1 : Université : University
Description:Universities teach all disciplines. Some universities are recognized as Etablissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel (EPCSCP)
2 : Etablissement public à caractère administratif
3 : Ecole normale supérieure - Grande école
4 : Ecole de commerce et de management - Grande école : Business and Management schools - Grande école
5 : Ecole d'ingénieur - Grande école : Engineering School - Grande école
6 : Institut d’études politiques - Grande école : Institute of Political Studies
7 : Ecole véterinaire - Grande école : Veterinary School - Grande école
8 : Ecole supérieure d'art et d'arts appliqués : School of Arts and Applied Arts
9 : Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture (ENSA), du paysage (ENSAPL) et école d'architecture : National School of Architecture (ENSA), Landscape (ENSAPL) and School of Architecture
10 : Ecoles et instituts spécialisés : Specialised Schools and Institutes
11 : Other institutions
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : École maternelle
Length of program:3
Age level from:3
Age level to:6
Primary : École primaire
Length of program:5
Age level from:6
Age level to:11
Lower Secondary : Collège
Length of program:4
Age level from:11
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diplôme national du Brevet
Upper Secondary : Lycée d'enseignement général et technologique
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Baccalauréat général, Baccalauréat technologique
Vocational Secondary : Lycée professionnel or CFA (Centre de formation des apprentis)
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (CAP) or Brevet d'études professionnelles (BEP)
Higher Technical : Lycée professionnel or CFA (Centre de formation des apprentis)
Length of program:2
Age level from:17
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Baccalauréat professionnel
Education is compulsory from the age of three and starts in "école maternelle", which lasts three years, and is then followed by five years of primary education. Lower secondary education, at a Collège, lasts four years, at the end of which students sit the "Diplôme national du Brevet", which allows students to enter the next stage at a "Lycée". Pupils may opt either for general, technological or professional education and prepare for the "Baccalauréat", the Baccalauréat technologique or the Baccalauréat professionnel in three years. Students may choose to follow a technical/vocational education in a "Lycée professionnel" or a CFA ("Centre de formation des apprentis"), in which case they prepare first for the "Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle" (CAP) or the "Brevet d'études professionnelles" (BEP) in two years and then, for those who wish to continue, for the "Baccalauréat professionnel" in a further two years. The "Baccalauréat général" prepares students for university-level study.
Higher Education System
Higher education in France is characterized by a dual system : it is provided in universities (including Instituts nationaux polytechniques) opened to a large number of students, whose programmes are generally geared towards research and its applications and in "grandes écoles" which recruits students "by competitive examination and provides a high level of training" (Order of 27 August 1992 of the Ministry of Education) and other professional higher education institutions which have more selective admission policies.
The "grandes écoles" are made up of a variety of institutions including the "Ecoles normales supérieures" (ENS), the "Instituts d'études politiques" (IEP), engineering schools, business and management schools and veterinary schools. These "grandes écoles" are public and private higher education institutions recognized by the State.
Lycées also offer non-university higher education courses leading to the "Brevet de technicien supérieur" (BTS). Whereas most institutions come under the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, some "grandes écoles" come under the responsibility of other Ministries. Universities are made up of units offering curricula in academic fields and of various institutes and schools, such as IUTs ("Instituts universitaires de technologie") which offer courses in Engineering and Technology and special programmes in Management, Political Science, Languages and Physical Education and IUPs ("Instituts universitaires professionalisés") which offer technological courses and practical training with an introduction to research and foreign languages. The "grandes écoles" offer a high standard of professional education in three or more years after two years of "classes préparatoires" and the passing of a very selective competitive entrance examination. They offer scientific training, teacher training or advanced business studies.
Law no. 2018-166 (8 March 2018) (2018)
Law no. 2013-660 (22 July 2013) (2013)
Description:Higher Education and Research
Non-university level : Technical/vocational
Description:Short-study courses lasting for two years after the Baccalauréat and leading to: 1) the "brevet de technicien supérieur" (BTS), a national diploma awarded in vocational and service areas corresponding to 120 ECTS. Courses are provided in "lycées"; 2) the "Diplôme universitaire de technologie" (DUT) which is offered in "instituts universitaires de technologie" to train middle-level managers in Industry and Commerce. It also corresponds to 120 ECTS.
University level first stage : Premier cycle
Description:Three years' study after the "baccalauréat" leads to the "licence" which confers 180 ECTS. Prior to the Bologna reform, the "diplôme d'études universitaires générales" (DEUG) was awarded after two years' study. It has been maintained in the new system as an intermediate diploma corresponding to 120 ECTS that can be awarded upon request. It gives access to the third and final year of the "licence". Two years in "classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles" (CPGE) are generally required to enter a "grande école". No diploma is awarded but, since 2007, this carries 120 ECTS. There are also several schools offering training in Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture, which offer national diplomas after 3 years, and which carry 180 ECTS.
University level second stage : Deuxième cycle
Description:The second cycle leads to the "Grade de master" which corresponds to 120 ECTS after the "Licence" and gives access to third cycle studies. It replaced the former "Diplôme d'études approfondies" (DEA) and "Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées" (DESS) which also represented a total of five years higher education study. The "Grade de master" has however also been awarded since 1999 to holders of DEA, DESS and Engineering degrees ("titres d’ingénieur"). Today it is also awarded to select" écoles de commerce" degrees ("diplômes visés"). In the "grandes écoles", a Diploma is awarded in Engineering or Commerce, generally three years after two years at university or at CPGE. The "titre d'ingénieur" is conferred upon successful completion of five years of study beyond the "baccalauréat". Some "écoles diIngénieur" accept students on the basis of a competitive examination generally taken two years after the "baccalauréat" (in this case, studies last three years at most) or according to the "baccalauréat" results, followed by aptitude tests and an interview (in this case, studies last four or five years). The "maîtrise" has been maintained as an intermediate diploma and can be awarded upon request of the student. There is a common first year of study to all medical fields. Medicine requires 9 years of study, Dentistry and Pharmacy 6 years of study, and Midwidery 5 years of study. There are also several schools that offer postgraduate education in Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture, which offer national diplomas after 2 years following a first diploma, and which carries 120 ECTS.
University level third stage : Troisième cycle
Description:In the post-Bologna system, the third cycle corresponds to Doctoral studies. A Doctorate is usually obtained after at least three years of extensive research under the supervision of a thesis director and the writing and successful defence of a thesis. In the pre-Bologna system, the Doctorat was obtained three or four years after the DEA and after extensive research, either individual or as part of a group, supervised by a "directeur de thèses" (thesis director) and the writing and successful defence of a thesis. In specialised Medicine, it takes two years' further study after the first degree in Medicine.
The Doctorat is a prerequisite to sit for competitive examinations leading to the positions of "maître de conférence" and "professeur d'université". The "habilitation à diriger les recherches" is required to become a "professeur d'université".
See: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/online-correspondence-programmes
Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation
Role:Prepares and implements the Government's policy relative to higher education development
Street:1 rue Descartes
Province:Cedex 05
Tel:+33(0)1 55-55-90-90
Contacts:Sylvie Retailleau (Head), Job title : Minister
Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur - HCERES
Street:2 rue Albert Einstein
Tel:+33(0)1 55-55-60-10
Contacts:Thierry Coulon (Head), Job title : President
Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles françaises d'Ingénieurs - CDEFI
Role:Public consultative body responsible for the study of the profession and training of engineers
Street:44 rue Cambronne
Tel:+33(1) 85-65-25-25
Contacts:- Jacques Fayolle (Head), Job title : President
- Isabelle Schöninger (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Executive Director
Conférence des Grandes Écoles - CGE
Role:Non-profit association of engineering schools, management schools and other higher education institutions
Street:11 rue Carrier-Belleuse
Tel:+33(1) 46-34-08-42
Contacts:Laurent Champaney (Head), Job title : President
Role:Exchange and meeting place between the academic community and civil society. Was known as the Conférence des présidents d'université (CPU) until January 2022.
Street:23 rue Louis Legrand
Contacts:- Guillaume Gellé (Head), Job title : President
- Marie-Cécile Naves (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Delegate
Union des Établissements d'Enseignement supérieur catholique - UDESCA
Role:Regroups the five French Catholic universities
Contacts:- Mgr Philippe Bordeyne (Head), Job title : President
- Jean-Louis Vichot (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Delegate
Association internationale des Universités - AIU
Street:UNESCO House 1, Rue Miollis
Tel:+33(1) 45-68-48-00
Fax:+33(1) 47-34-76-05
Contacts:- Pam Fredman (Head), Job title : President
- Hilligje van't Land (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Fédération internationale des Universités catholiques - FIUC
Role:Created by a Decree of the Holy See in 1948, it was recognized by Pope Pius XII in 1949 and became the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) in 1965
Street:21 rue d'Assas
Tel:+33(1) 44-39-52-26
Fax:+33(1) 44-39-52-28
Contacts:- Isabel Capeloa Gil (Head), Job title : President
- François Mabille (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Groupement International des Secrétaires Généraux des Universités Francophones - GISGUF
Role:GISGUF's mission is to forge permanent links at the highest level of the university administration between rectors, directors faculties, teachers and researchers from the French-speaking world
Street:Maison des Universités 103 Boulevard Saint Michel
Contacts:Laurent Despy (Head), Job title : President
Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement Durable - UVED
Role:One of seven Thematic Digital Universities supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Their mission is to enhance, produce, and widely disseminate information to students and teachers on digital teaching resources
Street:Fondation UVED Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Site Jacques Monod 46 Allée d'Italie
Province:Cedex 07
Contacts:- Frédérique Vincent (Head), Job title : President
- Delphine Pommeray (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director
Fédération Européenne des Ecoles
Role:An international non-governmental organisation working in collaboration with its nearly 500 network institutions, it works to advance an ambitious project in favour of educational quality.
Street:25, rue Drouot
Contacts:- Claude Vivier Le Got (Head), Job title : Chair
- Maxime Gioannini (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Manager
Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles françaises d'Ingénieurs - CDEFI
Recognition for institution:unknown
Recognition for profession:unknown
Street:44 rue Cambronne
Tel:+33(1) 85-65-25-25
Conférence des Grandes Écoles - CGE
Recognition for institution:unknown
Recognition for profession:unknown
Street:11 rue Carrier-Belleuse
Tel:+33(1) 46-34-08-42
Recognition for institution:unknown
Recognition for profession:unknown
Street:23 rue Louis Legrand
Union des Établissements d'Enseignement supérieur catholique - UDESCA
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur - CTI
Recognition for institution:unknown
Recognition for profession:unknown
Street:44 rue de Cambronne
Tel:+33(1) 73-04-34-30
Contacts:- Élisabeth Crépon (Head), Job title : President
- Marie-Jo Goedert (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Executive Director
France Éducation international
Recognition for institution:unknown
Recognition for profession:unknown
Street:1 avenue Léon Journault
Tel:+33(1) 70-19-30-31
Fax:+33(1) 45-07-63-02
Contacts:- Magali Vigneron (Head), Job title : Secretary-General
- Hélène Bekker (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Head of ENIC-NARIC France Office
Bureau de la Vie étudiante, Ministère de l'Education nationale
Street:110 rue de Grenelle
City:Paris 07 SP
Tel:+33(1) 55 55 10 10
Centre National des Oeuvres universitaires et scolaires - CNOUS
Street:69, Quai d'Orsay
Tel:+33(1) 44-18-53-00
Fax:+33(1) 45-55-48-49
Office national d'Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions - ONISEP
Street:12, Mail Barthélemy-Thimonnier BP 86 Lognes
City:Marne la Vallée
Fédération des Associations générales étudiantes - FAGE
Street:79 Rue Périer
Tel:+33(1) 40-33-70-70
Contacts:- Paul Mayaux (Head), Job title : President
- Maixent Genet (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director General
Union Nationale des Etudiants de France - UNEF
Street:127 rue de l’Ourcq
Tel:+33(1) 42-02-25-55
Contacts:Imane Ouelhadj (Head), Job title : President
Union nationale inter-universitaire - UNI
Street:36 rue de Laborde
Tel:+33(1) 78-16-40-30
Délégation aux relations européennes et internationales et à la coopération - DREIC
Role:Coordinates European and international cooperation, and the development of Francophonie overseas, as well as the general promotion of the French education system overseas.
Street:110 rue de Grenelle
Contacts:Nathalie Nikitenko (Head), Job title : Delegate and Head of Service
Admission to Higher Education
Minimum mark:10 out of 20
Diplomas accepted as being equivalent to the Baccalauréat
Admission to most short cycle vocational courses is based upon portfolio (e.g. for University Institutes of Technology) or entrance examination
Minimum mark:10/20
Diplomas or titles accepted in place of Baccalauréat. Diplôme d'Accès aux Etudes universitaires (DAEU). Capacité en Droit for Law studies only
Competitive entrance examination to some Grandes Ecoles and other institutions following two years of preparatory courses given in lycées or integrated in the institution itself
Definition:Foreign student holding a foreign Secondary School-Leaving Certificate
Admission Requirements:Students must hold the Baccalauréat or a diploma giving access to higher education in their country. For more information, visit:
Language Proficiency:Foreign students (except EEA students) must hold either the DELF (diplôme d'études en langue française), the DALF (diplôme approfondi de langue française), or pass the TCF DAP (test de connaissance du français pour une demande d’admission préalable) to register for a 1st university cycle, or another test of French as a foreign language for other higher education institutions or registration to higher university levels
Entry Regulations:Student visa issued by French consulates abroad (long-stay visa: more than 3 months) except for EU, Andorra, Holy See, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Swiss students who must present a valid passport. Students must ask for a "carte de séjour" (except for EU citizens). For other documents to be presented, see: http://www.cnous.frApplication to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (AERES), created in 2007, is the agency for the evaluation of higher education in France
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:The applicant should first get in touch with the HEI as they are autonomous in their admission policies and decisions. Should the institution require a recognition document, the French ENIC-NARIC can issue a comparability statement (“attestation de comparabilité”) for foreign qualifications upon request of the applicant
For Access to University Level Studies:The applicant should first get in touch with the HEI as they are autonomous in their admission policies and decisions. Should the institution require a recognition document, the French ENIC-NARIC can issue a comparability statement (“attestation de comparabilité”) for foreign qualifications upon request of the applicant
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:The applicant should first get in touch with the HEI as they are autonomous in their admission policies and decisions. Should the institution require a recognition document, the French ENIC-NARIC can issue a comparability statement (“attestation de comparabilité”) for foreign qualifications upon request of the applicant
For the Exercise of a Profession:For non-regulated professions, the applicant should directly ask the employer. The employer decides if the foreign diploma corresponds to the competencies required. The French ENIC-NARIC can award a comparability statement (“attestation de comparabilité”) upon request of the applicant.
For each regulated profession, there is a designated competent authority responsible for the assessment of qualifications in order to give authorization to exercise the relevant profession
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019 (2021)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - CETS 165 (1999)
UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas & Degrees in Higher Education in the European States Bordering the Mediterranean (1976)
1) Higher education institutions for students who wish to pursue their studies. 2) Specific ministries for regulated professions: medical doctors, agronomists, veterinary doctors, lawyers, architects, nurses, chartered public accountants, etc. 3) Rectorates in each region
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:YesAvailable to Foreign Students:YesCampus France - Study in France
Year of publication:0
Description:There are three types of Baccalauréat: (1) Baccalauréat général which can be obtained in three different streams: ES (Economics and Social Science); L (Literature); S (Science); (2) Baccalauréat technologique which can currently be obtained in 8 different streams; (3) Baccalauréat professionnel which can be obtained in some 80 specialties. These three types of Baccalauréat give access to higher education. The Baccalauréat is the first higher education exam. The Baccalauréat général and the Baccalauréat technologique are prepared in the Lycée général et technologique. The Baccalauréat professionnel is prepared in the Lycée professionnel (LP). For all types of Baccalauréat, the candidates have a choice of several options called series. They include both compulsory and optional examinations. The holders of a Baccalauréat professionnel can work in their field of specialization.
Capacité en droit
Description:Exam taken after two years' study instead of the Baccalauréat for access to Law programmes. It is designed for students aged 17 or over who, if they obtain a score of 10 out of 20 can enter the first year of a Licence degree in Law. If they obtain 15 points or more, they may enter the second year.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires
Description:Alternative diploma for access to higher education (instead of the Baccalauréat), the DAEU replaced the Examen spécial d'accès aux études universitaires (ESEU) in 1994. Whereas the ESEU only allowed students to pursue university studies, the DAEU is a higher education national diploma giving the same rights as the Baccalauréat (i.e. participation in national competitive exams). Admission requirements are: having interrupted one's studies at least two years before; be at least 24; or having two years' work experience. The DAEU requires 225 hours and takes the form of a final exam in which the mark 10/20 must be obtained in each subject.
Brevet de technicien supérieur
Description:The Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) is prepared in the sections de techniciens supérieurs (STS) of lycées or in other private institutions. The Baccalauréat is required in the public lycées but not in all private schools. Studies leading to the BTS last for two years (three in some specialties). The BTS confers 120 ECTS credits. It leads directly to a vocational/technical profession and gives access to higher studies (particularly to the Licence professionnelle).
Diplôme d’études universitaires scientifiques et techniques
Description:Two-year university diploma that prepares students for further university studies (either the Licence or the Licence professionnelle) or the workplace, and is worth 120 ECTS.
Diplôme universitaire de technologie
Description:Diploma awarded after two years’ study in a university institute of technology (Institut universitaire de Technologie). The DUT confers 120 ECTS credits. It leads directly to a vocational/technical profession and gives access to higher studies (particularly to the Licence professionnelle). Students have to write a project report as part of their studies. The entrance requirement is the Baccalauréat, complemented by an academic record submitted for assessment by the admissions board
Credential required for entry:Baccalauréat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Ecoles et instituts spécialisés (Specialised Schools and Institutes)
Description:First cycle business school degree awarded by a number of business and management schools after 3 years' study.
Bachelor in Business Administration
Description:First cycle business school degree awarded by a number of business and management schools after 4 years' study
Diplôme d'études en architecture
Description:Diploma awarded after three years' undergraduate study at a school of architecture.
Diplôme de comptabilité et de gestion
Description:Three-year diploma in Accounting and Management worth 180 ECTS and confers the "Grade de Licence". It prepares the student for professional practice or for continuing onto further advanced studies in the same field.
Diplôme national d'art
Description:Degree awarded by the Ecoles des beaux-arts after three years of study
Diplôme national de technologie spécialisé
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Diplôme national des métiers d’art et du design
Description:A three-year diploma in applied art and design. Students applying may be required to produce an art project as part of their application.
Acronym:DN MADE
Description:Degree awarded three years after the Baccalauréat in the post-Bologna system and is worth 180 ECTS credits. It confers the "Grade de Licence"
Credential required for entry:Baccalauréat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Licence professionnelle
Description:Professionally-oriented first-cycle degree that confers the "Grade de Licence" and carries 180 ECTS. It is awarded in one to three years depending on the number of ECTS obtained by students before enrolling. When the degree is awarded by an institut universitaire de technologie, it may be called a Bachelor universitaire de Technologie.
Credential required for entry:Brevet de technicien supérieur
Diplôme universitaire de technologie
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Certification professionnelle
Description:A "certifcation professionnelle" (or "titre/diplôme à finalité professionnelle") is a state professional qualification that recognizes the acquisition of specific professional skills and allows holders to access to employment or professional development. The "Registre national des certifications professionnelles" (National Directory of Professional Certifications) - RNCP - provides information on higher education diplomas, professional titles and qualifications. Decree n°2019-14 of 8 January 2019 defines eight levels for professional qualifications in order to facilitate equivalence with qualifications in other European Union countries. The "certifcation professionnelle" (ou "titre/diplôme à finalité professionnelle") is recognised by the state.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Diplôme d'État
Description:Professional qualification awarded in certain fields (often for medical and paramedical professions, but also in Engineering and Architecture, etc.).
Credential required for entry:Baccalauréat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Diplôme d'études d'école de commerce et gestion
Description:Professional qualification awarded by Business Schools after a total of five years' higher education study. Length of study depends on the type of institution: some "grandes écoles" recruit students after they have passed a "concours d'entrée" at the end of 2 years' preparatory study (the programme is then three years) while other schools recruit students after the Baccalauréat with a portfolio and tests (study is then four to five years). Others recruit DUT holders or students having studied two years at University. Those écoles that are recognised by the state can be authorised to award "diplômes visés" (i.e. the diploma is recognised by the state) which may in turn confer the “grade de Master” (credentials conferring the “grade de Master” give access to doctoral studies at institutional discretion).
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Baccalauréat
Brevet de technicien supérieur
Diplôme universitaire de technologie
Diplôme des métiers du notariat
Description:The Diplôme des métiers du notariat (DMN) provides a fourth and final year of practical training to the "Licence professionnelle métiers du notariat" or any other equivalent course (in particular a "Licence professionnelle en droit") and awards the holder the title of Notary Legal Assistant. The diploma comprises 315 hours of classes devoted to four main subjects: personal and family law, real estate law, business law and professional notarial law.
Certificat d'aptitude à la profession d'avocat
Description:State diploma awarded after 18 months training which allows holders to practice as an advocate and be registered with the Bar in France. Training is open to candidates who have successfully passed a first year's masters programme in law (60 ECTS) or a recognized equivalent.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Diplôme d'État d'architecte
Description:Second cycle diploma awarded after two years study at a school of architecture following the Diplôme d'études en architecture. The diploma entitles the holder to work as an architect.
Diplôme d'ingénieur
Description:Professional qualification awarded by engineering schools after a total of five years' higher education study. Length of study depends on the type of institution: some "grandes écoles" recruit students after they have passed the "concours d'entrée" at the end of 2 years' preparation (study is then three years) while other schools recruit students after the baccalauréat with a portfolio and tests (study is then five years). Others recruit DUT holders. The Diplôme d'ingénieur also allows holders to be awarded the "grade de master" which then allows holders to pursue doctoral studies.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Baccalauréat
Diplôme universitaire de technologie
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Diplôme de l'Ecole nationale de magistrature (ENM)
Description:The Ecole Nationale de Magistrature (ENM) provides access to the function of magistrate of the French judiciary. It is the only school that can deliver the diploma and the status of Magistrate
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Diplôme national supérieur d'expression plastique
Description:Awarded by the Ecoles des beaux-arts after two years' further study following the Diplôme national d'art.
Diplôme supérieur d'arts appliqués
Description:Two-year second cycle diploma in applied arts and design following the Diplôme national des Métiers d’Art et du Design.
Diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion
Description:Advanced accounting and management diploma awarded after two years' study following the Diplôme de comptabilité et de gestion, or equivalent diploma in similar fields, and which carries 120 ECTS. The DSCG confers the "Grade de Master".
Master Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation
Description:The master MEEF is offered by the Instituts nationaux supérieurs du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé). An Inspé is university component attached to a university. The master MEEF is obtained after the acquisition of 120 European credits, spread over 4 semesters, after the licence. The MEEF master's degree is divided into four options according to the chosen profession: - Primary education", to become a school teacher; - Secondary education", to train for the teaching profession in secondary education; - Education Management", to prepare for the profession of Principal Education Advisor; - Training practices and engineering", to move towards other training professions such as trainer of trainers and training consultant, designer of adult training courses, continuing education manager, etc.
Mastère spécialisé
Description:The Mastère spécialisé is a title conferred to engineers and students holding a diplôme d'ingénieur accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs, or a diplôme de commerce from an Ecole de Gestion recognised by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, or recognised equivalent. The programme lasts one year and includes at least four months' industry training. It does not have any special state recognition, but is worth 75 ECTs and is valued for its professional added-value. It is open to students having a successfully completed five years higher education or four years higher education with three years experience.
Credential required for entry:Diplôme d'études d'école de commerce et gestion
Diplôme d'ingénieur
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Description:Postgraduate qualification (and a "titre national") replacing the former Maîtrise and the Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) or Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées (DESS). It comprises two years (120 ECTS) after the Licence and confers the “grade de Master” which gives access to doctoral studies at institutional discretion. It can be research or professionally orientated and consists of work placements and research papers/projects. The "grade de Master" is also conferred to Diplômes d'ingénieur and other diplomas obtained after five years' study such as "diplômes visés".
Credential required for entry:Licence
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Diplôme d’expertise comptable
Description:A national specialised diploma that makes up the final stage of studies leading to public accounting. To be able to sit the exams for the DEC, candidates must have at least three years' work experience in a Chartered Accountants office and must also hold the Diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion. The DEC allows holders to work as chartered public accountants or official, external auditors.
Diplôme national de spécialisation en architecture
Description:National diploma allowing architects to follow a postgraduate course. The DSA is accessible to architects with the diplôme d'État d'architecte (DEA) or equivalent, and the specializations vary according to the school of architecture (architecture and heritage, town planning etc). Studies last one to two years and consist of theoretical and practical elements, as well as at least four months' hands-on experience.
Diplôme supérieur de notariat / notaire
Description:The Diplôme supérieur de notariat is a state diploma awarded after at least two years' study and practical training following a Master in notary law and which allows holders to become notaries. The Diplôme supérieur de notaire is available via a professional track following a Master in law; where the student has 31 months of full time classes and hands-on training, finishing with final exams and an internship report.
Diplôme supérieur de recherches appliquées
Description:Post-master research degree in art, following the Diplôme national supérieur d'expression plastique.
Description:Awarded after three years of study following the Master (or the DEA in the pre Bologna system) in Humanities (Docteur ès lettres), Science (Docteur ès sciences), Economics (Docteur ès sciences économiques), Law (Docteur en droit) etc... and after submission of a thesis acceptable to the Conseil scientifique of the university. Candidates carry out personal research work constituting an original contribution to the subject. In Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, a Diplôme d'Etat is conferred at the end of professional training after the submission of a thèse de doctorat d'exercice de la profession (doctoral thesis of professional exercise) . There is also the Doctorat d’Université which is a postgraduate qualification not recognised by the state. It is organised by the universities themselves, which accept candidates based on their academic record.
Credential required for entry:Master
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Certificat de spécialité
Description:Postgraduate qualification in Medicine or Dentistry, normally obtained after two or three years’ specialization.
Credential required for entry:Diplôme d'État
Habilitation à diriger les recherches
Description:The Habilitation à diriger les recherches (accreditation to supervise research) is not a diploma but a title qualifying holders to take up a university teaching position as “Professeur d’Université” and to direct student’s research. Candidates must hold a Doctoral degree and prove their ability to carry out original research in an extensive scientific field by submitting a portfolio of their work to an academic panel.
Credential required for entry:Doctorat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Université (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation, ONISEP, Ministère de l'Education national et de la Jeunesse, Ministère de la Culture, and www.service-public.fr, June 2022.
Updated on 02-06-2022