1 : Univerza : University
Description:Universities shall ensure the development of science, expertise and art and, through faculties, art academies and professional colleges in the education process, transfer knowledge from several scientific or artistic fields and disciplines. Universities may directly organise the provision of scientific research and interdisciplinary study programmes.
2 : Fakulteta : Faculty
Description:Faculties shall predominantly perform scientific research and educational activities in the areas of one or more related or interconnected scientific disciplines and shall foster the development thereof.
3 : Umetniška akademija : Art Academy
Description:Art academies shall predominantly perform artistic and educational activities in the areas of one or more related or interconnected artistic disciplines and shall foster the development thereof.
4 : Visoka strokovna šola : Professional College
Description:Professional colleges shall perform educational activities in the areas of one or more related or interconnected professions and shall foster the development thereof. Professional colleges may also perform research or artistic work if so defined in their memorandums of association.
Pre-Higher Education System
Basic : Basic School
Length of program:9
Age level from:6
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Zaključno spričevalo osnovne šole (Basic School Leaving Certificate)
General Secondary : Gimnazija
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Spričevalo o splošni maturi (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Technical Secondary : Upper Secondary Technical School
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Spričevalo o poklicni maturi (Secondary-School Leaving Certificate)
Vocational Secondary : Upper Secondary Vocational School
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Spričevalo o zaključnem izpitu (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
In Slovenia, primary and lower secondary education is organised in a single-structure nine-year basic school attended by pupils aged 6 to 15 years. Compulsory basic school education lasts for 9 years and begins when the child reaches the age of 6 and ends when he/she successfully completes the education programme or after 9 years of schooling. If a pupil fails to complete the programme in 9 years, he/she can continue with the basic school programme for another 2 years or the school can issue a certificate stating that the student has fulfilled the basic school obligation.
The next stage after nine years of compulsory basic education is two to five year non-compulsory upper secondary education that begins at the age of 15. The upper secondary education encompasses: general education, with different types of four-year gimnazija programmes and vocational and technical education, with educational programmes of different levels of difficulty.
There are three types of upper secondary education with: a) vocational education programmes (lasting for two to three years, the latter offering the possibility to continue in a two year upgrade vocational-technical programme or lead directly to the labour market); b) technical education programmes (four year programmes in different areas); and c) general education programmes (general gimnazija( including also classical gimnazija) and technical gimnazija (including gimnazija of technics, economics and arts).
The medium of instruction in schools is Slovenian. In ethnically mixed areas, medium of instruction can also be Italian, while Hungarian and Slovenian are used in bilingual schools.
Higher Education System
Tertiary education in Slovenia consists of higher education and short-cycle higher vocational education. Since 2012, both domains have been under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Both subsystems of tertiary education are interrelated. Graduates of the short-cycle higher vocational education have the option to continue their studies to advanced years of the higher education. Transparency tools e.g. credit system, diploma supplement, and system of quality, including the system of external evaluation are implemented at all levels of tertiary education.
Higher education is regulated by The Higher Education Act. Higher education institutions are autonomous in managing their internal organization and operations (considering their statutes and the legal requirements), selecting and electing faculty, electing internal bodies: rectors, senates, administrative boards and student councils, deans and academic assemblies. In addition to teaching, higher education institutions also conduct research and offer artistic activities. Higher education programmes are offered by both public and private universities, and other higher education institutions, namely at faculties, art academies, and higher professional colleges. Private faculties, art academies, public and private higher professonal colleges may be established as independent (single) higher education institutions that may further form an association of higher education institutions. Under special conditions, they are permitted to form an international association of universities.
The amended Higher Education Act of 2004 and 2006 constitutes the legal framework for the implementation of the three-cycle higher education system that recognises the goals of the Bologna process and the goals of a common European Higher Education Area. From 2005/06 to 2010/11 all higher education institutions have gradually introduced the three-cycle structure designed in accordance with the Bologna reform. The last pre-Bologna degrees were to be issued by 30 September 2016.
The first cycle study programmes or bachelor degree programmes are academic or professional. The second cycle programmes are master's programmes. The third cycle programmes are doctoral programmes. Joint degree programmes can be offered at all three levels. Higher education institutions may also offer non-degree lifelong learning programmes. Universities, faculties, and art academies may provide study programmes from all cycles. Higher professional colleges provide, as a rule, the first cycle programmes (undergraduate); if they meet special stipulations, they may provide second cycle programmes. Access requirements are stipulated by law, in detail they are specified for a given study programme. If certain requirements are met, students have the option to transfer from one study programme to another at the same level. Graduates receive a diploma and an academic title in accordance with the Professional and Academic Titles Act. Since 2001/2002, graduates have received diplomas and diploma supplements, and since 2007, they have received them both free of charge in Slovene language as well as in one of the official languages of the EU. The implementation of the credit system has been required since 2002. 60 credit points (equivalent to 60 ECTS) are obtained in one year. 1 credit point consists of 25 to 30 hours of student work, which means 1500 to 1800 hours per year.
The studies are either full-time or part-time. Public higher education is free of charge for native full-time students and for students from EU countries. Part-time students and post-graduate students pay contributions to tuition fees. The school year begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September. The school year commonly includes two semesters of 15 working weeks each, and three periods of examination. The language of instruction is Slovene. Under conditions stipulated by law and relevant Statute, higher education institutions may provide a study programme or part of it in a foreign language too.
Since 2010 quality assurance of higher education institutions and study programmes is obtained through accreditaton procedures by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (NAKVIS). From 1994 to 2010, accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes was the responsibility of the National Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia. Quality in higher education is also assured through internal and external evaluation of study programmes. Internal evaluation remains the responsibility of higher education institutions.
The short-cycle higher vocational education is determined by the Short Cycle Higher Vocational Education Act (2004). It is provided by both public and private higher vocational colleges. The practice orientated programmes lasts two years (120 credit points).
Higher Education Amendment Act (ZViS-L) (2017)
Higher Education Amendment Act (ZViS-K) (2016)
Higher Education Amendment Act (ZViS-J) (2014)
Short Cycle Higher Vocational Education Amendment Act (2013)
Higher Education Amendment Act (2012)
Higher Education Amendment Act (2011)
Higher Education Amendment Act (2009)
Description:All types and levels of higher education. Establishment of the National Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Higher Education Amendment Act (2008)
Higher Education Amendment Act (2006)
Description:All types and levels of higher education. Relation between pre-Bologna and Bologna study programmes has been determined.
Short Cycle Higher Vocational Education Act (2004)
Higher Education Amendment Act (2004)
Description:All types and levels of higher education. Legal framework for the introduction of the three-cycle structure of higher education in accordance wit the European
Higher Education Amendment Act (2003)
Description:All types and levels of higher education
Higher Education Amendment Act (2001)
Description:All types and levels of higher education
Vocational and Technical Education Amendment Act (2000)
Description:Vocational Education
Higher Education Amendment Act (1999)
Description:All types and levels of higher education
Vocational and Technical Education Act (1996)
Description:Vocational and Technical Education Act used to also regulate Short cycle higher vocational education within the period to 2004.
Higher Education Act (1993)
Description:All types and levels of higher education
Slovenian, English
Non-university level : Short-cycle higher vocational study programmes
Description:Short-cycle higher vocational education was introduced by the Higher Vocational and Technical Education Act in 1996. Programmes last for 2 years and consist of 120 credit point and are practically oriented. Practical training is organized by the institution in cooperation with companies, chambers, etc. Students who successfully pass the examination receive a diploma with the name of the programme and the title of the vocational qualification. In the technological fields of study the name of the qualification in combined with the title of inženir or tehnolog.
University level first stage : Academic and professional study programmes
Description:First cycle study programmes are academic and professional study programmes. Duration is determined by years (three to four years) and credit points (180 to 240). 60 credit points (equivalent to 60 ECTS) are obtained in one year. One credit point consists of 25 to 30 hours of a student’s work, which means 1500 to 1800 hours per year. Access requirement to first cycle study programmes is the Matura examination, the four-year upper secondary school final examination, issued prior to 1 June 1995, or the vocational Matura examination plus an additional examination for one general matura subject or a foreign equivalent. Common academic titles of graduates of first cycle study programmes are diplomirani … (UN) and diplomirani (VS). Graduates of first study programmes have access to second cycle study programmes.
University level second stage : Master study programmes
Description:Second cycle study programmes are Master study programmes, consisting of 60 to 120 credit points and lasting from one to two years. The duration of the Master study programme depends on the duration of the first cycle study programme. The total duration of first and second cycle study programmes should be of 5 years (3+2, 4+1, 5+0 or 300 credit points). Second cycle study programmes comprise integrated Master study programmes for professions regulated by the EU directives or Slovenian legislation. The general access requirement for Master study programmes is a completed first cycle study programme. Specific access requirements are determined by the programme. Graduates of Master study programmes obtain the academic title of magister (field of study), while graduates in technical, teacher training and art studies obtain the title of magister inženir (feld of study), magister profesor (field of study), magister akademski (field of study). Graduates in Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine obtain the academic title of doktor medicine, doktor dentalne medicine, magister farmacije, doktor veterinarske medicine. Pre-Bologna reform academic study programmes of 4 to 6 years’ duration (plus 1 year of Absolventski staž) correspond to the second cycle study programme in accordance to the Higher Education Amendment Act of 2006. The typical title for graduates of pre-Bologna academic study programmes is univerzitetni diplomirani (field of study), while graduates in technical, teacher training and art studies acquired the title of univerzitetni diplomirani inženir (field of study), profesor (field of study), akademski (field of study). Depending on individual achievements, graduates of the pre-Bologna study programmes have access to Doctoral study programmes.
University level third stage : Doctoral study programmes
Description:Third cycle study programmes are doctoral study programmes. They last for three years and consist of 180 credit points, two thirds of which shall be acquired by research. The general access requirement to doctoral study programmes is a completed second cycle study programme. The completed doctoral study programme results in the obtention of the diploma and the academic title of doktor znanosti. The pre-Bologna study programmes leading to the Doktorat znanost lasted for 4 years.
There is no special higher education teacher training.
The main categories of higher education teachers, which are determined by law, are the following: assistant professors, associate professors, full professors and lectors. Lectures in professional colleges can also be given by junior lecturers and senior lecturers. Lectors and lecturers are required to have a second cycle degree (or equivalent) and pedagogical skills, while higher education teachers are required to have a scientific doctorate and pedagogical skills. They are all elected on the basis of regulations and criteria set by each university. A special election process called habilitacija enables candidates to obtain one of the titles of a higher education teacher. The procedure is conducted by each higher education institution on the basis of its own rules and is renewed every five years until the applicant has reached the title of full professor. The Senate of the Council of Higher Education, responsible for the habilitacija process, approves appointments at individual higher education institutions which are not members of university.
Some higher education institutions offer distance learning programmes leading to higher education diploma or diploma of vocational college.
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport
Role:The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport performs tasks in the field of: pre-school and basic education, secondary, higher vocational and adult education, higher education, science - research and sport. The Ministry is responsible for the conception, state and development of the higher education system. The Directorate for Higher Education performs tasks enabling planning, directing and financing of higher education activities, residential facilities for students and higher education libraries. It defines starting points and objectives of higher education policy; analyses the attainment of concrete goals; draws up the National Higher Education Programme, monitors and evaluates its effects; prepares legislative and other proposals; approves the calls for enrolment and the distribution of study programmes; determines, implements and analyses integral financing of higher education institutions, analyses socio-economic issues for students; performs expert tasks related to integration into the European Union Higher Education Area. It also participates in creating an information system for higher education; analyses and monitors financing.
Street:Masarykova 16
Tel:+386(1) 400 5400
Fax:+386(1) 400 5329
Contacts:- Jernej Pikalo (Head), Job title : Minister
- Jernej Štromajer (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Temporary Coordinator of the HE Department
- Jernej Štromajer (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : State Secretary for Higher Education
- Martina Vuk (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : State Secretary
Nacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu
Role:The Agency provides for the development and operation of the quality assurance system in the Slovenian higher education area. It operates responsibly, both formally and contextually, and counsels all stakeholders and participants in tertiary education in line with European and global development trends. The Agency, with its system of quality assurance development, contributes to higher education in Slovenia being of high quality in terms of education and research, internationally recognisable, competitive and equally integrated in the global higher education area.
Street:Slovenska 9
Tel:+386(1) 400 5771
Fax:+386(1) 400 5779
Contacts:- Franci Demšar (Head), Job title : Director
- Franc Čuš (Head), Job title : President of the Council
Role:Created in 2015, the Slovenian Rectors' Conference represents and defends universities and their interests.
Street:c/o Mag. Frenk Mavrič, University of Primorska Titov trg 4
Tel:+386(5) 611 7550
Contacts:Danilo Zavrtanik (Head), Job title : President
Role:ENIC-NARIC centre is a competent authority for assessment and recognition of education in the Republic of Slovenia and is a national academic recognition information centre, according to the Act of Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. ENIC-NARIC centre collects and provides information on Slovenian and foreign educational systems and is included in the ENIC-NARIC centre's network.
Services provided and types of students dealt with:The basic tasks of the ENIC-NARIC center are as follows: - collection and dissemination of information on Slovenian education system and foreign educational systems of individual countries; - assessment procedures and issuing opinions on education in accordance with the ZVPI; - preparation of public information for users; - advising and informing individuals and institutions of Slovenian and foreign education; - international cooperation amongst ENIC-NARIC Center networks .
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Masarykova cesta 16
Tel:+386(1) 478 4600 +386(1) 478 4600
Fax:+386(1) 478 4719
Contacts:Alenka Lisec (Head), Job title : Head of Office
Študentska organizacija Slovenije
Role:Slovenian Student Union is the main organisation of all students in Slovenia. SSU’s main concern is to enhance student conditions and possibilities for study, social issues and the development of extracurricular and curricular activities pursue students’ interests in their own university and local. SSU cooperates active in forming national politics and programs concerning high education, scholarships, student residence, student work, health care and the employment of young graduates. About all issues concerning students SSU communicates with Government through the Government Council for Student Affairs and the working groups.
Street:Dunajska 51
Tel:+386(1) 280 6800
Fax:+386(2) 280 6807
Contacts:Jaka Trilar (Head), Job title : President
Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije
Role:The mission of the Fund is to develop human resources for greater employability, support life-long learning and carry out key programmes with calls for public tenders and development projects.
Category of students:The Fund is the central national management institution for scholarships and development of human resources and offers scholarships for study and research, increases international mobility of students and researchers, provides financial incentives to employers for development of human resources, awards excellence as well as provides up-to-date information and helps build a network for minimising obstacles to mobility of students, researchers and employees.
Street:Dunajska 22
Tel:+386(1) 434 1081
Fax:+386(1) 434 5899
Contacts:Irena Kuntarič Hribar (Head), Job title : Director
Center Republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja - CMEPIUS
Role:The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) is a public institution working in the field of international projects and international mobility. CMEPIUS pursues national programmes of mobility (bilateral and multilateral scholarships of the Republic of Slovenia and scholarships for Slovenes living abroad) and activities of some other European programmes in the area of education and training, including Erasmus Mundus, the eTwinning National Support Centre, and the European Language Label initiative. Within the activities of the European Research Area (ERA) the Centre also acts as a Bridgehead Organisation of the EURAXESS National Centre. The team of the Centre is strongly dedicated to opening doors to experience for individuals and institutions through international programmes. We aim to offer opportunities to people of all ages and interests and to support the institutions of different profiles in their way to realisation of international projects in the field of education and training.
Street:Ob Železnici 30a
Tel:+386(1) 620 9450
Fax:+386(1) 620 9451
Role:EUROPASS allows the use of standard European forms, encourages the recording of formal and informal knowledge, and promotes international exchange and foreign language learning.
Street:Ob železnici 16
Tel:+386(1) 227 5864
Fax:+386(1) 045 5422
Admission to Higher Education
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
A numerus clausus is applied if/when there are more candidates than available places.
Some programmes have specific requirements.
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Minimum mark:sufficient/pass
Requirement for:First cycle study programmes (professional study programmes and academic study programmes)
Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Minimum mark:sufficient/pass
Requirement for:First cycle of professional study programmes. Some first cycle academic study programmes with an additional subject of the Matura examination.
A numerus clausus is applied if/when there are more candidates than available places. Overall achievement in secondary school and the Matura or final examination results are taken into account.
Some programmes can also require special abilities and/or psychological and physical characteristics as a prerequisite for admission.
Admission Requirements:Application on the basis of a foreign secondary school leaving certificate demands prior recognition of the foreign certificate. Recognition of foreign education is part of the enrolment procedure. In general, foreign students may enrol if they have general access to higher education in their home country (ie if they hold a secondary school leaving certificate after successfully completing at least 12/13 years of schooling). In addition, there may be some specific enrolment requirements, just as for home students. Enrolment is done through an electronic application form that is available at: http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/?locale=en
Quotas:Students who hold Slovene or EU citizenship apply for the same category of available places. Foreign students who do not hold Slovene or EU citizenship apply for another category of available places.Health:For some specific programmes (e.g. from the field of healthcare), students have to pass a medical examination.Language Proficiency:Knowledge of the Slovene language is necessary for most undergraduate studies since most of the programmes are in Slovenian.Entry Regulations:The ways and conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia differ with regard to whether the student is a citizen of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) (EEA Member States are the European Union's Member countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) or a third-country national (all other states). For additional Information: Ministry of Home Affairs.Application to Individual Institution:NoApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
In Slovenia, recognition of foreign education is performed by the following authorities, depending on the aim of recognition:
1) Each education institution (public and state-recognized private) is responsible for recognition aiming at access to further education as well as the transfer of study periods.
2) ENIC/NARIC Slovenia offers a Statement of comparability for foreign education qualifications/degrees for individuals in order to facilitate access to the Slovenian labour market. This Statement of comparability is not a recognition, but an assessment and it compares the foreign degree with a level of Slovenian education qualifications.
Foreign diplomas and periods of study are recognized in compliance with the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Education Act (87/2011, 97/2011, 109/2012) and/or bilateral agreements.
In addition, for both - the educational institutions and competent authorities responsible for regulated professions - ENIC/NARIC Slovenia provides expert assessments of foreign education qualifications/degrees upon request.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Education institutions are responsible for recognition of foreign certificates/diplomas.
For Access to University Level Studies:Higher education institutions are responsible for recognition of foreign certificates/diplomas.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Higher education institutions are responsible for recognition of foreign certificates/diplomas.
For the Exercise of a Profession:The ENIC–NARIC Centre operates under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and is a competent authority for assessment of education in the Republic of Slovenia.
Public authorities (ministries, chambers…) are responsible if a person wants to work in a regulated profession. The corresponding public authority can be found in the database http://eugo.gov.si/poslujem/zaposleni/priznavanje-v-tujini-pridobljenih-kvalifikacij/ and http://evem.gov.si/info/poklici-in-strokovni-kadri/. National contact point for regulated professions is Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
For some regulated professions in Slovenia, such as doctors, teachers, judges, etc. a state professional examination must be passed. Recognition procedure for the citizens of EU member countries with qualifications obtained in the EU, who wish to practise a specific regulated profession or professional activity as employees or self-employed in the Republic of Slovenia is regulated by a special Act following the European directives in this field.
Recommendation on Recognition of Qualifications Held by Refugees; Displaced Persons and Persons in a Refugee-like Situation (2017)
Revised Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees and Explanatory Memorandum (2016)
Revised Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications and Explanatory Memorandum (2010)
Revised Code of Good Practice Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education – Bucharest (2007)
The Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific (1983)
The Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and others Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in the African States (1981)
The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European ′Region; The Lisbon Recognition Convention (1997)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean-1974 (1981)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the European Region-Paris-1979 (1981)
International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States Bordering the Mediterranean (1976)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities-Paris-1953 (1977)
Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities-Strasbourg-1964 (1977)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study-Paris-1956 (1977)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States-Nice-1976 (1977)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - CETS 165 (1999)
European Convention on Academic Recognition of University Qualifications-Paris-1959 (1977)
Recommendation on the Use of Qualifications Frameworks and Explanatory Memorandum (2013)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):0 Euro
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):766 Euro
Details:Home students obtain their social security on a parental basis. Social security for foreign students is based on individual insurance.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Average Living Costs:500
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:160 Euro
National Students - Max Tuition Fees:500 Euro
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:160 Euro
Foreign Students - Max Tuition Fees:500 Euro
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Description:Matura is the secondary-school-leaving examination organized by the state. After 1 June 1995, students who plan to enter university must pass the Matura examinations instead of the Zaključni izpit. Maturitetno spričevalo is awarded after 12 or 13 years of school studies. Students are required to take the examination in Slovenian language and literature (or Italian or Hungarian), first foreign language, mathematics, plus two elective subjects. The Maturity course (maturitetni tecaj) has been designed for students coming from the vocational/technical secondary education or from third year gimnazija wanting to take the Matura.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Description:School leaving certificate awarded after having successfully completed technical secondary education. It has replaced the former final examination certificate named Zakljucni izpit. Students have exams in Slovene, literature (or Hungarian or Italian), mathematics or first foreign language ans two elective subjects. The poklicna matura is prepared partly externally but assessed internally. Spričevalo o poklicni maturi is awarded after 12 or 13 years of school studies. The Vocational course (poklicni tecaj) has been designed for students coming from the vocational/technical secondary education or from fourth year of gimnazija wanting to take the Poklicna matura.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Diploma višje strokovne šole
Description:Short-cycle higher vocational education programmes last for 2 years (120 ECTS) and are practically-oriented. Practical training is organized by the institution in cooperation with companies, chambers, etc. The programme ends with a thesis and its defence. Students receive a diploma with the name of the programme and the title of the vocational qualification. Short-cycle higher vocational education is provided by both public and private higher vocational colleges.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Visoka strokovna šola (Professional College)
Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi 1. stopnje
Description:First cycle (European Higher Education Area) terminal university degree awarded after 3 to 4 years (180-240 ECTS) of academic higher education. At the end of this first cycle, students are awarded a diploma with an academic title naming the field of study. The typical academic titles of graduates of this type of study programmes are diplomirani ...(UN). Students can enter the labour market or continue their studies at the Master level.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Diploma o pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi (phased out)
Description:First terminal university degree awarded after 3-4 years of study in the pre-Bologna system. Professional programmes included practical training and ended with an examination. Successful students were awarded a diploma with a professional title naming the field of study. The titles are diplomirani (abbreviated as dipl.) or diplomirani inženir (abbreviated as dipl. inž.). Students having completed the programme can enter the labour market or continue their studies. These studies should have been completed by the end of the 2015/2016 academic year. Relations between the pre- and post- reform types of study programmes are stipulated according to the Act Amending Higher Education Act (Official Gazette No. 94/2006) and this type of study programmes corresponds to the same level as 1st cycle study programmes (European Higher Education Area).
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Visoka strokovna šola (Professional College)
Diploma o pridobljeni visokošolski strokovni izobrazbi 1. stopnje
Description:First cycle (European Higher Education Area) terminal university degree awarded after 3-4 years (180-240 ECTS) of professional higher education. At the end of this first cycle of professional studies, students are awarded a diploma with a professional title naming the field of study. The typical professional titles of graduates of this type of study programmes are diplomirani ...(VS). Students who complete the programme can enter the labour market or continue their studies at the Master level.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Visoka strokovna šola (Professional College)
Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (phased out)
Description:First terminal university degree awarded in the pre-Bologna system after 4 to 6 years of study. Another year, called absolventsko leto, could be added to obtain the final duration of studies. This final year gave students the opportunity to fulfil the academic requirements and prepare their degree dissertation and its defence. In this way, studies actually lasted a year longer than officially declared. A successful student received a diploma with a professional title including the field of study. The titles include: univerzitetni diplomirani (abbreviated as univ. dipl.), akademski (abbreviated as akad.), univerzitetni diplomirani inženir ... (abbreviated as univ. dipl. inž.), profesor (abbreviated as prof.), and titles such as doktor medicine (abbreviated as dr. med.), doktor stomatologije (abbreviated as dr. dent. med.), doktor veterinarske medicine (abbreviated as dr. vet. med.), magister farmacije (abbreviated as mag. farm.). It enables students to start work or to continue their studies at the doctoral level. These studies should have been completed by the end of the 2015/2016 academic year. Relations between the pre- and post- reform types of study programmes are stipulated according to the Act Amending Higher Education Act (Official Gazette No. 94/2006) and this type of study programmes corresponds to the same level as Master study programmes (European Higher Education Area).
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Specializacija (phased out)
Description:Postgraduate diploma generally awarded in the pre-Bologna system after one or two year's study giving the title of Specialist + the field of study. These studies should have been completed by the end of the 2015/2016 academic year.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Diploma o pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi (phased out)
Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (phased out)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Visoka strokovna šola (Professional College)
Diploma o pridobljeni magistrski izobrazbi 2. stopnje
Description:The second cycle (European Higher Education Area) study programmes are Master’s degree study programmes (professional Master’s degree). They consist of between 60 and 120 credit points and last one or two years. The duration of a Master’s study programme is set according to the duration of the first cycle study programme. The total duration in the same field of study must not exceed five years (3+2, 4+1). The second cycle study programmes also include single cycle (integrated) Master’s study programmes. They are for EU or Slovenian regulated professions. Where not determined differently by EU directives, these programmes last for five years and consist of 300 credit points. Graduates of the second cycle Master’s study programme acquire the professional title of magister. Graduates in technical, teacher training and art studies acquire the title of magister inženir …, magister profesor … and magister akademski …, respectively. Graduates in Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacology and Veterinary Medicine acquire the professional titles of doktor medicine, doktor dentalne medicine, magister farmacije and doktor veterinarske medicine, respectively.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi 1. stopnje
Diploma o pridobljeni visokošolski strokovni izobrazbi 1. stopnje
Diploma o pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi (phased out)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Visoka strokovna šola (Professional College)
Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti (phased out)
Description:University degree is an old pre-Bologna degree no longer offered by higher education institutions. Awarded after 2 years of study, and Students with a Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti were given the title of Magister/magistrica znanosti or Magister/magistrica umetnosti and could continue their studies for another 2 years to obtain their doctoral degree. Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti These studies should have been completed by the end of the 2015/2016 academic year.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (phased out)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Diploma o doktoratu znanosti
Description:Highest level. The third cycle (European Higher Education Area) study programmes of doctoral studies are scientific and research-oriented. Doctoral study programmes last for three to four years, and the study requirements consist of 180-240 credit points, two thirds of which shall be acquired by research.The completed doctoral study programme results in the diploma and academic title of doktor znanosti.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (phased out)
Diploma o pridobljeni magistrski izobrazbi 2. stopnje
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Doktorat znanosti (phased out)
Description:Highest level. The study programmes of doctoral studies are research and scientific-oriented. Candidates prepared a doctoral dissertation including a detailed presentation of their work. Doctoral studies followed a first degree diploma last 4 years, 2 years for students with a Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti. Students enrolled in four-years doctoral studies can interrupt them and complete a Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti instead. These studies should have been completed by the end of the 2015/2016 academic year.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Credential required for entry:Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (phased out)
Magisterij znanosti/umetnosti (phased out)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerza (University)
Fakulteta (Faculty)
Umetniška akademija (Art Academy)
Data Provided by
ENIC/NARIC Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ljubljana, 2018.
Updated on 25-01-2019