1 : University
Description:A university is an institution which offers higher education programmes leading to qualifications which are recognised through the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). This includes technological universities.
2 : Institute of Technology
Description:The Institutes of Technology (IoT) are designated under State legislation. They provide programmes leading to awards at NFQ Levels 6 - 10. The Institutes of Technology are designated awarding bodies with powers to make their own awards at specified levels of the NFQ.
3 : Other Higher Education Institution
Description:Providers of higher education and training, other than the Universities and Institute of Technology, offering programmes leading to awards in the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Primary School
Length of program:8
Age level from:4
Age level to:12
Junior Secondary : Junior Secondary School
Length of program:3
Age level from:12
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Junior Certificate (Teastas Sóisearach)
Senior Secondary : Senior Secondary School
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Leaving Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht)
Vocational : Vocational Education and Training
Age level from:16
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Further Education and Training Certificate (Level 1 - 6 Certificate)
Primary schools operate an eight‐year programme, consisting of two initial years (Junior and Senior Infants), followed by classes 1‐6.
Post‐primary education consists of a three‐year junior cycle followed by a two or three‐year senior cycle. In the senior cycle there is an optional one‐year Transition Year after which the learner can take one of three Leaving Certificate programmes of two years duration: the Leaving Certificate (established), the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied. A majority of learners complete the Leaving Certificate (established) programme.
Performance in the Leaving Certificate examination is the main basis on which places in universities, institutes of technology and other further and higher education colleges are allocated. Vocational/further education and training awards such as the Level 5 Certificate and Advanced Certificate are also deemed to meet the minimum entry requirements for a range of higher education institutions/programmes.
Higher Education System
The higher education and training sector in Ireland comprises a range of higher education institutions – universities, institutes of technology, colleges of education and other recognised institutions, including private colleges.
Technological Universities Act (2018)
Description:The Technological Universities Act 2018 provides for the establishment of technological universities.
Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act (2012)
Universities Act (1997)
Irish, English
University level first stage : Bachelor's degree
Description:The main stage of higher education leads to a Bachelor's degree, which may, in certain cases, also be a professional qualification (Professional degree). The length of study generally varies between three and four years. The Bachelor's degree may be awarded as an Ordinary degree (3 years in duration), an Honours degree (3-4 years in duration). In Veterinary Medicine, Architecture and Dentistry, studies last for five years. Medicine takes six years.
University level second stage : Master's degree/ Postgraduate diploma
Description:The second stage of higher education consists of more advanced (graduate) studies and leads to the Master's degree. These studies last for a minimum of one year after the award of the Bachelor's degree. Candidates who attend a course of study and/or present a thesis based on research are awarded a Master's degree.
University level third stage : Doctorate
Description:A further three to four years of study after the Master's degree is normally required for the PhD degree.
University level fourth stage : Higher Doctorate
Description:A Higher Doctorate may be awarded, after a minimum of five years (usually longer), following the award of the first Doctorate, for original work already published.
Role:The Department of Education is a department of the Irish state with responsibility for education and training. The mission of the Department is to enable learners to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland's economic, social and cultural development.
Street:Marlborough Street
PostCode:D01 RC96
Tel:+353(1) 889 6400
Fax:+353(1) 872 9553
Contacts:Norma Foley (Head), Job title : Minister
An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta
Role:Responsible for policy, funding and governance of the higher and further education and research sectors.
Street:Marlborough Street
City:Dublin 1
PostCode:D01 RC96
Tel:+353(1) 889 6400
Contacts:Simon Harris (Head), Job title : Minister
Role:Responsible for funding universities and tertiary level institutions and their development to meet the needs of the community.
Street:3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Avenue Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge
PostCode:DO4 C2Y6
Tel:+353(1) 231 7100
Fax:+353(1) 231 7172
Contacts:- Michael Horgan (Head), Job title : Chair
- Alan Wall (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Chief Executive Officer
Dearbhú Cáilíochta agus Cáilíochtaí Éireann
Role:Established as a new integrated agency, replacing the Further Education and Training Awards Council, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and incorporating the functions of the Irish Universities Quality Board, QQI is responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training (including English language provision) and validates programmes and makes awards for certain providers in these sectors. QQI is also responsible for the maintenance, development and review of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Street:26/27 Denzille Lane
PostCode:D02 P266
Tel:+353(1) 905 8100
Contacts:Padraig Walsh (Head), Job title : Chief Executive
An Chomairle um Thaighde Eirinn
Role:The Council is mandated to fund excellent research within, and between, all disciplines, and in doing so to enhance Ireland’s international reputation as a centre for research and learning; support the education and skills development of excellent individual early stage researchers and cultivate agile independent researchers and thinkers, whilst offering a range of opportunities which support diverse career paths; enrich the pool of knowledge and expertise available for addressing Ireland’s current and future challenges, whether societal, cultural or economic and deliver for citizens through collaboration and enabling knowledge exchange with government departments and agencies, enterprise and civic society; provide policy advice on postgraduate education and on more general research matters to the HEA and other national and international bodies.
Street:3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Avenue Ballsbridge
PostCode:DO4 C2Y6
Tel:+353(1) 231 5000
Fax:+353(1) 231 5009
Contacts:- Daniel Carey (Head), Job title : Interim Chair
- Louise Callinan (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director
Irish Universities Association
Role:Representative body for Ireland’s universities, it develops strategy and policy to advance third and fourth level education and research in order to maximise universities’ contribution to Ireland’s social, cultural and economic well-being.
Street:48 Merrion Square
PostCode:D02 PK02
Tel:+353(1) 676 4948
Fax:+353(1) 662 2815
Contacts:- Mark Rogers (Head), Job title : President
- Jim Miley (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director General
Technological Higher Education Association - THEA
Role:Representative body for Institutes of Technology in Ireland.
Street:First Floor, Fumbally Square Fumbally Lane
PostCode:D08 XYA5
Tel:+353(1) 708 2900
Contacts:- Joseph Ryan (Head), Job title : Chief Executive
- Miriam Ryan (International Relations Officer), Job title : Head of International Relations
Street:14 Mount Street Upper
City:Dublin 2
PostCode:D02 EY24
Tel:+353(1) 709 9300
Contacts:Clare Austick (Head), Job title : President
Street:3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Avenue Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge
PostCode:DO4 C2Y6
Tel:+353(1) 231 7100
Fax:+353(1) 231 7172
Street:Marlborough Street
PostCode:D01 RC96
Tel:+353(1) 889 6400
Fax:+353(1) 872 9553
Irish Council for Overseas Students - ICOS
Role:ICOS’ mission is to protect the rights of international students, and to contribute to a healthy and vibrant international education sector in Ireland which has the quality of the student experience at its centre.
Street:41 Morehampton Road
PostCode:D04 AE28
Tel:+353(1) 660 5233
Fax:+353(1) 668 2320
International Services, Department of Education and Skills
Street:Marlborough Street
PostCode:D01 RC96
Admission to Higher Education
Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Requirement for:All higher education institutions.
Places are allocated in order of merit depending on the Leaving Certificate grades, on the basis of points score.
Definition:Entry criteria and decisions for the purposes of accessing education are made by each higher education institutions.
Application to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is a state agency with responsibility for qualifications and quality assurance of further and higher education and training (post secondary school) in Ireland. QQI is responsible for the maintenance of the 10 level framework of qualifications which includes all publicly awarded qualifications such as school, further and higher education and training qualifications. QQI is also an awarding body in its own right.
NARIC Ireland, the national contact point for advice on qualifications recognition, based at Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), provides advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications. Further, the service offers information on the Irish qualifications and education systems. See: www.naric.ie for further information. The service is part of an international network known as ENIC-NARIC (European Network of Information Centres / National Academic Recognition Information Centres). This Network shares information on qualifications and education systems around the world as a way of aiding academic recognition and mobility. Further information and contact details for each centre are available at www.enic-naric.net. Recognition decisions for the purposes of access to further and higher education are made by the education institutions.
Any agreements in place are detailed on individual country pages on the Recognition Advice Database on QQI.ie, see here: http://qsearch.qqi.ie/WebPart/Search?searchtype=recognitions
Information on programmes and awards recognised in the Irish framework of qualifications can be found in the Irish Register of Qualifications www.irq.ie
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):0 Euro
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Euro
See: www.studentfinance.ie for information.
Year of publication:0
Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Description:The Leaving Certificate and its various programmes is placed at Levels 4 and 5 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). It is the final course in the Irish secondary school system. It takes a minimum of two years preparation, but an optional Transition Year means that for some- students it takes place three years after the Junior Certificate Examination. This award may lead to progression to a programme leading to a further education and training award at Level 5 or at a higher level or to a higher education and training award at Level 6 or higher.
Level 5 Certificate
Description:Level 5 on the A Level 5 Certificate enables learners to develop a broad range of skills, which are vocational specific and require a general understanding of the subject matter. The majority of certificate/module holders at Level 5 take up positions of employment. Holders of certificates at this level also meet the minimum entry requirements for a range of higher education programmes.
Advanced Certificate
Description:Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). An advanced certificate award enables learners to develop a comprehensive range of skills, which may be vocational specific and/or of a general supervisory nature, and require detailed theoretical understanding. Modules include advanced vocational/occupational skills, enabling certificate holders to work independently.
Credential required for entry:Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Higher Certificate
Description:Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The Higher Certificate is normally awarded after completion of a programme of two years duration in a recognised higher education institution. A Certificate holder at this level may transfer to a programme on the next level of the framework.
Credential required for entry:Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Advanced Certificate
Ordinary Bachelor Degree
Description:Level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The Ordinary Bachelor Degree is normally awarded after completion of a programme of three years duration in a recognised higher education institution. Progression routes include an Honours Bachelor Degree or progression to a Higher Diploma.
Credential required for entry:Leaving Certificate (Ardteistmeireacht)
Advanced Certificate
Higher Certificate
Honours Bachelor Degree
Description:Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The Honours Bachelor Degree is normally awarded following completion of a programme of three to four years duration in a recognised higher education institution. Progress and transfer routes include transferring to programmes leading to Higher Diploma / Masters Degree / Post-graduate Diploma or in some cases programmes leading to a Doctoral Degree.
Higher Diploma
Description:Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). he Higher Diploma is normally awarded following completion of a programme of 1 year duration in a recognised higher education institution. Entry to a programme leading to a Higher Diploma is typically for holders of Honours Bachelor Degrees but can also be for holders of Ordinary Bachelor Degrees. Progress and transfer routes include transferring to programmes leading to Higher Diploma/Masters Degree/Post-graduate Diploma or in some cases programmes leading to a Doctoral Degree.
Credential required for entry:Ordinary Bachelor Degree
Honours Bachelor Degree
Masters Degree
Description:Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). There are two types of Masters Degree in Ireland: taught Masters Degrees and research Masters Degrees. The taught Masters Degree is awarded following completion of a programme of 1 to 2 years duration. Entry to a programme leading to a Masters Degree is typically for holders of Honours Bachelor Degrees, however in some cases entry to such programmes can be permitted for those with Ordinary Bachelor Degrees. Some of the progression and transfer routes include progression to programmes leading to Doctoral Degrees or to another Masters Degree or to a Post-graduate Diploma.
Credential required for entry:Honours Bachelor Degree
Higher Diploma
Post-graduate Diploma
Post-graduate Diploma
Description:Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The Post-graduate Diploma is normally awarded following completion of a programme of 1 year duration in a recognised higher education institution. Entry to a programme leading to a Post-graduate diploma is typically for holders of Honours Bachelor Degrees but can also be for holders of Ordinary Bachelor Degrees. Progression and transfer routes include exemptions from a programme leading to a Masters Degree
Credential required for entry:Ordinary Bachelor Degree
Honours Bachelor Degree
Higher Diploma
Doctoral Degree
Description:Level 10 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Entry to a programme leading to a Doctoral Degree is typically for holders of Honours Bachelor Degrees. The general model is that a holder of an Honours Bachelor degree with a high classification enters initially on to a Masters research programme, and transfers on to a Doctoral programme after one year on the Masters research programme. Various models for Doctoral Degree programmes now exist, ranging from the traditional research doctorate to professional and practitioner doctoral programmes which have substantial taught components
Credential required for entry:Honours Bachelor Degree
Masters Degree
Higher Doctorate
Description:Higher Doctorate
Data Provided by
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), Dublin, October 2021.
Updated on 19-10-2021