1 : Universitate : University
2 : Academie : Academy
3 : Colegiu : College
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Şcoala Primară (Grades 0 to IV)
Length of program:5
Age level from:6
Age level to:11
Lower Secondary : Gimnaziu (Grades V to VIII)
Length of program:4
Age level from:11
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat de promovare a testelor nationale or, under the Law no.1 /2011, diploma de absolvire which includes Portofoliu personal pentru educatie permanenta
Middle Secondary : High School / Liceu (Grades IX to X)
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Senior Secondary : High School / Liceu (Grades XI to XII)
Length of program:2
Age level from:17
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diploma de Bacalaureat/Atestat (theoritical) or Certificat (vocational) de competente profesionale
Vocational : Liceu de Specialitate (sport & theology/ technology/ military/ public security/ arts/ pedagogy)
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Diploma de Bacalaureat + Certificat de competente profesionale
Specialized Tech./Voc. : Scoala Profesionala, SAM (arts and crafts schools)
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat de calificare profesionala, nivel I/Portofoliu personal pentru educatie permanenta
Specialized Tech./Voc. : Scoala Post-Liceala
Length of program:3
Age level from:19
Age level to:22
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Certificat de competente profesionale
Compulsory education goes up to grade 10.
Early education (from year 0 to 6) is composed of ante-preschool (from year 0 to 3 year) and preschool (from year 3 to 6).
Children who reach age 6 at the start of the school year enter primary education and the first year is a preparatory year; this is then followed by four years (Grades 1 to 4).
Secondary education is then split into three sections:
1) Four years of lower secondary education, grades 5 to 8;
2) A further two years of compulsory education, grades 9 to 10;
3) An optional two years of secondary education, or the ‘ciclul superior al liceului’ which includes grades 11 to 12 (or an extra year for those taking evening classes).
Both upper cycles of secondary education look at three strands: theoretical, vocational and technological. At the end of the senior secondary cycle, the Bacalaureat diploma is awarded and this is needed to access higher education.
Professional and vocational training can last between 6 months and 3 years and students may enter after either lower secondary or after.
Higher Education System
Higher education in Romania is offered in both public and private higher education institutions. These include universities, academies and colleges organized in specialized departments. In accordance with its objectives, university education comprises: short term higher education offered by university colleges (3 years), long term higher education (4 to 6 years); postgraduate higher education (1 to 2 years) and doctoral studies. Public and private accredited higher education institutions are coordinated by the Ministry of National Education. University autonomy is fully guaranteed. Private higher education is an alternative to public education. It is subject to an accreditation process. Accredited private institutions may obtain state support. Since 2004, the Bologna process has been implemented in Romania.
Government Decision no. 143 (2013)
Description:Concerns the name of qualifications and titles granted to the graduates of university studies enrolled in the academic years 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011
Law no. 1/2011 (2011)
Description:National Education (abrogates the following laws: 84/1995, 128/1997, and the Government Ordinance 10/2009)
Government Decision no. 1175/2006 (2006)
Description:New structure of the first cycle of studies (Bachelor's degree)
Government Decision no. 1424/2006 (2006)
Description:Organization of integrated university study programmes by two and more universities leading to a joint degree
Law 87/2006 approving The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 75/2005 (2006)
Description:Quality assurance in education
Government Decision no. 404/2006 (2006)
Description:Organization of the Master's degree
Government Decision no. 88/2005 (2005)
Description:Licenta studies (first cycle)
Government Decision no. 1169/29.09.2005 modifying Government Decision no. 567/2005 (2005)
Description:Doctoral studies
Government Decision no. 1357/2005 (2005)
Description:National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education and Partnership between Universities and the Socio-Economic Environment (ACPART)
Law no. 288/2004 (2004)
Description:Implementation of the Bologna Process
Law no. 287/2004 (2004)
Description:University Consortium
Romanian, English, French, Hungarian, German
University level first stage : Diploma de Licenta; Diploma de Inginer; Diploma de urbanist, Diploma de arhitect
Description:The first stage of university-level study comprises short-term (3 years) or long-term degrees (4 to 6 years, according to the field of study).
University level second stage : Diploma de Master; Certificat de atestare a competentelor profesionale
Description:The second stage is composed of diplomas awarded after one to two years of studies which may include research work.
University level third stage : Diploma de Doctor
Description:The Doctorate is the highest postgraduate stage of specialization and lasts for 3 years and there are both scientific and professional Doctorates. Extra-mural courses can also be offered in main foreign languages. Candidates who have passed the examination for the Doctor's degree are awarded the Diploma de Doctor în Stiinţe.
University level fourth stage : Atestat de studii postdoctorale
Description:The second stage is composed of diplomas awarded after one to two years of studies which may include research work.
Higher education teachers (asistent, lector/sef de lucrari, conferentiar, profesor) are appointed on a competitive basis from among graduates of higher education institutions who have demonstrated outstanding teaching and research qualities. Possession of a Doctorate is compulsory for all higher education teachers. Teaching staff must hold a Graduate certificate of the Teaching Staff Training Department (Departamentul pentru formarea profesionala a personalului didacdic).
A National Centre for Open Distance Education has been created in all universities.
Lifelong Learning
Role:Management of the national system of education and research (cf. Government Decision no. 223/2005 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry).
Street:Str. Gen. Berthelot 28-30 Sector 1
Contacts:- Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu (Head), Job title : Minister
- Gigel Paraschiv (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary of State for Higher Education
Agenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior - ARACIS
Role:ARACIS, in the in the field of accreditation, has the following tasks: a) to regularly develop methodology and standards of accreditation for programmes and higher education providers to be approved by the Ministry; b) to assess, upon request or on its own initiative, higher education providers and their programmes, allowing the Ministry to develop legislative provision for the establishment of higher education institutions. In the field of quality assurance, ARACIS has, among others, the following tasks: a) to develop and regularly review national standards and performance indicators to assess and ensure higher education quality; b) to cooperate with the Ministry and ARACIP (the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education) to develop policies and actions to improve higher education quality in Romania; c) to organize consultations with HEIs in order to lay down priorities in the field of quality assurance; d) to develop its own procedures for external quality assessment; e) to conclude agreements for the provision of external quality assessment; f) to cooperate with other similar foreign agencies to develop and implement effective measures to improve higher education quality, etc.
Street:Str. Spiru Haret nr. 12
Contacts:- Iordan Petrescu (Head), Job title : President
- Dorian Cojocaru (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Consiliul Naţional al Rectorilor - CNR
Street:B-dul Mărăşti 59
Tel:+40(749) 108 315
Contacts:Mihnea Cosmin Costoiu (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Centrul Naţional de Echivalare şi Recunoaştere a Diplomelor
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Str. Spiru Haret, nr. 12, Sector 1
Contacts:- Gianina Chirazi (Head), Job title : Director
- Adrian Iordache (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Head of Service
Street:Str. Gen. Berthelot 28-30 Sector 1
Street:Str. Gen. Berthelot 28-30 Sector 1
Admission to Higher Education
Diplomă de Bacalaureat
Requirement for:All post-secondary schools
Diplomă de Bacalaureat
Minimum mark:6
Requirement for:University
Some institutions may require an admission test / entrance examination.
Application to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
All accredited courses of studies and credentials obtained from a public or private higher education institution are recognized by the State. The National Centre for Equivalence and Recognition of Diplomas is the body responsible for recognizing credentials awarded by overseas bodies and institutions.
For Access to University Level Studies:For recognition purposes, the following data are taken into consideration: ECTS, level of the diploma, diploma supplement, curriculum.
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - CETS 165 (1999)
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019 (2021)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:No
Available to Foreign Students:No
Certificat de calificare
Description:High school graduates can take a certification exam qualification, apart from the baccalaureate exam. High school graduates who have acquired formal education, non-formal or informal professional skills can take the certification exam qualification to gain a qualification certificate and descriptive supplement to the Europass certificate format.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Colegiu (College)
Diploma de absolvire a 9 clase
Description:Lower secondary education leaving Diploma awarded after completing a 5-9 programme and successfully passing the Compulsory National Evaluation.
Diplomă de Bacalaureat
Description:Secondary school leaving Diploma awarded after completing a 12 or 13-year programme (evening school) and successfully passing the Examen de Bacalaureat.
Certificat de calificare profesionala
Description:Post-secondary vocational education lasts for 1-3 years, depending on the complexity of the qualification and leads to the award of the Certificat de calificare profesionala.
Diploma de Licenţă
Description:Bologna system: Diploma awarded after 3 years of study and the completion of 180 ECTS, with some exceptions: - Diploma de inginer - 240 ECTS; - Diploma de architect - 360 ECTS; - Diploma de urbanist - 240 ECTS; - 6 years of study for the Bachelor's degree in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine - 360 ECTS; - 5 years of study for the Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy - 300 ECTS; - 4 years of study for the Bachelor's degree in general care and midwifery - 240 ECTS.
Credential required for entry:Diplomă de Bacalaureat
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitate (University)
Diploma de Urbanist
Description:Bologna system: Diploma awarded after 4 years of study and the completion of 240 ECTS for the field of studies of Urban planner
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitate (University)
Certificat de atestare a competentelor profesionale
Description:Postgraduate university programme ending with a professional skills certification exam.
Credential required for entry:Diploma de Licenţă
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitate (University)
Academie (Academy)
Diplomă de Master
Description:Second cycle of study in accordance with the Bologna Process (implemented in Romania by Law no. 288/2004). Holders of the Diplomă de Licenţă may continue their training by taking a one to two-year (60-120 ECTS) master programme depending on the field of study.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Diploma de Licenţă
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitate (University)
Academie (Academy)
Diplomă de Doctor
Description:Highest degree awarded. Two types of PhD are available: scientific, and professional.
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Diploma de Licenţă
Diplomă de Master
Atestat de studii postdoctorale
Description:Postdoctoral programmes are for people who have obtained a Doctorate at most 5 years prior to admission to the postdoctoral programme and want to improve their knowledge at another institution than the one where they obtained their Doctorate. Postdoctoral studies last for one year.
Credential required for entry:Diplomă de Doctor
Data Provided by
IAU from the website of the Ministy of Education and Research, May 2020. Bodies updated November 2021.
Updated on 14-05-2020