1 : Universiteter : Universities
Description:Universities may without external accreditation establish programmes at all levels.
2 : Akkrediterte høyskoler : University colleges with institutional accreditation (Universities of Applied Sciences)
Description:University colleges with institutional accreditation have the right to establish study programmes at bachelor level. They have to apply to NOKUT for the accreditation of programmes at master and doctoral levels. In those fields where the university colleges with institutional accreditation have the right to award doctorates or corresponding degrees, they may themselves decide which study programmes and disciplines the institution shall provide. Since 2015 can the university colleges call themselves in English 'universities of applied sciences'.
3 : Høyskoler med akkrediterte studietilbud : University colleges with programme accreditation
Description:University colleges without institutional accreditation must apply to NOKUT for accreditation of study programmes at all levels.
4 : Vitenskapelige høyskoler : Specialized university institutions
Description:In the field of their specialization the specialized university institutions may decide themselves which study programmes and disciplines the institution shall provide.
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Grunnskole, Barnetrinnet; Primary School
Length of program:7
Age level from:6
Age level to:13
Lower Secondary : Grunnskole, Ungdomstrinnet; Secondary School
Length of program:3
Age level from:13
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vitnemål
Upper Secondary : Videregående Skole; Upper Secondary School
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Vitnemål videregående opplæring
Apprenticeship : Apprenticeship
Length of program:0
Age level from:0
Age level to:0
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Kompetansebevis; Trade Certificate; Journeyman's Certificate
Apprenticeship : Yrkesopplæring/Lærling; Vocational Education / Apprenticeship
Length of program:4
Age level from:16
Age level to:20
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Fagbrev/Svennebrev: Craft Certificate/Journeyman's Certificate
As from 1997, Norwegian children start school during the calendar year in which they reach the age of 6. Compulsory education covers ten years and consists of two stages: primary stage grades 1 - 7 (age 6 - 13) and lower secondary stage grades 8 - 10 (age 13 - 16). It leads to Vitnemål (for grunnskolen), Primary School Leaving Diploma. Upper secondary education lasts for three or four years. It consists of either general or vocational studies.
General studies comprise three years leading to the Certificate of Upper Secondary Education (Vitnemål videregående opplæring), which gives access to higher education. Vocational education normally comprises two years at school and two years of apprenticeship, but variation from this scheme is possible.
Completed vocational education leads to the Craft Certificate or the Journeyman's Certificate (Fagbrev, Svennebrev). It is possible for pupils graduating from vocational courses to obtain the additional qualifications which gives access to higher education by studying for one extra year.
Higher Education System
Higher education in Norway and the main relevant legislature:
The Ministry of Education and Research has overall responsibility for higher education in Norway. Higher education is offered by four types of higher education institutions: university (universitet), specialized university institution (vitenskapelig høyskole), accredited university college (akkreditert høyskole), and university college with accredited study programmes (høyskole med akkrediterte studier). The differences between the types of higher education institutions are related to their self-accrediting authority.
All public and private higher education in Norway is subject to the Act Relating to Universities and University Colleges (Lov 2005-04-01 nr 15). An institution’s right to award specific degrees and the prescribed lengths of study are codified in Regulations on Degrees and Titles protected by Law (FOR 2005-12-16 nr 1574). The awarding of master’s degrees is regulated by the Regulations on requirements for awarding a master’s degree (FOR 2005-12-01 nr 1392).
Since 2002, Norway has adhered to the objectives of the Bologna Process in the European Higher Education Area. Most of the elements have been implemented through the reform of the Norwegian higher education system carried out in 2003. Central to the reform has been a transition from the former degree system to the bachelor's, master’s and doctoral degree structure, with a few exceptions. The national accreditation agency NOKUT was established in 2003.
Norwegian higher education qualifications make up the levels from 6 to 8 of the Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (NQF) from 2011, which is the national overarching qualifications framework. NQF describes the levels of qualifications as defined by the total learning outcomes in terms of the knowledge, skills and general competence that graduates at various levels should have achieved. Learning outcomes for a specific NQF level show the minimum of what each learner should know, understand and be able to do after completing a learning process. NQF was referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in 2014.
Quality assurance and accreditation of institutions and programmes:
The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) is an autonomous governmental agency which provides external supervision and control of the quality of Norwegian higher education, as well as of all tertiary vocational education3. NOKUT accredits new study programmes, controls the existing ones, and provides a cyclic evaluation of the institutions’ quality assurance systems for educational provision.
An accredited higher education institution is granted the right to offer educational provision, without having to apply to the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) for specific programme accreditation, in accordance with the authority that its institutional category implies.
a) Universities may without external accreditation establish study programmes at all levels.
b) Accredited university colleges have to apply for the accreditation of programmes at master and doctoral levels.
c) In those fields where specialized university institutions and accredited university colleges have the right to award doctorates or corresponding degrees, they may themselves decide which study programmes and disciplines the institution shall provide.
University colleges without institutional accreditation must apply to NOKUT for accreditation of study programmes at all levels.
Lists of all accredited institutions, as well as of all accredited study programmes at the university colleges without institutional accreditation (akkrediterte studietilbud) are available on www.nokut.no.
Academic credit system:
All Norwegian higher education institutions use a system of credits (studiepoeng) for measuring study activities, considered equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). 60 ECTS credits (studiepoeng) are allocated to the workload of a full year of academic study, equivalent to 1500-1800 hours of study. 30 ECTS credits are normally allocated to one semester’s full-time study. The academic year normally lasts for 10 months and runs from August to June.
In addition, Norway has a system of tertiary vocational education (høyere yrkesfaglig utdanning), maks up level 5 of the NQF, provided by 'fagskole'-institutions, which are considered as tertiary vocational education institutions. It is based on upper secondary education and training or equivalent competence. Course duration is from six months to 2 years. Holders of some 1 and 2 year fagskole-qualifications can after individual assessment continue their studies in some bachelor programs.
Forskrift om opptak til høyere utdanning: FOR-2007-01-31-173 (2007)
Lov om universiteter og høyskoler (Universities and University Colleges Act), last revised in 2019: LOV-2005-04-01-15 (2005)
Description:All public and private higher education in Norway are subject to this act.
Forskrift om krav til mastergrad (Regulations on requirements for awarding a master’s degree): FOR 2005-12-01 nr 1392 (2005)
Royal Decree - FOR-2002-10-11-1124 (2005)
Description:Degrees and titles in higher education
Norwegian, English
University level first stage : Bachelor, Høgskolekandidat
Description:The bachelor's degree is awarded after three years of full-time study (180 ECTS). Some bachelor’s degrees, in the field of music and performing arts, consist of four-year bachelor’s programmes (240 ECTS). Teacher education for primary and lower secondary school, years 1-7 and years 5-10 hasd been a four-year professional programme (240 ECTS) - prior to it’s reform of 1 January 2017, when it became five-year master’s degree. University college graduate (høyskolekandidat) is a two-year degree (120 ECTS), a short cycle degree within the first cycle. Holders of this degree may in some cases continue their studies in a bachelor programme and thus obtain a bachelor’s degree.
University level second stage : Master, Candidata/Candidatus
Description:The master's degree is normally obtained after two years of study (120 ECTS), following the completion of a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree programme includes independent work (normally a thesis) of between 30 and 60 ECTS. Some experience-based master’s degrees have a scope of 90 or 120 ECTS (including independent work of at least 20 ECTS). A one-tier (integrated/long-term) master’s degree is a five-year study programme (300 ECTS) which results in a master's degree, with no intermediate bachelor's degree. An exception is the Master of Architecture programme at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, which has a score of 330 ECTS. In the fields of medicine, psychology and theology, professionally oriented degrees/qualifications of six years’ duration (360 ECTS) are awarded; in the field of veterinary science - after 5 1/2 -6 years. The title of candidata/candidatus has been retained from the former degree system.
University level third stage : Doktorgrad
Description:Philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) is awarded after three years of study, following the completion of a master's degree or a five to six-year professionally oriented degree/qualification. Philosophiae doctor in artistic research (ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid) is awarded after three years of study in the field of creative and performing arts. In 2018, the degree replaced former Diploma, artistic development programme, which will be phased out by 2025. Doctor philosophiae (dr. philos.) is conferred on graduates who have qualified for a doctoral degree on their own, without formal research training.
The general criteria/requirements for the higher education teachers are given by the Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts (FOR-2006-02-09-129), updated in 2019. The general requirement is a higher university degree, with some exceptions for art disciplines.
Distance higher education as an internet-based variant of a campus-based program can be offered of all HEIs with a status of accredited institution. University colleges without institutional accreditation must apply to NOKUT for study program accreditation. Some institutions have specialized themselves within distance or eCampus-education.
UTFORSK Partnership Programme
Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU)
Erasmus +
EEA Grads and Norway Grands
Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NordPart)
Role:Responsible for all higher education institutions
Street:Kirkegata 18 Postboks 8119 Dep
Tel:+47 2224 9090
Fax:+47 2224 7707
Contacts:- Ole Borten Moe (Head), Job title : Minister of Research and Higher Education
- Tonje Brenna (Head), Job title : Minister of Education
Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen - NOKUT
Role:Through evaluation, accreditation and recognition of quality systems, institutions and course provisions, the purpose of NOKUT is to supervise and help to develop the quality of higher education in Norway. In addition, it considers individual applications for general recognition of foreign qualifications. NOKUT is also the Norwegian ENIC-NARIC Centre responsible for providing foreign institutions and partners with information on the Norwegian educational system and the system for recognition of foreign higher education qualifications.
Street:Drammensveien 288 Postboks 578
Tel:+47 2102 1800
Fax:+47 2102 1801
Contacts:Kristin Vinje (Head), Job title : Chief Executive
Role:The Research Council seeks to promote an integrated R&D system that supplies high-quality research, develops knowledge for dealing with key challenges to society and the business sector, fosters dynamic interaction within the R&D system nationally and internationally, and creates a framework for learning, application and innovation.
Street:Postboks 564
Tel:+47 2203 7000
Contacts:Sundli Tveit (Head), Job title : Chief Executive
Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse - HK-dir
Role:Created in July 2021 following a merger between the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) and Skills Norway and part of Unit - the Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research. The Directorate also receives tasks from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) and takes over the Universell - National Coordinator of Accessibility of Higher Education in Norway at NTNU.
Contacts:Sveinung Skule (Head), Job title : Deputy Director General
Universitets-og høgskolerådet - UHR
Role:UHR was founded in 2000, following the merger of the Norwegian Council of Universities and the Norwegian Council of University Colleges. Its main tasks are: to help develop and promote higher education, research and academic and artistic development work; to promote coordination and division of work within the higher education sector and in relation to other national players; to create meeting places between the higher education sector in Norway and national authorities and national and international research and the education environment.
Street:Stortorvet 2
Tel:+47 4091 4969
Fax:+47 2245 3951
Contacts:Nina Sandberg (Head), Job title : Secretary General
International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE
Role:Global membership organization for open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning, that draws its membership from institutions, educational authorities, commercial actors, and individuals. ICDE was founded in 1938 in Canada as the International Council for Correspondence Education
Street:Drammensveien 211
Tel:+47 2206 2632
Contacts:- Neil Fassina (Head), Job title : President
- Torunn Gjelsvik (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen - NOKUT
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:no
Street:Drammensveien 288 Postboks 578
Tel:+47 2102 1800
Fax:+47 2102 1801
Contacts:Dag Hovdhaugen (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director of Foreign Education
Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse - HK-dir
Contacts:Sveinung Skule (Head), Job title : Deputy Director General
Vitnemål for videregående opplæring
Minimum mark:Completed and Passed ("Fullført og bestått")
Requirement for:All higher education programmes
The Higher Education Entrance Qualification is the successful completion of Norwegian upper secondary education with some specified courses - the Certificate of Upper Secondary Education and Training (Vitnemål for videregående opplæring) is based on 13 years of schooling.
Applicants who do not have a Certificate of Upper Secondary Education and Training (Vitnemål for videregående opplæring), but who: 1) are 23 or over 2) can prove 5 years of work experience and education 3) have passed the required 6 basic subjects (Norwegian; English; civics; modern history; natural sciences and mathematics), are eligible for admission to higher education.
Admission may also be gained by means of other qualifications recognized as being on a par with the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, such as recognition of prior learning and work experience. For more information, please visit https://www.samordnaopptak.no/info/english/ (the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service).
Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Psychology.
Some fields of study have additional entrance requirements.
Definition:Foreign citizens who do not have a permanent residence permit in Norway.
Admission Requirements:Foreign students should have qualifications equivalent at least to a completed general education at the upper secondary level. For some countries, there may be additional requirements. For more information, refer to the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) at http://www.samordnaopptak.no/info/english/
Language Proficiency:The official Requirements for Proficiency in English and Norwegian are provided on the thematic pages related to the Higher Education Entrance Qualification for foreign applicants (GSU-list) - http://www.nokut.no/en/Facts-and-statistics/Surveys-and-databases/GSU-list/
Entry Regulations:Students should inquire about visa regulations at Norwegian embassies or consulates. They should apply for a residence permit before arrival in Norway. A residence permit will often require a financial guarantee.Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) is a professionally independent government agency that contributes towards quality assurance and enhancement in higher education and tertiary vocational education. NOKUT’s tasks include the evaluation of foreign higher education. Their assessment leads to general recognition decisions that show how a foreign education is comparable to Norwegian higher education.
Other recognition schemes provided by NOKUT:
(i) Evaluation of foreign vocational education and training – VET, since 2016,
(ii) Recognition procedure for persons without verifiable documentation (UVD-procedure),
(iii) NOKUT’s Qualifications assessment for refugees (an advisory statement),
(iv) and the newest recognition scheme, since 2018: Recognition of foreign tertiary vocational education (fagskole-level).
For more information see https://www.nokut.no/en/application-services--foreign-education/
For Access to University Level Studies:Academic recogntition is divided between NOKUT (Norwegian ENIC-NARIC) and the higher education institutions. NOKUT is responsible for general recognition while institutions are responsible for subject specific recognition.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Access to a profession is subject to the Ministry responsible for the practice of that profession.NOKUT is the national information centre on the Norwegian authorisation and recognition schemes; as well as the national assistance center for recognition of professional qualifications for professions that are regulated by the EU Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC).
An overview over the regulated professions in Norway and the bodies responsible for authorisation/recognition is available on https://www.nokut.no/en/foreign-education/regulated-professions/
The Lisbon Recognition Convention: The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (ETS No.165) (1999)
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, 2019 (2020)
Institutions of higher education. For professional degrees leading to regulated professions: various competent bodies.
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Does not cover costs for medication (except for chronic conditions), dental work or hospital stays. Requires a co-payment for consultations.
By Road:No
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Average Living Costs:82900
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:800 Norwegian Krone
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:800 Norwegian Krone
Vitnemål for videregående opplæring
Description:The Certificate of Upper Secondary Education and Training (Vitnemål for videregående opplæring) is based on 13 years of schooling. It documents the successful completion of a 3-year course of education and training that gives access to higher education, as well as vocational competence. The Higher Education Entrance Qualification (generell studiekompetanse) is the successful completion of Norwegian upper secondary education with some specified courses. The Certificate of Competence (Kompetansebevis for videregående opplæring) is the documentary basis for completed and assessed upper secondary education and training which does not entitle the holder to a Certificate of Upper Secondary Education and Training, a Craft Certificate or a Journeyman’s Certificate. A Certificate of Competence can also be issued for all secondary education and training, at whatever level, regardless of whether it was successfully completed or not.
Description:University college graduate (høyskolekandidat) is a two- year degree (120 ECTS), a short cycle degree within the first cycle. Holders of this degree may in some cases continue their studies in a bachelor programme and thus obtain a bachelor’s degree.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Vitnemål for videregående opplæring
Type of institution where credential is offered:Akkrediterte høyskoler (University colleges with institutional accreditation (Universities of Applied Sciences))
Description:Bachelor's degree is awarded after three years of full-time study (180 ECTS). Some bachelor’s degrees, in the field of music and performing arts, consist of four-year bachelor’s programmes (240 ECTS). Teacher education for primary and lower secondary school, years 1-7 and years 5-10 has been a four-year professional programme (240 ECTS) prior to its reform on 1 January 2017, when it became a five-year integrated master’s degree.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Vitnemål for videregående opplæring
Description:Master's degree is normally obtained after two years of study (120 ECTS), following the completion of a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree programme includes independent work (normally a thesis) of between 30 and 60 ECTS. Experience-based master’s degree has a scope of 90 or 120 ECTS (including independent work of at least 20 ECTS). Integrated master’s degree is a five-year study programme (300 ECTS) which results in a master's degree, with no intermediate bachelor's degree. An exception is the Master of Architecture programme at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, which has a scope of 330 ECTS. In the fields of medicine, psychology and theology, professionally oriented degrees/qualifications of six years’ duration (360 ECTS) are awarded; in the field of veterinary science - after 5 ½-6 years. They have retained the title/degree candidata/candidatus from the former degree system.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Bachelor
Description:In the fields of medicine, psychology and theology, professionally oriented degrees/qualifications of six years’ duration (360 ECTS) are awarded; in the field of veterinary science - after 5 ½-6 years. They have retained the title/degree candidata/candidatus from the former degree system.
Credential required for entry:Vitnemål for videregående opplæring
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universiteter (Universities)
Description:Doctoral degree, PhD (philosophiae doctor, ph.d.), is awarded after three years of study following the completion of a master's degree or a five to six-year professionally oriented degree/qualification. Philosophiae doctor in artistic research (ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid) is awarded after three years of study in the field of creative and performing arts. In 2018, the degree replaced the former Diploma, artistic development programme, which will be phased out by 2025. Doctor philosophiae (dr. philos.) is conferred on graduates who have qualified for a doctoral degree on their own, without formal research training.
Credential required for entry:Master
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universiteter (Universities)
Akkrediterte høyskoler (University colleges with institutional accreditation (Universities of Applied Sciences))
Vitenskapelige høyskoler (Specialized university institutions)
Data Provided by
IAU from NOKUT - the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, March 2022.
Updated on 25-03-2022