1 : Anotera Ekpedeftika Idrymata (AEI) : University
2 : Technologika Ekpaideftika Idrymata (TEI) : Technological Educational Institution
3 : Open University
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Elementary : Nipiagogeio
Age level from:5
Age level to:6
Primary : Dimotiko Scholeio
Length of program:6
Age level from:6
Age level to:12
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Apolytirio Dimotikou
Lower Secondary : Gymnasio
Length of program:3
Age level from:12
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Apolytirio Gymnasiou
Upper Secondary : Geniko Lykeio (General Upper Secondary School); Epagelmatiko Lykeio (Vocational Upper Secondary); Epagelmatiki Scholi (Vocational Educational Training)
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Apolytirio Lykeiou
Vocational : Institouto Epagelmatikis Katartisis - IEK (Vocational Training Institute)
Length of program:1
Age level from:15
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Pistopiitiko Epagelmatikis Katartisis Epipedou 1 (Certificate of Vocational Training-level 1). This level is for those who have completed Lower Secondary Education.
Vocational : Institouto Epagelmatikis Katartisis - IEK (Vocational Training Institute)
Age level from:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diploma Epagelmatikis Katartisis Epipedou 3 (Diploma of Vocational Training- Level 3). This level is for those who have completed Upper Secondary Education.
Since 2007, one year of pre-primary school is compulsory for 5 year olds and from the school year 2018/2019 this will increase to two years, starting at age 4. Primary education lasts for six years. Secondary education is provided in both public and private schools and is divided into a compulsory first cycle (Gymnasio), from age 12 to 15, and an optional second cycle - Geniko (General) Lykeio and Epaggelmatiko (Professional) Lykeio or Epaggelmatiki Scholi (Professional School) - from age 15 to 18. No entrance examinations are required in either case.
Higher Education System
Higher education in Greece is public and provided free of charge. It is composed of institutions of two different levels: universities and technological education institutes. They are under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs which supports them financially. Admission is based on performance in nation-wide exams which take place at the end of the upper secondary level. There are no private universities. The diplomas awarded by some private post-secondary education institutions are not recognized by the State.
Law 3794/09 (2009)
Description:The regulation of issues concerning university and technological sectors of higher education.
Law 3685/08 (2008)
Description:Institutional framework for post-graduate studies.
Law 3549/07 (2007)
Description:Structure and operation of higher education institutions.
Law 3374/05 (2005)
Description:Quality assurance. Credit transfer and accumulation system. Diploma supplement.
Law 3191/05 (2005)
Description:Establishment of the International Hellenic University.
Law 3255/04 (2004)
Description:All education levels.
Law 3027/02 (2002)
Description:Higher education buildings
Law 2916/01 (2001)
Description:Structure of higher education
Law 2083/92 (1992)
Description:Modernisation of tertiary education
Law 2083/92 (1992)
Description:Establishment of the Hellenic Open University
Law 1268/82 (1982)
Description:Structure and operation of higher education institutions
Greek, English
University level first stage : Ptychio
Description:Undergraduate degree programmes at universities normally last for four years (eight semesters) and lead to the Ptychio in the relevant field. In Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Engineering and Agriculture, studies last for ten semesters. In Medicine, they last for twelve. In some departments, the submission of a dissertation describing the final (graduation) project is required.The entrance requirements for technological institutions (TEI) are the same as for universities. Studies at a TEI last for eight semesters, including the compulsory professional placement and the completion of a graduation project and lead to a Ptychio. Subjects include general compulsory subjects, mandatory elective subjects and optional subjects. The Ptychio qualifies holders for immediate employment. It also allows them to continue their studies in a related university undergraduate course and, at postgraduate level, in a Greek or a foreign university.
University level second stage : Metaptychiako Díploma Exidíkefsis
Description:The first level of postgraduate studies, which takes at least four semesters to complete, leads to the Metaptychiako Díploma Exidíkefsis (Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization).
University level third stage : Didaktoriko
Description:The Doctoral Degree (Didaktoriko) is conferred after the public defence of a thesis. The research must be original and show advances in research and science. A doctoral degree may take between three and six years.
Higher education teachers (Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors) must hold a PhD. Assistants, Scientific Associates and Special Laboratory Teaching Faculty may hold a lower degree.
The Hellenic Open University (EAP) was established by law in 1992 and constitutes an independent and fully self-administered university. It is based in Patras. The mission of EAP is to provide distance undergraduate and postgraduate education and further education. It organizes educational programmes and vocational training or re-training programmes which lead to the award of Certificates and educational programmes which can, under certain circumstances, lead to the award of academic degrees.
Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs
Street:37, Andreas Papandreou Street
PostCode:151 80
Tel:+30(210) 344 3163
Fax:+30(210) 344 2485
Contacts:Kostas Gavroglou (Head), Job title : Minister
Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
Role:The supervisory and coordinating authority of the quality assurance system was formed in 2020, replacing the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency.
Street:1 Aristidou & 2 Evripidou Street
Tel:+30(210) 922 0944
Fax:+30(210) 922 0143
Contacts:- Pericles Mitkas (Head), Job title : President
- Christina Besta (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director-General
Street:30 Panepistimiou Street
PostCode:106 79
Tel:+30(210) 368 9719
Fax:+30(210) 368 9691
Services provided and types of students dealt with:The Hellenic NARIC is responsible for the recognition of university or technological degres that are awarded by foreign institutions.
Street:54 Ag. Konstantinou Str.
Tel:+30(210) 528 1000
Fax:+30(210) 523 9525
Contacts:Bessy Athanasopoulou (Head), Job title : Director, Information Department
Hellenic Authority for Higher Education
Role:ensures high quality in higher education via accrediting and evaluating higher education institutions and their programmes.
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:no
Street:1 Aristidou & 2 Evripidou Street
Tel:+30(210) 922 0944
Fax:+30(210) 922 0143
Admission to Higher Education
Apolytirio Lykeiou
Requirement for:Vocational Training Institutes
Apolytirio Lykeiou
Requirement for:Universities and TEIs
Entrance is restricted and depends on candidates' grades and preferences.
Definition:Foreign students are defined as those who either do not possess Greek nationality or whose parents, whether Greek public servants on duty abroad or permanent residents in a foreign country, have raised their children abroad.
Admission Requirements:Secondary School Leaving Certificate equivalent to the Apolytirio Lykeiou or confirmation of the number of completed years of secondary schooling in Greece or abroad. They must have a recommendation.
Health:A medical check-up is required before registration.
Language Proficiency:Students must hold a certificate which proves their knowledge of the Greek language.Entry Regulations:Residence permits are to be obtained from the Foreigners Services Department of the Greek Department..Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The external evaluation procedures of higher education institutes are coordinated and supported at national level by an independent administrative authority, the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education, which has administrative independence and is supervised by the Minister. The process of internal evaluation of higher education institutes is under the responsibility of each academic unit.
The Hellenic NARIC is responsible for the recognition of university or technological degres that are awarded by foreign institutions.
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Medical care is free for one-and-a-half times the number of semesters ascribed to the student's course. It includes medication, laboratory tests, house calls, cost of maternity, dentistry and glasses.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:No
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Euro
Apolytirio Lykeiou
Description:Secondary school leaving certificate, obtained after six years’ primary education and six years’ secondary education.
Description:Qualification of higher education, conferred after studies varying between four, five or six years. Examinations determine progression to the following year’s courses. Candidates pass and continue to the next year only if they have obtained an average of 5 out of 10. The ptychio TEI is the main terminal degree awarded by Technological Educational Institutions after an eight-semester course. The final semester is devoted to the completion of a graduate project and to practical training. The ptychio TEI entitles holders to exercise a profession immediately or continue their studies either in a related university undergraduate course or at postgraduate level.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Credential required for entry:Apolytirio Lykeiou
Type of institution where credential is offered:Anotera Ekpedeftika Idrymata (AEI) (University)
Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis
Description:Postgraduate diploma of specialization of a duration of at least four semesters. The study programme may be carried out and completed in a university or research institute outside Greece. The degree, however, is awarded in Greece.
Credential required for entry:Ptychio
Type of institution where credential is offered:Anotera Ekpedeftika Idrymata (AEI) (University)
Didaktoriko Diploma
Description:The doctoral programme (3rd cycle programme) includes courses corresponding to a minimum of 30 ECTS and a doctoral dissertation. It is completed in a minimum of three years.
Credential required for entry:Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis
Type of institution where credential is offered:Anotera Ekpedeftika Idrymata (AEI) (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Hellenic Eurydice Unit, May 2020.
Updated on 19-05-2020