic is a network of universities, colleges, research institutes, and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North.
Street:c/o University of Lapland PO 122
Contacts:- Lars Kullerud (Head), Job title : President
- Outi Snellman (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Vice-President
Suomen opiskelijakuntien liitto - SAMOK
Street:Lapinrinne 2
Contacts:Emmi Lainpelto (Head), Job title : President
Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liiton - SYL
Street:Lapinrinne 2
Contacts:Konstantin Kouzmitchev (Head), Job title : President
Suomen ammattiin opiskelevien liitto - SAKKI
Street:Hakaniemenranta 1 C
Contacts:Aale Païvinen (Head), Job title : Chair
Suomen Opiskelija-Allianssi - Osko-Ry
Role:Its main goals are to impact the society on behalf of vocational students and to increase the appeal of vocational education in Finland.
Street:Asemapäällikönkatu 1
Contacts:Venla Tilli (Head), Job title : Chair
Role:Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, provides social security coverage for Finnish residents and many Finns living abroad. Among the social security benefits offered by Kela are family benefits, health insurance, rehabilitation, basic unemployment security, basic social assistance, housing benefits, financial aid for students, disability benefits and basic pensions.
Street:PO Box 20
Admission to Higher Education
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Requirement for:Polytechnics/Universities of Applied Sciences
Requirement for:Polytechnics/Universities of Applied Sciences
Certificate for the International Baccalaureate; European Baccalaureate, Reifeprüfung; Vocational (3 years) Qualification (Ammatillinen perustutkintotodistus/Betyg over yrkesinriktad grundexamen), Further and Specialist Vocational Qualifications (ammattitutkinto/yrkesexamen, erikoisammattitukinto/specialyrkesexamen; Foreign equivalents.
Various types of entrance examinations.
Restricted entry in all fields of study.
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Requirement for:Universities
Requirement for:Universities
Lukion päättötodistus/Avgångsbetyg från gymnasiet; Certificate for the International Baccalaureate; European Baccalaureate, Reifeprüfung; Vocational (3 years) Qualification Certificate (Ammatillinen perustutkintotodistus/Betyg over yrkesinriktad grundexamen). Foreign equivalents.
Various types of entrance examinations.
Restricted entry in all fields of study.
Definition:The term foreign student usually applies to students, regardless of nationality or native language, who have completed their secondary education in any country other than Finland.
Admission Requirements:Students must have completed secondary education. Foreign qualifications equivalent to Finnish qualifications that give eligibility to apply for higher education in the country of origin can be accepted. Higher education institutions select their students independently. Entrance examinations are applied and there is a numerus clausus in all fields of study.
Language Proficiency:In most cases, students must have good working knowledge of Finnish or Swedish. In international degree programmes, the teaching language can be English or some other foreign language in which case the applicants must show proof of their good knowledge of the foreign language.
Entry Regulations:Depending on the nationality and the length of stay in Finland, a visa or a residence permit may be required by the immigration authorities.Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The Finnish degrees of higher education are listed in the Decree on the structure of higher education degrees. Universities and universities of applied sciences are obliged by legislation to evaluate their activities systematically. The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council is an independent expert body assisting universities, universities of applied sciences and the Ministry of Education and culture in matters relating to evaluation.
The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) has conducted audits of the quality assurance (QA) systems of higher education institutes (HEIs) since autumn 2005. Auditing assesses the comprehensiveness, performance and effectiveness of the QA system and focuses on two levels: the HEI’s QA system as a whole and the quality assurance related to the HEI’s basic mission (education, research/R&D, interaction with and impact on society and regional development).
The academic recognition of qualifications is the responsibility of the higher education institution to which the holder of a foreign qualification is applying for admission. The institutions decide independently on matters related to student selection and the recognition of previous studies.
For Access to University Level Studies:Universities and universities of applied sciences make the decisions concerning admissions and credit transfer independently. The Finnish National Agency for Education (ENIC/NARIC) supports their work.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Universities and universities of applied sciences make the decisions concerning admissions and credit transfer independently. The Finnish National Agency for Education (ENIC/NARIC) supports their work.For the Exercise of a Profession:The Finnish National Agency for Education decides on the competence for civil service posts conferred by qualifications taken abroad. Decisions on the right to practice a profession are made by the competent authority in the respective field. The right to practice a profession in Finland is required from, e.g. health-care professionals and teachers.Further information from the National Agency for Education, www.oph.fi/recognition, recognition@oph.fi
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (2004)
Quality assurance of higher education in Finland: www.kka.fi
Studying in Finland: http://www.studyinfinland.fi/
Recognition: www.oph.fi/recognition
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Euro
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 EuroTuition and scholarships
Author:Centre for International Mobility - CIMO
Publisher:Centre for International Mobility - CIMO
Year of publication:2014
Lukion päättötodistus/Avgangsbetyg från gymnasiet
Description:Certificate awarded at the end of general upper secondary education (3 years) following 9 years of basic education.
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Description:After completing 9-year basic education, students can choose vocational upper secondary education. It takes three years to complete and gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.
Description:Matriculation examination taken generally after three years' general upper secondary school and consisting of a minimum of four tests.
Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskoleexamen (YH)
Description:The first cycle university of applied sciences degree consists of 180, 210, 240 or 270 credits depending on the study field. The degree takes 3 to 4.5 years to complete.
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Ammattikorkeakoulu (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskola (YH) (University of Applied Sciences (formerly Polytechnic))
Description:Farmaseutti/farmaseut is the title given to the kandidaatti/kandidat (Bachelor) in Pharmacy. It consists of at least 180 credits (3 years of study). The degree includes a Bachelor's thesis (6-10 credits).
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Kandidaatin tutkinto/Kandidatexamen
Description:The first cycle university degree consists of at least 180 credits (3 years of study). The degree includes a Bachelor's thesis (6-10 credits). The term kandidaatti/kandidaatti was used also for certain second cycle university degrees before 2005. For further information, please contact recognition@oph.fi
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Description:Oikeusnotaari/rättsnotarie is the title given to the first degree in law. It consists of at least 180 credits (3 years of study). The degree includes a Bachelor's thesis (6-10 credits).
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Arkkitehdin tutkinto/Arkitektexamen
Description:Arkkitehti/arkitekt is the title given to the Maisteri (Master) in architecture. It consists of at least 120 credits (2 years of study). The degree includes a Master's thesis (20-40 credits).
Credential required for entry:Kandidaatin tutkinto/Kandidatexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Description:Diplomi-insinööri/diplomingenjör is the title given to the Maisteri (Master) in technology. It consists of at least 120 credits (2 years of study). The degree includes a Master's thesis (20-40 credits)
Credential required for entry:Kandidaatin tutkinto/Kandidatexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatti/Veterinärmedicine licentiat
Description:First qualification awarded in veterinary medicine which consists of 360 credits and takes 6 years to complete.
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatti/Odontologie licentiat
Description:First qualification awarded in dentistry which consists of 300 credits and takes 5 years to complete.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Ammattikorkeakoulu (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskola (YH) (University of Applied Sciences (formerly Polytechnic))
Lääketieteen lisensiaatti/Medicine licentiat
Description:First qualification awarded in medicine which consists of 360 credits and takes 6 years to complete.
Credential required for entry:Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg
Ammatillinen perustutkinto/ Yrkesinriktad grundexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Maisterim tutkinto/Magisterexamen
Description:The second cycle university degree generally consists of at least 120 credits (2 years of study). The degree includes a Master's thesis (20-40 credits)
Credential required for entry:Kandidaatin tutkinto/Kandidatexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Description:Proviisori/Provisor is the title given to the Maisteri (Master) in pharmacy. It consists of at least 120 credits (2 years of study). The degree includes a Master's thesis (20-40 credits)
Credential required for entry:Kandidaatin tutkinto/Kandidatexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (ylempi AMK)/ Högre yrkeshögskoleexamen (högre YH)
Description:The second-cycle university of applied sciences degree consists of 60 or 90 credits (1 or 1.5 years of full-time study). The degree titles indicate the field of study. Eligibility for second cycle university of applied sciences degrees is given by the relevant first cycle degree with at least 3 years of relevant work or artistic experience.
Credential required for entry:Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskoleexamen (YH)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Ammattikorkeakoulu (AMK)/ Yrkeshögskola (YH) (University of Applied Sciences (formerly Polytechnic))
Description:A pre-doctoral degree of lisensiaatti/licentiat (Licentiate) may be taken before the Doctor's Degree and in general it takes 2 years of full-time studies to complete.
Credential required for entry:Maisterim tutkinto/Magisterexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Tohtorin tutkinto/Doktorexamen
Description:Tohtori/doktor is the highest degree awarded. The Doctor's degree takes approximately 4 years to complete after a second cycle degree or two years following upon a pre-doctoral degree (Licentiate).
Credential required for entry:Maisterim tutkinto/Magisterexamen
Type of institution where credential is offered:Yliopisto/Universitet (University)
Data Provided by
The Finnish National Agency for Education, Helsinki, February 2019. Bodies updated June 2022.
Updated on 15-10-2019